The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake

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The Bad Boy's Biggest Mistake Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Tristan smiled. “Do you even know what the word means?” he asked, teasing.

  “You told me about it, Tristan. I know more than you think I do.”

  “And how would you know more than I told you?” he asked.

  “I’m a curious person. You left me with questions, and I always need to know more.”

  He’d hoped she had gone looking for more information. There was only so much he could tell her because of Kate. He never wanted to give her false hope at all.

  With Kate soon-to-be out of the picture, the possibilities were endless.

  Closing the distance between them, Tristan pulled her into his arms. “You’ve got no idea how much your curiosity means to me.”

  “I’ve got a small idea,” she said. “Sir.”

  His cock thickened at the word. She was going to do nothing but tease him. Did she know how much power she held over him?

  Tristan caressed her back feeling the lack of weight on her bones. He didn’t like it. Kissing the top of her head he pulled away.

  “Go and have a shower or a bath. Relax, and I’ll make us something to eat.”

  She stared at him as if he’d turned into a stranger. “Are you serious?” she asked.

  “I’m going to cook you something.” He nudged her out of the kitchen. Tristan saw her pick the phone up off the cradle and walk up the stairs.

  Her lack of trust in him unnerved him. He didn’t like the thought of Vicki not trusting him.

  Pulling out his cell phone he dialled his lawyer’s number. Kate had controlled him for long enough. He was tired of wanting something and always holding himself back for fear of hurting the person he cared about. Tristan loved Vicki, and he’d hurt her regardless even though she’d given up so much for him. He intended to get the divorce if it was the last thing he did and to earn back Vicki’s trust.

  The call kept dialling, and he held on. His divorce should be easy to obtain. He’d been living in Law Castle long enough without Kate for there to be no problem.


  “Okay, you’ve pulled me away from the best foot massage in the country, so spill,” Zoe said.

  “There’s nothing to spill,” Vicki said. She lay back in the bath with bubbles all around her. The knots in her muscles were loosening from the bath salts she’d added. She felt wonderful for the few minutes of being able to relax.

  “Several of the locals spotted you leaving with Tristan in his personal car. I’ve been in Law Castle long enough to know when you’re spotted leaving with someone, it is a big deal.”

  Vicki laughed. “Have we little town people turned you into a gossip?”

  “Babe, I’ve always been a gossip. I’ve just never had anyone to gossip over.”

  “He took me to the supermarket near the city. It was a large one with everything inside.” She didn’t mention how he bought everything. Vicki didn’t want to know how a Sheriff could afford such luxury.

  “What else did he say?”

  “Tristan emptied my home of alcohol.”

  “Woohoo, it’s about time someone did that for you. You as an alcoholic would never be pretty,” Zoe said.

  There was some mumbling in the background.

  “What are you doing?” Vicki asked.

  “Brent is painting my toe nails. He wants some ideas for a book or something. I so hope it’s not a foot fetish. I’ve got tickly feet. Enough about me. What about you and Tristan?”

  Vicki let out a sigh. “He says he’s getting a divorce. That has got to mean something, right?”

  “It should, especially if the woman is the bitch from hell that everyone is describing.”

  “I can’t speak for everyone,” Vicki said. She was also biased on the topic of his ex-wife.

  “Is it true you walked in with his wife’s pants around her ankles?”

  “Yes, and thank you for giving me back the visual.”

  “Sorry. The town were talking. It’s already doing the rounds that she got some kind of weird marks on her ass and thighs.”

  “She’s a pain slut according to Tristan. His wife liked a lot of pain. More pain than he could give her.”

  Zoe stayed silent over the line.

  “You can’t tell anyone this.”

  “I won’t. I was just thinking about what her pain thing would mean,” Zoe said.

  “I’m not following.” Vicki sat up in the bath and reached for the soap.

  “If his wife likes pain and Tristan couldn’t give it to her then there’s a guy out there who provides her need. What if he comes to Law Castle?”

