Precious Consequences

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Precious Consequences Page 6

by Tamsyn Bester

  I blush, and I’m not even sure why. Maybe it’s because I’m thinking about someone I hardly know but wish I knew better. Or maybe it’s because I had the urge to trace Cameron’s tattoos with my fingers after seeing the ink that covered quite a bit of his body. I’m willing to put my money on both and then add thinking about how mouthwatering he looks, with water dripping off every bulging muscle of his defined swimmer’s body, for good measure.

  “Okay, fine,” I sigh. “You caught me.”

  “What’s his name?” Taylor asks, intrigued.

  “Cameron,” I reply. “But I hardly know the guy. We met two weeks ago outside Ari’s daycare center and I saw him again yesterday.”

  “Honey,” Taylor says, sitting back on the lounger. “We all start off as strangers, and there’s nothing wrong with being curious about someone. You might find that he’s just as curious about you.”

  “I doubt it. A guy like that can have any girl he wants and I’m pretty sure he’ll head for the hills when he finds out I’m a package deal.”

  Taylor sighs and I think about what she said. “That’s the reality of being a momma. Our girls always have to come first and if that means not having a guy in our lives until much later, then so be it. I’m quite happy having it be just me and Mace for a while anyway.”

  We fall silent, both being pulled in by our thoughts. She’s right. Ari’s needs will always come before mine and I will be that way until she’s old enough to stand on her own two feet. Being with a guy right now just isn’t in the cards and I’m oddly okay with that. Because when the right guy comes along, he won’t only fall in love with me, but he’ll fall in love with Ari, too.

  ** ** ** **

  Taylor and Macy stay with us through Saturday and Sunday and when Monday rears its ugly head, I drop Macy off at daycare with Ari. I have a test on Friday, so after stopping at the coffee shop, I make my way to the library, hoping to get in an hour or two of studying before my first class with Hannah. I take two flights of stairs and find a quiet corner in the study center. I take out my text book for my Concepts of Communication and Journalism class and start making notes, scribbling furiously across sheets of paper until it’s covered in ink. Somehow two hours goes by without me even realizing it. I pack up my things and when I walk out the library again, I spot Cameron walking in my direction. He’s wearing a pair of blue faded jeans and a black t-shirt that shows of his broad shoulders. As if he knows I’m staring at him, his head comes up, revealing a pair of aviator sunglasses and a smile that could melt the panties off even the most frigid woman.

  “Hi,” he says, stepping up to me.

  “Hey Cameron,” I reply. I can’t see his eyes but I know he’s staring straight at me. An awkward silence travels between us and I nibble on the inside of my cheek.

  After a few minutes, Cameron speaks. “You headed to class?” he asks.

  “Yeah, I’m headed that way,” I reply, stupidly pointing in the direction Cameron was walking.

  “I’ll walk you,” he says. He adjusts his bag that rests across his chest and we start walking.

  I decide to make small talk in the hopes that it will squelch the awkwardness. Or maybe it’s nervousness. But why would I be nervous around Cameron, or him around me? “How did the rest of the swim meet go?”

  Cameron grins triumphantly. “We won of course, it was a no-brainer.”

  “Congrats,” I reply, smiling.

  “Of course you’d know that if you were at the party on Friday night, but you weren’t.”

  He sounds disappointed? No, he can’t be. Could he?

  “Uh, yeah, sorry about that. I had other plans. But I’m sure you had just as much fun though.”

  We stop outside my class and I notice that Cameron looks nervous for some reason. He turns to face me, rubbing the back of his neck. I’m about to say goodbye when he speaks first. “Hayley, I…” he hesitates. “I wanted to know if you’d like to go out with me?”

  I stare at him, a little taken aback. I did not see that coming, that’s for sure. “Uh.”

  He chuckles, “Not quite the reaction I was hoping for.”

  Shaking my head, I reply, “Cameron, I don’t know. I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  Instead of asking me why he simply grins. It’s confident. “Well, that’s never happened before.”

  “What?” I ask. “A girl’s never said no to you before?”

