Sutton’s Sins: The Sinful Suttons Book 2

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Sutton’s Sins: The Sinful Suttons Book 2 Page 1

by Scott, Scarlett




  Sutton’s Sins

  The Sinful Suttons Book 2

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright © 2021 by Scarlett Scott

  Published by Happily Ever After Books, LLC

  Edited by Grace Bradley

  Cover Design by Wicked Smart Designs

  This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded, or distributed via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the publisher’s permission. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is punishable by law.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events, or locales, is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.

  For more information, contact author Scarlett Scott.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14


  Author’s Note

  Don’t miss Scarlett’s other romances!

  About the Author


  LONDON, 1816

  Rafe woke, as he often did, with a woman in bed next to him. Nothing at all out of the ordinary in that regard.

  No, indeed. It was not the bed that was the problem, though it was a mite small.

  Nor was it the aching in his head, which was damned unpleasant, he would not lie.

  Nor, even, was it the fact that he was naked without recalling a single moment of the glorious fucking he must have enjoyed the night before. Though, to be fair, that was a disappointment.

  The true problem was that he did not know where the floating hell he was.

  The room was unfamiliar. Small and spare. That in itself was hardly remarkable. But the carpet was fine. And the windows were large. The light coming in around the edges of the curtains landed in the hair of the slumbering female at his side. Blonde-red, that hair. A truly beautiful color, a combination of fire and gold, like a sunset.

  A sunset?

  What a sapskull. He hoped he was still cup-shot. ‘Twould be the only excuse for thinking such tripe.

  But the woman’s hair was unique and lovely. He didn’t think he had ever seen another shade quite like it, and Rafe had seen a great many ladies with their hair unbound.

  He took up a long curl and twirled it around his finger, wondering who she was. Her back was to him, the bedclothes tucked neatly around her as if they were a protective shield. And for the first time, he took note of something else. She had her own counterpane separate from his. That was damned odd. She was swaddled like a babe, as far from him as possible. There was also a pillow separating them.


  Rafe pulled back his portion of bedclothes to confirm he was as naked as he felt. Nary a stitch. Had his bedmate belatedly acquired modesty? Careful not to wake her, he gently hooked her counterpane with his forefinger and drew it back to reveal her shoulder.

  She wore a crisp-white night rail trimmed with lace. When was the last time he had bedded a woman and she had donned a garment, rolled to the edge of the bed, and placed a pillow between them as if it were a defensive wall?

  Grimacing, he tucked the coverlet back into place and then scrubbed a hand over his face. Had he been an arse? Displeased her in some way? Who was she, and where was he?

  Suddenly, the haze leached from his mind. Memories tumbled over themselves. The day before had been steeped in madness, quite literally. His brother’s wife, Lady Octavia, had nearly been killed. Together, Jasper and Rafe had rushed to Jasper’s new town house, and they had found Octavia suffered from a slash to the throat. The surgeon had been called, the madwoman responsible for the heinous deed taken away by the charleys, and Rafe had been left watching over his twin nieces, Anne and Elizabeth, along with their new governess. He remembered finding the brandy after his sister-in-law had been patched up.

  Surely he had not…

  Nay, he would not have been so depraved, he was sure. And if the governess had possessed such unique hair, he would have taken note. But suddenly, he recalled that all her hair had been tucked away in a hideous cap.

  Still, he would not have bedded his nieces’ new governess, would he?

  Rafe struggled to remember, but his mind was blank as a starless sky. There had been brandy with the governess—Miss Bird was her name, he thought—and then nothing after. The name did not seem right. Not Miss Bird. Something else. Miss Hen?

  A scratching sounded at the door. “Miss Wren?”

  Christ! The voice belonged to one of his nieces. He could not tell the twins apart, not by sight, and most certainly not by voice. Was it Elizabeth or was it Anne? He supposed it hardly mattered. He could not run the risk of them waking the woman whose bed he was currently occupying. It was imperative she remain asleep until he figured out just what the hell had happened.

  Jasper was going to give him a sound drubbing if he had indeed tupped the governess.

  Gathering the bedclothes around him like a shroud, Rafe rose from bed. He padded to the door in his bare feet and softly opened it. Two curious sets of hazel eyes looked up at him.

  “Uncle Rafe?” they asked in unison.

  “Where is Miss Wren?” one of the girls asked.

  “Why are you wearing a counterpane?” the other queried.

  He grimaced. “She is sleeping and I… I am cold.”

  Predictably, his nieces began chattering.

  “Why are you in her chamber?”

  “I’m hungry.”

  “Elizabeth pulled my hair.”

  “I told you I was sorry,” said that twin to her sister.

  And at last, Rafe could tell who was whom.

  He blinked, his headache thumping harder.

  “Do not tell your papa you saw me in Miss Wren’s chamber,” he said, though he knew it was wrong to encourage his nieces to lie.

