Stripped Bare

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Stripped Bare Page 11

by Lyssa Cole

  I arrive at Alicia’s twenty minutes later, drenched in sweat and completely out of breath. Alicia swings the door open, not even giving me a chance to knock. She grabs me forcefully and pulls me inside, slamming and locking the door behind me.

  My body is slammed against hers as she wraps me in a tight hold, her body shaking from the sobs now pouring from her throat. “Maddie, I was so afraid. Afraid for you, afraid you weren’t going to get here.”

  I cling to Alicia for dear life, never wanting to let go. I let it all out, howling, gut wrenching sobs that wrack my entire body. Without realizing it, she has lead me to her spare bedroom, where she has all of my stuff waiting for me. We sit down on the bed, my sobs continuing, fear and panic, anger and rage, betrayal and hurt, flowing through me something fierce.

  When I finally can catch my breath, I thank Alicia a thousand times for getting all of my things. She got my clothes, my pillows, my laptop, my phone, and a few other things. I can’t help but ask her, “How was Jax?”

  Alicia’s entire face falls. “Oh, Maddie. It was awful. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. He was crying…” She trails off, not wanting to finish, but I grab her hand, urging her to continue. I need to hear this.

  Alicia shakes her head, “I don’t know if he was speaking the truth or not but he seemed to be, Maddie. His eyes were pleading with mine, his hands grasping mine…”

  She sighs; I know this is hard for her. “He wouldn’t tell me anything else, he just kept saying he loved you and he was sorry. I think you should hear him out.”

  “How could I ever trust him Alicia? He was working for my father, my disgusting piece of shit father. Who escaped the police and is probably back on his private jet planning how to cover this mess up, how to put a hit out for Jax, and most importantly, how to find me.”

  “There’s no fucking way he is going to find you,” Alicia exclaims as she stands. “Time to get the first plane out of here and I am coming with you. Fuck this place.”

  My heart begins to race and I stand as well, my eyes filling again. “You would really go with me?”

  Alicia nods, her gorgeous curls bobbing up and down. “I can’t leave tomorrow. I have to get some things in order. But I can get there next week. Now where the fuck we moving to?”


  The next morning, as I board the plane, Alicia still watching through the window, tears flow hotly down my cheeks. It’s not fair. I want Jax, the hurt from missing him crushing me. But I need this fresh start. I could probably forgive Jax but I don’t think I could forget. How would I trust him? He could turn me back to my father in a second. He may not, but the risk will always be there, wouldn’t it?

  I shake the confusing thoughts out of my head and take my window seat, hoping my new life is going to be more promising than the one I have lived so far.

  Tuscan Italy, here I come.

  Chapter 24


  My mind is spinning. I can’t deal with the jumble of thoughts cascading their way through my head, replaying every last minute, every last detail I spent with her.

  I pace my hotel room back and forth, ringing my hands together. Her phone goes right to voicemail and it’s not like I can go snooping around. Daddy dearest is ready to have me killed at any moment.

  Alicia won’t answer her phone either. She let Maddie go and wouldn’t tell me a damn thing. I could tell she knew something by the look on her face. Alicia was hiding something and I was going to get her to spill it to me one way or another.

  Sitting doesn’t help me right now. I end up thinking and thinking; I’m about ready to explode. My mind is still trying to process the events and how they unfolded.

  Maddie’s father being there in her apartment. The way she screamed when he grabbed her and pulled her inside. My stomach dropped; the only thing I could think of was saving her, protecting her, even if it meant losing my job, my reputation, everything.

  I run my hands along the sides of my face, sleep pulling at me. Sleep did not come easy to me last night, tossing and turning like a fucking lunatic.

  The worst part was seeing her knocked unconscious only to have my own ass knocked unconscious a few moments later. When I came to, she was gagged and bound in a chair and I had a gun to my head. What a fucking nice way to wake up.

  My heart was racing as I sat there helpless, fear rolling through me in thick waves. I had never felt so helpless before. Nor had I ever wanted to save someone so badly, so desperately, my entire being ached.

