The Sheikh's Marriage Of Convenience (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 10)

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The Sheikh's Marriage Of Convenience (Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 10) Page 1

by Cara Albany


  Qazhar Sheikhs series Book 10




  "What is he doing here?" Erin Summers asked her younger sister, Belle as she wrenched her gaze away from the tall Qazhar man standing amongst a small group of people at the far end of the room. She'd been searching for him for the last few minutes and had even begun to hope he hadn't accepted her mother's invitation.

  But of course he would have accepted, she told herself. Karim was too important to turn down an invitation to the annual embassy ball.

  Erin busily surveyed the hundred or so guests who filled the cavernous reception room, here in the American embassy in the heart of Qazhar city. The even cacophony of voices competed with the elegant music provided by the classical string quartet tucked away in the far corner.

  "You don't think he's noticed us, do you?" Erin asked Belle.

  Belle laughed. "You don't need to hide, Erin. It's not like he's interested in you."

  Erin scowled at Belle. Sometimes her sister could be blunt to the point of insult. "How do you know that?" she demanded.

  "You're not his type," Belle declared as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

  Erin's eyes widened. "Not his type? How do you even know what his type is?" She squinted at Belle. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

  Now it was Belle's turn to look embarrassed. Her pretty, even features colored deep red. "That's not what I meant at all," she stated. "Sheikh Al Rasareh is the liaison to overseas delegations," Belle added with a grin and a casual flick of her long blonde hair. "Why shouldn't he be here?" Erin wouldn't have been surprised if her sister hadn't punctuated her statement with a sarcastic "duh".

  Erin was desperate to divert her attention away from Karim Al Rasareh. Erin knew she should have guessed Karim would attend this event. After all, her mother was the American ambassador to Qazhar, so it was inevitable that Sheikh Al Rasareh, official liaison to all foreign delegations in Qazhar, would make sure to come to this annual reception. It was his duty.

  Erin saw Belle smile. "I know you two hate each other, but that's no reason for him not to come to the embassy."

  Erin frowned and laid an admonishing hand on her sister's bare arm. "Karim and I do not hate each other, Belle," she gasped.

  Belle quirked a disbelieving brow at Erin. "Really? That's not what I've heard."

  Erin took a hurried sip of her glass of champagne. "Don't believe everything you hear, Belle," Erin said. She peered through the sea of well-dressed guests at the tall, elegant, dark-haired figure of Karim still chatting sociably, and very safely, at the far end of the long room. His dark suit clung to his body like a second skin and the collar of his white shirt merely highlighted his exotic good looks.

  Slight relief eased through Erin as she realized he still probably hadn't seen her. Who was she kidding? Karim knew Erin was here. Where else would she be on this of all nights? This was the only place to be seen in Qazhar on this particular night. The fact that Karim had been here for almost an hour and he still hadn't come to speak with Erin was a good thing. Wasn't it?

  It was just as well there was a roomful of guests between them, she thought. She and Karim hadn't spoken since their last encounter, a few weeks before. And, as usual, it hadn't gone well. Not that it ever did, she reflected. In his professional capacity, he was a regular visitor to the embassy. Erin bumped into Karim regularly whenever he visited the embassy on official business. Karim was the most infuriating man she'd ever known. Also, the sexiest, chimed in that quiet, treacherous voice she always heard in her mind, every time she saw Karim. As before, she firmly silenced that voice.

  "I haven't forgotten that last time you and he argued in the hallway," Belle recalled. Belle shook her hand to indicate the strength of that memory. "I've never seen you so upset."

  "Sheikh Karim can be a royal pain in the butt," Erin explained, and not for the first time.

  Belle gazed across the room toward Karim. "He can upset me anytime he likes," she muttered approvingly.

  "Belle Summers!" Erin gasped. Belle grinned at Erin, obviously pleased at the reaction she'd prompted in her older sister.