  As if it were not enough that Rafe was wearing nothing but a counterpane and conversing with his innocent nieces while their governess, whom he may or may not have bedded, slept on, another creature bounded down the hall. His brother’s youngest pup, Motley, approached the girls with a playful bark.

  Damn it, what a muddle.

  “Take the bleeding hound to see your papa, girls,” he told them as Motley sprang forward and caught the corner of his counterpane in his sharp teeth. “Blast it, arsehole, leave me be.”

  “Come, Arsehole,” Elizabeth said cheerfully, using the decidedly improper name the pup had inherited thanks to his poor manners.

  Rafe winced. Jasper’s wife would box his ears if she learned he was cursing around the girls. She had already warned not only himself but the rest of his brothers and all the men at his family’s gaming hell, The Sinner’s Palace, as well.

  “Perhaps you ought not to repeat everything Uncle Rafe says,” he muttered.

  Or perhaps it would be more apt to say the twins ought not to repeat anything Uncle Rafe said. Ever. Most especially no
t anything he did.

  Bedding their governess—if he had—would not have been one of his more exemplary moments. But then, did he truly possess exemplary moments? Likely not any suitable for the ears of his innocent young nieces.

  “Why are you cold?” Anne asked.

  Because I am bloody well bare-arsed underneath this cursed blanket.

  “Perhaps I’m ill,” he lied without compunction.

  “You don’t look it to me,” Elizabeth pronounced.

  “Mayhap he’s cropsick,” Anne suggested to her sister, before turning a considering look back at him.

  Twin pairs of hazel Sutton eyes swept over him from head to toe.

  “Cropsick,” he repeated, wondering how she knew the word to describe the pronounced affliction affecting a man the day after he had been as drunk as David’s sow. “And where did you hear of that?”

  “Uncle Hart and Uncle Wolf,” the girls said in unison, making him wonder what else his brothers had been teaching their nieces. Nothing beneficial, he was sure.

  Damn it all, he needed to put an end to this interview.


  He cupped a hand to his ear, pretending as if he had heard something down the hall. “I do believe your papa is calling for you.”

  Motley began tugging on the counterpane and growling. Cursed mongrel. To think Rafe had often shared his supper with the traitor.

  The girls turned away as if about to skip off at last.

  “Wait,” he bit out, jerking his counterpane free of Motley’s persistent jaws. “Don’t forget the hound.” He pointed a finger at Motley and summoned his most commanding tone. “Off you go, beast.”

  Motley tilted his head and offered another deep bark.

  Did no one in this bloody household listen to him?

  He gritted his teeth, about to issue another command, when Elizabeth snapped her fingers at the dog.

  “Come along, Arsehole,” she said sternly.

  “I thought I told you not to repeat Uncle Rafe,” he reminded weakly.

  “You need to brush your hair, Uncle,” Anne offered helpfully.

  Now he was being insulted by a mere stripling of six years of age. And this after a hound had nearly stolen the sole textile keeping him from being naked as a babe. After he had arisen in the bed of a governess with absolutely no memory of what had happened the night before.

  This was not going to be the best damned day of Rafe Sutton’s life. That much was for bleeding certain.

  “Run along, the lot of you,” he growled at his nieces and the furred menace.

  Giggling with delight, the twins obeyed at last, scampering away with Motley trotting obediently at their heels.

  Now, he was left to face the ramifications of his actions. Grinding his molars, he closed the door and turned to face Miss Hen.

  Er, Wren.

  * * *

  Feign slumber, Persephone. If he thinks you are asleep, he is likely to leave and spare you the embarrassment of an explanation.

  Footsteps neared the bed as she kept her eyelids tightly closed against the light of late morning. The brightness of the sun suggested she had overslept. A strange development indeed when there had been an unwanted man on the other side of the pillow wall she had built to separate herself from his body. From his naked body.

  Do not think of his body. Nay, you must not…

  Too late.

  She was recalling him as he had shucked his garments in an almost trance-like state, thanks to the laudanum she had given him in the hopes he would sleep. And he had slept. He was not formed like any other gentleman of her acquaintance, Mr. Rafe Sutton. Lean hips, broad shoulders, so much muscle, and good heavens, the forbidden place where her shocked gaze had lingered. The recollection of his long, thick hardness rising high was thoroughly unwanted, sending a flush from the soles of her feet to the roots of her hair.

  Pray he does not notice, you hen wit. You have not ventured this far only to succumb to the whims of a charming scoundrel.

  The steps drew closer. And with them came his presence. An awareness settled over her, one that was very much unwanted, along with a warmth she could not deny. Still, she took care to maintain deep, even breaths as if she were yet asleep.

  Go away, she willed him. Go far, far away. Take your charming grins and your handsome scoundrel’s air and leave me.