  Thankfully, Alicia and the police came in shortly after, the police killing the man with the gun to my head, giving me the opportunity to untie Maddie. I couldn’t wait to hold her in my arms, protect her, run away with her.

  But she ran away from me. My heart shattered. I tried to go after her but Alicia only blocked me, slamming the door shut, and locking the deadbolt so I couldn’t escape.

  I pick up my beer and chug the rest down, letting the cold liquid wash down my throat, going right back to pacing once I’ve swallowed.

  My hands ball into fists and my pacing picks up speed. I have to find out some type of information. I can’t just sit here, wondering and waiting.

  I’m in love with Maddie Kaplan and I am going to find her and make her mine forever.

  First, I need to get Alicia to spill the fucking beans.


  Arriving at Alicia’s in a hurry, I hastily park my car on the side of the road and hurry to her door. I came equipped with some useful weapons-wine, chocolate, and of course all women’s favorite dessert-ice cream.

  Pushing the bell for her door, Alicia’s cheery voice comes pouring out of the speaker a few moments later, “Hello? Who’s there?”

  I clear my throat, suddenly feeling very nervous. “It’s Jax.”

  No more sounds are heard, there is just complete silence. Is she going to let me up or what?

  Finally, she answers, “Jax, go away. It’s for your own good. I don’t have any information for you.”

  Desperation courses through me and I buzz her again. “Please Alicia, I just want to talk, hopefully make amends, be friends.”

  Alicia scoffs into the speaker, “Jax, don’t try to give me some lame excuses. I know why you are here and you have to believe me, I have nothing to tell you.”

  My heart is racing so hard in my chest; I hear my pulse beating in my ears. I just need her to believe me. I need someone to help me this time. “No, I mean it Alicia. Please. I come bearing gifts,” I offer, hoping that will help her to finally say yes.

  It works. The door buzzes open and I slid inside, gifts in hand. As soon as I arrive at her door, Alicia swings it open with quite a force, causing a gush of wind. I can’t help but laugh at how lively Alicia can be.

  “Jax, come in, come in,” Alicia says, beckoning me inside, her hand waving rapidly.

  She closes the door behind me, taking my jacket and the gifts I have brought her, and we head towards her kitchen. After she places the items down on the counter, she looks at me suspiciously.

  “What’s all this for?” Alicia asks, looking at me questionably.

  I shrug, “A peace offering?”

  Alicia’s eyes narrow, her anger showing through. “I don’t want a peace offering Jax. I want you to explain this whole story. How you were all of a sudden a private investigator for Maddie’s father of all fucking people.”

  I drop my head. Fuck. How am I even going to explain this?

  I take a deep breath and begin telling Alicia about my past and my job. I explained how my job works and how I get assigned certain tasks.

  “I didn’t think anything of it, getting assigned the Kaplan case, as far as Maddie went. Hell, I didn’t even know her name. I was just beyond ecstatic to even be thinking about working with the Kaplan’s. It was a huge break me and for my company. Our reputation was going to sky rocket when I successfully brought Maddie home.”

  Alicia doesn’t say anything, just stares at me with an empty cold look, so I continue on, pra
ying she will understand, “I had no idea what the Kaplan family did or what they were doing to her. I didn’t know who she was. All I knew was that she ran away and I had to find her and bring her home.”

  I sigh, running my hands through my hair. Taking a deep breath, I know I need to tell Alicia everything. She won’t understand fully unless she knows how I truly feel about Maddie. My eyes flick back to Alicia’s, holding her gaze while I get ready to bare my soul to her, something not easy for me to do. “But as soon as I saw her picture, I knew there was something about her.”

  I shake my head, my eyes never leaving hers. “I never expected her to be on the website of girls stripping. I didn’t go on that often, but I happened to go on one night and when I saw her, I instantly knew it was her from the picture. I pushed my feelings aside because I knew I had a job to do. So, I will admit I used the site to get to her.”

