Quinn's Honor

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Quinn's Honor Page 14

by Shirleen Davies

  Desire pulsed through Emma as their bodies melded together. She could feel the pounding of his heart against her own, the sensations creating a fire, making her writhe against him. Clutching his shoulders, she moaned into his mouth, wanting something more, yet not knowing what.

  She felt his hands move up and down her back, resting on her hips, exploring her curves as the kiss deepened. He explored her mouth as he did her body, growling when she arched into him. Tugging on his shirt, pulling it loose, she let her hands explore his back, heated skin to heated skin. Never had she felt anything like what Quinn’s hard body did to her. She wanted to cry, scream, and moan as the tension built. The need in her increased, requiring a release she didn’t know how to achieve.

  Breaking the kiss, she buried her face in his neck, dragging her lips down to the hollow of his throat.

  “Ach, lass. You don’t know what you’re doing to me.” It took all his willpower not to take her right there in the barn. His lips brushed across her ear, settling on the sensitive skin below it. “We have to stop, Emma,” he whispered, his voice full of regret.

  She tightened her grip, her hands splaying across his back. “Please, Quinn…”

  He pulled back, resting his forehead against hers. “You don’t know what you’re asking. Our first time should not be in my uncle’s barn.”

  A smile curved her lips before she playfully nipped his lower lip, causing him to groan.

  “Why not?”

  Squeezing his eyes tight, he held her close, never wanting to let go. “We should wait until you’re certain. Once I make love to you, there’ll be no going back. You’ll be mine, Emma…always mine.”

  “And you’ll be mine?” she whispered as she continued to feather kisses along his jaw and down his neck.

  His body throbbed, his need to be with her painful in its intensity. “Aye, lass. I’ll always be yours.”

  “I don’t want to stop. I don’t care if we’re in a barn, or on a hill overlooking the ranch, or in your bed. Make love to me, Quinn.”

  Sucking in a ragged breath, he cupped her face, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Are you sure, lass? You must be sure.”

  “I’ve wanted you forever, Quinn. Yes, I’m sure.”

  In one quick motion, Emma was in his arms, clutching his shoulders as his mouth captured hers. She could feel them moving, hear the sound of a stable gate open and close before he knelt, placing her on the straw floor.

  Staring into her bright blue eyes, now moist with passion, he touched the back of his hand to her cheek, drawing it along the line of her jaw and down her neck. Brushing strands of hair from her forehead, he leaned down, kissing the tip of her nose.

  “If you’re sure this is what you want…”

  “I want all of you. I want us to belong to each other. Please, Quinn.”

  “Then we’ll wait no longer.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he claimed her, taking the leap he never thought would be his right.

  “I thought you said she left for our place?”

  “She did leave, Fletcher. An hour ago, Emma ran through the kitchen and out the back door. I assumed she’d come back to the house.” Jinny stayed close to her brother as they checked around their family’s house. “I don’t know where else she would go.”

  Their older brother, Brodie, and parents were still with Colin and the others, waiting for the baby’s birth. After so long, Jinny became worried about Emma, sharing her concern with Fletcher. Stepping onto their front porch, he glanced around, then looked at her.

  “You said Quinn went after her?”

  “Yes. He…” Her voice faltered as her gaze landed on the barn. “Maybe she took Moonshine for a ride. There’s still plenty of sunlight.” She didn’t wait for Fletcher’s reply as she ran down the steps and toward the barn, hearing her brother running behind her. Slowing at the entrance, she felt his hand grip her arm.

  “Wait, Jinny.” He held her back, listening. A moment later, the sound of Quinn’s deep laughter drifted from the barn, followed by the unmistakable sound of Emma giggling. Fletcher peered inside, then drew back, scrubbing a hand over his face. “Ah hell,” he cursed, just loud enough for Jinny to hear.

  “What is it?” She tried to pass by him, but Fletcher blocked her path, covering her mouth when she began to talk.

  “Nae. You cannot go in there,” he whispered. “It’s Quinn and Emma. They’re, uh…”

  Her eyes widened before she nodded. When Fletcher dropped his hand, she licked her lips. “What do we do?”

