Forbidden Witches (Tarot Witches Book 2)

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Forbidden Witches (Tarot Witches Book 2) Page 4

by SM Reine

  “Relax, Donne,” Rage said lazily, eyes closed, head drooping back against the couch. He’d only gotten on the bus a few seconds before we had, but he looked so comfortable that he might have been lounging around for hours. “You’ll scare her off.”

  Donne. Road Crew’s real name was Donne. Such a refined name for someone who got dirty and schlepped equipment for a living.

  “She’s not going anywhere.” Donne jerked my arms back and I had to arch my spine to stay on my feet. The position pushed my breasts up. They strained dangerously against the corset, threatening to pop free. His stubble scraped along the length of my neck. “Is she?”

  My knees trembled. My eyelids fluttered. “No, I’m not going anywhere,” I whispered.

  Ravyn pushed past us, flashing a sultry smile at Donne and me before joining Rage on the couch.

  I’d been meaning to ask her what she put in my drink, but I suddenly didn’t care anymore. Donne’s rough jaw burned against my throat again. He was rubbing against me like some kind of animal.

  My eyes shut against my will, leaning back into the solidity of his grip.

  Donne’s name made me think of poetry. Not the kind that was written in words or spoken aloud, but the kind of poetry that came from two bodies colliding, the stroke of flesh against flesh, the cadence of whispered sighs as lovers approached climax. The poetry that a man in faithful ecstasy might write to his God.


  Ravyn crawled between Rage’s legs, tugging his fly open. The rock star sucked in a hard gasp. His hands clutched at her white-streaked pigtails.

  Once I realized what Ravyn was doing, my cheeks lit aflame.

  She had exposed his full, erect length to the humid air within the tour bus.

  I wasn’t new to the naked male body. I’d had boyfriends. Like, two of them. And I’d even had sex with one of them, sort of as a secret act of defiance against my parents. But I’d only done it once. I hadn’t gotten much out of the experience.

  The point was, I’d seen erections before. I’d even had one in my mouth. Until that night, I’d thought that made me kind of a bad girl.

  But I didn’t think anything could have prepared me for the sight of Rage in all his glory.

  His appendage was long, thick, and hard, corded with veins, a shade of red that almost looked painful. He was completely shaved, too. It exposed another tattoo on the muscular skin just north of his sex—a pentagram of some kind. I was too humiliated for his sake to look very closely.

  What kind of person tattooed their privates?

  The kind of person whose singing could bring me to the brink of orgasm, I guess.

  Ravyn wrapped both hands around his base of his shaft and licked all the way up the length, lapping from the place that her fingers could barely encircle him up to the turgid head. She left a long trail of saliva in her wake.

  Rage’s eyes rolled into the back of his head. A groan ripped from his throat.

  He fisted her pigtails and forced her mouth down on him. She seemed all too happy to comply. Ravyn swallowed him, closing her lips around his head, sliding down until she gagged.

  I had almost forgotten that Donne was holding me. Now he pulled me tighter against his chest, sliding a hand down the stomach of my corset. His fingers pressed into my hips. He forced my butt against his pelvis.

  Oh my gosh. He was hard, too. And it wasn’t like when I’d been dancing with Storm in the VIP booth, where it seemed like he’d been as aroused by the music as I was. This was much more personal. Much more intimate, somehow, even though we were on a bus filled with people who were doing equally dirty things.

  Was Donne excited because of what Ravyn was doing to Rage…or was it because of me?

  “Donne,” I whispered.

  His hand curled around the hem of my skirt. His knuckles grazed the inside of my thigh. “Your name.”

  Why did it matter? Names and words seemed so meaningless. All I heard was the music, felt the magic streaking through my veins, pushed from my heart to my extremities. The taste of alcohol seemed to have been permanently imprinted on my tongue.

  Donne pushed himself against me harder. It almost hurt to have him shoved against my ass like that, but I didn’t want the pain to end.

  Heat pooled between my legs. I was growing moist, swelling in preparation, ready to take him inside of me.

  Everything I’d ever read about in my roommate’s dirty romance novels but was afraid to try.

