Her Lesbian Daydreams (Making it Real Book 1)

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Her Lesbian Daydreams (Making it Real Book 1) Page 1

by Cailee Francis

  Her Lesbian Daydreams

  Making it Real 1


  Copyright © 2016 Cailee Francis

  All rights reserved.

  Cover images: © Depositphotos.com/ sakkmesterke






  This book is dedicated to my readers. I hope you have as much fun reading this story as I had writing it. As ever, thanks for your support.


  Liz and Emma were the best of friends. Some friendships aren’t made to last, but this was one of the rare ones that did. They’d known each other since high school where they’d shared some of the same classes, as well as their innermost secrets. They’d made fast friends, and while Emma had fancied their handsome English teacher who she never got anywhere with, Liz preferred the girls. Fast-forward eight years and Liz had made her dating preferences very clear. She loved beautiful women in all their forms, but preferred to sample the opportunities she found, rather than commit to one. Emma had stayed single, and even though she went on a few dates, Liz knew she was still a virgin because they confided in each other.

  Sometimes they liked to talk about sex, because Emma had a lot of questions, and even though she was curious, she didn’t want to have sex with someone she didn’t love or care about. She wanted her first time to be special and to mean something. Liz had jokingly offered to show her what lesbian sex felt like, and while she hadn’t accepted that time, the idea had stayed with her. Emma had desired to have a boyfriend first, but as she got older, she grew more interested in Liz and what she got up to. She loved hearing stories of the women Liz hooked up with and what they did to each other. Sometimes Liz let her read her diary, and Emma remembered the last time she’d climbed into bed at home and masturbated to thoughts of Liz pleasuring her former lover, with the descriptions still fresh in her mind.

  Emma thought about being touched like that too. Having her breasts caressed and kissed, her ass fondled, her thighs pressed apart and feeling Liz’s warm mouth against her sex. She fantasised about the teasing licks of Liz’s warm pink tongue on her clit as her fingers pressed inside her pussy. She wanted to feel Liz’s tongue in there too, and to be pulled against Liz’s face as she tongue-fucked her... and she wanted to come with Liz’s tongue licking her the whole time. It got her so wet thinking about it, and the more she did, the more she couldn’t just see Liz as her best friend anymore but a beautiful woman she’d like to fuck. She desired her – burned for her even, and she realised then that perhaps she wasn’t as straight as she’d once thought.

  It made her so hot thinking about it, and here she was in Liz’s bed during a sleepover. Emma was in her nightdress without panties, masturbating to Liz’s diary while her friend was in the shower.

  I should join her in there. Oh I don’t know what I’d do but it would be good. You can’t just spring that on a person, can you? Walk into the shower while they’re in under the water naked and start kissing them? I want to.

  Emma’s eyes closed blissfully as she played with her clit, the page still open in front of her, where she’d been reading about Liz’s most recent sexual escapades. Emma mustn’t have heard Liz come in, because one moment she knew she was alone, and then she heard Liz speak.

  “You look like you’re enjoying that, Em.”

  Emma gasped. “Oh my God!” She was so shocked at being caught, she started laughing.

  “It’s alright. I don’t mind you masturbating to my diary as long as you don’t leave too many marks on it.” Liz’s grin told her it was fine and if anything, the way she blushed told Emma it turned her on watching. Liz was in her bath towel fresh from the shower, with her long, wet hair clipped up above her neck. She looked beautiful and sexy in that bath towel – a detail that Emma didn’t want to overlook and couldn’t have if she’d tried. She’d always felt different to Liz because she liked men, but as she admired her friend, she began to feel that they were growing more alike all the time.

  “So...?” Liz asked with a smile as she made her way over to the bed and sat down on the side. “How close were you?”

  Emma grinned at the question, but she was also shy. She’d never been caught before. “Close,” she admitted, drawing her arms around herself.

  “Would you like some help?” Liz asked. “It seems like you were thinking about it anyway.”

  It was an eye-opening offer for her. Emma looked stunned but the idea of it tempted her and turned her on.

  “What would you do?” she asked Liz, biting her lip as she smiled over at her friend.

