The Billionaires Club ~ Books 1-3: SOLD AUCTION OWNED (Dark Erotica Ganged)

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The Billionaires Club ~ Books 1-3: SOLD AUCTION OWNED (Dark Erotica Ganged) Page 10

by Q. Zayne

  Ralph cleared his throat. “Let me help.” He offered me his arm. The snake no longer looked scary.

  I accepted his arm, grateful for his support. “Thanks.” Gripping his big muscle sent a jolt of excitement through me. From the corner of my eye I saw him looking at me.

  “Remember,” he whispered in my ear, “I’m going to be close to you for the whole show. You yell Ralph if you want any help or need anything at all. Glass of water, bathroom break, food, protection from guy going wrong, don’t second-guess it, just yell Ralph. Got that, Minx?”

  “Got it, Ralph. Thank you.” I kissed his cheek. His skin warmed to my lips, as though I’d made him blush again.

  We entered a theater with me holding Ralph’s arm like a parody of the wedding procession with the father giving away the bride. My heart ached.

  I had to have been wrong about Gabe’s interest. This was a business transaction. He was a freaking billionaire. I was here as entertainment, an erotic dancer recruited to put on a special perverted sex show for a bunch of billionaires. No point having any illusions about it. But he seemed to really feel something. I just didn’t know what.

  Shadowy figures reclined in big leather seats in raised tiers around the stage. The stage stood out in the bright light. A mature pink-faced man in a tux stood next to a fish bowl full of white envelopes and a sleek computer console. Of course, the auctioneer. Ralph handed me off to him and I took the older man’s spotted hand and mounted the stage. The lights blinded me. Gabe was right, I wouldn’t be able to identify any of the powerful, illustrious guests at The Billionaires Club.

  The auctioneer peered at his screen. Sounds of movement in the audience indicated the men were taking their seats. How did these men find each other and share their tastes? Did they sit around after a hard day of watching masses of money roll into their accounts, money that could stop starvation, homelessness and illiteracy right here in the U.S., not to mention the rest of the world, and just start bonding about what they liked to look at while they beat off? I felt outraged at them all, which helped me stop shaking in my high heels. Somehow, I knew there were no women present. Even if there were women billionaires, and I wasn’t sure there were, women wouldn’t be invited to this show. Women didn’t have external pee pees so we were disqualified and excluded from a lot of things.

  The auctioneer cleared his throat over the audience’s murmurs. I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to think about the men in the audience anymore. I was here to do a job.

  “Gentlemen, it’s a history-making night at The Billionaires Club. Gabe and Justice came up with a unique twist for tonight’s show. Before we proceed, we’ll put the matter to an anonymous vote via your consoles. Gabe and Justice know how much all of you enjoy bidding on what’s to happen to a new beauty. Yet tonight, due to special circumstances, they propose to allow a different bidding arrangement. One they suspect all of you will approve.” He paused, waiting for a wave of comments to die down.

  “Through his worldwide contacts, Gabe made arrangements with convicts most suitable for our shows, the ones with the most physical and psychological promise for delivering exciting performances when unleashed upon a young woman.” He flashed a knowing smile. “Your hosts propose that instead of a members auction among billionaires to decide the fate of tonight’s young lady, you allow the convicts to choose what to do with her.”

  Exclamations rose from the audience.

  “Yes, I’m sure you understand the potential for superior entertainment afforded by this proposal. These are men who haven’t had sex with a woman in years. They include offenders of the most extreme types. Many have warped minds when it comes to women. When they heard our offer to perform a massive gang sex scene on a beautiful white girl — Gabe scouted tonight’s prize in advance and showed each man a picture of the curvaceous young erotic dancer — well, the enthusiasm for ravaging her was universal among the men. The beauty they’ve been looking forward to taking out their lusts on stands before you. You can imagine the ideas they’ve come up with for the best ways to perform this feat for your entertainment. We may even choose more than one winning entry. Yes, Gabe and Justice propose that tonight’s show will be the newly-freed prisoners choice!”

  Hoots and shouts of approval rose from the audience.