  Erin forced a shrug. "Maybe we don't exactly see eye to eye on everything, but that doesn't make us enemies," she stated trying to sound as casual as she could.

  Once again, Belle peered at Erin, obviously skeptical. "I'd say that just about sums you two up," she said.

  "What?" Erin demanded.

  Belle's eyes narrowed knowingly. "You know what they say about people who think they can't stand each other," she said.

  Erin stared at Belle. Sometimes, her sister could be so annoying. Especially if she suspected she had uncovered some secret. Well, there was nothing between Erin and Karim. If anything, it was an open secret that they hated each other, and that was exactly how Erin preferred it. "You're not suggesting..." Erin started to object, but Belle cut her off in mid-sentence.

  "That's exactly what I am saying," Belle declared. Erin saw Belle gazing across the tops of the heads and straight at Karim. "And I can see the attraction," she stated.

  Erin shook her head emphatically. "There's no attraction. He's a brute," she declared emphatically.

  Belle uttered an approving groan. "He's a pretty sexy brute," she added.

  Erin breathed out loudly, exasperation getting the better of her. "Let's stop this nonsense, Belle," Erin grunted.

  Belle simply smiled at Erin. "See what I mean," she replied. "You like him."

  Erin finished off her champagne and glanced toward the long table from where the drinks were being dispensed. "I'm getting another drink," she said. "You want one?" she asked Belle.

  Belle shook her head, and Erin headed off toward the table, relieved to escape the awkward conversation. She lifted a fresh glass of champagne and resisted the sudden temptation to take a sip. Of course, she had no intention of drinking too much. That wasn't her style, at all. She knew she had to make a good impression during the entire evening and that meant staying clear-headed and focused.

  Erin saw Belle mingle with the crowd of guests, chatting animatedly to everyone she met. Erin smiled. She loved her sister. It was just that Belle could be so irritating sometimes.

  Grateful for the respite, Erin leaned against the table and gazed out across the hundred or so guests. The great and the good of Qazhar society had turned out in force. It was the annual embassy ball, one of the highlights of the Qazhar social calendar. Erin saw her mother and father doing what they did best; mixing with the guests, pressing the flesh, making sure everyone felt welcome.

  Erin couldn't hold back the proud smile as she watched her mother, the first female American ambassador to Qazhar, go through her paces, doing what she had always been so good at. They'd been here a year now, a twelve months which had literally flown by. The entire family had moved, lock, stock and barrel, all the way from Washington, a huge move for the whole family, but one they'd all found utterly exciting.

  It had been a crazy time for them all. Her mother and father, being the professionals they were, had taken everything in their stride. But, the three Summers' sisters had responded to their new life each in their own ways.

  For Erin, Belle, and Nicole this overseas posting for their parents had opened up a whole new world, one that all three of them were still trying to adjust too. Qazhar was an incredible place, filled with astonishing sights and sensations. And amazing people.

  Most of the people she had met since arriving had been welcoming and eager
to help in every possible way. Most of them at least, Erin reflected. Sure, there had been the occasional Qazhar official who'd been less than welcoming, but that was to be expected in this region. She couldn't help thinking about Karim when she reflected upon difficult people.

  Qazhar was still opening itself up to the wider world. It might take a few more years for everyone to accept the progress the country was obviously making.

  Nevertheless, because of her closeness to diplomatic circles while living in the embassy, Erin had heard rumblings of discontent about the direction Qazhar was taking. But, she'd put that down to the usual minority who wanted to resist change across this region. That was one of the reasons her mother had been appointed ambassador in the first place. To try and smooth over Qazhar's continuing transition, connecting it more closely with the global community.

  Erin glanced across the crowded room, realizing with a start that she was searching for Karim. Now, why would she do that? Perhaps to make sure she knew where her enemy was, she told herself. He was her enemy. She was sure of that, at least. Wasn't she?