  “I don’t know. From what Tristan told me it’s mutually consensual.”

  “Still, it’s freaky shit,” Zoe said.

  “This is coming from the woman in love with three men.”

  “My men are hot.”

  Vicki chuckled. “I’ve got to go. He’s staying to feed me. It should be fun, or not.”

  “Okay, well give us a call with all the details.”

  She hung up and placed the phone on the towel she’d laid out on the floor. Her friendship with Zoe meant the world to her. Zoe was older than she, but their friendship had blossomed regardless of everything else that happened.

  Smiling, Vicki took the time to wash herself. It had been a long time since she’d relaxed enough to soap her body. She took the time relishing the feel of the warm water against her skin. Vicki also took the time to shave her legs and under her arms. After what Tristan said to her inside the supermarket she had to face some harsh reality. She had let herself go.

  Once she finished in the bath, she let the water out, cleaned the mess, and then made her way through to her bedroom. She quickly dressed in a long nightshirt and made her way downstairs. Tristan stood without a shirt stirring some bubbling sauce at the stove. The scents made her mouth water as much as watching Tristan work her kitchen. His arms were huge and thick with tight coiled muscles. She remembered how those arms felt wrapped around her. They’d never actually fucked naked or in a bed. Some part of them was always clothed. She could imagine though, and her imagination always ran wild.

  “Did you have a nice bath?” Tristan asked without turning around.

  “How did you know I was stood here?”

  He looked at her over his shoulder. “I have my ways.” Tristan winked, dished up some food on a plate and placed their meal on the table. “I heard you sigh from the doorway.” She was shocked he answered her question.

  Taking a seat at the table she stared down at the meal in front of her. Something was wrapped inside beef and cooked in a tomato sauce. Buttered pasta was served on the side.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  “Something I love to cook myself. I used spinach and cheese wrapped in beef and cooked in a spicy sauce. I love it. What do you think?” he asked.

  She loved to bake, but most of her meals were always quickly thrown together. Cutting a piece of beef she took a quick taste and was surprised by the explosion of flavour on the tongue.

  “Wow, this is amazing,” she said. In no time at all she finished her plate. Tristan watched her with a smile on his lips. “What?”

  “It’s nice to see food being appreciated.”

  He refused her help cleaning the dishes. She sat down at the table watching him. When he finished he led her through to the sitting room. Tristan didn’t push for anything. He sat down on the sofa beside her. Taking control of the remote he flicked through the channels and settled on a romantic comedy.

  She settled down into the soft cushions and was about to fall asleep when he hurled her onto his lap. Vicki didn’t have the energy to fight him. His hard body surrounded her. For once she wanted to relax in his warmth knowing he wasn’t going to push her away at the nearest opportunity.

  “I’ve got you,” Tristan said. He stroked her hair with one hand and with the other he caressed her thigh. She moaned as pleasure gripped her in the pit of her stomach.

  “You’re really staying?” she asked, letting out a yawn as
she spoke.

  Tristan chuckled. The sound vibrated out from his chest. “Yes, I’m really staying. I called my lawyer, and he’s going to start proceedings. He thinks it could be a smooth divorce because of our separation.”

  Vicki rested her hand against his chest. “Do you want the divorce?”

  “There is only one other thing I’ve ever wanted more than my divorce and that’s you.”

  Love and hope filled her up. Wrapping her arms around Tristan’s neck she gave him a brief kiss.

  His arms moved to her back and pulled her close. Vicki tensed as his lips pressed more urgently against hers.

  She pushed him away first. “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “I’m not ready for this. I don’t know if I can trust you.”

  “I said you can trust me.”

  “All the other times before you pushed me away, and I don’t know what to believe.”

  Tristan let out a sigh. He stroked her cheek. She saw the sadness lurking in his eyes.

  “I really hurt you with my actions.” He made the words sound more like a statement than a question. “I promise I’ll do everything to make it up to you.”

  Vicki believed every word he said.