  Fletcher glanced around, seeing their ma on the front porch of Aunt Kyla’s house. “It’s Ma. We have to stop her from coming this way.”

  “I’ll go. You do, well, whatever you need to do to warn them.” Jinny took one more glance at the barn, then took off at a run to meet their mother.

  Fletcher felt his chest tighten. Taking a deep breath, he took a few steps inside, then stopped.


  “Oh no.” Emma squirmed beside Quinn at the same time he let out a low curse. “What do we do?”

  “It’s Fletch. I’ll talk to him while you get dressed.”

  Fear flashed across her face. “He’ll know.”

  Quinn’s features softened. “Aye.” He planted a warm kiss on her mouth, then stood, picking up his shirt and slipping it on. He walked out of the stall as he secured the front buttons, his gaze landing on his cousin. “Fletch.”

  Turning to look behind him, he let out a breath before locking his gaze on Quinn. “Ma was on the way down here. Jinny went to stop her.” Fletcher forced himself to focus on Quinn, not letting his attention be drawn to the stall where he knew Emma hid.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ll go and leave you and Emma to, well…straighten up.” The corners of his mouth curved upward. “I’ll keep everyone away until you come out.”

  Quinn nodded. “Thanks, lad.”

  Fletcher turned to leave, then whipped back around. “You’ll marry her?”

  Quinn’s eyes brightened, a broad smile crossing his face. “Aye.”

  Nodding, Fletcher left, dashing outside as Quinn returned to Emma.

  “Are you all right?” Seeing her tremble, he moved to her, wrapping her in his arms, kissing her until she sighed. “Fletcher is going to make sure no one comes in here until I signal him.”

  Emma drew away, burying her face in her hands. “I’ll never be able to face him.”

  “Or Jinny?”

  She looked up. “Oh no. She was here, too?”

  He chuckled at the horror on her face. “Aye, lass. She was.” He ran a finger down her cheek. “I told Fletcher we would marry.”

  Nodding, she tried to relax. “I heard.” Her voice held none of the excitement he anticipated.

  “Isn’t it what you want, Emma? To marry me?” His voice was strained, unsteady, afraid she’d changed her mind.

  “I’ve never wanted anything more. It’s just…”

  Tilting her chin up with a finger, he forced her to meet his gaze. “What?”

  She shook her head, smiled, then began to laugh. “Oh, Quinn. When you do something, it’s all the way, isn’t it?”

  He chuckled. “Aye, lass. We do it all the way or we don’t do it. Are you beside me on this?”


  Helping each other brush the straw and dirt from their clothes, they walked out of the barn, holding hands. No one stood on the porch of Aunt Kyla’s house, and they saw no movement around the other houses or barns.

  “I think we’re safe.” Quinn nudged her shoulder. He couldn’t remember ever feeling so at peace, so contented as he did holding Emma’s hand. The fear he thought would haunt him disappeared when he caught her bright smile.

  She squeezed his hand. “I wonder if Sarah’s had the baby.”

  “Nae. There’d be so much shouting, you’d have to cover your ears.”

  “How do you know?” She looked up at him, brows furrowing.

  “You forget. Ten of
the MacLarens were born after we came to America.”

  “Ah.” Emma nodded. Being the youngest of two, she’d never been a part of a new baby entering the world. “It must be wonderful.”

  He cocked his head. “What?”

  “Being part of such a large family. I mean, with Jimmy gone…” She shrugged.

  Settling an arm around her shoulders, he pulled her close, placing a kiss on her forehead. “I know you still miss him. So do I. But I know he’d be happy for us. And you becoming a MacLaren means my family will always be yours.”

  Her eyes lit up. “Jinny and I will be related.”

  He shook his head. “Aye, and I can’t imagine the trouble the two of you will stir up.”

  “Quinn, Emma, come quick. It’s the wee bairn.” Fletcher stood on the porch, motioning for them to hurry.

  Breaking into a run, they dashed up the steps and through the front door, coming to a halt when all eyes turned to them. No one seemed to miss their joined hands.

  “Quinn. Emma.” Uncle Ewan’s hard glare pierced them both, only softening when the loud cry of a baby had everyone turning to look up the stairs. “The bairn.”