  She sighed and finally gave in to the temptation to sip the delicious and very expensive champagne. She felt the bubbles tickle her nose and she fought the urge to giggle. The waiter behind the table glanced at her and smiled.

  Erin turned her attention back to the room. It was always wise to keep Karim at a safe distance. She'd heard plenty of stories about him, most of which she was sure couldn't possibly be true. Wild stories that seemed to confirm everything she already believed about the man.

  Karim had a reputation with women, something spoken of in quiet whispers over coffee. Scandalous stories about him circulated through every level of Qazhar society. Karim had a dangerous reputation. It was that simple.

  And really, when you looked at him, especially up close, it was hardly surprising. Someone as devastatingly handsome as Karim could scarcely have any other kind of reputation, she told herself. And the fact that he came from one of the wealthiest and most powerful families in Qazhar merely made the stories about him even more believable.

  Karim was the whole package. He had everything; looks, wealth, charm and power. What wasn't there to feel drawn to, she asked herself.

  Plenty, came the instant reply. With all that Karim possessed, there also came an insufferable arrogance, a dominating manner, almost brutish at times. Maybe some women liked that, Erin told herself, but not her. It seemed that every time he came near her, every time she was within a few feet of his domineering figure, something bristled inside her, some instinctive reaction to his commanding presence.

  But, Erin had to put up with Karim. She knew that. The last thing she wanted to do was cause any problems for her mother by making an enemy of one of the most powerful political figures in Qazhar. He was a man who moved in influential circles. He had undoubted authority and important connections.

  She recalled the many arguments she'd had with Karim during the past year. Casual encounters that usually ended up degenerating into snarky exchanges between them. He seemed to bring out the worst in Erin, and she was sure she brought out the worst in him.

  Yes. Erin and Karim had nothing in common, except a desire to stand their own ground whenever they were within a few feet of each other.

  Erin felt suddenly warm, in spite of the looseness of the dress she was wearing. She wondered if she would ever get used to the Qazhar heat. She glanced at the open doors which led to the terrace, feeling the tempting, deliciously cool evening breeze coming from outside. Maybe it was time to get some fresh air, put some distance between her and the crush of guests.

  Turning quickly, she started to make her way toward the entrance, eager to get outside.

  Also, it might be a good idea to make absolutely sure that Karim Al Rasareh wouldn't get a chance to hunt Erin down and subject her to his usual withering scrutiny, his cruel taunting.


  She wasn't going to get away from him that easily, Sheikh Karim Al Rasareh told himself as he watched the petite figure of Erin Summers start to make her escape out onto the terrace of the American embassy.

  He was easing his way through the crowd of guests, his gaze fixed on the woman who'd taunted and teased him mercilessly for so long. He saw her walking out onto the terrace.

  Someone called out his name, and he paused, smiling politely at the elderly Qazhar woman, recognizing her as a member of one the preeminent families in the country. It wouldn't do for him to be anything less than courteous, no matter how desperate he was to follow Erin out onto the terrace. He had something important to tell her; something that would affect her and her family, especially her mother, the current ambassador.

  It wasn't easy keeping his composure, nodding politely, smiling back. He knew virtually everyone here tonight. So far it had been a tedious affair, just like all the diplomatic events he was forced to attend. The only ray of hope for the evening was the prospect of meeting Erin. No matter what she already thought of him.

  Finally, he made it to the terrace doors. Peering out, he saw Erin leaning against the balustrade, gazing up at the full moon.

  Karim paused and leaned against the door, savoring the opportunity to take in the sight of Erin. Her blonde hair tumbled across her bare shoulders, and the open cut of the dress showed off her beautiful back, hinting at the fullness of the body that inhabited the dress. The hem of her dress settled around her knees, giving him a delicious view of her legs. One leg was crossed behind the other, and she'd flicked off her shoe revealing the graceful curve of her bare foot. She looked so cute standing there like that, he told himself.

