Only You

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Only You Page 5

by Rachel Lacey

  She nodded again. “Thank you.”

  He kissed her then. Just a quick, gentle kiss that completely melted her from the inside out. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  After he left, she stood there for a long time, her mind spinning in a million different directions. She needed to write a post for Everyday Emmy tonight, but she was so completely drained she couldn’t even bring herself to turn on her laptop.

  Instead she went down the hall to her bedroom to wash up and change into her pajamas. Then she tiptoed into Noah’s bedroom and curled up in bed beside him. And with his little body safe and snug against hers, she slept.

  Chapter Five

  Other than the bandage on his face, Amy never would have known anything out of the ordinary had happened when Noah woke Wednesday morning. He insisted she swap out the white bandage Luke had applied for a simple Band-Aid so that his glasses fit more easily, and she had to admit, the cut didn’t look bad at all in the morning light.

  To think so much blood had come from such a small wound.

  So she sent him off to school and headed into work and tried not to think about Luke at her house doing whatever he was doing today. He had told her he planned to spend the morning finishing up a few things out back, then he had afternoon plans with his mom. So Amy might not see him until tomorrow.

  Which was totally fine.

  Even if she was slightly disappointed.

  Indeed, Luke had already been and gone by the time she got home from the diner, so she worked in the front yard while she waited for Noah. As usual, he walked straight from the bus to the kitchen table to do his homework. When he’d finished, he shoved everything back into his backpack. “Uncle T.J. wants to take me camping this weekend.”

  “He does? When did you talk to Uncle T.J.?”

  “He called yesterday while you were in the shower. I recognized his number so I answered the phone.”

  “Oh, okay. Do you want to go camping?” she asked. He’d never gone before, although he stayed over at T.J. and Merry’s house often.

  “We can go fishing. I like fishing.”

  “And you’re good at it too,” she said.

  “Mr. Luke will be here this weekend for the wedding, right?” Noah asked.

  “Yes, he will. He’s good friends with Mr. Joe.” Amy wondered what prompted that question. Was Noah tired of having Luke at their house all the time?

  “I think Mr. Luke would be a good dad,” he said.

  She stared at her son. “What makes you say that?”

  “I hear other kids at school talking about their dads,” he said. “And the ones who like their dads have fun dads that play with them, like Mr. Luke does with me.”

  She had absolutely no idea what to do with that information. “I’m sure Mr. Luke would be a great dad.”

  “If you married him, would he be my dad?” Noah looked up at her, making rare eye contact.

  She pressed a hand to her chest. “If I got married, that person would be your stepdad. But I don’t have any plans to get married, Noah. Mr. Luke and I are just friends.”

  “I know,” Noah said as he got up from the table.

  Amy watched as he went into the living room and started queuing up the latest episode of Brick Tricks. What in the world was that about? Was he saying that he wanted her to get married? To Luke? Or was he worried that it might happen? With a sigh, she picked up her cell phone and called her brother.

  “You’re taking Noah camping this weekend?” she asked when he answered.

  He chuckled. “You’re welcome.”

  “What?” She rubbed a hand over her brow.

  “Noah asked if he could stay at our place this weekend so that you could focus on the wedding. Camping was my idea, but he seems stoked. We’ll just pitch a tent down by the barn in case it’s a bust.”

  Amy glanced at her son, already engrossed in YouTube. Noah had asked to stay with T.J. and Merry this weekend? “Well, that sounds fun.”

  “Is the Mr. Luke he’s been talking about who I think it is?”

  Amy grimaced. “Yes, but it’s not what you think.”

  T.J. chuckled. “Well, Noah sure likes him, and he just freed you up to spend the weekend with him, so have fun.”


  “You’re sure you want to go camping for the whole weekend?” Amy asked Noah on Friday afternoon.

  “It will be fun.” He picked up his backpack and slipped it over his slim shoulders.

  “Well, just call me if you want to come home early. I think you’d have fun here at the wedding too.”

  There was a knock at the front door, and he ran to answer it. Amy followed.