  Alicia still doesn’t say anything, only stands there listening. Her expression hasn’t changed at all, so I can’t tell if she is even believing a fucking word of what I am saying. The story needs to get out, so I continue speaking, “She kept herself hidden as far as her bus ticket, where she was staying, her new phone; But stripping on the web? She was anonymous on there but you never know who could pass onto that site and report back to her father. She needed to make money through and she became popular quickly. Thankfully, she backed off some when we started seeing each other.”

  “If you knew you couldn’t be with her, then why did you stop ignoring your feelings? Obviously, you knew to at the beginning so why the change? Your relationship shouldn’t have gone to this level. You tricked her into liking you to get into your good graces so you could just finish your job. Deliver her like a dog.”

  My body tenses, sadness creeping in. Alicia doesn’t get it yet, how am I going to convince her? Maddie’s face pops into my mind and pushes me to keep going. I love her, I need to find her and make her mine. “Listen, Alicia, I didn’t expect our relationship to go the route it went. At first, yes, I did begin talking to her sweetly, I was winning her trust, performing my job. Who wouldn’t? How else would I get her to meet me? I am not the type of PI to come and kidnap someone. I don’t work that way and my clients know it. What I didn’t expect to happen was the connection. When I meet her, I knew I was done for. Our connection, our spark; I have never felt anything like it before. I love Maddie, Alicia. Please, help me find her.”

  Tears well in Alicia’s eyes, a couple slipping over the edge, her fingers quickly dabbing them away. “You really do love her, Jax?”

  I step around the counter, getting closer to Alicia. I nod my head, “Yes, Alicia, I have fallen hopelessly in love with Maddie. I want to save her from her family, keep her away from them. Fuck my job, Maddie is more important to me. I want her, forever.”

  I sigh, grabbing the box of chocolates I brought over, and taking a seat at the kitchen counter.

  “Hey! You brought those chocolates over for me!” Alicia says as she follows me to the table.

  “You can’t share? Where are your manners?”

  I grin as I open the box, popping a delicious, creamy chocolate square in my mouth. “Now, can you please tell me where she is? She was good this time, left no trail whatsoever. I have been looking for her all over the fucking internet and I can’t find her anywhere.”

  Alicia has already devoured two chocolates. She holds my gaze as she decides whether to tell me or not. “You promise me, on your ever loving soul, that you are going to her to love her, worship her, and protect her?”

  I nod, her serious words sealing the deal for me. I want Maddie however I can get her. And I sure as hell can do what Alicia is asking.

  “If I ever find out something happens to her because of you Jax, I will be fucking hunt you down and kill you with my bare hands.” She jabs her finger in my face, her eyes icy cold. Damn, this woman can be scary.

  I hold my hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, you have my word. I will protect Maddie until my last, dying breath.”

  Alicia grins. “Now that’s more like it. She went to Italy.”

  I am not surprised, she talked of Europe often, wanting to escape there. Italy was the country she mentioned the most. I am glad she decided to where she thought she was going to be happy. She deserved to be happy and away from her fucked up family.

  “Tuscany, to be exact. She is staying at the Tuscany Suites while she finds a place to live. She checked in with me earlier. I am supposed to be moving there with her in a week.”

  My mouth drops open slightly. “What? Really?”

  Alicia nods. “My business can go anywhere and Maddie doesn’t want to be alone. What do I have to lose? It’s not like I have a fabulous love life here. But now I think you should go. My family is here; it would be hard leaving my parents. You go, Jax. Maddie needs you.”

  I nod, taking in everything Alicia is saying to me. Of course I am going to get Maddie. There was no doubt in my mind.

  Tuscany, Italy here I come.

  Chapter 25


  I had arrived yesterday, early evening. After trying to figure out the bus route and where my hotel was, I finally arrived about an hour after I landed. The buses had been quite confusing when leaving the airport but I had made it.

  Maybe I should have thought about learning Italian before coming here.

  Tuscany Suites wasn’t a five-star hotel or anything but it was clean and warm. That’s all I would need for myself.

