Unorthodox Dom: (New Adult BDSM Romance) (The Unorthodox Trilogy)

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Unorthodox Dom: (New Adult BDSM Romance) (The Unorthodox Trilogy) Page 1

by Lilah E. Noir

  Table of Contents

  Title Page



  Author's Note










  Unorthodox Therapy Chapter 1

  Other Works By Lilah E. Noir





  Title Page



  Author's Note










  Unorthodox Therapy Chapter 1

  Other Works By Lilah E. Noir



  Lilah E. Noir

  Copyright © 2017 Lilah E. Noir

  All rights reserved.

  Kindle Edition

  Written and published by: Lilah E. Noir

  Cover art: Lilah E. Noir

  Editing: Heather’s Red Pen Services

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. You can find more information on


  This story contains explicit sexual scenes and graphic language, as well as mentions of spanking, sadism, masochism, oral and anal sex, elements of BDSM, Dominant/submissive relationship, discipline and pet training. There is a sexual FFM scene but the story is not a menage.

  You can also expect rough sex alongside with tender lovemaking.

  If such material offends you you’d better not buy this book. However, if you share my opinion romance goes hand in hand with some hot, kinky action you’re in the right place.

  All characters are over 18 years old. All activities in the book are consensual.

  Dear reader,

  Thank you for choosing to buy my book (or at least for being curious enough to look at its free sample). This is a short novella taking place four years before the events of my first novel, Unorthodox Therapy, Book 1 of the Unorthodox Trilogy. It’s a BDSM erotic romance novella that introduces the main characters of the trilogy. However, it can easily be read and enjoyed as a standalone.

  If you are one of those who read Unorthodox Therapy and can’t wait for Book 2, I’d like to let you know I’m in the final stages of writing it. You can expect the last two books in the trilogy in February and March 2018. Meanwhile, I hope you’d still take pleasure in Thomas’ origin story.

  Enjoy your reading,

  Lilah E. Noir


  All the minor worries disappeared from my mind the moment I saw her flaming hair. She was moving past people down the hallway with a confident, even pace, head held high and shoulders straight. Her elegant fingers clutched the handle of a small red suitcase on wheels. She’d smile, nod politely and then continue walking with the same quiet grace of a tiger moving through the jungle, with just a little lilt of the hips. A woman on a mission.

  I got up and went after Lina before I had time to think it through. The code that wouldn’t compile, the meeting I had later that night, the quiet horror and anxiety—all of that could wait.

  I just have to talk to her.

  It had been weeks since I’d had an excuse for a private chat with our CEO.

  Each time she passed me, even for a short time, I could smell her lingering perfume for hours. The staff meetings she threw were the highlights of my month. Every project or work discussion created fireworks.

  Yet, it was never enough. Sometimes, that ferocious desire truly terrified me. I had no idea how to make it go away, and the truth was I didn’t really want to.

  The hallway was overcrowded for that time of day. It was Friday evening, we had just wrapped up one successful launch and everyone felt like celebrating. I took a moment to calm my breathing before I got to her. My heart was slamming so hard in my chest that its beats seemed to echo through the room.

  “Lina!” I finally caught her at the elevator area where she had stopped, waiting, with her gorgeous blue eyes fixed on the doors. When my boss turned to me, I noticed she was worried.

  “Thomas?” She furrowed her eyebrows, and I realized I was panting because of the hurry to catch up with her. “Is everything okay?”

  It also dawned on me I had no excuse to talk to her. All I’d been able to think of was how to get to her fast enough. My brain drew a blank. Lina was standing there, expecting my answer, with narrowed eyes and an increasing wrinkle of worry on her face.

  Nice way to paint myself into a corner, I thought as I desperately searched for something to say. Something that wouldn’t make me look like a total creeper.

  Which I guess I was.

  “I… Umm...” I looked down so her beauty wouldn’t distract me. Her eyes were burning holes into me as she cleared her throat. Finally, a thought made its way through the haze in my brain. When I raised my eyes, she was still staring at me.

  Lina hated when someone wasted her time, but right then she looked more confused by my behavior.

  “Do you feel sick?” she asked cautiously. “Should I call someone?”

  “I was just wondering if it’d be okay for me to leave earlier tonight.” Finally, at least I had a coherent answer even if it sounded lame. “I mean, I already asked Seth and he said it was cool, but...”

  I wished the ground beneath us would open up. It’d been nearly three years since I’d met her but Lina could still reduce me to a bumbling idiot.

  Seth Anderson was a senior developer and my team leader. He was just as demanding as Lina and one of the most frightening people I’d ever had to deal with. Luckily, that Friday, Seth was in a benevolent mood. By benevolent, I meant he just grumbled that I should make sure to come two hours earlier on Monday.

  Lina looked bewildered but not scared.

  Hopefully, I wouldn’t piss her off.

  Fuck, when will I ever learn?