  “Name,” he said again.

  Ravyn worked her hands and mouth at the same time. Her fingers twisted around Rage as her head lifted and dropped. Faster and faster. She left him shining, made him swell beyond the point where it should have been possible, until Rage’s abs were clenched and the veins on his neck were bulging and his jaw was tense.

  He was about to orgasm, and I was watching from just a few feet away, close enough to reach out and grab one of Ravyn’s ponytails if I wanted to. How was I supposed to remember something stupid like my name under conditions like that?

  Donne wasn’t happy with my lack of answer. I could feel it in the arm he locked across my chest, shackling me against him. The tension spoke of danger. Like he could have broken my ribs if he flexed hard enough. But his other hand roamed freely, more gently.

  His first finger toyed with the upper edge of my panties, tracing a line along my bare flesh.

  “Now,” he said. “Tell me.”

  The command in his voice triggered something inside of me. I needed to obey him.

  “Leah,” I finally said.

  He echoed the syllables. “Leah.” The music they were playing on the bus was so loud that I could barely hear his voice, but I felt it rumbling in his chest.

  My name belonged on his lips. It belonged to him.

  Tonight, everything about me belonged to him.

  Rage was breathing hard, and I couldn’t tear my eyes from Ravyn as she worked at him. Her gaze was locked on his face as she sucked him off, cheeks hollowed from the suction. She looked content between his legs like that, as though she couldn’t imagine anywhere she would rather be.

  I thought that I knew what she was feeling. I never wanted to be anywhere but in Donne’s arms again.

  Donne’s finger skimmed down the hem of my panties. I wanted him to push his hand inside, but he only traced the outside, skirting the edge of my nether lips. If he moved a millimeter to the left, he’d be able to tell that I was soaking wet for him.

  I whimpered.

  “The coven is watching Ravyn and Rage,” Donne murmured into my ear. I could hear him clearly now, even though the raucous partying hadn’t grown any quieter at the front of the bus. “Nobody’s looking at you. Nobody can see how dirty you are. Nobody knows how much you want that big dick of his.”

  What was he talking about? I didn’t want Rage. I wanted Donne to stop teasing me. I wanted his fingers inside my hot, aching body. I wanted him to thrust against me and relieve all the aching tension that was building within just from the heat of his body against mine.

  I couldn’t tell him that, though—language had left me completely.

  His thumb momentarily slipped underneath my panties. He grazed my curls. They were damp, and now he would know.

  Donne tensed when he felt it.

  “You’d like it if everyone looked at you,” he said. “Dirty girl.”

  He shoved his thumb into my mouth. I had no choice but to taste my own fluids. The flavor wasn’t so bad, sweet and salty. There was also a faint hint of grease in the taste, but I thought that was from all the equipment that Donne had been hauling. The fluids of his job mingling with the fluids of my body.

  “You like all of this, Leah.” The way Donne said my name was like the dirtiest of all the dirty words.

  He was right, though. I was loving every minute on that tour bus.

  There were no boundaries here. We were all naked.


  Rage climaxed with a shout, shoving his hips off of the couch, pushing hi
mself hilt-deep into Ravyn’s mouth. Her throat worked, but she couldn’t swallow it all, and his juices dribbled back out of her lips. She groaned at the taste of it.

  That. I wanted that. Maybe not from Rage—or, heck, maybe not from Rage first.

  I also wanted the bassist snorting white powder off my ass, like he was doing with a woman on a couch closer to the front. And I wanted the bassist to dribble vodka into my mouth straight from the bottle so that Donne could suck it off of my lips. I wanted to kiss Ravyn and taste Rage’s sweat and cum on her tongue.

  I wanted it all.

  Most of all, I wanted Donne to stop freaking teasing me and get inside my body. Like right now.

  But he still didn’t penetrate me, not with his fingers or with the bar of his erection pressed tightly against my ass. Donne pushed me onto the couch next to Rage, facing the vocalist.