  T.J. stood in the doorway, dressed in his trademark Wranglers and cowboy hat. He smiled at Noah. “You look ready to go.”

  Noah nodded. “I packed extra clothes in case we get wet while we’re fishing.”

  “Smart thinking.” T.J. looked at Amy. “Noah and I are going to have ourselves a great time camping. Good luck hosting the wedding.”

  “Thanks.” Amy pulled Noah in for a hug.

  “Bye, Mom.” He walked out the front door without a backward glance.

  Not for nothing, but he could at least pretend he was going to miss her. “I love you,” she called after him. “Have fun. Call if you need anything. T.J., you’ll keep an eye on that cut on his head like we talked about?”

  Her brother gave her an amused look. “You got it. We’ll be fine.”

  And with that, they piled into T.J.’s truck and left. Amy blew out a breath and headed back inside. Yoda trotted at her heels, shadowing her to the back door. The guys should be here soon to set up chairs for tomorrow’s ceremony.

  In twenty-four hours, Joe and Amanda would tie the knot, right here in her backyard. It was either ridiculously cool or terrifying, depending on the moment. Right now, it mostly felt terrifying because there was so much still to be done. She needed everything to go smoothly tomorrow. Amanda and Joe had entrusted her with one of the most important days of their lives.

  Amy hurried down the hall to change before people started arriving for the rehearsal. Suddenly, the yellow sundress she’d decided on earlier didn’t feel dressy enough, and no, she wasn’t imagining the look on Luke’s face when he saw her. Okay, she totally was.

  And she wanted him to get all smoldery looking the way he did when he was about to kiss her, which meant she had officially lost her mind because she did not want Luke to kiss her. Well, she did, but it was a bad idea, and she knew better than to go there, and oh goodness, she was working herself into a frenzy over absolutely nothing.

  After ransacking her closet, she went with the yellow sundress after all. It was cute and flattering, and dressy enough for a backyard wedding rehearsal. She never fussed over her appearance, so it was ridiculous that she was tonight.

  It was all Luke’s fault.

  Fifteen minutes later, she heard a knock at the door. She smoothed her hands over the front of her dress and went to answer it.

  “Ready for us?” Joe asked with a wide smile.

  Amy grinned at the sight of him. Joe was an easygoing, happy person in general, but this week and today especially, he looked like the happiest man alive. Luke stood beside him, looking handsome in a blue polo shirt and khaki slacks, and yeah, he had the smoldering thing going on in full effect. She felt herself getting all hot and bothered beneath his gaze.

  “I’m ready,” she answered Joe, and motioned them inside. The other two groomsmen, Joe’s friends Michael and Carlos, followed them in.

  The men went through her house and out the back door to start setting up chairs for the rehearsal and tomorrow’s ceremony. Amy went with them to help, and also to snap some discreet photos with her phone for a post on Everyday Emmy. Her readers were loving that she of all people was hosting a wedding at her new home this weekend.

  “You are killing me in that dress,” Luke whispered in her ear.

  “What?” She whirled, bumping right into his chest. She backpedaled aw
ay from him before anyone noticed.

  Luke raised his eyebrows with a sexy grin. He mouthed the word “sexy,” and, with a wink, he got back to work setting up chairs.

  “Where’s Noah?” Joe asked.

  “Spending the weekend camping with his uncle.”

  Luke glanced at her over his shoulder, eyebrows raised. Yeah, she hadn’t mentioned it to him yet, mainly because she didn’t trust herself once he knew they had the whole weekend to do as they pleased. And from the look on his face, he knew it.

  “Oh my God.”

  Amy spun at the sound of Amanda’s voice. Her friend stood beside the house, a hand clasped over her mouth, her eyes already welling with tears. “It’s perfect.”

  Amy walked to her. “It did turn out pretty nice, didn’t it?”

  It was true. Amy’s backyard had transformed from an overgrown field to a beautifully landscaped one. The arbor stood on the left side between two towering oak trees, with rows of white chairs facing it. Tomorrow, it would all be draped in fresh flowers. On the other side of the yard, a tent and tables stood, ready for the reception.

