Stripped Bare

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Stripped Bare Page 5

by Lyssa Cole

  I battle back and forth inside my head as Alicia stares at me, waiting for an answer.

  I have to just bite the bullet and go have some fun. I will make sure to watch my back if shit starts to get shady.

  “Okay, sure. Where and when?”

  Alicia winks at me, a huge smile spreading across her face. “Oh Hunnie, this is going to be a great time!”


  Alicia informed me last night that she is actually a hair and makeup artist. So she is coming over early to have some drinks and get ready. I am feeling excited as she is planning on giving me a makeover. I pretty much changed most of my look as soon as I got here, dying my brown hair a darker brown, and darkening my skin even more so with some self-tanner creams. It wasn’t perfect, but it was some sort of disguise.

  I kept thinking of the night ahead and what it would bring. I have never gone out dancing and drinking before, many years of my young life lost being a slave to my father’s men. It felt so good to be free and doing what I wanted to do.

  Suddenly, the doorbell rang, pulling me from my thoughts. I rush to open it and there she is, already looking gorgeous. Her eyes light up, pulling me in for a hug. “Hey Hun! Ready to get beautiful? Not that we aren’t already.” She backs up, grinning at me.

  “Of course, I’ve been excited for this all day. Come in, come in.” Alicia heads inside and I close the door behind her, clicking the lock in place. My dance music fills the space and I hope Alicia enjoys it as much as I do.

  “Let’s go into my bedroom,” I tell her and she lets me pass her, leading the way. “There’s more space and it’s cozy.”

  “Anything you want, Hun. I will just need a few things from the bathroom. Love the tunes chick!”

  We enter the bedroom and Alicia begins setting everything up on the bed, after laying a sheet down to protect the bedspread. She definitely is a professional, even though she is shaking her ass the entire time.

  “I’m going to just grab us a glass of wine, sangria with some fresh fruit sound good?” Alicia turns to look at me, her eyes sparkling.

  “That sounds amazing. You’re the best.” I smile and head to the kitchen. I had prepped the sangria and fruit before she got here, knowing she would love it. I’m feeling good, and it’s a great feeling. I kiss my mother’s ring that is hanging around my neck, hoping it will give me the power to have a good night.

  Just as I turn to go to the bedroom, I hear my laptop ping with a message alert. Shit. I forgot to turn the fucking thing off when I was updating my schedule earlier.

  I tell myself to ignore it but I want to see who it is. Partly from fear, partly from curiosity. And partly from hoping it’s from him.

  What the hell? It will only take me a minute. I put the glasses down and open my laptop that is sitting on my kitchen table. It’s a new message on my profile.

  Jax1031: Hey there, gorgeous. R you ignoring me now? I have been waiting for ur reply for a while now and I miss talking to u. I also miss something else. Ur hot, sexy body dancing for me. But this time I want to see it in person. R we still on for dinner? I am free whenever u are. Just message me back, gorgeous.

  I let out my breath in one long whoosh, not even realizing I was holding it in. This man, this sexy, hot man is not giving up. I shake my head, tingles already flowing through my body just thinking of him. An unfamiliar warmth fills me from head to toe. What is this man making me feel?

  What it would be like to touch him, taste him, hear him….

  “Maddie! Where are you, girl? I’m ready!”

  Alicia whirls into the kitchen, hairbrush in hand. She stops when she sees me in front of my laptop, my face blushing red. Her eyes dart over to our untouched drinks, her hands swinging to her hips. “Mads! You had our drinks ready and they are just sitting there? What are you doing?!”

  She walks over and grabs her drink, taking a big gulp. She grins at me, fire playing in her eyes. This girl is something else.

  “Earth to Mads! Hello? What are you doing on that laptop of yours?”

  She gasps, her hand flying to her dark red lips. “It’s a guy, isn’t it?”

  She rushes over to me, leaning over my shoulder. I know her eyes must be scanning my message, my face growing even hotter. Her hand lands on my shoulder.