  My outrage intensified. Gabe scouted me in advance? He showed my picture to brutal convicts? Well, what did I think he was, a Sunday school teacher? But I felt betrayed. Had all of it been manipulation from start to finish? A horrible thought speared my heart. Had he gotten me fired? No, that had been my fault. Even if he had somehow set up the proposition — and I think he would have sent someone good-looking and suave, not a fat old man — I chose to break the rules. I got myself fired.

  I looked down and found Ralph. True to his word, he was right there at the edge of the stage, his muscular body perched on a stool where he could leap to my aid in a flash. His serpents glowed in the light, their fangs open wide.

  The auctioneer waited for the men to quiet down. He knew how to play his audience and increase suspense. And no doubt as one of the few non-billionaires in the the theater, he was at pains not to offend anyone. Only a moron would interrupt a billionaire, let alone a whole freaking room full of them.

  “I see you’re entering into the spirit of this thing. Good, good.” He rubbed his hands together. “If you will, gentleman, click the icon marked auction and enter yes or no. Yes will indicate that you prefer to decide Minx’s fate in the customary way, with an auction where the winner gets the say in what happens to her tonight. A no vote indicates that you wish to accept the proposed entertainment, wherein you’ll vote on the show proposals made by the ex cons.” The auctioneer consulted his screen. “Wonderful. It’s unanimous. The no votes carry the day. We’ll cancel the customary auction in favor of selecting the entertainment based on the desires of tonight’s special guests, former convicts of the world’s most infamous maximum-security prisons.”

  A roar went up from the ex cons backstage.

  Minx pressed her legs together. It sounded like a lot of men. More than a football team. How many of them were there? She squeezed her eyes shut more tightly. She didn’t want to know. Counting cocks wouldn’t make this any easier.

  “We don’t want to disappoint you in your enjoyment of wielding power over the young lady’s fate. Therefore, your hosts propose that you open the Ex Con Show file on your consoles and preview the proposals submitted by the newly-freed prisoners. If you will, gentlemen, vote for the three that you most wish to see enacted here tonight. Gabe and Justice took the liberty of screening the entries and removing those that weren’t viable, such as the ones that involved outright criminal acts or damage to the young lady. They believe you’ll find the remaining options highly salacious.”

  Chuckles filled the room.

  “For your enjoyment, the rejected proposals are available on your consoles in the Off-Limits file. By the way, in the interest of safety, yours as well as hers, your hosts have made a massive increase in the security force for the night.”

  My heart started doing its getaway dance again, seriously slamming away between my tits as if it hoped to climb out and run for it. I wished I was in my ratty room animating that scene on my old laptop instead of facing a bunch of monster voyeurs.

  And about to be ravaged by men — ex cons who had seen my picture — who made suggestions so far out of bounds that Gabe had to nix some of them. Although I was grateful he’d removed those. I didn’t want to think what would happen if these powerful men could choose my fate based on the suggestions of ex-cons, no matter how depraved. Gabe might not have told me everything about choosing me for this, but s0 far, he seemed honorable when it came to my safety. I opened my eyes again and looked at Ralph. He gave me a nod and a discreet thumbs-up. He had my back. That meant everything.

  Okay. I could do this. I hoped.

  Given to the Ex Cons

  I stood shaking in the silence while the billionaires voted on my fate. I
couldn’t stop it. It felt a bad chill, only worse. I was sure I my teeth would start chattering any minute. The basement felt warm, and I had the body heat of countless horny men coming at me, but I shivered like I got caught in a snowstorm without a jacket.

  Ralph nodded to me and stood up, rising to his impressive height in his motorcycle boots. Had he told Gabe I said wow about the suite like a schoolgirl? I felt comforted to see him standing, looking right at me. A hush spread around him. In the light bouncing from the stage, he looked even more massive, his broad shoulders with cords of muscle standing out like bridge cables. His buzzed hair glinted, the snakes seemed to move on his arms. I wondered if it was a new tat process, light refractive ink or nanotech that made them move so sinuously on his enormous guns. His chest and abdominal muscles pushed against his snug white T, hinting at the pure power of his body. He came up the stairs and stood behind me, wrapped me in his arms.