  “What would you like me to do?” Liz asked curiously. “The least I could do is help out my friend. What was the part you were reading about in my diary, Emma?”

  This was real and Liz was looking at her, seeking an answer. Somehow the words caught in Emma’s throat but she made herself voice them. It felt like even talking about it expanded her boundaries. It would be so easy to say no and climb under the covers, but the truth was she didn’t want to. She wanted to see what Liz thought and what she’d do.

  “There was... this part where you had Anna on her back and you were sitting on her face as you licked her.” Emma withdrew shyly after she’d said it, but she looked up into Liz’s eyes to see what she thought. It was that look that showed Liz how much Emma desired it.

  “You must be really horny reading that without an outlet, which is why you were touching yourself?”

  Emma breathed heavily, her cheeks warming as she nodded. “Yes. I’m like it all the time.”

  Liz gave Emma a mischievous smile, which caused the less worldly girl’s heart to flutter.

  “I was going to take my towel off to get dressed.”

  Emma had seen Liz naked dozens of times before. She didn’t think Liz realised, but she always found it arousing. “Mmmm, were you?”

  “Would you like me to help you with your frustration?” Liz asked again in a softer tone.

  Emma nodded. “Oh yes,” she said shyly, then lowered her gaze to the bed and herself, in the blue nightdress she wore. It seemed so tame now, just like a plain, long blue t-shirt.

  Liz removed her towel, showing Emma herself fully naked. She was slender but with curves, and had a figure that Emma envied at times, though she herself was slim.

  Emma drank in the sight of Liz. She had gorgeous, gently-rounded breasts with pink nipples that had hardened. It was either because of the cool air or because she was turned on as well.

  “It’s just me,” Liz said, wanting to show Emma that she was no different to the person she had been yesterday.

  “I know and you’re beautiful. You’re my friend.” Emma reached out a hand and cupped Liz’s breast, surprised at how good it felt to touch her sensually.

  “Mmmm, do you like that?” Liz asked.

  Emma nodded and a smile formed on Liz’s ruby red lips.

  They were alone here in Liz’s apartment. No one was likely to disturb them. Emma moved in closer to Liz, her hands coming to rest just above Liz’s slender waist. She looked up into her friend’s eyes, which were a tempting olive green. There was a warm glint of passion there that further warmed her desire. Whatever she expected, her fantasies were pale daydreams compared to the reality of this. She leaned in to kiss Liz, afraid that her friend might pull away, but she didn’t. Their lips touched and Emma felt Liz pull her close.

  Liz’s arms wrapped around her back, drawing Emma against her naked body, as she kissed her hungrily. Liz’s arms slid down over her friend’s clothed back, until they reached her ass, then she held Emma a
gainst her.

  Emma gasped, “Oh God, you feel so good.”

  Liz grinned and kissed her again. “You ain’t seen nothing yet, beautiful. Do you want to see?”

  There was no way Emma wanted to refuse. She was shy, but she realised having already kissed Liz, the world hadn’t ended and she felt suddenly surer of herself. More sure than she realised she could be. It was enlightening and really quite wonderful.

  “Show me; please show me before I get too shy. I want this,” Emma said, her brown eyes gleaming with excitement.

  Liz’s lips brushed over hers, tasting her mouth, while Emma caressed her hand down Liz’s waist and lower, until her fingers reached her neatly-trimmed pubic hair.

  It was feather-soft, and Emma marvelled that it felt quite as it did.

  Liz lifted Emma’s chin up to look into her eyes, and just like that, Emma’s fingertips slid between her friend’s thighs to touch her intimately. Liz gasped and grinned, and there was something about the sound she made that fascinated Emma so much, and at the same time turned her on immeasurably. Liz’s nether lips were soft and very moist.

  She’d just come out of the shower, but Emma could tell that this was more than water, and that it was a sign that she was deeply aroused too.

  “Wow,” Emma whispered, sliding her fingers back and forth, exploring how soft and moist Liz’s pussy was. Pressing in, she felt her entrance, and wondered just how she would feel if Liz was touching her there. The answer was incredible. She brushed her fingers nearer until she felt Liz’s clit, and then she rubbed it.