  Soon after, Amanda and Joe’s families began to arrive, and Amy was swept up in the whirlwind of the rehearsal. She got tears in her eyes watching her friends stand beneath the arbor, knowing that tomorrow they would be husband and wife. Unlike so many couples these days, she had a feeling this marriage would last.

  After they’d all practiced their roles for tomorrow, it was time to head into town for dinner. Joe and Amanda had booked a private room upstairs at Torino’s, a local Italian restaurant, and their table was soon loaded with food and wine.

  “Can I ask you a huge favor?” Amanda whispered.

  Amy smiled at her friend. “Anything.”

  “Would you drink my wine for me?” Amanda gestured toward her untouched glass. “We aren’t sharing our news just yet, and I don’t want to attract attention tonight.”

  Amy grinned. “It would be my pleasure.” She took a sip of her own wine and set her glass down near enough to Amanda’s that she could reach either glass easily. For the next hour, she sipped from both glasses as she stuffed herself on antipasto, bread, lasagna, and tiramisu.

  And, because the guys kept topping everyone off, Amy drank a lot of wine.

  “Tonight has been the best,” Amanda said with a dreamy sigh as she plopped her napkin onto her empty plate and gazed at her husband-to-be.

  “It has been,” Amy agreed. “And you might win an award for most laidback bride ever.”

  “No kidding,” Amanda’s sister Becca said. “Losing her venue at the last minute like that? I’d have completely lost it.”

  “Oh, I did,” Amanda said. “But it all turned out great.”

  Joe’s dad made a toast to the bride and groom, and Amy downed the last of her glass of wine while Amanda feigned a sip of her own. People started standing up then, hugging and saying goodnight to the happy couple.

  Amy stood cautiously. The room swayed. Shit. She’d been able to keep herself together while she was seated, but there was no denying the truth now: she was trashed. Truthfully, she rarely drank more than a single glass of wine, and who knew how much she’d had tonight? Horrified, she just stood there, gripping the back of her chair.

  “You alright?” Luke’s voice rumbled in her ear, sending warm shivers up and down her spine.

  “Mm hmm.” She glanced up at him, and whoa. Big mistake. She nearly lost her balance and swooned at his feet.

  “You look a little bit…” His eyes narrowed. “Amy Jameson, are you drunk?”

  She sighed. “Possibly.”

  He grinned at her, looking so damn gorgeous she almost kissed him right there in the middle of the restaurant. His eyes… something about the lighting in Torino’s made them even more captivating tonight, swimming with flecks of green and gold. Or maybe that was the wine talking. She kept her white-knuckled grip on the back of her chair.

  Luke leaned in close. “You are the cutest—and quietest—drunk I’ve ever met. Come here.” He hooked an arm through hers and led her to a quieter corner of the room near the windows. “Too much wine?” he asked with a wink.

  “Not my fault,” she muttered, glancing over her shoulder at the group behind them, boisterously saying their good-byes. “I was drinking for two.”

  Luke’s eyebrows shot upward. “Come again?”

  She pressed a hand over her eyes. “I’m too drunk to speak coherently. I need to get out of here.”

  “I’ll drive you home.”

  “Okay.” Through her wine-induced haze, that sounded like a great idea, because Luke was by far the handsomest man in the room, and it had been almost five years since she’d had sex. If she were honest with herself, he was the only man she’d ever loved. And tonight, who cared about repercussions or the future? Tonight, she just wanted to have sex. She wanted to strip him out of his clothes and find out if he was as good in bed as her memories of teenaged Luke led her to believe.

  He gave her a heated look, as if all her thoughts were written all over her face, which they probably were, because she felt her cheeks flush hot. He guided her back toward the table to say their good-byes.

  Amy pulled Amanda in for a big hug.

  Her friend’s eyes widened. “Are you drunk?”

  Amy giggled. “Maybe a bit tipsy. It’s all your fault.”

  Amanda blushed. “Shh! Do you need a ride home?”

  She shook her head. “Luke’s taking me home. I’ll see you at my place in the morning to get ready. I’m so happy for you.” She pulled Amanda in for another hug.