  “I’ve got you. You’re all right,” he whispered, for only me to hear. I leaned back against him, basking in his warmth. A few lewd suggestions about what he should to do me resounded through the room. He ignored them and simply held me. I could feel his heartbeat on my shoulder blades. I wanted to stay there, wrapped in his magnificent arms and have everyone else go away. Hell, they could drop the latest stupid bomb right then and I’d die at peace. No, I was still a fighter. Gabe brought me here for a show. I’d put on one Hell of a show. I bared my teeth. If he was out there, let him see me looking fierce, not scared.

  I kept my eyes shut and let Ralph keep my warm. The shaking stopped. My breathing deepened. No more scared rabbit. I’d signed up for this, so bring it on. I raised my chin, drawing strength from Ralph’s presence.

  Restless movements and murmurs filled the room. My anxiety made a sneak attack. I opened my eyes.

  “The votes are in, gentlemen. There were many worthy entries.” The auctioneer paused, pursed his lips. “This is the winning concept for the show, in the winner’s own words: We want to own her white ass, fuck her in every hole, see how many cocks she can fit in her mouth, cover her inside and out with our loads. And if she slows down, we’ll spank her and whip her with our belts until she gets lively again.” Cheers rose from the audience and a roar of approval came from backstage. “The close second choice will be included in the night’s entertainment, as well. It reads:‘Hang her from her wrists with a line of men for her back door and her front.’ The stage hands will set up the rope and pulley over the center rafter above the stage so it will be ready when the men want to use it. And the third suggestion to receive the most votes, again in the winner’s own words: ‘The fucking billionaires use our sloppy seconds, fuck her in all holes as many times as they can get it up. Let’s see if they can compete with us for banging her to the max.’ Who can argue with that as an excellent closing to tonight’s festivities?” Thumps, cat calls, hoots and applause filled the theater. I was so scared I thought I was going to pass out.

  Owned. That’s what this was. The ex cons were going to own my ass all right, and the billionaires, too. For the rest of the night, everyone owned my ass but me. I was just there as a receptacle.

  “Gentlemen. One more thing. Justice, The Billionaires Club doctor, confirms the girl is fertile.”

  I gasped. What did they do, swab the suite’s toilet? Give me an exam while I slept? Hack my computer to check my cycle? I put nothing past them. Or was it a fake out, an impromptu lie from the auctioneer to thrill the crowd, like a barker at a carnival: step right up gents, impregnate Fertile Girl!

  I stared out into the blurry darkness at the men who wanted to see me knocked up fora entertainment. Maybe that’s why they brought in convicts from all over the world, a kind of lottery to see what kind of baby they could make in me. A baby conceived during a gang bang could be anything. I dug my fingers into my palms and tried to compute my cycle. I wasn’t any good at computing numbers and dates in my head, but I had a sinking feeling he wasn’t lying. And my juiciness had been profuse and clear, another sign of fertility. It got stretchy between my fingers and totally transparent in the middle of my cycle.

  I’d been so relieved when Gabe said all the men were tested, I didn’t think about pregnancy. Oh hell. I didn’t want to get pregnant.

  Well, no point thinking about it. Bottom line, I needed the money. I needed a home. I’d do what I had to do and face the consequences. I’d been charmed more than once by a beautiful brown baby. If anything, they were even cuter than white babies. But that was for future Minx to think about. Right now, I just needed to get through this night. I made myself stand up straight. Was Gabe out there? Was he watching from a monitor somewhere? Would he join in for the billionaires dance? Sort of strange to think about the billionaires coming up from their privileged positions in the audience to mount me after the former prisoners were done. It sort of made sense that the prisoners would want to see that, turn the tables on the rich guys: Here, we’ll sit and watch while you dip into our sloppy seconds.

  I couldn’t help thinking it was intended as an insult, a big fuck you to the men pulling the strings in the world, owning a disproportionate amount of everything, and for tonight, owning all of us. I wasn’t surprised the club members went for it, a lot of men liked humiliation, and some secretly longed for contact with other men’s sperm, even other men’s cocks. So fucking a hole where another man had been, especially dangerous, scary men such as big Black murderers, well, for certain men, it couldn’t get much better than that. Despite my fear, I kind of liked the idea of what the ex cons were pulling off, their perverse flipping the bird at all these voyeuristic turds.