  Chapter Nine

  Over the next few days Tristan spent every opportunity presented to him to show Vicki his true feelings. He went to the florist and sent her flowers, picking out the reddest roses he could find. Nothing was ever too much for him. Stefan spent a great deal of time trying to woo Marla on the front desk. Tristan used the other man to find out exactly what Vicki liked. He intended on getting her weight back in check and also showing her with words and actions exactly how he felt.

  He knew she wasn’t ready to hear his true feelings of love. Treading carefully with Vicki was important to him. Kate hadn’t left town. He’d watched her walking around the town square talking on her cell phone. She was being difficult to divorce. He didn’t understand why Kate was being a hard-ass over their divorce. They hadn’t lived together, and they certainly weren’t compatible in the bedroom department. There was nothing keeping them together, not even love or hatred.

  Tristan hung up the phone after ordering lunch for Vicki and himself. She worked for Stefan throughout the week. Instead of her eating at Stefan’s house he made sure to collect her so she’d spend lunch with him.

  Vicki wouldn’t budge on working for Stefan. She refused to go back to The Dugout, even though he’d talked to Steve, who would have Vicki back in a heartbeat.

  Shaking his head, he opened the file in front of him on several of the business propositions for the fair this coming weekend.

  “Tristan, some man is here to see you. He says it’s important,” Marla said. Her hands were fisted at her side.

  “Who is it?”

  “Cameron Jones,” the male voice said, interrupting Marla’s introduction.

  He stared up at the other man. Cameron stood in an all over black suit as he waited to be let through to Tristan’s office space. Tristan recognised the man, and his hackles rose at the sight of him.

  “Let him in, Marla, and close the door behind you,” Tristan said.

  Cameron took the seat opposite his desk, smiling.

  When the door closed Tristan sat down. He glared at the man opposite him.

  “This is a quaint little town you’ve got yourself embroiled in. Law Castle. It has a nice ring to it,” Cameron said.

  “Why are you here?” Tristan asked. He didn’t want to talk to this man any more than he needed to.

  “I thought you’d need my help.”

  He burst out laughing. “The last time I saw you, you were about to fuck my wife.” Cameron Jones was the man Tristan had walked in on giving Kate the release she needed. The other man was one of the few men Tristan knew who enjoyed inflicting pain.

  “Kate was experiencing a pain high. I was riding the wave with her.” Cameron gave a little smile. The bastard was clearly remembering the experience. “I’m here because I heard about the divorce threat, and I’m here to offer you support.”

  Leaning back in his seat Tristan watched the man before him. Cameron was into some seriously kinky shit, but he was also a businessman. The man had funding in some technology or something.

  “Why would you help me?” Tristan asked, intrigued by the idea of Cameron helping him.

  “Kate’s a gold-digging whore.” Cameron’s blunt words shocked him.


  “It didn’t take me long to realise, and I’m sure when I tell you everything you’ll be thinking the same stuff as I am. You haven’t spent much time with her. Even when you were together you didn’t spend more than an hour or so a day. I spent a lot of time with Kate. I saw through her lies.”

  “Kate’s a lawyer. There’s no need for her to be concerned with money.”

  “She’s also a woman who came from very humble beginnings. Her dad owned a small business, which he ran into the ground. Little Kate has been looking for the right man to give her the lifestyle she wanted.”

  Tristan frowned. “That doesn’t make any sense. Don’t most gold-diggers have children to get what they want?”

  “Kate’s vanity exceeds her need for children. She figured with you both sharing in the lifestyle she’d be able to keep you in place. Her thoughts not mine.” Cameron stood and walked around the small office. “I like this place. It’s nice. Kate knows about your wealth, Tristan.”

  “If you hate Kate so much why are you with her?” Tristan asked.

  “I’m not with Kate. The moment I knew the real type of woman she was I got rid of her. I don’t like my women greedy, and knowing that about her turned me off. She’s a bitch. Kate wants your money. That joint account you have will be taken away from her. Use your eyes, Tristan and see the real woman you’ve been dating. I bet Kate knew who you were by the second date. She’s a lawyer, smart, cunning and gets what she wants.”