  “Oh Maddie! Who is this hottie? I think I just fell in love with him!”

  We both dissolve into giggles. When I finally catch my breath, I sigh and try to explain, leaving out my videos. That is going to stay my dirty little secret.

  “It’s just a guy I have been talking to. Not much though, mainly just this past week and he is the one working hard.” We both laugh again at that.

  “That’s exactly how it should be girl. They should work hard for us. We deserve a good man so make him work for it.”

  I shut the laptop and stand, a look of surprise crossing Alicia’s face. I hug her tight. “Thank you. You are a great person.” I pull back and Alicia looks confused but she will understand one day, maybe. Maybe I will tell her or maybe she will find out for herself which I really hope won’t happen.

  “Let’s get ready!” I exclaim to her, excitement really filling me now. I could worry about Jax later.

  We grab our drinks and head back to the bedroom.


  Two hours later and we are looking glamorous; Alicia is a miracle worker. She gave my hair a small trim, some sexy layers, and a lot of fierce looking highlights. My makeup she did as a smoky look, my eyes smoldering and dark, with red glossy lips. I look hot and I am ready to dance in my little black dress and high heels.

  Alicia herself looks stunning. She did her hair in a sweeping up do, loose with some curls cascading down. She also did her makeup dark, but with more a silver shine to match her gorgeous silver sparkle dress and sparkle heels.

  We head out the door, arm in arm, at least four glasses of sangria down for both of us, our buzzes hitting our heads nicely, the evening just beginning.

  Chapter 12


  I watch as she leaves her apartment with some girl. Maddie looks fucking hot. Even hotter than when I have seen her on camera. The other girl looks amazing too but nothing compares to Maddie.

  Jax. Stop. This is business. You can’t think of her like that.

  As soon as I got here, I was able to track down her exact location now that I was in the same area as her. Once my connections got me the address, I was driving by, checking everything out.

  Now I have been sitting here, waiting and watching for her. I messaged her about two hours ago and nothing back. I sit outside this old warehouse apartment building of hers just waiting for her to come out.

  Now she is leaving, dressed to the nines with some other chick. A ping of jealously runs through me. I have to follow her and see where she is going. I am supposed to be keeping an eye on her anyway.

  I watch her get into a car with her friend, I am assuming a friend anyway, and they begin to slowly pull away from the curb. I follow behind, leaving some distance between us, hoping I am not noticed. I doubt I will be, those two seemed to be half lit already. That chick should watch her driving.

  About ten minutes later, they are pulling up to a club, Pulse, and pulling into the parking lot. Jealously flows through me even stronger, the thought of other men dancing with her, touching her.

  I sigh as I pull into the lot myself, parking far enough away from them so they don’t see me but so that I can watch them. They must be chatting in the car because they don’t get out right away and I am itching to see her again.

  She looked so beautiful, my cock still hasn’t gone down. It’s going to be hard all night.

  They finally get out of the car and head into the club. I wait a few minutes and head in myself.

  Of course the first stop they go to is the bar, both of them ordering what looks like a fruity drink. They then head over to a high top table with tall bar stools. I hang back along the wall, watching their every move. Actually, watching her every move.

  This club is crowded and dark. If I look away for even a second, I may risk losing her. She could easily be whisked away by a guy or leave without me even knowing.

  Maddie is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Her long dark hair looks like it has been cut into a new sexy style, and I’m thinking her hair must be a new color, because the pictures I saw of her she had lighter brown hair and no highlights. Her hair falls down her back in long cascading waves, the layers in the front framing her face perfectly. She turns my way and I see her face, her makeup looking dark and sexy, her brown eyes shining underneath her shimmering eyeshadow. Her lips are ruby red and I want to taste them.

  I imagine them tasting delicious just like the rest of her curvy, luscious body. She looks unbelievable in her little black dress, the dress hugging all the right spots, her full plump tits, her curvy hips, and the leading down and showing off her long, sexy legs.

