Stepbrother for Christmas

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Stepbrother for Christmas Page 28

by Amy Brent

  Amber’s arms tightened around my neck as she leaned in to kiss me. I gladly accepted it with a relieved groan and smoothed my hands down her waist. It delighted me to feel the changes in her body. She was softer with pregnancy at certain curves along her hips and thighs. Her belly pushed up against me, something I welcomed happily. She tasted of apple cider and cinnamon from earlier in the evening. Her skin felt soft, softer then I remembered.

  I pulled back with one hand buried in her hair. “Where’s your room? Upstairs?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “We better move up to the room, then,” I replied, adjusting her weight across my lap. The heat of her pushed down on my already rock-hard erection. “Don’t want anyone taking unflattering photos of me in a weird position.”

  She let out a muffled giggle at that before climbing off my lap to take my hand. “Very funny. None of them were unflattering of you.”

  “I’ll pretend that I believe you.”

  We tiptoed up the front stairs after Amber punched in the security code next to the door. The upstairs was quiet, a positive sign that Ethan had drifted off to sleep without any issues. Amber hooked a finger through mine to pull me into the back bedroom. I didn’t waste any more time. I gathered her into my arms and pressed a heated kiss to her lips.

  Chapter 26


  Nothing could prepare me for the moment that Gage had called out my name in the middle of the street. I had mentally prepared myself after our fight to bring this baby into the world alone. That was until Gage came sweeping in to apologize and confess that he still loved me.

  My heart never felt fuller than it did right then, with Gage’s tongue sweeping into my mouth for a kiss that overwhelmed every bit of my senses in the best way. Blood thrummed through my body eagerly as his hands did quick work on freeing my upper body of clothes. Violent shivers wracked my body as his roughened hands smoothed up over my back, taking his time while we stumbled in the direction of my bed.

  “Beautiful,” Gage breathed against my lips, fingers unclasping my bra with ease. “You do you know how beautiful you are, right?”

  “I don’t feel beautiful,” I whispered, resisting the urge to cover up my swollen breasts and stomach. “I feel like a cow, to be honest with you.”

  Gage chuckled against my lips as he drew my hands away from my chest. “You’re pregnant, Amber. You look sexy as hell right now.”

  Boldened by the compliment, I reached forward to tug Gage’s shirt up over his head as well. Our bare chests touched when I leaned up on my tiptoes to press a kiss above his already racing heart.

  “I love you,” I said. “More than anything in the world, Gage. I honestly love you so much.”

  “I love you too, baby. More than you could ever imagine. Now.” His hand gently nudged me to sit down on the edge of the bed. “Relax, sweetheart. You deserve this.”

  My heart thumped wildly as his fingers hooked on the elastic band of my leggings and underwear to tug both things down my legs. I was relieved inwardly that I had managed to shave my legs this morning. Shaving had become an ordeal over the past few months. I didn’t even want to think of what it looked like between my legs, so when Gage crouched down between my spread legs, a stab of embarrassment went through me.

  “Gage,” I warned, running my fingers through his silky hair. “I haven’t been able to get a razor down there for at least two months.”

  Gage pressed a hot kiss to the inside of my thigh. He chuckled against the sensitive skin there before looking up at me with a devious smile.

  “It looks the same,” he assured. “Lean back and relax.”

  “If you’re sure.”

  “I’m sure.”

  I didn’t get a chance to protest anymore. Gage’s lips were working their magic against the center of me. It never ceased to amaze me how skilled Gage was when it came to this. He knew what I liked and when to increase the sucking and tempo. He knew every bit of my body, and what it needed to go up to that pinnacle of pleasure.

  We had been apart for so long. Things moved quickly, and my release came barreling down hard. I tasted blood distantly when I bit down on the inside of my cheek to keep myself quiet with Ethan right down the hall. My body spasmed pleasantly in the aftermath. I gazed up at Gage while he undid his pants with a smug smile.

  “I’m glad you haven’t lost your touch,” I said breathlessly.

  I scooted back to the center of the bed to give us plenty of room to stretch out. A wave of dizziness crashed over me suddenly. I sat up to drop my head between my knees with a gasp.

  “Amber? You okay?”

  I felt the bed dip down as Gage crawled across to my side. He rubbed my shoulders soothingly until the feeling passed. I looked up at Gage to find him frowning down at me in concern.

  “Just lightheaded, is all,” I said. “The rush of blood. I can’t lay on my back for very long, either.”

  “Do you want to keep going?” Gage asked. “We can stop if this is too much for you. I should’ve known—”

  I pressed a finger to his lips before leaning in to kiss him. The saltiness of me still lingered on the tip of Gage’s tongue. I kissed him for a long moment before pulling back with a smile.

  “There are positions to prevent me from getting lightheaded,” I said and tugged him down to the bed behind me. The feeling of Gage’s muscular body pressing up against the backside of me was exquisite as his strong arms wrapped around me protectively. I reached behind to coax him between my legs, and the sensation of him filling me to the hilt brought tears to my eyes.

