Galaxy Warrior Tyce_Alien Abduction

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Galaxy Warrior Tyce_Alien Abduction Page 15

by K. L. Wallen

  “Okay. Dakota will like going back to the compound. Now, I’ll need 200 more sage smudges. I know that’s a lot but it’s better to have too many than not enough. At least in a case like this. I’ll also need a lighter and a small plate to catch the ashes. I can give you the sage I have and hopefully you can have someone duplicate it. I will also need a dozen white waxed candles that will burn long enough for me to walk the entire palace if need be. If this ruse works, we’ll have Dojea gone by the time I use the third sage smudge stick.”

  I then turned to my mom and grandmother. “She isn’t aware of the two of you yet. Mom, I need you to recite Archangel Michael’s Prayer to me. I’ll write it down. I’ll use that and then I’ll need the two of you to ramp up your energy. When I say so, get close enough to singe her.” I rubbed the back of my neck and blew out a breath. “I hope this works.”

  “Attilius, do your people believe in a higher power? We have God.”

  “My love, we believe in the gods and goddesses.”

  “What about angels? Do you have avenging angels that work for your gods and goddesses?”

  “No. We do have an avenging goddess who guards the path to the land of the gods and goddesses. Her name is Kelesh. She is both respected and feared by our people.”

  I nodded my head in appreciation. “Okay thanks. I’ll be calling on both her and Michael. Now, let’s get our daughter to safety and then we’ll kick ass. Where’s Pravel?”


  I dressed in my old black college graduation gown for effect and waited for Attilius to tell me the house was clear of servants. Warriors were outside the house and told not to enter unless called upon.

  We descended the stairs together. I asked him to unlock the forbidden room and then threw open the door. “I’ll start at the end of the hall and work my way to this room,” I announced. Fortunately, there were only two rooms beyond this one until the end of the hall. Perhaps my prediction of three smudge sticks was right-on. I opened the other two doors also.

  I stepped into the farthest room, with Attilius literally at my heels. If I ever needed to do anything like this again, I’d talk to him about it, but for now it’s just sweet that he wants to be so close to protect me. I believe he knows there’s little he can do to shield me from an angry spirit, except maybe move me out of the way of any flying objects, or bat them away. It’s good that he’s here. I’m praying that the supernatural forms of Pzian warriors aren’t as fast as the living warriors.

  In the first room, I lit the sage smudge stick and traded the lighter for the small plate. “Please place one lit candle in the center of this room,” I instructed him. He was hesitant to move away from me, so I moved to the center of the room with him. I was glad the ghost wasn’t present just yet.

  “O Glorious Prince of the heavenly host, St. Michael the Archangel, and Glorious Goddess Kelesh, defend us in the battle and in the terrible warfare that we are waging against the principalities and powers, against the rulers of this world of darkness, against the evil spirits.” The ghostly Warrior Dojea entered the room. The candle blew out and a chill descended. I pretended to not see the gray mist surrounding Warrior Dojea, or Attilius rub one of his arms.

  As I began the next sentence, she moved right in front of me. Undeterred, I continued with the modified prayer, “This most crafty and misguided enemy has filled and inebriated with gall and bitterness this home, and has laid impious hands on those within. Arise Goddess Kelesh, Arise Archangel Michael, bring help against the attacks of the lost spirit and give us victory.” A statue of some sort, I think, flew towards my head at warp speed. Attilius batted it away. It shattered when it hit the floor.

  I bravely passed right through the specter and moved into the hall, waving my smudge stick, and then on into the next room. The door slammed shut behind us. I didn’t react.

  I moved to the center of the room and waited for Attilius to light a candle in this room also. Almost immediately, the candle blew out and the temperature in the room dropped by nearly 20 degrees. Ashes from the in-room fireplace stirred like a mini tornado and then gusted across the room. “Kelesh, Michael, I pray to the both of you to end the evil in this house. I pray to the both of you to send the evil entity that attacked our daughter to the fires of Pzianian for all of eternity.”

  Finally, we walked back into the hallway and then into the room where she killed herself.

  The door slammed shut as soon as we entered. “Archangel Michael, Goddess Kelesh, I call upon you to rid,” I yelled out as I waved my lit smudge stick. I stopped when Warrior Dojea dropped to her knees next to where Attilius was lighting the third candle.

