Stepbrother for Christmas

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Stepbrother for Christmas Page 62

by Amy Brent

  She looked down at my hand and squirmed in her seat, but she didn’t push it away, so I left it in place all the way to the hotel room where I had much more in mind for the two of us.

  By the time we parked our conversation had changed tones, and she seemed much more at ease.

  “This place is amazing.” She craned her neck and looked around taking in the view. I’d chosen this hotel for its luxury suites, and I hoped she liked her room just as much.

  “I’m glad you like it.” I pulled to a stop, and after turning my baby over to the valet, I walked around to join her. She kept her fingers laced, and I could have sworn I spotted her wringing them.

  I met her eyes, and she released a long breath like just being inside the place made her nervous. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, it’s just so amazing I’m a bit overwhelmed. I had no idea the university would spring for this nice a place.” She looked at the high ceilings and as we were led to the elevator. “Are our rooms close?” Her question caused the attendant to glance at her and grin which caused her to give me a curious shrug as we exited the elevator and walked down the hall.

  “I’ve arranged for us to be neighbors. I hope you don’t mind.” The door to her room opened, and she sounded an audible gasp and missed half of what I’d said.

  “It’s gorgeous.” I quickly sent the attendant away while she was busy opening doors and cabinets. She spun around. “There’s a whole other room in here.” She disappeared into my room, and I followed her in flipping on the lights.

  “This is my room. As I was saying, I took the liberty of assuring we were neighbors. What better way to keep my eye on you?”

  She turned one knee in against the other and gave me a sideward glare. “Joining rooms? It’s not like I’m going to trip over the expensive rug and bruise a chin. I don’t need a babysitter.”

  I stepped closer, keeping myself between her and her room. “Is it such a bad thing that I want you close?” Her chest rose and fell a bit more rapidly, but she didn’t change her expression.

  “I should really get a move on. I’ve got to have the procedure today. I should get out of this damned skirt.” She walked around me and headed for the door.

  “Harbor?” She stopped on the other side of her door and turned to peek as she pulled it to. “Let me know if you need any help with that.”

  Though she tucked her chin, I still caught a glimpse at her smile turning up the corners of her lips.

  Chapter 6: Harbor

  Joining rooms? Who did this guy think he was? Sure, I’d given in and let him keep his hand on mine, but I figured I’d give him the brush off after we got to our separate rooms, and besides, I needed the comfort. Today was more than a standard meeting for me. I was about to have my procedure, and the last thing I wanted to do was argue all the way there.

  I wasn’t sure how to feel about where I’d be sleeping on this trip. On the one hand, it was super flattering that someone so handsome was going through such troubles to flirt with me. On the other hand, he was being totally inappropriate. There was no way I could let things get out of hand. At least he’d never know what I’d done while thinking about him. His flirting and teasing had made me so damned nervous as it at any moment he would read my mind and know that I’d pleasured myself to him.

  I decided not to let it get to me too much and went into the bathroom to freshen up and change. I made sure the door was locked before going in so that I wouldn’t walk out to see him standing in my room bare ass naked. I wasn’t sure the man had any limitations. The thought made me heat up, and I pushed it away. I couldn’t let myself get sidetracked. We had to go to the first day of our event, and I had to get my damned device implanted. I hadn’t wanted to think about it much and kept pushing it to the back of my mind. At least I’d have a nice big bed of my own to come back to if it made me sick. The chances of that were slim, but knowing my luck, it would do a number on me.

  I tugged that damned skirt down one last time because as pretty as it was, I was never wearing it again. Courtney and Scott had told me it looked amazing and though I agreed, it hadn’t felt much like me. I should have gone for comfort over style for the drive in. Okay, and maybe I had wanted to look good for Dr. Black.

  I jumped in the shower and rinsed off, careful not to wet my hair, and when I was done, I dressed in something more comfortable. The paperwork that gave me my instructions for the procedure had recommended jeans, so I pulled on a pair of comfortable skinnies that showed off my figure. Courtney had helped me with this outfit too, and I liked it much better. She’s insisted I wear them with her favorite heels and then dared me to scuff them.

  I pulled them on and then I heard a knock at the joining door. “I’ll be right there.” I crossed the room and opened the door.

  He stood there buttoning his shirt but stopped to take me in. “I like the jeans with heels.”

  “Do you think it’s too much for where we’re going? I’ve got to have my procedure, so I want to be comfortable.”

  His eyes trailed down and then back up, lingering his gaze toward my breasts. “I think it’s fine. There will be people from all over dressed a million different ways, but you,” He stepped closer. “You’ll be the sexiest woman there.”

  “I’m going to a clinical environment. Maybe flats are more appropriate.”

  “It’s a conference center, not a hospital. You’ll be fine, trust me. You should see some of the administrators and how they dress. You’d think their trying to land their next husbands and don’t think I haven’t been hit on more times that I care to remember.”

  “You love it.” I rolled my eyes and started to step away, but he caught my arm and pulled me close.