  Quinn searched the room, then turned toward the others. “Where’s Colin?”

  Brodie came up beside him, nodding at Emma before glancing at the stairs. “He’s with Sarah. We’re waiting for him to bring the bairn out.”

  A moment later, the bedroom door opened and Colin walked to the top of the stairs. Holding the baby up, he almost choked on his words. “It’s a laddie. We’ve named him Grant.”

  Emma watched as the men lifted fists into the air, then covered her ears at the MacLaren war cry.

  “Creag an Tuirc!” the men shouted, then began slapping each other on the back.

  Breaking away from Brodie and Blaine, Quinn grabbed Emma around the waist, kissing her as he whirled her around.

  Laughing, Emma pushed at his shoulders. “Quinn. Put me down.”

  Sliding her to the floor, he saw his mother walk toward them, a hesitant smile on her face.


  “Quinn. Emma,” Audrey greeted them. “Does this mean we’ll be planning another wedding?”

  Taking a quick look at Emma, he pulled her close, never wanting to let go. “Aye, Ma. Emma and I will be getting married. We’d like to wait to tell the others. This is Colin and Sarah’s day.”

  Audrey nodded, not trying to hide her smile or the solitary tear sliding down her cheek. “You’ve made a good choice.” She gave Emma a quick kiss on the cheek. “Aye. A very good choice.”

  Quinn stared at his food, the prior night’s stew they’d decided to eat for lunch. A couple days had passed since Grant’s birth, and since Quinn had been with Emma. The fact he missed her so much stunned him. He’d never felt such craving for a woman, and now that he had her, he couldn’t get Emma off his mind.

  “Go on with you, Quinn. You’re no use to us the way you are.” Cam slapped him on the back on his way to fill his plate with more stew.

  “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” Quinn grumbled as he hunkered over his food, forking some stew and stuffing it into his mouth.

  “Cam’s telling you it’s all right to ride to Circle M, visit Emma, then come back in the morning.” Caleb filled his own plate and sat down next to Cam. “You’ve been grumbling around, yelling at us and the men…and it’s only noon. You might as well take your foul mood and leave.”

  “My mood isn’t foul.” The words were a lie and Quinn knew it.

  “Fine. Leave anyway.”

  Quinn glared at Cam, then dropped the fork on his plate and stood up. “I need some air.”

  “Good idea. Look for it over at Circle M.” Cam shot a smug grin at Caleb, who chuckled.

  Stepping out into the glaring sun, he headed for the barn. The three of them and several ranch hands had been working on repairs to the buildings, sending a few men out to watch the herd. He hated the fact missing Emma made him feel weak, and that Cam and Caleb had noticed. In Quinn’s mind, a man should be allowed a certain amount of dignity.

  Glancing at the house, he shook his head in disgust, deciding to do what they suggested—and what he wanted. It didn’t take long to saddle Warrior. He didn’t look back when he rode away, heading straight toward Circle M. Quinn supposed they were right. An afternoon and evening with Emma would do him good.

  Taking the trail as fast as possible, it wasn’t long before he rounded the bend, Colin’s home coming into view. Beyond it were Quinn’s home, then Uncle Ewan’s, then Uncle Ian’s. To some, it seemed a strange sight. Four homes and four barns forming their own village. Having family close by always felt good…until he’d claimed Emma. Now he wanted nothing more than privacy.

  “Quinn.” He looked up to see Uncle Ewan coming down the steps of Colin’s home. “Lorna is helping with Grant today. I came by to see how they’re doing. What brings you over?”

  Quinn’s gaze met Ewan’s, unsure of what to say, relieved when his uncle held up his hands.

  “Aye. I’m sure you’re here to see Emma. She’s with Bram and Fletcher.”

  “I, uh…thought I’d take her for a ride.”

  Ewan worked to keep his face neutral. “Aye. A ride would be good. Maybe toward the hills to the east where the stream cuts across the trail.”

  Quinn knew the place. Quiet and secluded with an old, rundown cabin. Nodding, he reined toward the pasture where he knew they’d be, coming to a stop when Ewan raised his voice.

  “You may want to take an extra blanket, lad.”