  “Blast your top lights,” he muttered.

  Was he cursing her or was he cursing himself? She could not be sure. All Persephone could do was concentrate on her own slow, steady breaths. Eyes closed, nary a fidget. Remain still. Hope he would go away.

  “The governess,” he added. “You rutting bastard.”

  He was speaking to himself, then. Aloud. Strangely, she felt compelled to announce her lucidity. It was as if she were eavesdropping on a private conversation, which was wholly foolish in itself. There was no reason for her to hold Rafe Sutton’s feelings in higher regard than her own. Nor was there a reason to admit she was awake, listening to all. She owed him nothing.

  To be fair, perhaps she owed him a minor apology. After he had divested himself of his clothing, he had taken quite a spill, hitting his head on the narrow bedside table in the process. For a heart-shattering moment, she had feared him dead. But as she had rushed over his insensate form, he had emitted a long snore, chasing her frantic concern that she had unintentionally murdered the brother of her benevolent employer, Mr. Jasper Sutton. Wrestling him into the bed had been another matter, for he was a large man indeed.

  “Miss Wren?”

  The low, deep rumble of his voice sent a strange cacophony of sensation careening through her. Her wretched mind was busy dredging up thoughts of him from the previous evening when they had unexpectedly found themselves together, tending to his twin nieces. He had been…devastatingly charming. Too charming. He had disarmed her with that smile, those dimples and hazel eyes.

  And he had been handsome, too, in a way she had never experienced before. He was not a dandy like Cousin Bartholomew, who was tall and elegant and prided himself on his elaborate cravats and the cut of his coats. Rafe Sutton was masculine and slightly disheveled and he wore sin as if it were a waistcoat. His blond hair was far longer than fashionable, with a curl that had made her long to run her fingers through it. The instinct had been both reckless and foolish, and she had promptly banished it.

  “Miss Wren?”

  This time, his query was accompanied by a gentle touch. Her shoulder, nothing more. Fortunately, she was tightly swaddled in her counterpane. She was also clad in a prim night rail which buttoned to her chin, but the extra layer of protection, keeping his skin from hers, was much appreciated even as his heat seemed to permeate the barriers, searing her.

  “Curse it. You stupid, beetle-headed clod.”

  He was muttering to himself again now, and a foreign bubble of laughter suddenly formed in her chest. There was something endearingly silly about this handsome rakehell—for if ever Persephone had seen a rogue, it was he—chastising himself aloud. Beetle-headed. She did not suppose she had ever heard the insult before. And now that she had begun to think about the phrase, the bubble grew larger, clawing its way up her throat before she could stifle it.

  Her mirth fled her lips in a most distressing rushing of unladylike sound.

  Giving her away.

  Oh, Persephone.

  “You’re awake.” His grim pronouncement meant she could no longer continue to lie still, ignoring his attempts at gently prodding her from sleep.

  She opened her eyes to find Mr. Rafe Sutton hovering over her bedside, a coverlet wrapped around his shoulders in the fashion of a cape. Morning sunlight streamed around the edges of the curtains behind him, catching in his blond hair and giving the impression of a halo.

  How foolish. There was nothing at all angelic about this man.

  Or any man, for that matter.

  She sat up, drawing the coverlet to her chin for modesty’s sake. “You woke me.”

  That was a fib, of cour
se. But better to prevaricate than explain she had been lying there, listening to his awkward discussion with the children. Listening to him call her name. Hoping he would simply give up and leave her alone. Or all the reasons why she had done so.

  His gaze—an intriguing blend of gray, green, and brown—narrowed on her. “It’s a bleeding miracle you were able to sleep through chattering twins and a barking beast.”

  Yes, it had been, but it was indecorous of him to point that out.

  She frowned. “Nevertheless, I did.”

  He scowled. “Slumber like the dead, you do.”

  It was as if he did not believe her. And, well, he had every right to his suspicions. However, that did not mean it nettled any less. Particularly after the panic he had caused in her the night before. She knew she should not have slipped the laudanum into his drink. When he had begun staggering and slurring, she had seen the error in her rash decision. Her situation here in Mr. Sutton’s household was yet new, and she did not doubt he would dismiss her in a trice if he suspected she had given his brother enough opium to lay a horse low.

  She clutched the bedclothes tighter to her throat. “It is a fault of mine, sir. One of many.”

  Along with drugging him, but there was no need to make that admission aloud. She had felt guilty enough for her actions, and terrified she would lose her position, which she needed quite desperately.

  “What ’appened?” he asked, the h notably missing from his speech, when he had previously spoken with an almost perfect, gentlemanly flair.

  She supposed he was talking about the night before. Likely, his recollections would be rather…hazy. Best to feign ignorance.

  “I have no notion of what you mean, Mr. Sutton.”


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