  I picture myself running my hands along her sides, grabbing her gorgeous ass, as I press her tight against me. Once again, my cock is harder than a rock and I have to discreetly adjust myself.

  I notice the girls are starting in on their second drink, their laughter getting louder. I hang back and have a beer, wondering if I should make a move. Just say I recognize her and happened to be her too? Creepy.

  Maybe I should buy her and her friend some drinks. I don’t know. I can’t believe I am acting this way. This is supposed to be a job, not a girl I am dying to touch. My phone begins buzzing in my pocket and I quickly pull it out, seeing Scott’s name on the screen.


  I can’t deal with him right now. He’s breathing down my neck and understandably so as the Kaplan’s are breathing down his neck and threatening to come kill me and have their men find her.

  I can’t let that happen. Not only do I want to finish this job, I also don’t want them touching her. Ever.

  The girls are now working on a third drink and I have a feeling they are going to need a ride home. Maddie is laughing uncontrollably, her face flushed and glowing as her friend flirts with every guy nearby.

  They gulp down the rest of their drinks at an impressive rate and both of them stand. Maddie almost falls flat on her ass but her friend catches her arm. They explode in laughter and giggles and head off to the dance floor.

  I slowly follow, finding a dark corner where I can watch them from. Both of them push into the crowd and begin grinding and dancing around each other, completely lost in the music.

  I can’t help but stare at her, my eyes not able to look away. I am frozen to my spot as if she is only dancing for me, my own private show. That desire is building inside me again, even stronger, and I need to fight the urge to go to her. I want to feel her body against mine. There is some crazy connection pulling me to her and I don’t think I could stop it if I tried.

  This feels so wrong yet so good.

  I take a deep breath and try to clear my head. I have to talk to her, to get her to go out with me, so that she will trust me.

  She has to trust me, so she will get on a plane with me, I can drop her off and forget about her.

  I just have to forget about her. There will be someone else for me. I am sure of it. She isn’t the only gorgeous woman in the world. So why can’t I get this gut feeling out of my head that there isn’t another for me? That she is it and I wouldn’t be satisfied or feel complete with any other woman.

  I want her to be my one and only. I want to claim her; I want to make her scream my name. I want her to only want me.

  Why? Why do I have to feel this way about this woman when all I need to do is just bring her home to her family? Her bad family that I should protect her from.

  I decide it’s time to put my game face on. I can’t let feelings get in the way. I make my way over to her as a slower song comes on and she begins swaying to the music.

  Her friend is dancing with a guy, their bodies intertwined and dancing to the music. They don’t even notice me approach.

  But she does, of course she does. The electricity is zapping between us so intensely; I am surprised no one else feels it either.

  We lock eyes and a spark passes between us. I can tell she instantly recognizes me. Maddie steps back and I take a step closer, reaching out for her. I offer her my hand, wanting to dance, not speak.

  We don’t need words right now. I don’t want to break this moment. I certainly don’t even want to comprehend what that could possibly mean right now.

  Maddie hesitantly places her hand in mind, and I lock my hand around it, pulling her to me fast, in one quick motion. She gasps, then giggles, her face lighting up. I wrap one arm around her waist and continue holding hands with the other arm, as I begin to move to the music, hers following right along. I smile down to her, me being a good foot taller than her. Maddie must be five four or five but with me being six foot four, she’s only up to my chest.

  I love how she fits into my body, our movements perfectly in sync. I grow harder than I ever have before, and I know she must be able to feel it brush against her stomach.

  I hold back a moan that desperately wants to come out. Instead, we dance, my hand roaming up and down her back.

  The next song is faster and we break apart, our eyes locking again. I can’t seem to look away. I finally break our gaze and pull her off to the side, where the music isn’t deafening.

  “Juliet, we meet without even planning it.” I grin. “It wasn’t as hard as I thought it was going to be.”

  A brief look of fear passes through her eyes and I feel a pang of guilt.

  “Jax? Really? How did you find me?”