  Feeling his face heat, he kicked Warrior harder, anxious to get to Emma.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Quinn slid to the ground, tossed the reins over the fence, then climbed onto the bottom rung. Resting his arms on top, he watched Emma as she worked with Bram, who held Warrior’s colt. He couldn’t hear what they said, but he didn’t miss the way her eyes lit up, her head bobbing in agreement with whatever Bram said. Feeling the fence shudder, he looked over to see Fletcher beside him.

  “Wondered how long you could stay away.” Fletch’s voice held none of the teasing he expected. When Quinn didn’t answer, he continued. “Emma’s catching on. The lass watches everything, asks a lot of questions. Unless you convince her otherwise, my guess is she’ll be an excellent breeder one day.”

  Quinn cocked his head, his brows furrowing. “I’d never ask her to give it up. Breeding horses is her dream. It’s in her blood, the same as ranching is in mine.”

  “I thought so. She said Big Jim didn’t like the idea.”

  “Big Jim knows cattle ranching. He saw no future in fine horse stock. Like you and Bram, Emma believes different. Now she has her chance to prove it.” Quinn jumped down, opened the gate, and headed toward Emma.

  “Want me to take care of Warrior?” Fletch yelled.

  Glancing over his shoulder, his eyes sparked. “Nae, but you can saddle Moonshine.” Quinn saw the smile on his cousin’s face before Fletch headed to the barn. Turning back to Emma, he walked to within a few feet. “I think the lass needs a break, Bram.”

  “Quinn,” Emma squealed, running to him, jumping into his arms.

  “Ach, lass. You’re going to knock me over.” He tightened his arms around her, leaning down for a needed kiss. “I’ve missed you,” he murmured next to her ear before setting her down.

  “I’ve missed you, too.”

  Bram walked up beside them, nodding to the colt. “He’s doing well. You’re going to have a fine stallion in a few more years.”

  “If we’re lucky, there will be many more like him.” Quinn kept his arm around Emma’s waist, unwilling to let her go.

  “So you’ve come to take Emma for a ride?” Bram looked past them to where Fletcher led Moonshine toward Warrior.

  “Aye, if you can spare her.” He looked down at Emma, whose face brightened in surprise.

  “Take her. Your lass asks so many questions, my head hurts.” Bram winked at Emma, then strode off.

  “Are you up for a ride, Emma?”

  He didn’t think he could be more in love with her, yet the smile she sent him sucked all the air from his lungs, causing his heart to pound in his chest.

  “That would be wonderful. Where will we be going?”

  “It’s a surprise. You’ll need a coat.”

  She ran to the house, emerging a few minutes later with a coat, gloves, and a bulging leather pouch. Holding it up as she drew closer, she grinned. “Food.”

  Moving along the trail Ewan suggested, Quinn couldn’t help but wonder at the way his uncle openly encouraged him to be with Emma. As if he knew...

  Quinn winced. Of course his uncle knew what he needed. It was easy to forget his uncles had been young once themselves, gone through much of what Colin, Brodie, and he had.

  “Are you going the right way?”

  Emma’s question snapped him from his thoughts. “Aye. It won’t be long now.”

  A mile later, they rode into a small clearing, a dilapidated cabin in the center.

  “Here we are.” Quinn swung a leg over Warrior’s neck and dropped down. Reaching up, he settled his hands on Emma’s waist, letting her slide to the ground in a long, slow motion. Pulling her close, he captured her lips. “I’ve thought of nothing but this for days,” he whispered, then claimed her mouth again.

  Several long minutes passed, their passion growing, hands moving over each other before he swept her into his arms. Carrying her inside, he set her down, his eyes widening.

  “It, uh…needs some work.”

  Emma looked around and laughed. It couldn’t be more than ten feet by ten feet with two wooden frames holding thin, hole-infested pallets. Dirt, at least an inch thick, covered the floor and every other surface. Spotting an old broom, she pushed past Quinn, grabbing it.

  “Nae, lass. We’ve no time for that.”

  Quinn dashed outside, returning moments later with a blanket, their coats, and Emma’s leather pouch. He shook out the blanket, laying it across one of the pallets, then stalked toward her. Taking the broom from her hands, he tossed it aside, ignoring the surprise on her face as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him.


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