  “No,” he laughs. “But that’s fine. I can be pretty persistent when I see something I want.”

  I fold my arms over my chest. “Oh, really?”

  “Yes ma’am,” he replies. He starts walking away from me, turning to face me as he walks backwards.

  “I’ll just ask you again tomorrow.”

  “And what if I say no?”

  He laughs again, saying, “I’ll keep asking you until you want me so bad you’ll say yes.”

  I shake my head, watching him walk away, and just when I think the conversation is over, he shouts, “I will get you to go on a date with me, Hayley Tanner, even if I have to ask you every day for a month.”

  Heads turn and I blush from the attention. It’s the girls who stop and stare at him, looking back and forth between us. I walk into class, an idiotic grin on my face. There’s no way he’d ask me out every day for an entire month, and even if he did, I doubt I can say yes. I would have to tell him about Ari and I’m not sure if I want to. Not out of shame, but out of fear. It would take someone special to want to be with me, because I have Ari, and I’m just not sure Cameron is that guy.

  Chapter 7

  ~ October, 2013 ~

  ~ Hayley ~

  We’re sitting in the cafeteria. Hannah and Noah are arguing, while Cameron and I watch, amused. Over the last four weeks, I’ve become close friends with them. We spend every free moment together when we’re on campus and my days are more interesting with them around. I’ve also spent more and more time with Cameron and I’ve found that there’s more to him than the cocky facade he hides behind. He’s also delivered on his promise to ask me out every day and he hasn’t been subtle about it either. Every time he’s asked me he’s done something a little more ridiculous than the time before and more often that not, I’ve turned beet red from embarrassment. I thought it would stop, that he’d get tired or give up, but he wasn’t kidding when said he’s persistent. After the first two weeks, people started whispering, spreading rumors about us. I soon realized that Cameron had never done this with another girl before and this made me somewhat unpopular amongst the female student population.

  “Seriously, Noah, you’re such a pig,” Hannah chides, smacking her brother on the arm.

  Noah shrugs, a smug look on his face. “What?” he asks. “I can’t help it if the girls find me irresistible.”

  Hannah rolls her eyes. “I don’t know why. You eat like a pig, you’re a complete slob and you’re a total man whore.”

  Noah squares his shoulders, grinning arrogantly at his sister who is clearly very exasperated with him. “You see sis,” he says, putting his arm around her shoulders. “Girls don’t want me for my personality. They want me for my body and what I can do to theirs. Because let’s face it, I’m a great lay.”

  Cameron snorts, choking on a piece of his burger, and Hannah looks at Noah with disgust. “I hope you get checked regularly. God knows what you catch with the amount of ‘holes you plug’. I’m surprised your ‘mini-me’ hasn’t fallen off yet, especially after seeing the type of girls that leave your room in the mornings. And let’s hope you don’t knock anyone up.”

  Noah sits back, and looks his sister in the eye as he says, “That’s where I’m smart. I have a rule about that.”

  “And what’s that?” Hannah asks, skepticism written all over her face. Noah’s dark hair, matching Hannah’s, falls into his eyes and he brushes it away.

  “Well, it’s quite simple,” he replies. “Up the bum, no babies.”

  Hannah’s mouth drops open and Cameron howls with laughter. I sta
rt laughing next to Cameron but cover my mouth when Hannah glares at me.

  “Ugh, you really are gross. I can’t believe we are even related.”

  Noah pats Hannah on the back. “You still love me sis.”

  “Well played dude,” Cameron says next to me, giving Noah a high-five.

  “Thanks,” Noah smirks.

  I glance down at my watch. “C’mon, Han, we have to go,” I tell Hannah.

  I stand up but Cameron grabs my hand and pulls me onto his lap. His one hand stays wrapped around my wrist, while the other rests on my hip. His closeness is wreaking havoc on all of my senses. My yellow sundress rides up my thighs and my skin tingles where it makes contact with the rough material of Cameron’s jeans. His hot breath hits my neck and I have to clench my muscles to stop the shiver that wants to run down my spine. His stormy eyes meet mine and I see a smile playing at his mouth.