  The countryside here is beautiful; rolling green hills, gardens, a lot of undeveloped land. It’s great to go for rides and just enjoy the scenery around you. Or I was hoping it would be. If I ever got to that point in my life. The air seemed fresher, cleaner, the fresh greenery cleaning the air.

  Once I checked in, I didn’t leave my hotel room. I wasn’t going to leave until Alicia got here. Panic keeps rolling through me in waves; there is no way I am going to be able to socialize with anyone. I keep thinking someone is lurking around every fucking corner. How am I ever going to trust anyone? Sure, so far Alicia has been trustworthy and I hope she still is after all of this shit but how do I really know for sure? I hide in the bed, clutching my necklace and listening to my music, hoping to wash away all that has happened, knowing I never will be able to.

  What if Alicia decides not to come? I am going to seriously die an old cat lady. Trust is going to be very difficult to me. I sigh, standing and stretching, thinking it’s time to get out of bed and do something productive. I’ve been in bed since I got here. It’s time to find an apartment and a job. Stripping is out of the question, I am not risking myself being online. Jax found me that way when he was working for my dad. Fuck. Every time a thought like that hits me, it’s like the knife twisting just a little bit deeper. There’s got to be something else I can do, while keeping myself quietly hidden.

  I place a quick room service order of coffee and biscotti, laying back down in bed. So far, I have set up my hotel room as best as I can with my things, careful not to unpack too much just yet. I need to find something quickly so why bother?

  A loud sound comes from outside the hallway, causing me to jump. My heart begins racing, fear thick and deep threatening to suffocate me. I hear voices and then a door closing, once again everything quiet. I try to steady my breathing but it’s no use.

  I curl into a ball, thinking of everything that has happened. It all happened so quick, I barely even was able to look at my father. He was the same monster; I didn’t need to see it with my own two eyes. Tying me up and gagging me like I was a fucking ragdoll. Holding a gun to Jax’s head because he didn’t follow his orders.

  He didn’t follow his orders.

  He was supposed to bring me home and he didn’t. He never turned me in. Why? I’m sure there was a huge payout involved, a boost to his career reputation. My father has a notorious reputation and working for him must have some bonuses. What stopped him?

  All those phone calls he was getting…they must have had something t
o do with me. And he kept ignoring them, pushing them away. Did that mean he really had fallen for me? That what we had was real?

  How will I ever know the real truth? If we work things out, how do I know he’s not scheming something to eventually turn me in?

  Jax might not even want me anymore. I might have ruined my own chances. Running away from him like that as he was screaming my name. I should have heard him out, listened to his side of the story. But I didn’t even give him a chance. Part of me wanted to but the other part of me was just so hurt. Besides the fact, I had to get away from my father, the police, the guns. It was all too much for me.

  I could have found my way back to him. Alicia’s, his hotel, wherever. I would have been able to find him, hear him out, be safe with him, loved and protected.

  A sob escapes my throat and I clasp my hand over my mouth. I cried so much on the flight over here, then when I got here, sobbing myself to sleep. Crying is something I just have no effort for right now. Pushing the sob away, I roll onto my back, staring up at the ceiling.

  I want to scream, these thoughts pushing through my head endlessly, leaving me with a thud in my head and a deeper crack in my heart.

  A knock at the door startles me, causing me to quickly slide my robe on while getting out of bed. I open my door to find room service, bringing in delicious coffee and warm biscotti. My stomach rumbles at the thought.

  After a tip, the waiter is gone and I am left back with my thoughts, now fueling myself with coffee and food. I wish Alicia were here so I could get some of this shit out.

  I should call her but she said not to. It’s too risky. I kept my phone with me but it is shut off and I only turn it on once a day to check for messages. All I can think about is someone trying to track my location through the phone. I can’t give them that chance.

  The coffee smells delicious, if a bit strong. I mix in some sugar and creamer, taking a small sip to taste it. Shit. That’s some dark roasted coffee. I add more cream and sugar, which helps, wishing the coffee wasn’t so strong. The biscotti looks delicious, both pieces chocolate chip with chocolate drizzle. It melts in my mouth.


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