  Liz moaned, murmuring “oh yes,” as she gazed into Emma’s eyes.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” Emma said with a smile. “Does that feel good?” she asked, certain the answer would be yes but she wasn’t yet sure of herself.

  “It does,” Liz answered her with a grin. She took a hold of Emma’s nightdress and slowly and carefully removed it from her. The slowness was intentional in case Emma decided she didn’t want to continue, but Emma was happy to let Liz undress her.

  Emma had to stop touching Liz to get her arm through the sleeve, but soon she was sitting as naked as Liz was, her fuller breasts exposed to Liz’s sights.

  “You’re incredibly beautiful, you know? I’ve always noticed this,” Liz said, touching her friend’s cheek as she moved in closer.

  Liz kissed Emma warmly, while her hands explored her friend’s body. First she caressed Emma’s back, letting her hand trail down the curve of her spine. Her tongue darted out to taste Emma’s, which drew a small gasp from Emma, but she took it in stride. Liz brought her hands around at Emma’s waist, and then cupped her breasts, rubbing her nipples with the palms of her hands.

  Emma moaned at the way Liz made her feel. The way she kissed her and touched her breasts was so sensual and erotic that it evoked pleasurable feelings in her body she wasn’t used to. It felt so right and good too; more than she could ever have dreamed.

  Liz kissed the side of Emma’s neck, and bit her gently beneath her ear, which drew a sharp gasp from her.

  Emma didn’t stop Liz because she loved it. Emma returned to playing with Liz’s clit, while nuzzling and kissing her dear friend. This felt like discovering a whole other side to a person she thought she knew but in fact didn’t know as an entire person until now.

  Emma’s eyes closed blissfully as she felt Liz’s fingers slide between her legs. At first Liz rubbed her in much the same way Emma touched her now, but then Liz slid a finger into her entrance. Emma’s eyes opened wide and she saw Liz gazing back at her with so much passion. She moaned, and not just softly. “That feels so good,” she said, biting down on her bottom lip as Liz began thrusting with her finger. Liz slid a second finger into her pussy. She was tighter around Liz’s fingers now and Emma took greater pleasure from it.

  Emma had wondered for a long time who would take her virginity. She hadn’t expected it to be Liz, but she loved the idea. Liz was the one person in the world, other than her family, who she cared about most of all.

  Liz’s fingers felt so good inside Emma, she rocked against them, while she continued to rub Liz’s clit faster and faster. Liz brushed her lips over Emma’s then whispered to her. “I want to lick you too if you’ll let me.”

  Emma had felt nervous about the idea for a while, but she wanted it too. “Yes,” she said trustingly and feeling very bold for agreeing to be licked by her beautiful friend.

  Liz withdrew her fingers, eliciting another gasp from Emma, and waited until she rested back on the bed. Then she climbed up beside Emma, and began stroking her body, caressing her hand down over her breasts and stomach. Liz leaned in closer until she was so near that Emma could feel her breath on her skin. First she licked temptingly at her nipple and kissed between her round breasts, and then down around her belly button. Emma had once had a piercing there, but it was gone now. Emma didn’t know but there were still times Liz thought about playing with it with her tongue.

  Emma could tell Liz was enjoying this. She felt like her body was growing increasingly aroused all the time to levels that were off the charts. The feeling of Liz’s mouth on her nipple was divine, and her kisses left Emma overwhelmed with lust. She grew increasingly and pleasurably frustrated, but she was craving release before she’d even felt Liz’s mouth between her creamy thighs.

  Unlike her friend, Emma had got fully waxed, and so there was no hair at all to mask Liz’s touches as she played with Emma’s pussy.

  Liz’s fingers rubbed Emma temptingly, drawing several aroused moans from her friend, before Liz leaned in and began to kiss her pussy. At first they were small, tender kisses on the outside, and then she gave Emma’s pussy lips a deeper kiss.

  Emma moaned out hard when Liz slid her tongue into Emma’s opening, and then out to nudge her clit.