  “Go out with me,” he whispers. “Put me out of my misery.”

  Out of all the ways he’s asked me out, this has to be the best. He lifts a finger, tracing it from the soft spot below my ear down to the hollow of my neck. He seems oblivious to the eyes that have now fallen on us, and it feels like the cafeteria has grown completely quiet. Everyone’s watching us.

  Deciding to be brave, and play Cameron at his own game, I lean in close, our lips almost touching.

  “No,” I breathe.

  He grins and I can see the challenge swirling in the depth of his eyes.

  I climb from his lap, feeling my head swim. He drives me crazy and I’m sure he knows it. I accidentally knock my bag over, causing him to chuckle. Bastard.

  I pick up the few things that fell from my bag and start towards the cafeteria doors, aware that everyone, including Hannah, is gawking at me. As soon as I’m outside, away from the scrutiny, my shoulders relax. Unfortunately there relief is short lived when Cameron bursts through the doors and runs after me.

  “Hayley, wait!”

  I spin around and see Cameron jogging towards me, a sexy, wide grin on his face. I take a moment to look at him, admire his boyishly rogue features. He really is stunning, in a rough kind of way.

  “Go out with me,” he says, catching up with me.

  Now I have no choice but to roll my eyes because that’s twice in one day that he’s asked me and it’s twice in one day that I’ll have to reject him.

  “Cam,” I sigh. “We’ve been through this every day for the last month. My answer is no.”

  “But now you have no choice but to say yes.”

  My eyebrows dip and from a frown. I’m confused. “What do you mean?”

  Instead of explaining, he simply hands me a crumpled piece of paper. I take it from him and unfold it. When I read it, my face splits into a grin and I struggle to contain the giggle that wants to explode from my chest.

  “U.O.ME,” I read out aloud. “Signed, Cameron Argent.”

  It’s the note he wrote after he gave me that ride to Campus. I can’t believe that was eight weeks ago. I feel like so much has happened between then and now, when in actual fact, very little has happened. Except that Cameron and I have become friends and I’ve been trying to ignore the obvious chemistry that always hums between us when we’re together. It’s in the way he smiles at me, and the way he makes me laugh, even when he’s not doing anything at all. I decide then, staring down at the silly little piece of paper, that I want to know more of Cameron Argent.

  “So I’ll pick you up tomorrow night then. At your house, seven p.m. sharp.”

  It’s not a question, but I can hear the hopefulness in his voice.

  “Ok,” I acquiesce.

  His shoulders relax and he smiles at me, only this time there’s a shyness to it that was absent before. He takes a step closer and leans down, his lips brushing my cheek.

  “I can’t wait,” he says softly. He places a whisper of a kiss on my cheek and then turns to walk back in through the cafeteria doors. I stand, stunned, and slightly taken aback. Once again we had an audience but I hardly notice. In fact, I hardly notice anything else for the rest of the day until a slight panic washes over me.

  I’m in trouble.

  Because for the first time, I’ll have to tell someone about my daughter knowing that they’ll leave once they know.

  * * *

  At quarter to seven, I walk into Ari’s room, dressed and ready. I’m wearing a dark pair of skinny jeans and a red strapless empire waist top. The cute pair of black wedges on my feet round of the outfit perfectly. My long brown hair is clipped on either side and curled at the ends, just to give it a little more bounce. My make-up is subtle, and I opted for a light pink blush, mascara and a nude lip-gloss.

  Ari’s eyes light up when she see’s me and she squirms out of my grandmother’s hold to get to me. She climbs into my arms and hugs me, wrapping her arms around my neck. Her embrace does little to calm my frayed nerves. I’ve spent most of the afternoon worrying about tonight instead of getting lost in my excitement. Most girls would be feeling enlivened with nerves over a date, but all I’ve been able to think about is how I’m going to take the blow when Cameron decides we can’t be more than friends because I’m not like most girls my age. I wouldn’t be able to put him first. The little person in my arms already has that spot.