  Amanda laughed. “Me too. Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Luke guided her through the door, down the stairs, and outside into the fresh air. Amy drew a deep breath, hoping it might help to clear the fog in her head. No such luck.

  “So, drinking for two, huh?” he said as they walked toward his SUV.

  “Amanda’s pregnant. She asked me to drink her wine for her tonight so no one would notice she wasn’t drinking, but everyone kept topping off both of our glasses, and possibly I had a bit too much.”

  “Possibly.” But he was smiling. “That’s great news for Joe and Amanda.”

  Amy nodded. “But shh, because I wasn’t supposed to tell.”

  “My lips are sealed.” They reached his SUV, and Luke walked her to the passenger side and opened the door for her.


  “Yeah?” He turned, backlit by the streetlamp behind him.

  She leaned forward, fisted her hands in the front of his shirt, and kissed him. He let out a groan that tickled all of her sensitive spots as it rumbled through her, then his tongue swept into her mouth, and he kissed her back. He tasted like red wine and chocolate and the promise of many mind-blowing orgasms.

  He pressed her against the side of his SUV, his strong, hard body covering hers, and whoa, was he hard. She felt him pressed against her belly, making her ache for his touch. It had been so long, and she was so turned on right now she couldn’t think of anything but getting him out of his clothes and inside her, like now.

  Luke tore his mouth from hers and gave her a smile that almost sent her right over the edge. “Damn, Amy. Let me get you home.”

  Right. Because they were still standing in the parking lot of Torino’s, and if she weren’t so drunk right now, she would definitely be horrified about the fact that she’d just kissed Luke like that out here where anyone could see, especially anyone from the wedding party who might be coming out of the restaurant.

  She climbed into the passenger seat and sat quietly while he got in and cranked the engine. The whole inside of the car smelled like Luke, a combination of aftershave and leather that brought to mind many hours spent making out as teenagers. They’d been pretty talented at backseat sex once upon a time. She glanced over her shoulder, eyeing the size of Luke’s backseat.

  He followed her gaze and laughed. “Don’t tempt me.”

  “I’m tempted,” she whispered.
  Luke let out a rough sound as he shifted the car into drive and pulled out of the lot. He didn’t say anything on the drive to her house, and Amy—well, she just hung onto her seat and tried not to feel sick.

  When he pulled into her driveway and shut off the engine, she sat there for a moment in the darkness. “Luke?”


  “Do you ever wonder what would have happened?” She paused. “You know, if we hadn’t broken up?”

  “You mean if you hadn’t dumped me?” She heard the laughter in his voice. “I told you. I think we’d be happily married with a couple of kids by now.”

  That’s right. He had told her. And as much as she wanted to wish it were true, she couldn’t. She wouldn’t change a thing, because if she’d stayed with Luke, she wouldn’t have Noah.

  “Come on.” He opened his door and got out of the car.

  She opened hers and just about fell on her face in her gravel driveway, which would have been a tragedy the night before Joe and Amanda’s wedding. With a chuckle, Luke hooked his arm through hers again and led her to her front door.

  “Not sure I’ve ever seen you this drunk,” he said as she fumbled with her key in the front door.

  “Shut up.” She giggled as she stumbled inside. Yoda came bounding up and sniffed her leg.

  “You’re an adorable drunk.” Luke tugged her in for a kiss, but not the kind of kiss she wanted. This one was quick and chaste, like he had no intention of doing any of the things she wanted to do tonight.

  “I’m not that drunk,” she said.

  “Yes, you are.”

  “Not.” She pressed herself into his arms and kissed him back.

  He shook his head. “When we do have sex, I need you to be sober enough to remember it.”

  She grumbled under her breath like Noah sometimes did after she’d told him no.

  Luke walked into the kitchen. “In the meantime, you need to start drinking some water.”

  She grumbled some more as he handed her a glass of water and a couple of ibuprofen and sent her down the hall to change. If she’d had any sexy lingerie, she’d have put it on, but alas, she usually slept in an old, oversized T-shirt.


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