  “I like attention well enough, but I like to give it even more, and I have to say, Harbor, you in those jeans, with those heels, you’re going to get all of my attention.” His mouth was close enough to kiss and being in his arms sent a tingle to my core.

  I wanted to capture his mouth and run my fingers through his hair and grind against him, but I couldn’t let myself go to that place, not even in my mind again.

  The pleasure I’d had dreaming of him would be nothing compared to having him against me, above, and inside me. The throbbing ache between my legs was building, and as I hitched a breath, he smiled.

  “I like the effect I have on you.” The back of his hand brushed against my cheek and then he reached and tucked another strand of hair behind my ear like he had on the drive over.

  His touches always seemed to be intimate, and I wondered if it was just me or if he acted this way with everyone. Maybe this was his game, get them alone for the weekend in a nice big hotel with a joining room and seduce them.

  He stood there with his shirt still unbuttoned and I couldn’t help but think I was right. I could barely peel my eyes away from his chest and that smile—it was a weapon, and its target was the ache at my core.

  “I’ll be ready in another ten minutes if you want to walk down together. I can help you find your area and find out which procedure I’ll be observing.”

  “You will be observing the procedure? Like when I’m getting it inserted?” I hadn’t considered the fact that he’d be around to see it done.

  “Yeah, you did read your paperwork, didn’t you? There will be a group of doctors observing the procedure as well as the Ortho-Nouveau reps.” I had read the important parts like the side effects, and the duration of the procedure, not how many people would be standing around watching it happen. The small pellet was supposed to be inserted in my hip and would be good for a whole year of birth control.

  I suddenly felt a little dizzy realizing all of the eyes that would be on me, and I lost my balance. The next thing I remember was falling into his strong arms and landing against his firm chest. “I’ll take that as a no,” he said walking me to the bed.

  My ass hit the mattress. “I thought it would be done in private and then discussed. I wasn’t aware that the entire thing would be watched by everyone attend

  “Well, if it helps, it won’t be everyone. They like to keep us in intimate groups so that we could discuss the procedures. Most likely it will be around twenty doctors and representatives in each group. That was why there were other volunteers. You’ll do just fine.”

  I clutched my stomach. “Will I have to undress? It said to wear pants and not a skirt.” The thought of being in a paper gown in front of an entire room of people was terrifying.

  He gave me a sympathetic smile and rubbed my arm and then brought his hand to the center of my back to soothe me. “That usually means you’ll be able to keep your top on. Don’t be worried. These people see gorgeous women all the time. If it helps I’ll make sure I’m in your group.” My eyes widened at the thought.

  “No, you don’t have to go to the trouble. I’ll be okay. I’m sure they’ll be respectful.” I knew better than to think anyone would be gawking or deliberately making me feel uncomfortable, but I hadn’t realized what I was in store for. “It just took me by surprise. I’ll be fine.”

  “Well, it may work out I’m there.” He tried to be reassuring, but the thought of being laid out naked or in whatever state they had in store for me, for everyone to see with his eyes amongst the others burning down on me didn’t make me feel any better. He had a way of looking at me that made me feel exposed enough as it was, even fully dressed and being in the vulnerable position wasn’t going to be any easier. I got to my feet and straightened out my clothes as I walked to the mirror across the room. I soon saw his reflection standing behind me across the room.

  I gathered my hair up and gave it a twist, putting it in my usual bun and taking special care that it looked slick and perfect. Once I had it how I wanted it, he crossed the room, and his hand trailed up my back and then in one swift motion my hair fell. He’d taken the clip free of it and undid what I’d worked to make just right.

  “I beg your pardon? I happen to like my hair up.” His nerve was enough to put me on edge, and I didn’t know what to make of his back and forth. One minute he was trying to put me at ease and the next he was the one putting me on edge.

  He chuckled. “You look better with it down, besides, you’ll soon find I’m a man that gets what he wants, Harbor. Things will be a lot more fun when you figure that out.” He flashed me a wink, and I snatched the clip from his hand and set about redoing my hair.

  He stepped close and my entire body radiated from his proximity. “I’m going to take you out for a bite when we’re done. You look hungry.”

  My eyes narrowed. “You’re impossible and sorely mistaken if you think you’ll get what you want with me.” He gave a soft chuckle, and I wanted to throw the clip in his face. I couldn’t get my hair to go back how I had it, so I dropped the damned clip on the table and stormed into the bathroom.

  His laughter belted, and then I heard his footsteps returning to his room. “Be ready in five, or I leave without you.”

  Chapter 7: Evan

  It turns out I didn’t have to leave without her. She’d come along but was still giving me the cold shoulder. That was okay with me. The fun would be in warming her up.

  We arrived at the convention center in plenty of time, and after we had signed in, I took her back to the volunteer area. Now I just had one thing to do, and that was to find out which session I’d be attending.

  It turns out the woman at the counter had her own handful of esteem issues, and all it took was a bit of flirting to get her to swap my scheduled time with someone who hadn’t checked in yet. It helped that I had asked for her number and promised to give her a call. I would consider it too, but not until I’d had my way with Harbor.