  “Thomas, you no longer report directly to me.” She rested her palm on her suitcase handle and gave me a warm, reassuring smile. “If Seth or any of your team leaders has no problem that’s good enough for me. You’re not my PA, remember?”

  I wouldn’t want to go back to being an assistant but sometimes I missed spending every day close to her. Would I have been brave enough to come and talk to her without that transition period before she made me a developer?


  I buried my palms deep in my pockets and tried to sound casual.

  “Yeah, but you know, I’m still green and I just want to make sure I’m not slacking or anything...” I was slowly getting over my embarrassment. Still, my skin was getting tingly and the lump in my stomach was getting heavier. “After all, you’re paying for my education, and I… want you be happy with me… with my performance at work, that is.”

  Lina laughed and I sighed with relief. She thought I was just your average socially awkward guy rather than a creep with obvious issues.

  “Thomas, please, relax.” She reached out to squeeze my shoulder. Luckily, I didn’t tremble at he
r touch. “You’re doing great. Your seniors couldn’t possibly say nicer things about your progress. I’m also keeping tabs on your grades in college and know you’re one of the best students there. So, take it easy.”

  Luckily, her touch lasted mere seconds or it would soon have started affecting me. At least I was out of trouble.

  “Besides, it’s Friday night and as you see...” Lina pointed to her suitcase. “I’m also leaving early.”

  “I can tell.” I laughed, feeling some hope pumping in my veins. “So, are you getting away for the weekend? Tell me to fuck off if it’s none of my business,” I added quickly.

  Lina’s forehead wrinkled once more and she sighed with irritation. She ran her fingers over her suitcase handle and said, with tortured voice, “If only. I could use some time on the beach with a book, and my WiFi turned off. Sadly, it’s good old MIT. I have a flight to catch for Boston. College reunion.”

  “That bad?” I raised my eyebrow and stopped myself before I could ask her if she had a date going with her.

  I still had some wits about me.

  “No, not really. Just a boring weekend I have to suffer through.” It was her turn to stare at the ground, lost in thought. “It’s silly. Once I was determined to go to some of these reunions, show everyone how successful I was, and prove the haters wrong. Now when I think about it it’s so damned juvenile.” Lina shrugged. “I do what I love, I have a kick ass team working for me and our business is flourishing… so that’s all that matters.”

  The paralyzing awkwardness inside me melted. Instead, I felt that warm, pleasant feeling I got each time we had a heart to heart conversation. All I wanted to do was to pick her up, tell her how amazing she was and that she really had nothing to prove to anyone. I could also show her how pleasant suffering could be.

  There, I was getting creepy again. I sighed deeply and gave her my most reassuring smile.

  “Well… I hope you find something that makes your weekend not so insufferable, Lina.”

  She laughed at that and blushed.

  “They have a smoking lounge in the hotel. I’ll go there if I need to recharge my batteries.”

  “You’re still smoking?” I raised an eyebrow at her. “Didn’t you mention you’d quit?”

  “I did… twice already,” she added with a guilty expression, shrugging helplessly. The damned elevator doors chose that moment to open and she hurried to get inside. A strange fusion of disappointment and relief went through me when Lina walked away.

  She turned around briefly with her sweet smile. I bit my tongue before I had another foot in mouth moment.

  “Have a nice evening, Thomas. Go out and have fun. You have earned yourself an early night.”

  The doors closed before I could form a coherent reply and she disappeared from my sight. Lina left so quickly I didn’t even have chance to wish her a safe flight.

  Who knows how long I stood there, staring at the empty space she left behind. The unrequited longing left a bitter taste in my mouth.

  As I turned around and went back to my cubicle, I thought I should finally move on. Perhaps tonight would be a good starting point.


  “You’re late.” Allie’s sneaker tapped on the pavement. Her dark eyes were shooting daggers at me. She was sitting on a bench in front of my place of work with a baseball cap in her hand. The sunset was casting orange light over her pale blonde hair. It surprised me that she wasn’t wearing her trademark cap that covered most of her face.

  Not that I complained. Her heavy, intimidating gaze was too intense for me. She knew me better than anyone, as if seeing my thoughts and feelings on X-ray.

  My best friend shaded her eyes and gave me a long, inquisitive stare. I shrugged and raised my hands in a defensive gesture with an innocent smile. Allie was having none of it, though.

  “Sorry, something came up last minute,” I mumbled, squeezing my hands in my pockets and staring at the ground. The evening was untypically hot for August. That had nothing to do with how hot and dizzy I felt. I had been too stressed out to eat properly all day long and yet I wanted to throw up.

  Fuck… Tonight is the night. It is really happening. What if I mess it up? What if…

  “Let’s go. We wasted enough time. I was sure you’d call to cancel on me with some stupid excuse.” Allie got up with a decisive step, as if she owned the ground she was treading on. Just like Lina. “How about you try to look a bit more excited? I’m not taking you to the dentist.” She tugged on my shirtsleeve and urged me to walk next to her.