  I included Gabe in my anger. I felt abandoned. If it wasn’t for Ralph, I’d be alone, facing this mob.

  “I’ll be right here, baby. Remember what I said,” Ralph whispered. I nodded against his lips. He relinquished me to two buff stage hands who led me to a big round platform draped with a white sheet. It looked like an enormous bed, suitable for a dozen men or more to team one girl. Oh hell, this was really happening.

  The back curtain parted and a wave of men pushed toward me, naked men, all hung huge. Gabe said he screened them for size, but this was ridiculous. I didn’t know cocks that big existed on humans. Hell, erections that mammoth had to leave those guys with no blood flow to the brain.

  They came in all skin tones, ages 20s to 60s, long hair, short hair, no hair, a few tattoos or full body coverage. Tribal ink, sailor style, erotic art, animals, abstract, fantasy art, crude stuff done with pen ink and a safety pen, every kind of tat art I’d ever seen was represented on the bodies of the men heading toward me.

  I was fucked. There were too many of them to count. Only Ralph, standing right there at the edge of the stage with a caring, reassuring look on his face, kept me from bolting. Best to stand my ground despite my terror. When a small animal ran from a predator, the dangerous animal often tore it limb from limb. I did not want to incite these guys to violence. No doubt most of them had already gone there.

  Gabe handpicked them for entertainment value, after all. The first men reached me. Big hands reached out and ripped my dress off. I screamed. No acting. I freaked out. They yanked my bra off and shoved down my panties. They half-carried, half-dragged me into the middle of the platform. I felt calloused hands groping my tits and ass, groping my pussy, fingering me. Male sweat surrounded me like a miasma. I felt like I’d just dropped into Hell. A huge buff black man got on top of me and pushed my legs wide open. He squeezed my breasts together, admiring the deep cleavage between his big black hands. He had fingers bigger than some guys’ dicks. I tried not to look at his cock, but at the last instant I peeked. It looked like he was about to shove his arm up me. There must be some mistake.

  Oh, hell. The knob was bigger than a plum. He aimed it and shoved. I shrieked.

  He forced it all the way in. I clawed at his back and men laughed.

  “Hold her down,” he roared. Men jumped to pin my ankles and wrists. Ralph got on the stage, keeping close watch. The ma
mmoth ex con fucked me like I’d never been fucked. I squealed the whole time. When he finally grunted and spewed his load inside me I shuddered in shock, climaxing in spite of feeling raw. He was so huge my folds pulled at my clit the whole time and the prospect of him coming in me in front of everyone sent me over the edge. I gushed like crazy, letting go in my heat.

  “Woo a squirter!”

  “You fucked a geyser out of her!”

  It was a geyser, the hardest, biggest, highest gush of girl juice my body ever produced. Applause and cheers and dirty suggestions filled the theater. More men crowded around.

  “Let’s give her all we’ve got.”

  “How much juice can that skinny white girl squirt?”

  “Let’s find out.”

  A lean Latino with a lightening bolt through his eyebrow banged me so hard I saw stars. His cock wasn’t the thickest, but he pounded me so deep and hard I was sure I’d walk bow-legged for week. He was a stud and a half.

  It became difficult to tell one man from another, one cock from the next, the men were impatient for their turns, surrounding me, rubbing their cocks on my body, wrapping my hands around them, forming a line for my mouth.

  I gagged on the first cock shoved in my mouth, but at least it tasted clean, as though the guy had showered. I did my best to suck even though his thrusting made me gag. I wanted these guys to stay happy. Even with security guys all over the place, I did not want to piss off any of these fuckers.

  I swallowed. And swallowed. And swallowed. The men kept my hands busy stroking long cocks, cut and uncut cocks, thick stubby cocks, crazy-huge cocks. There seemed no end to the line of guys stroking themselves in readiness to fuck my mouth. My pussy got banged relentlessly with no breathing space between fuckings. I existed only to get fucked. They just kept coming.

  A dark black man with the thickest cock I’d ever seen picked me up and bent me over. I teetered on my high heels with my fingers pressed to the platform. Before I realized what he was doing he shoved his cock head at my ass. My ass resisted.


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