  “Noooooooo,” she wailed. Dojea waved her arm and sent a gust of wind our way. Attilius held me steady.

  I lowered my voice. “Warrior Dojea look at me,” I demanded in a very harsh voice. “I am empowered on my world to cast out malevolent spirits. My power extends here as is proved by the fact that I can see you.” I pointed directly at her.

  She quickly floated to a sort of standing position and looked as if she weren’t sure if she wanted to leave or attack me.

  I moved my pointed finger in sync with her movement. I raised my voice and slowly shouted, “Warrior Dojea, I call upon the fires of Pzianian.” I felt my mother and grandmother tap me on the back as they passed by and went on either side of her. They remained invisible and pushed their energy towards her.

  As soon as I saw Dojea flinch I lowered my voice and continued, “Warrior Dojea, you have a choice. Go to the land of the gods and goddesses and live out all of eternity in peace, or burn for all of eternity. Archangel Michael has agreed to let you pass if you go now. Goddess Kalesh will not stop you either, if you go now.” Serena and Maude pushed a little more energy her way and Dojea was gone.

  “She’s gone into the light,” my mother confirmed. Her and my grandmother, Maude, then appeared and high-fived each other.

  I ground out the sage smudge stick into the plate and told Attilius it was over. He looked rather pale.

  “This was easier than I thought it would be. Come on. We’ll take a shower together and then I’ll give you one of my special massages,” I offered, took his hand, and led him to the door.

  “I’ll contact Pravel and tell him to bring Dakota back,” he replied. Attilius was obviously shaken by what he witnessed.

  I waited for him to relock the door. “Wait an hour.” I pulled my black graduation gown off and wrapped my arms around his neck. “We have the place to ourselves and I was serious about that shower and the massage.”


  Okay this is going to be possibly the best party ever! Instead of having it at the palace, my folks let me have a swim party at the compound. Best of all…they’re not here! Laurel is chaperoning! She made me a baby blue bikini to die for!

  The other teenagers will be coming soon. Dad is having them shuttled over from the academy. There are going to be twenty of them. Ten boys and ten girls. I hope they talk to me. I hope they want to talk to me and aren’t coming just because my dad is in charge of the whole fricken planet. I think I’m going to be sick, but at least I’ll look hot while I’m puking up my guts. Crappers.

  Laurel’s a life saver! She brought me a paper bag when I started hyperventilating. Ugh. I really am grateful to her. She and the others pulled me out of my pity party before the kids arrived. I really needed the pep talk. I can do this.


  Okay. I’m sorta maybe in love. His name is Slash. What a totally cool name! He’s sooooo goooood looooking! He talked to me. He said he liked my swimsuit. Maybe next time he’ll ask me to marry him when we’re older, or say more than one sentence. Slash is the strong silent type. Really silent but that’s okay for now. I didn’t see him with a girlfriend nor did I hear him talk about a girlfriend. Slash and Dakota. I wonder what his last name is.

  Laurel was right. Everyone noticed me. First, I stood out like a neon blue duck trying to hatch a golf ball. They‘re all dark haired, short hair—even th
e girls, hairy, and have muscles galore. Hell, even their toes and fingers have muscles you can see.

  Plus, how could they not notice me after I practically shouted that I was not cold, after being asked like two hundred times if I was cold because I don’t have hair on my legs or at my armpits.

  None of them asked Laurel, Olivia, or any of the other human girls if they were cold. Only me. Crappers. I hope they don’t think I’m a freak. Maybe my mom was right about me not shaving yet. Maybe that’s why Slash only said he liked my swimsuit. Crappers. He probably felt like he had to say something. He was just being nice.

  I told him that I liked his swim trunks and he didn’t say anything back. He just raised an eyebrow and went into the pool. Well, I really don’t like his dull black swimsuit but I tried to be nice. Maybe he knew I thought his knee length speedo outfit was barf worthy. All the guys were wearing those same stupid looking shorts.

  The girls were wearing speedos too with a tank top. Their outfits were all dull black and reminded me kind of like a knee-high scuba outfit. Maybe that’s what they have to wear at the academy. I really hope not! It’s so not flattering.