  Tristan knew about the joint account. They were married, and he didn’t see a problem with her using his money. She was out of his life and no longer begging for him to cause her pain, so Tristan didn’t see an issue with the funds going down. He had more than enough money to replace it. In the last few years it was clear Cameron certainly knew way more about Kate than Tristan ever did. When Tristan looked back over their life together, he’d abided Kate’s company for the easy relief it provided. There was nothing else appealing about her.

  A knock at the door interrupted their conversation.

  “Come in,” Tristan said. He was distracted by his own stupidity.

  Vicki opened the door. She was carrying their lunch in her hands.

  “I thought I ordered that.”

  “You did. I thought I’d surprise you. Stefan’s on his way over to try to convince Marla to have lunch with him. I got off early.” Her gaze went from him to Cameron. “I didn’t mean to interrupt,” she said, nibbling her lip.

  He walked toward her, took her face in his hands and kissed her lips. “You’re never an interruption.”

  Cameron cleared his throat. Tristan ignored him.

  He didn’t like the sudden attention coming from the other man. There was no chance Cameron was getting his hands on Vicki.

  “If you wait with Marla while I finish this,” he said.

  “Sure.” She closed the door without questioning.

  Cameron whistled. “You sure know how to pick them, Tristan. I don’t suppose she’d be interested in me?”

  “Back off. She’s mine, and if you go anywhere near Vicki I’ll fucking kill you.” Tristan made the threat while walking back to his seat. Once he was seated he gave Cameron his attention again.

  “Okay, I know when to back off. I’m staying in town for the fair this weekend. I think we should talk. Here is my number, and here is the number of the investigator looking into Kate. I made sure to have all the facts before I came here. Let me know.” Cameron handed him several cards. “I’m not here to cause trouble, Tristan. We were once friends, and I
hope you can understand that.”

  Their friendship ended the night he caught the bastard with Kate. The anger he’d once felt toward Cameron was gone.

  “Stay away from Vicki. She’s not like Kate, and I won’t have you hurting her with your advances.”

  “For all it’s worth, Tristan, Kate came onto me. She begged and pleaded with me to give her what you couldn’t. I hate the fact I was fooled by her lies. Kate likes to control everything and have everyone eating out of her hand. I lost your friendship because of her, and it’s not happening again.”

  Tristan took the cards without saying a word. He waited until Cameron left before sitting back and thinking about what the other man said. Everything spoken about Kate made some kind of weird sense.

  She’d always been concerned about the cost of dinner and spoke highly of certain places. Tristan, at the time, thought it was endearing of her to be worried about money. Was it all a lie? Was Kate putting him through some kind of test?

  Putting the card away he moved toward the door. He didn’t want to think about his soon-to-be ex-wife. His real woman was outside waiting for him.


  “Are you sure Stefan mentioned taking me to lunch?” Marla asked. The older woman was biting down on her lip as her gaze kept going to the entrance of the station.

  “I’m certain. Stefan likes you. He’s a good guy, Marla.”

  “But he’s covered in tattoos, and he rides a bike. What am I supposed to think about that? He’s part of a Bad Boys group.” The worry on Marla’s face made Vicki laugh.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t laugh. Stefan and the guys are wonderful. I promise you won’t have to worry about anything. The gang brings in tourists, and they’re really good company. If you don’t want his company then tell him.”

  A lot of people got the wrong idea about the men in the club. Stefan wasn’t a bad guy. He wasn’t a criminal. From what she knew about Stefan the guy liked tattoos and riding a bike. He liked to work out as well. She didn’t see anything wrong.

  “How can you have a problem with tattoos? Tristan is covered in them, and he doesn’t try to hide it.”

  “He’s the Sheriff and my boss.” Marla shrugged. “I don’t know. Kevin has been acting weird around me as well. He’s such a sweet guy.”


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