  Karim felt his throat tighten at the sight of the woman who had been his nemesis for almost a year. That petite figure leaning on the balcony just a few yards from him contained a feisty, defiant personality who never seemed to tire of taunting Karim, never missed a chance to resist him at every turn. He sucked in a deep breath, feeling the cool air fill his lungs. As he stepped out onto the terrace, the sounds of the gathered guests fading behind him. His footsteps seemed unnaturally loud.

  Erin turned quickly, and Karim's heart skipped a beat. What was it about those shimmering blue eyes that caused something elemental to shift inside himself. Her penetrating stare fixed upon him and he paused.

  "Sheikh Al Rasareh. How nice to see you," she said evenly. Her shoulders stiffened, and she leaned back against the balustrade.

  "Miss Summers. I thought I'd find you out here," Karim replied trying to sound casual, and taking a few steps toward Erin.

  "Really? I didn't know you were following me," she said sharply.

  Karim tried to suppress the instinctive smile that creased the corner of his mouth, but he failed. He saw the flicker of annoyance in her eyes when she saw that smile. This was how it always was between them.

  "I wasn't following you," he replied.

  Her brows furrowed. Already, he could see defiance in her gaze. "Are you enjoying yourself, this evening?" she asked.

  Karim ran his gaze briefly down the length of Erin's body. "I think I am," he said slyly.

  He saw her cheeks color and her lips tightened into a thin line. He heard her draw in a sharp breath and look over his shoulder. "I'd have thought there would be more than enough people in there to keep you busy," she stated. "Especially in your formal capacity."

  "I'm not strictly here on official business. Not entirely, anyway."

  "Aren't you always working? I hear you're a very busy man," she said acidly.

  Why did she always feel the need to tease him?

  "Is that true? You hear things about me?" he teased, moving slightly closer. "You're talking about me behind my back? I don't know whether to be flattered or offended."

  Erin's jaw tightened, and she wrenched her gaze away from him. After a moment she peered defiantly up at him. "You know what I mean," she stated.

  He was only a few feet from her now, and he caught the scent of her perfume in the night air. It was a delicious mixture of sweetness with
a hint of sharpness. Just like her, he told himself. Although, Erin had much more than just a hint of sharpness about her.

  She wanted to say something harsh to him. He could see it in her eyes and in the hard line of her jaw. Didn't she realize how pretty she looked when she was angry? As always, up close, he couldn't help but be impressed by her even features, the high cheekbones, the wide brows, the full, tempting mouth. Her gaze was penetrating, even challenging.

  Karim shrugged and sighed, trying to maintain a casual attitude. "I tire of these events," he admitted. "They're so predictable."

  "Is that so?" she asked sharply. "It must be terrible to have to attend all these parties." Erin shook her head and quirked a sarcastic brow at him. "Such a sad life."

  Karim shook his head, determined not to take the bait. "It seems like there's always a consular event of some kind or other to attend." He glanced at her, seeing that she was peering expectantly at him. "After a while, they all seem to merge into one long party."

  Karim wondered if he was overdoing the appearance of boredom. He saw a flash of indignation in her eyes. "My parents have gone to great trouble to make this a memorable evening," she declared.

  Karim nodded and gazed into the hypnotic pools of her eyes. "And they've succeeded," he replied diplomatically. Once more he allowed his gaze to flicker toward the plunging neckline of her dress. "In more ways than one."

  He saw her hands curl around the carved balustrade. Then she twisted away from him, gazing out across the moonlit garden. He followed her gaze. The embassy garden was smaller than the one that surrounded his own palace. Here, in the heart of the Qazhar city, the sound of the evening traffic drifted over the high walls. He glanced at the embassy building, a modest construction compared to the many newer, extravagant buildings across the city. The embassy was in one of the older quarters of Qazhar city. Karim liked the feel of tradition every time he came to this part of town. But he wouldn't tell Erin that. He could only imagine what she would make of such a confession.


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