  The girls wanted to know if I could help them make swimsuits like mine and I said yes. They’re all very pretty and don’t have any fat on them. Still, they’re hairy. But that’s normal. Sigh. I felt like one of those hairless cats that are kept inside because it can’t be exposed to the elements. I’m sure they’re talking about me now that they’re gone.

  I told them they could call me. I hope they do. I told Slash he could call me too. I’m so mixed up. Will he call? Should I call him? He didn’t tell me I could. God, I don’t want to be one of those girls who like stalks a guy. I’m truly messed up and I’m feeling bitchy.

  Now I’ll have to get Laurel to teach me how to get the replicator to make swimsuits.


  This was undoubtedly the worst party ever in the history of the universe! How am I going to show my face at the academy next week? Nobody danced. When they talked, it was about their classes or about who was the best at whatever. No jokes. No funny stories. No gossip. No kissing. No playing around. No tug-of-war. No Marco-Polo. No fun whatsoever. Bang my head on a wall.

  Well at least they only think me weird and not a freak. I hope. None of them know I can see and talk to ghosts. I don’t think I’ll let them know either. Definitely not a good idea. Motor mouth is getting parked in the garage.

  Mom would be proud of me at least. She’s told me over and over that one day I would turn into her. I just didn’t think it would happen so soon, or at all. I really hate it when she’s right. There’s no way I’m telling her.

  Thanks to Maude and Nana, I let go of my diva and channeled my mom. I was the very gracious, polite hostess. Gag. As much as I wanted to crawl away and cry, I tried really hard to smile and pretend everything was great. Mission accomplished.

  “Game face,” Maude kept whispering in my ear. When the transports came to get them, they all thanked me and said they enjoyed their time. I don’t see how. I think they channeled their parents like I did my mom. It was not normal by any means. Come to think of it, they sort of reminded me of Stepford Kids. Nah. Can’t be that bad. Maybe once I get to know them…

  Slotan told me not to worry and that I was a huge hit. I couldn’t help but grunt. Him and some of his brothers sat me down and explained the differences between our cultures. Maybe the kids don’t think I’m weird. I sure feel like it. Maybe they did have fun? Yeah right.

  “Kinoa, come here. I need a hug.” He’s such a good dog. I miss being able to feel his coat and his warm breath. Dad says he will get me a cammor like Olivia’s Jewel, if I want one. Jewel knew Kinoa was here and even played with him. I think the others thought Jewel strange when she ran, growled in fun, barked, and leapt at thin air. At least that’s what they saw. I’m glad Kinoa found a friend but he’s pretty jealous. I don’t think he would put up with another dog around me all the time. He might leave me for the light. There’s no way I’d risk that. I’m going to tell dad NO.

  I don’t want to go back to Earth. I really don’t. I love having a dad and a brother. I just hope that Justin gets here soon so I won’t be the only alien teenager here. Maybe he’ll want to be my friend. Maybe even my boyfriend. Dakota and Justin. Justin and Dakota. I hope he likes me.

  What about Slash? I should just forget him. He’s really hot though, and not at all conceited. Just shy. Or maybe not. Crappers. Never ever, ever, ever have a party when you’re PMSing.

  As my hippy happy Nana said, I should just pull my big girl panties up and work my magic on these painfully serious teenagers. She thinks a cultural revolution is in order! Oh yeah. This could be fun.

  But, if Justin likes me and wants to hang out, I won’t have to worry about trying to change an entire planet of teenagers. Can I even do it? Two months until he gets here. I’ll start planning the uprising just in case. Nana will help.

  If you are interested in reading more novellas at the end of the stories, about Dakota and Christine or any of the other guests, past or present, please let me know. I take my writing cues from all of you.


  Aliens: from the Guardian Warship

  Commander Dorn Gharm is 50, stuffy, and has no interest in obtaining a life-mate. He is perfectly happy to run a tight ship. He has bred one son who is preparing to serve on another warship. Dorn did not life-mate his son’s mother; he entered into a basic breeding contract with her. Dorn has become enchanted with young Aideen MacKenna and hopes to one day introduce her to his son, Trey.

  Warrior-Healer Favian Bax, age 37, is curious about human medical practices and interpersonal relationships. He fell in love with Honored Guest Dr. Stacy Randall and plans to life-mate with her once they reach Pzianian.