  Our hips rocked together in a gentle rhythm as we went higher and higher together to that teetering edge of release. Gage let out a throaty groan as he buried his face into the crook of my neck. His fingers reached around my hip to cup me while he increased the depth and pace of his thrusts in approach of his own orgasm.

  My eyes slipped closed when wave after wave of bliss crashed over my quivering body. I distantly heard Gage cry out with his own release before stilling against my body. Our connected flesh throbbed deliciously in the aftermath of our release. I snuggled up against Gage as close as I could get, to feel how hard his heart pounded against my back. I felt him press a kiss against the back of my sweaty neck.

  “I meant for it to last longer,” he said, gasping. “I really didn’t mean for this to go too fast tonight.”

  I squeezed his hand that rested on my belly with a smile. “Don’t worry about that. We will have much more time.”

  “I didn’t hurt you, right? Or the baby?” His fingers flexed protectively against the curve of my stomach.

  “No,” I said, rolling out from beneath his arm to sit up. “Plenty of cushion down there. I was cleared for sex a long time ago.”

  “Thank goodness for that,” he murmured, nuzzling his cheek against my back. “I’d be going crazy right now if you told me we couldn’t have sex.”

  “There’s other ways to relieve the tension.”

  He chuckled at that. “Good point, I suppose.”

  We fell into comfortable silence as I floated in and out of consciousness under Gage’s fingers, tracing errant patterns on my back.


  I blinked back awake at the sound of his rumbling voice. “Hmm?”

  “It’s getting late,” Gage said. “I don’t want to stay here all night because the security team will say something to your father. Unless you want me to stay.”

  “Right,” I said, disappointment swelling in me. “It would probably be a good idea for you to go until we figure out what we want to do.”

  “What is there to figure out?”

  Gage sat up alongside me on the bed. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me close to him. I let my head rest on his bare shoulder while gazing through the darkness of my room.

  “Where do we go from here?” I asked. “That’s a good question to answer for starters.”

  “It is,” he agreed, stroking my arm. “Well, I’m not plann
ing to leave you. I hope you aren’t planning to leave me again.”

  “I’m not. I can promise you that.”

  “Then, you come back to my cabin with me. I’ll tell your father that after doing some talking, you feel comfortable coming back with me. Does that sound feasible?”

  “It could work,” I said slowly. “He’d probably like the idea better because he wants to know who the father is.”

  My stomach twisted guiltily for lying. Again. It was hard sometimes to pick apart the sincerity and genuine moments with Gage when everything else outside of our relationship felt like a double life. I knew that my father was going to be beyond angry. Devastated. Disappointed. The scandal of it was going to be huge.

  And yet, I didn’t want to live alone with this secret. At least I could share it with Gage along the way.

  “How about it, then?” Gage asked. “That way we can deal with this together. I’ll be able to keep an eye out on you, too.”

  “Scott has been trying to find me,” I pointed out, a shiver going up my spine. “If he sees me with you—”

  “Let’s just deal with it if that day does come,” Gage interrupted. “For now, come back with me to the cabin. Lily misses you and Ethan both. We can tell the both of them we are going to have a baby together.”

  I looked at Gage with arched eyebrows. “You told Lily about us?”

  “Not really,” he said, grimacing. “She’s smarter than I gave her credit for. She figured out that something happened between us a long time ago. So, she knows that I am moving on with my life.”

  “And she’s okay with that?” I asked cautiously. The last thing I wanted to do was intrude on Lily’s memories of her mother. I knew the two of them were close to one another.

  Gage gave me a long and intense look. “She misses you, period. Does that help make you feel a bit better?”

  “A little,” I said. “Ethan misses you, too. Our baby deserves to have two parents together.”

  “Very much agreed, darling. It’s a deal then?”

  “Yes. I want to come back to the cabin with you.”

  Thanksgiving arrived with a snowstorm a few weeks later. After spending the past few days preparing for dinner, I was more than ready to stuff myself with turkey and mashed potatoes. The sound of Lily and Ethan playing happily upstairs, along with Gage’s voice, brought a smile to my face as I checked the turkey’s temperature again.

  The smell of turkey and stuffing filled the entire house. I peeled the last of the potatoes while listening to three of them upstairs set up the nursey for Mollie’s arrival in a month. Gage had insisted on getting the room ready the second that Ethan and I had officially unpacked our things. So, we spent the previous week shopping in Bozeman after attending my ultrasound appointment.

  My heart wanted to burst from joy and happiness. Our tiny little family was perfect, and about to expand. I didn’t want to come out of it. I just wanted to stay in the kitchen, cooking a Thanksgiving dinner for my family to enjoy in a few hours.

  The phone rang right as I set the pot of chopped potatoes and water onto the stove. I quickly turned the burner on and grabbed the landline before it went to the answering machine.


  “Ah, I’m glad you answered, sweetheart. I didn’t know if I would be able to get ahold of you both with this storm coming in.”

  I smiled at the sound of my father’s cheerful voice on the other end of the phone. I could hear the familiar sound of voices in the background as well. He had remained in D.C. for Thanksgiving because of a major snowstorm lingering over Colorado and Montana. My mother was set to fly into D.C. later tonight, from what I remembered about her email to me.