  I stepped around to the side where I could hear Harbor on the other side of the curtain answering questions about her medical history.

  “I just need you to sign your name on this form—oh wait,” the voice said. “You left the sexual activity questions blank. We need to know that in case there’s any chance you’re pregnant. We’d need to perform a test to make sure you’re not in any danger.”

  Harbor cleared her throat. “I’m a virgin, so there’s no chance.” My cock stood tall, and it liked what she was saying. A virgin? This made everything a hell of a lot more interesting and much clearer.

  No wonder she’d been so uncomfortable and had lashed out at my advances. A small part of me felt like a letch, but I had no idea what I’d been dealing with. Now that I did, things were going to be done with a much different mindset.

  Thankfully the session started on time, and I didn’t have to do any waiting around for these people to get their act together. We gathered into the room, and to my surprise, there was only fifteen in my group of observers. The chairs made a horseshoe around the examination table, and there was a privacy curtain against the back wall where I assumed Harbor would be waiting to come out.

  The representative came out and gave us the breakdown of the drug and the device he’d be inserting. My interest piqued when I learned it would take effect in four hours which meant that by the time I got Harbor back to our rooms, she’d be primed and ready for a nice heavy come after I stole her cherry. I pictured her writhing beneath me and my stiff cock pouring inside her slick channel. I couldn’t help guessing she had a nice tight little slit that would milk me so good when she came.

  While that image was still running through my mind, they brought Harbor out. She had on a pair of hot pink bikini panties and a sponsored t-shirt with the Ortho-Nouveau logo across her tits. It was a smart move on the company’s part; who wouldn’t notice their logo on that canvas?

  Her hair spilled across her shoulders, and she stood wearing the flip flops they had provided. She looked more like she was ready for a day at the beach instead of a medical procedure and that was another selling point. They wanted to sell their product as casual and carefree.

  Harbor was nervous but kept a smile on her face, and I had wondered if she’d been coached into that as well. She looked terrified beneath the plastered grin, but to her credit, she still looked amazing.

  The toothy emcee for our area stepped up to the podium like he was announcing a fucking fashion show. “Ladies and gentlemen, this is our lovely volunteer, Harbor Moore with us today. She’s going to lay back and show us how easy this procedure is. As you were told, the device will simply be inserted under the skin and only takes a total of eight minutes for the procedure which takes effect in just four hours.” Another assistant led her to the table and helped her up.

  She turned around and sat, and her eyes widened when they met mine. I gave her a little wave and licked my lips. I knew it put her on edge, and sure enough, she shot daggers at me.

  “Today, performing our procedure is Dr. Sam Kasanaw. Please feel free to come closer so we can all see how remarkable this product is.”

  I walked over and stood right beside the doctor so Harbor could see I had a nice view. Her cheeks reddened, and she closed her eyes only to open them again when the doctor pulled up her shirt over her flat tummy and tucked it just beneath her boobs. Then he tugged down the corner of the bikini dangerously close to revealing her pussy, and more than enough to show she was completely bare. The area they were prepping was a lot lower than I expected and it was more in the lower pelvic region, though still close to her hip.

  The doctor rested his arm around her, pressing to find the spot he wanted to insert it. I heard his words and understood just what I’d need to do to perform it. I was confident enough I let my mind wander a bit to Harbor and how she was laid out there before all of us doctors, some who were paying much more attention to her tits than where the doctor was instructing.

  Finally, his arm slid down, and his coat dragged against her panties, tugging them down just a bit more, enough to see her bare clef. I caught a few grins from the men around me as the assistant quickly pulled it back in place, and surprisingly Harbor didn’t jump or react. She laid there like a pro and got through it. Meanwhile, I had wanted to rip out their eyes, but couldn’t quite understand w
hy I’d had that reaction. It wasn’t like she was mine. Yet, a voice said deep in my mind.

  Somehow the thought of them gawking at her irritated me more than it should. She might not be mine, but she’s came with me, and she’d damned sure be leaving with me. I had a new-found interest in her for sure. She was not only sexy, and a virgin, but pliable, moldable like a soft clay and I could make into anything I wanted.

  The device was inserted with little pain and only a slight wince from Harbor who smiled once it was over and then she sat up, red-faced and gave a little smile for the men who seemed to have plenty of questions for the instructor.

  The whole thing was easy enough that there wasn’t a need for questions, so I jotted down some notes and then watched as they took Harbor behind the curtain.

  I walked around to the other side and waited for her, hoping that after that she’d still have an appetite. I hoped she’d been too distracted with being distracted to notice her panties had come down for all to see and I had to admit I couldn’t get the image out of my mind or how the other doctors had all noticed. My cock hardened thinking that she’d been so close to all those men. Something in me wanted to bend her over behind that curtain and fuck her hard enough to mark her like I had some crazy need to make her mine.

  The area slowly cleared out, and I found her behind the curtain still putting herself back into her clothes, the assistant still there making sure that her clothes weren’t going to rub too badly against the fresh insertion site, which they had covered with a bandage that she could remove in a couple of hours.


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