  Warrior Tyce Owynn, age 32, specializes in Interspecies Relations as his secondary vocation. He believes one alien species is just like any other alien species! He carries out his duty with courtesy, diplomacy, precision, and caution. He will protect the interests of the Pzianian Empire from all other races who seek to interfere, manipulate, or infiltrate. He is planning on life-mating Carlie Longwood.

  Warrior Ivanoff Chipil, age 58, is second technical officer and father to Warrior Rort Chipil. Ivanoff was in the second part of the first galaxy series, and has been temporarily assigned to assist and guide Commander Gharm on the continuation of gathering information and honored guests.

  Warrior Rort Chipil, age 32, is a geologist and one of Ivanoff Chipil’s sons, from the first set the galaxy warrior series. Unlike his brother, Newf, he is anxious to find an honored guest to mate. Newf is remaining on the Guardian Warship during this mission, unless called to assist by Commander Gharm.

  Warrior Maxon Lindrt, age 33, is a chemist. He dabbles in plant and insect life. Maxon is curious, but hasn’t given much thought about settling down with a life-mate.

  Warrior-Senior Technical Officer Varun Osiri, age 34, is one of four technical officers aboard the transport ship. He is on the ledge about a life-mate and humans. More so, against the idea. He sees them as weak, yet is intrigued after hearing about the human females that Fleet Commander Scorpak returned to Pzianian.

  Warrior-Security Officer Blaize Pulten, age 34, is about to be blindsided by a pretty human female! His duties are so demanding and dangerous, that the thought of entering into a contractual breeding with a Pzian female has rarely crossed his mind. He knows he will not have time to devote to raising a youngling, even part-time. When the urge to be around younglings presents itself, he can indulge in his brothers’ younglings, then be on his way, doing what he loves most. He has become enchanted with Kodiak’s daughter, Gabriella Mendez-Powers.

  Warrior Engineer Adal Lucia, age 46, she will assist Commander Gharm with navigation and operations on the transporter. She has one daughter who is an Environmental Control Specialist on the Promise Warship.

  Warrior Technician Obard Bylt, age 45, assists Senior and Secondary Technical Officers. />
  Warrior Technician Ninjk Mrirux, age 51, assists Senior and Secondary Technical Officers.

  Aliens: Other

  Bronis Scorpak, Second in Command of all of Pzianian. Father to Fleet Commander Slotan, Traven, Gorgo, Phataz, Zepar, J’Quil, Breneem, and Bolano. Bronis is a warrior, trainer, advisor, and confidant to Pzianian Leader Thalmar. Bronis holds the second highest position on planet but has no desire to become Pzianian Leader. He has contracted with seven women, producing eight sons. None of the women he bred became his life-mate. He has now taken a human female, Ellie Taralucci as his life-mate.

  Attilius Thalmar, Current Pzianian World Leader. He has one son, Pravel, and no daughters. Thalmar has no intention of passing on leadership of the planet to his son. He intends to hand over leadership to Bronis Scorpak, and if Bronis rejects his offer, then Fleet Commander Slotan Scorpak will lead the planet. His current love interest and new life-mate is Christine Shasta. Dakota Shasta is his adopted human daughter. When he accepted Christine and Dakota, he also got their deceased relatives, Serena and Maude, as well as Dakota’s ghost dog, Kinoa.

  Privok, Deceased. Mighty leader who developed the technology to alter male and female D.N.A., creating a superior warrior race. With this technology, males and females grew in size, strength, speed, and stamina. Females were now only slightly smaller in height and weight to their male counterparts. The problem was that the altered D.N.A. corrected imperfections with each generation and many feared what their race will even become. Under his leadership, the vast majority of family units dissolved so emotions would not interfere with duties. He took many females to breed. His primary philosophy centered on the fact that it is logical to build a force that no other race can compete with, and it is not logical to take over other planets and spread your population so thin that maintaining our own planet would undermine security. Fair and mutually beneficial diplomacy was encouraged.

  Vonna, Privok’s justifiably bitter first mate, guided the females of his world. She encouraged females to be self-reliant, logical, and strong. Under her guidance, female communities were established and breeding was contractual and catalogued. Females were free to seek out the strongest breeding partners.


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