  “It must just be our lucky night, gorgeous. I decided to come out tonight for a few drinks and we so happened to be here at the same time. I guess it was fate after all.” I give her my most charming smile, hoping she feels more comfortable.

  She smiles up at me, her flush getting darker on her cheeks. She sways a bit, balancing herself on the wall. I grab her arm.

  “Whoa, gorgeous. I think you have had enough to drink tonight. You doing okay?”

  She rolls her eyes at me, pushing two of her fingers into my chest. “Of course, I am doing okay Jax. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  Maddie pushes away from me using the wall to help her, and begins to stumble back towards her friend.

  “Hey, Juliet! Wait!” I catch up to her and grab her arm, spinning her to face me. I pull her back towards the wall so we can hear each other speak.

  She laughs, her balance thrown off again. “Shhh!” She holds two fingers over those delicious looking red lips of hers. “My name is not really Juliet.”

  I blink, thrown off for a second. I am surprised she is telling me this so soon. But maybe she isn’t hiding her identity out here, just online.

  “What? What do you mean?”

  She laughs more, her hands covering her mouth. “Ok, so you know, I strip on camera but I don’t want anyone else knowing that, so I use a fake name, just for online. Alicia, my friend here with me tonight, jeez, I really feel like I am rambling. Am I rambling? It sure seems like it. Anyway, she doesn’t know about this job and she knows my real name.” She puts two fingers in front of her lips again, “Shhh, Jax, shhhhh. Okay?”

  I grin at her, she is toasted. I love listening to her voice, so soft and sweet.

  “Then what is your real name, if it is not Juliet?” I ask her, my eyes still staring at her delectable looking lips. I want to kiss them, taste them. I want to devour her.

  “Maddie. You can keep this secret right? You can, Jax right?”

  She is so fucking cute. I can’t help it. I lean down and whisper against her lips.

  “Yes, gorgeous.”

  Then I kiss her, my lips searing against hers as her entire body melts against mine.

  Chapter 13


  Fireworks. Explosions. Hot liquid desire.

  It’s true. That shit happens.

  When Jax kissed me, I completely melted, desire coursing through ever
y inch of my body. I kissed him back as hard as he was kissing me, our passion igniting. The same passion I felt when he watched my videos.

  His tongue licks across my lips and I open my mouth slightly to let him in. We taste each other, exploring, sucking, teasing. The craving I feel for this man is unbelievable.

  I feel that familiar stir in my belly, the heat growing between my legs, as his mouth and tongue continue to ravish me. I don’t want it to ever stop.

  He moves away from my mouth, trailing kisses down the side of my face, along my jawline, and down onto my neck. I shiver against him, my hands going inside his shirt.

  “Maddie! Where are you, girl? Maddie!”

  I hear my name being called, but I don’t want to break this spell. Jax feels way too fucking good right now. I moan against his ear, my hands running over his six pack and his hard-rippling chest.

  “Maddie!” I feel myself being pulled away and we are disconnected, the warmth from him gone. My trance is broken. I look up to see Alicia standing there smiling at me with her hands on her hips.

  “And who is this?” Alicia asks, eyeing Jax up and down, looking like she might approve.

  “Remember the guy I was telling you about earlier, the one who messaged me?” I wink at her, mouthing, “Be cool.”

  Alicia nods, and I can tell she is trying not to laugh. I gesture my hand towards Jax, “Well this is him.” I giggle then because this whole thing is sort of funny. I mean what are the odds really?

  Alicia doesn’t say anything, looking skeptical. I feel the same way; it is totally sketchy how he just ended up here the same night we did. But whatever, life works in mysterious ways like that sometimes. I am just going with it. For now, anyway.

  She shrugs her shoulders and holds her hand out for Jax to shake, “Well then,” eyeing Jax up and down, her eyes lighting up with approval, “I’m Alicia. Maddie and I have just meet recently, too. Nice to meet you.”

  Jax shakes her hand, “Nice to meet you. Well now that that shit is out of the way, ready to have some fun ladies? Let’s dance!”


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