  Donne jerked my left leg off the couch, spreading my knees. My skirt hiked all the way up my hips, and it was only then that I realized I was more exposed than I’d realized—my panties were gone. I didn’t know what had happened to my underwear. Judging by the faint pain in my right hip, I thought that Donne might have ripped them off.

  However he’d done his magic, I wasn’t wearing panties anymore, and my skirt wasn’t doing any favors for me, either. Everyone would be able to see everything. Every inch of my bare, jiggling skin, the red curls between my legs, and the obvious signs of arousal that said I was enjoying it.

  God help me, but I loved it.

  Rage smiled at the sight of me trapped within Donne’s arms, put on display for him as Ravyn lapped at his hips with her tongue, cleaning his fluids off of his skin. He stroked her hair like a beloved pet. “This new girl is pretty, isn’t she?”

  “She smells amazing,” Donne said. My heart skipped a beat with the compliment. “I can’t think with her nearby. You were right. She’s one of them.” That felt like such a private confession, something Donne meant only to share with Rage.

  I’m one of “them”? One of what? I didn’t understand what he was saying. I wasn’t anything special at all.

  As if Rage could read my mind, he said, “You’re forbidden.”

  “I’m not even a fan of the band,” I said.

  I hadn’t meant to say that out loud. Rage seemed to think it was hilarious, though. He barked a laugh, eyes brightening in the black light.

  His hand found its way to the back of my skull. He gripped my hair the way that he had held Ravyn’s braids, and I had no choice but to let him pull my head back to expose my throat, lest he yank my hair out by its roots.

  He pulled me far enough back that I could see the line of Donne’s square jaw above me. Rage’s lips skimmed my pulse. I was trapped between the two men, totally helpless, and completely thrilled about it.

  When he spoke, I felt the words in my jugular.

  “Ravyn,” Rage said, “bring me the knife.”

  The knife?

  Adrenaline scythed through me. I went cold all over.

  I struggled against Donne’s arms uselessly. “What are you doing?”

  “Relax,” Donne said. “Rage isn’t going to hurt you. You’re much too valuable. If you’re what we think you are, then we need you like this—alive and whole.”

  Was there an alternative to alive and whole? Like, dead and dismembered?

  What did I get myself into?

  Sheer panic rolled over me. I flashed back to everything that Ravyn had said about The Forbidden being witches that cast spells in honor of dark gods.

  My parents had always warned me to be careful about the occult, but I’d never listened to them. It didn’t seem like a very real threat. I mean, witches, right? Silly Halloween stuff.

  Now Ravyn was approaching me with a jagged-bladed knife and I think I owed my mom an apology.

  If I survived.

  “Stop fighting,” Donne groaned into my ear. The fact that I was struggling against him seemed to only make his arousal harder. It was impossibly thick behind me. I had no idea how a man could stretch so large without exploding.

  I twisted in his arms. He might have been impossibly strong, but…okay, there was no “but” about it. He was much stronger than I was. I couldn’t get any leverage.

  My heart was a panicked bird beating against the cage of my ribs. “Oh my God,” I whispered as Rage took the knife, black lights and strobe glimmering on the blade. “Oh my God.”

  Donne gripped my shoulders and twisted me around so that I had to look at him. He fixed his eyes intently on mine.

  It was only then that I realized that the irises weren’t brown as I’d originally believed, but gold—vibrant, bottomless gold, like a pool of molten metal. I could feel myself sinking into the depths of his gaze.

  “I’m protecting you, Leah.” His voice was firm, deep, reassuring. “You are safe.” His arm snaked around me. We were almost hugging. “You are safe, Leah,” he said again, softer than before, a mantra that burrowed deep within my heart.

  It didn’t make any sense, but I believed him. He was a total stranger. I had no reason to trust him…but I did.

  Donne said I was safe, and I was.

  He turned me to face Rage again. Donne pulled my legs apart another inch, keeping me off balance on that couch. I had to reach back and grab his thighs to hold myself up or risk suffocating with his arm pressed under my chin.

  There was amusement in Rage’s expression, but he actually sounded concerned when he said, “Are you okay, girly?” Funny question when he was holding a knife as long as his darn arm.

  I managed to nod a fraction of an inch.