  “That bad?” I closed my eyes and tried to clear my mind of any expectations.

  “Worse.” Allie put her cap on and walked faster to the car. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost. You have your hands so deep in your pockets you’ll tear your jeans apart. And you have that look on your face.”

  “That look? I didn’t know I had a that look.” I frowned. Her observation skills were on point but that didn’t help me feel any better.

  “You do. Each time you’re too deep in your head. Listen...” She stopped and grasped my hand. “You want this. You know that. You’ve wanted it for years. I have no idea why it took you so long to make the first step. No one expects anything of you. Just relax, follow my lead, and...”

  “Follow?” I laughed nervously. “That kind of defeats the purpose, don’t you think?”

  “Smartass.” She slapped my forearm and I glared at her. “You need training or you may seriously...”

  “Yes, yes, I know. I just...”

  “You just nothing.” Allie cut me off. She crossed her arms over her chest. “You’ll come with me, you’ll see what I’m doing. If the lifestyle is not for you, you can always go back to vanilla.”

  The thought didn’t seem appetizing. Maybe I just hadn’t met the right girl. Maybe it was because of my obsession with Lina. Still, all my vanilla sexual experiences had been disappointing, to say the least.

  “At least it would be because you tried and it didn’t work. Not because you were too much of a pussy to try.”

  “Fine, fine.” We kept walking to her car. Allie’s words made me feel better but not fully relaxed. “Umm, Allie, about that girl...”

  “You have nothing to worry about. I picked the perfect one. And yes, she is doing it because she wants to.” She glared at me as she got in the car. “I hope you don’t think I’d ever force someone unless it was part of a scene.”

  I got in the car and sat down with a sigh of relief. My legs were turning to jelly. They’d have a good laugh if I fainted during the session.

  “Here.” Allie picked up a small white bottle from the glove compartment and threw it on my lap. “It’s some herbal shit to soothe your nerves. I don’t know if it helps but it may serve you as a placebo.”

  “Cool,” I said through gritted teeth, and shook the bottle. “What’s next, Mistress Sheila? You’ll fetch me the vapors?” Still, I opened it and popped two of the small green pills in my mouth. “So, about that girl...”

  “I told you, she works with me. We had plenty of scenes together.” Allie started the engine. She gave me a grin that spelled trouble. “Submissive to the bone. Total pain slut. I’ve seen all kinds of masochists but hot damn, this girl can take a lot. The worst you can do is be too soft on her.”

  I let out a croaked laugh while I was rolling down the windows. The fresh air hit me and cooled down my face. If only there were a way to rinse my brain and freeze the crawling, nasty bugs in it.

  “Thanks for making me feel better.”

  Allie snorted.

  “It’s better to disappoint her than to harm her, don’t you think? I wouldn’t want to pair you with some girl with a low pain threshold who would cry if you spanked her too hard. You’d probably freak and think you’re an abuser.”

  “Right… I can see your point. I still feel like I’m going to screw up.”

  “You probably will.” She glanced at me for a split second before turning her eyes back to the road. “No wo
rries. That’s why I’m here, to help you not screw up too much. By the way, how come you chose to join me on the dark side? You’re no longer with What’s-Her-Face, Miss I’m-Too-Special-Because-I-Read-Books-By-Dead-Authors. Right?”

  “If you mean Cassie, yes, we broke up last week.”

  There was no love lost between my already ex-girlfriend and Allie. I’ve never seen such fierce girl-on-girl hate as with those two. Their verbal sparring was so intense I had to play referee and split them up or it’d turn into a cat fight. In theory, that didn’t sound too bad, but I was sure I wouldn’t enjoy it much in real life.

  Cassie and I had been a strange couple from day one and it was clear we wouldn’t last. She was an English Lit major, obsessed with classic authors and poetry writing. One of her core convictions was that computers and technology were leading to moral degeneracy. She was really technologically challenged and yet for some reason thought that made her quirky, cute and a better person.

  On the other hand, my life revolved around software engineering. I preferred sci-fi thrillers and fantasy to what she called “true literature”. We hated each other’s hobbies and passions, and neither of us was willing to compromise.

  “Why were you with her anyway?” Allie scrunched up her nose and reached out to turn the radio on.

  I shrugged and took another pill. We’d rarely talked about Cassie while I was still dating her. It was weird. Allie and I didn’t have secrets. Still, I hadn’t been eager to share the shameful details of how we got together.

  “To make a long story short, it was Friday, and I was burnt out from studying and working. Someone invited me to a party. I got drunk after just a few beers and a shot of whiskey. Next thing I knew, I woke up with a massive hangover and a naked girl next to me. We didn’t even know each other’s names.”

  Allie burst out laughing.

  “Miss Prim and Proper, really? All those long speeches about how people today rush into sex too quickly? That’s too fucking priceless.”


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