  “You ready for bed, monkey?” I ask Ari, smiling at her pajama’s with all the Disney Princess’s on it.

  She yawns and rests her head on my shoulders. I kiss her forehead, which feels a little warmer than usual, and lay her down on her bed, tucking her in.

  “I love you,” I whisper.

  She turns, giving me a shy smile. “I love you, mommy,” she whispers back.

  I watch her close her eyes and switch on the night light next to her bed. I leave the door open slightly and head downstairs. My grandmother is drying the dishes when I walk into the kitchen.

  “You look beautiful, Hayley,” she says warmly.

  “Thank you,” I reply. “But I’m nervous.”

  “I can tell,” she chuckles. “You look about ready to throw up.”

  I look down, staring at my feet. My grandmother’s hands lift my face and she looks at me, her eyes shining bright with love and understanding. “You’re worried about telling him about Arianna,” she states. I forgot that this woman sometimes has a direct line to my thoughts.

  I nod, biting my lip.

  “Hayley, honey, you have to be honest with him, and if he’s the man God chooses for you and Arianna, then you’ll know. It will take a special kind of man to open his heart to both of you and when you meet him, your heart will know.”

  I sigh. “But Gama, what if I want him to be that guy?” I ask earnestly.

  “Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work that way, sweetheart. Sometimes the people we want are not the people chosen for us. But you never know, he might just surprise you.”

  Just then the doorbell rings.

  “Enjoy your night, darling girl. And whatever happens, let it. You deserve this night out.”

  “Thank you,” I breathe, swallowing back my urge to cry. I’m scared but I don’t have the courage to admit it out aloud.

  I open the door and feel my heart jump into my throat.

  “Wow,” Cameron says. “You look amazing.”

  I blush at his compliment.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” I reply. I peruse his body slowly. His whitewashed jeans fit him perfectly. They’re a sharp contrast to the cargo shorts he had on earlier. His navy blue button down shirt shows off his chest and the sleeves, rolled up to his elbows, accentuate his forearms and show off the hint of the tattoos that are showing. The navy blue also makes his eyes look brighter.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asks.

  I nod and grab my purse, shutting the door behind me. He rests his hand on the hollow of my lower back and leads me to his truck. He opens the door, helping me inside and then walks around to the driver’s side. He starts the ignition and pulls away from the curb.

where are you taking me Mr. Argent?” I’m curious and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t expecting the ‘fancy restaurant’ cliché.

  Cameron grins, looking at me from the corner of his eye. “If I told you, I’d have to kill you Miss. Tanner. And that would be a crying shame, especially with you looking so gorgeous tonight.”

  Again, his compliment catches me off guard and even though he’s laying the charm on thick, I like how it makes me feel. Tonight may be the only night like this that I get with him so I’m going to enjoy it, live it and store it in my memory box, to look back on and remember.

  Smiling shyly, and say, “Thank you,” and look away.

  “We’re here,” Cameron states. If I’m not mistaken there’s some excitement in his voice.

  We’ve stopped outside a palatial sized house and suddenly I’m the one overcome with nerves. Is this his house? Am I about to meet his parents? Oh dear, this can’t be happening.

  He hops out and meets me on the passenger side of his truck, taking my hand and helping me out. Wordlessly, he leads me to the front door and unlocks it. The foyer is huge, with two matching marble staircases on either side. There’s a long passage to my left, and ahead of me is a cinema-sized living room, with plush leather couches that fill the large space perfectly. It is exquisite to say the least and while I’ve been privy to seeing the inside of houses much like this in my old life, as I like to call it, this house oozes warmth, and hominess. It is obvious that this house is lived in and houses an actual family, instead of ‘occupants’. Cameron locks the door behind me and then continues to lead me further into the house until we’re in the kitchen. My feet cement themselves to the tiles floors when I see that a dinner for two has been set up on the island in the center of the kitchen, complete with candles and beautifully laid out silverware.

  “Wow,” I breathe. “This is…” I trail off.

  “Surprised?” Cameron asks next to me. The look of worry on his face is faint, but I see it.

  “Very,” I reply. “But I love it.”


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