  Her back arched and Liz thought she might’ve come right then, but she didn’t. Emma was just that responsive to everything Liz did. “I’m going to finger you now, Emma,” Liz said, sliding two fingers straight back into her pussy.

  Emma gasped out in pleasure and ran a hand through Liz’s gorgeous long hair. She would play with her too, but she couldn’t in the position Liz was in on the bed. She wanted to lick her out too. Maybe Liz would teach her what to do.

  Caressing Emma’s thigh with her free hand, Liz began to suck on Emma’s clit, licking it lovingly as her fingers moved in slow but firm thrusts into her pussy. They were not gentle, but they had a rhythm that she sensed was a good one.

  Emma was just so lost in pleasure now. “It feels so amazing. Fuck, if this is being a lesbian, sign me up.”

  Liz laughed and pulled Emma against her face, licking her pussy lips temptingly before she paid more attention to her clit. She tried nudging it with her tongue, as well as rubbing her tongue firmly over it and sucking.

  Emma responded to Liz’s pleasuring in different ways, growing more intensely sexual the more firmly Liz rubbed her and sucked on her clit.

  “I’m going to come, Liz,” Emma whimpered.

  Liz didn’t stop, but she began to finger Emma harder. Her tongue licked over her clit unceasingly and she sucked on it as she brought Emma ever-closer to her climax.

  Emma’s moans cut through the air as she got nearer. “Fuck, fuck, FUCK,” she gasped, and Liz kept going. There was one loud impassioned moan before her orgasm claimed her. Emma shuddered against the bed and she grew suddenly wetter against Liz’s mouth, but Liz kept teasing her clit mercilessly until Emma stopped her. It was only then that Emma’s orgasm eased and she could catch her breath.

  “Holy fucking shit,” Emma said, laughing softly.

  Liz kissed her thigh, and then looked up at her with a loving smile. “You enjoyed that then?”

  Emma grinned. “Bloody hell, yes, Liz. That was so... amazingly, insanely good. I didn’t know.”

  Liz smiled and moved up beside her on the bed, laying down and facing her new lover and best friend. She brushed some fallen tendrils of hair out of her face, and t
hen claimed a loving kiss from Emma’s lips.

  Emma kissed her back deeply and without holding back. Any shyness she had in kissing Liz was now gone. “Mmmm, I want to give you pleasure too.”

  Liz had hoped she might. “What would you like to do to me?”

  Emma hadn’t been expecting that question but she thought maybe the same thing. “Can you show me what you like and how you like it?” she asked, thinking that there was probably a lot she could learn about pleasuring another woman, especially when that woman was Liz.

  “Sure, I don’t mind at all,” Liz said with a grin. It was clearly a joy to teach Emma, who she looked at with wonder as they laid together on the bed.

  Liz caressed a hand down Emma’s neck and along her arm, and then took her hand. She brought it up to her lips, kissing Emma’s palm, then smiling at her best friend. “I like to have my breasts touched like this.” She guided Emma’s hand to her right breast and let go as Emma cupped it and squeezed it gently.

  “Rub my nipples. Mmmmm, like that. Oh yeah, that’s good. I like them kissed too and licked. Nibbling is overrated because they’re effing sensitive as you may have noticed.” She smiled alluringly as Emma moved closer and began kissing and licking at her breast. “That’s good, just like that. When I see you lick my breast like that it’s so fucking sexy.”

  Emma giggled, and wrapped her other arm around Liz’s waist, in part to balance herself. She then looked up into Liz’s eyes as she licked all around her nipple. Her own expression of contentment was mirrored in Liz’s own eyes.

  “Kiss my other breast too. Both deserve pleasing equally and it’s so sensual.” Liz gasped as Emma took her cue and began to lick her other nipple.

  Emma was in a fuller sitting position now, and her hand strayed down to feel Liz’s thighs as she lapped at her sensitive nipple.

  “Oh yes, that feels so good Emma,” Liz murmured. “I think you’ve got that part covered now,” she said with a grin, loving this. “I love my neck kissed, and my ear, and arms around me of a woman I desire, just like you, Emma.”


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