  My breasts finally did what they had been threatening the whole night: they popped out of Chad’s corset. My nipples scraped up the hard vinyl edge and bounced free.

  Heat crawled up my neck, flushed my cheeks. I squeezed my eyes shut and turned my face into Donne’s neck. I felt safest there, even with my legs spread and my nipples betraying arousal to the whole tour bus.

  I wasn’t looking when Rage pressed the point of the knife against my areola. It was cold and sharp. But even though I couldn’t keep myself from gasping in surprise, I didn’t try to worm free.

  “There’s a girl,” Rage said, and he cut.

  It was a quick, shallow slice, maybe an inch long.

  It hurt. It definitely hurt. But he stopped cutting before it reached a level of pain that I couldn’t handle.

  I felt something else cold press against my skin and looked down to see that Rage was letting my blood drip into one of those silver-handled goblets. The trickle pooled at the bottom. Not much, just a few milliliters. Rage really hadn’t cut me all that much.

  Then he handed the knife to Donne.

  I tensed.

  “I’m not going to use it,” he said.

  “I trust you.” I couldn’t get it to come out as anything more than a rasping whisper.

  Donne licked the edge of the blade. I watched from inches away, confused and repulsed and numb all over.

  How could I trust a man with golden monster eyes who liked the taste of my blood? It was insane. The whole bus was insane.

  “Well?” Ravyn asked, lifting her skirt and crawling into Rage’s lap. Her naked thighs spread over his.

  Rage sniffed the mouth of the goblet, then turned to Donne.

  “Yes,” Donne growled. “Definitely Forbidden. A tarot witch.”

  “What?” My heart was still beating wildly, even though I had stopped struggling. “Definitely what? What are you doing with my blood?” Rage and Donne were sharing a long, silent look, and they didn’t seem to hear me. They seemed like they had gone somewhere far beyond the insane party within the bus. “Are you going to sacrifice me?”

  Donne shoved me off of him. I tumbled against Rage’s side.

  “I told you that you’re safe, Leah,” Donne said. “I keep every one of my goddamn promises. Now that I’ve said you’re safe, you’re going to be fucking safe and shut your fucking mouth.”

  Normally, his foul
language would have been a major turnoff for me.

  Now it just got me hot.

  Beside me, Ravyn was stroking Rage to erection again. She paused to lick her palm, then kept rubbing. She pushed his foreskin over his head. Worked it up and down his veiny length.

  Rage moaned as he inhaled the scent of my blood in the goblet. Like my blood was an aphrodisiac. “I’ve been waiting a long time for someone like you, girl,” he said, eyes half-shut from Ravyn’s ministrations.

  “Kitten,” Ravyn said. “She’s a kitten.”

  And then she steered him inside of her, pushing Rage’s member deep into her body until his tattoo vanished at the place their bodies joined.

  Donne bent over me and his hot mouth closed on my bloody areola.

  My breasts have always been sensitive, but that little cut had made them so much tenderer. I gasped at the intensity of the sensation. His tongue worked against the skin, suckling on the cut, drawing my blood into his mouth.

  Oh God, that felt good.

  Donne sucked harder. His other hand slid between my legs, spread my damp lips, rubbed against my aching core.

  “Yes,” I sighed.

  Rage’s hand tangled in my hair again. “Glad you like it, Kitten,” he murmured, “because we’re going to be very good friends from now on, and this is only our first night together.” His fist tightened. There was no way he wasn’t ripping the hair out of my skull. “We’re going to have a lot of fun from here on out.”

  His mouth crashed against mine.

  Rage’s breath was choppy on my lips as our tongues met, pushing together in a slick dance that tasted of alcohol and sugar. He was approaching orgasm again, buried deep inside Ravyn, and I was following close behind him. Donne’s mouth was magic on my breasts. His fingers between my legs were a miracle. I locked my thighs around his arm, clenching tightly, trying to hang on as I went for a ride that I didn’t want to escape.

  Donne’s teeth sank into my nipple as he pushed his middle finger into me. Rage swallowed my moan.

  I went over the edge and all I could see was stars.


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