  “How is the weather in D.C.?” I asked, wiping my hands dry on a towel. “No snow for you there?”

  “No snow here, but I don’t mind a break from it. I just wanted to remind you that I’m hosting a joint Christmas party this year with Montana’s congressmen.”

  I tensed at that. The last thing I wanted to do was to go to a Christmas party to overhear a million questions. My father had dropped the topic for now, but I knew the party would be an invitation for him to ask questions.

  “I don’t know if that would be a good idea, Dad, for me to go,” I said. “That’s close to my due date. What if Scott arrives there, too?”

  “He isn’t invited to the party, Amber. I’m not taking no for answer. You can’t hide in the shadows forever.”

  “I can certainly try.”

  He sighed into the phone. “Just please do me a favor and show up. That’s all I’m asking you to do. I won’t press you for information, if that’s what you’re worried about. Even if it would be nice to know who the father of my grandchild is.”

  “I told you that I’m not going to talk to you about that right now,” I said, irritation sweeping through me. “I’ll go if you promise not to pester me about it. Nobody else can pester me, either.”

  “That’s fine. Scout’s honor, dear. I’ll see you in a few weeks, then.”

  “See you in a few weeks. Happy Thanksgiving, Dad.”

  “Make a nice big turkey for Gage. This is his favorite holiday because it gives him an excuse to get fat.”

  He hung up before I could reply to that. I set the phone back down in the cradle with a sense of dread growing inside of me. A pair of strong arms encircled my waist, resting on top of my baby belly. I leaned back against Gage’s strong chest without hesitation.

  “Who was that?” he asked.

  “My father,” I said. “He wanted to remind me that he is having a Christmas party here in Bozeman. He wants me to go.”

  “Might be something fun to go to before Mollie arrives,” Gage said. “Why are you hesitating?”

  “I just have a bad feeling about it, is all. I can’t explain it.”

  Gage’s arms loosened from around me. He pressed a kiss to the side of my head with a smile.

  “Try not to worry so much,” he said. “Nothing bad is going to happen. We will figure everything out like we have been. Okay?”

  I forced a smile on my face, despite a little voice inside my head saying that shit was about to hit the fan. I could feel it. Something was bound to happen at the Christmas Party.

  Chapter 27


  “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Amber asked again.

  I sighed in exasperation at the question. I turned around to look at Amber as she readied herself for the Christmas Party. Her skin was a ghostly, pale white from anxiety, but she still looked beautiful in my eyes. Her nine-month belly poked out from beneath the black maternity dress she wore over a pair of thick leggings and knee-high boots. Her blonde tresses were pulled up in a messy bun.

  “Yes,” I said, rolling my eyes as I tightened the knot on my black tie. “Everything will be fine, Amber. I don’t know how many times I have to keep telling you that.”

  Amber looked back into the mirror on her vanity. “All the way until we get there. I can’t shake it, Gage. Something isn’t right about this party.”

  “It’s just your nerves. It doesn’t help that you’re nine months pregnant, either.”

  “This is the first time that I’ll be seeing my father since I found out that I was pregnant,” Amber said. “My mother isn’t here to protect me from his questions like she has been over the past few months. I’m surprised he hasn’t tried to pry information out of you, yet.”

  I fastened the cuff links on my sleeves. “That’s because I don’t let the subject come up. I told him that it was better for you to stay here where I could keep an eye on you. That’s all we’ve talked about.”

  Amber studied my face intently through the mirror of her vanity. “That doesn’t bother you anymore?”

  “What doesn’t bother me anymore?” I asked, confused.

  “Lying to my father,” she answered primly. “Not telling him that you really do know who the father is?”

  “Bubble, remember? We talked about enjoying our bubble for as
long as we could.”

  “I don’t know how much longer that will be,” Amber said sadly. “If Scott goes forward with leaking the pictures, all of this will come crashing down on our shoulders.”

  “Which the both of us are prepared for,” I reminded her, leaning in to press a kiss against her lips. “Don’t worry about it, Amber. This is a Christmas party filled with important people. Your father won’t be bothering us tonight. Trust me.”

  “I hope so,” she said, sighing. “I really can’t take the secrecy any longer. I’m ready to have this baby.”

  I rubbed the swell of her belly with a smile. “I am, too. If you’re that worried about showing up in the same car—”

  “I am worried about that,” she interjected.

  “Then, you tell your father that I drove you because of the roads being icy. I don’t trust your driving skills around the mountain roads.”

  “I can drive!”

  I laughed at her indignant protest.

  “Come on now,” I said. “Let’s get the kids to Raychelle’s house before it gets too late.”

  We gathered up Lily and Ethan from the living room to buckle them into the truck. Amber was quiet on the drive down to Raychelle’s house. I could feel the apprehension radiating off her in waves. She was worried about her father’s questions, and what he would think once we told him the truth. The topic had come up quite a bit recently, since our baby girl’s arrival to the world was approaching fast.


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