On Probation

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by Malone, Misty

  On Probation


  Misty Malone

  ©2015 by Blushing Books® and Misty Malone

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  Malone, Misty

  On Probation

  eBook ISBN: 978-1-68259-233-5

  Cover Design by ABCD Graphics & Design

  This book is intended for adults only. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the Author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.


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  Table of Contents:

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  About Misty Malone

  Ebook Offer

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  About Blushing Books

  Chapter One

  Derek Anderson stood outside his old college roommate's door. He and Phil Matthews had become instant friends their freshman year and had been roommates all four years. They've been friends ever since, following each other's lives and careers. When Phil called and said he had a big favor to ask, but had to ask it in person, Derek was concerned. He couldn't imagine what kind of favor he wouldn't want to talk about over the phone.

  He reached up and knocked on the door. Phil answered quickly and invited him in.

  "Hey, Derek, thanks for coming over," Phil said, handing his old college roommate a beer.

  "Sure, no problem. What's up?"

  "Well, like I told you on the phone, I have a favor to ask." he admitted.

  "I'll help you if I can. What is it?"

  "Before you agree too quickly, I have to warn you, this is a big favor. It's huge, and I'll understand if you don't want to tackle her."

  Derek looked over at his good friend, eyebrows raised. "Her? Who am I tackling, and what does she look like? Wait. You aren't trying to set me up on another blind date, and disguising it as a favor, are you?"

  "No, I promise this is no attempt at a blind date," Phil assured him. "And I told you, I'm sorry about that last time. I had no idea she felt so strongly about animal rights."

  "All I did was mention I like hunting and I thought she was going to tear me apart."

  Laughing, Phil said, "Yeah, she did turn out to be a little on the strange side, didn't she?"

  "Do you think? She apologized to everyone she met at the party I took her to, because we drove twenty-five minutes to get there, when according to her we should have left a couple hours earlier and walked, or at the least taken public transportation. She told everyone how awful it was of us to burn all that gas and add to the world's pollution problems."

  Phil laughed, remembering the fiasco. "Yeah, she was a little out there. But don't worry, this one's not a nut case, and I'm not asking you to date her."

  "Okay, if I'm not dating her, what am I doing, and how do you know she's not a nut job?"

  "She's not a nut job, she's my sister."

  Derek raised his eyebrows again. "Your baby sister who about drove you nuts when we were in college?"

  "That's the one. She was a freshman in high school when we were freshmen in college, so I wasn't around her much in her high school years. That was unfortunate."

  "Yeah, it did sound like she had a few problems."

  "Her main problem was our parents couldn't say no to her, especially Mom. Then when Dad died, that left her and Mom alone, while I went to college. Mom had absolutely no control over her, and that was a shame. Kelli's not a bad person. She's got a good heart and she's smart, but she never had any boundaries set for her, and she desperately needed them. Mom didn't give her any at all, and Kelli took advantage of it."

  "So what's happened? The last I heard she was like a junior in college. Did she graduate?"

  "No. Unfortunately, she quit school and started working a series of dead-end jobs. She was smart enough to realize there was no future in any of them, and wasn't happy. I just got her talked into going back to school to finish her degree, when she got herself in trouble. Now, she's ready to go back to college here in town and even lined up a part-time job. She was going to stay with me and finish her degree, but she can't move here now because she's on probation. The judge won't let her leave town unless she can get a probation officer here that will accep
t her."

  "And that's where I come in," Derek surmised. "What kind of trouble did she get in, and how long is her probation?"

  "First, Derek, I want you to know you don't have to do this. We've been friends longer than you've been a probation officer, so I'll understand completely if you don't want to, and it won't affect our friendship. But if you're interested, she's on probation for three years. What she did wasn't really all that terrible, but they gave her three years because it wasn't her first time before the same judge."

  "That's never a good thing," Derek commented. "So what did she do?"

  "After Mom died, Kelli went crazy. She dropped out of college, and she started hanging with the wrong people. She was out feeling sorry for herself one night and drank a little too much and got stopped. Luckily, she was just under the limit, but money was tight with her dead-end jobs, and she'd let her insurance lapse. So she was charged with driving with no insurance. She lost her license for six months. A friend of hers borrowed her car during that time, and he wrecked it. It turns out his license had been suspended, which she says she didn't know about, so she got in trouble for letting him drive her car. Then she got caught driving a friend's car to work one day, and there was a stolen television set in the trunk, and some marijuana in the glove box. She claims she knew nothing about either one, and I believe her, for what it's worth. Then, as luck would have it, she went before the same judge. Now she's on probation for three years and had her license taken for two years."

  Derek was nodding his head, and Phil went on, "It's a shame, really, because I was hoping I could finally help her get her life straightened out. I thought she needed to get away from her friends there, and she needed to finish college. This was her perfect opportunity. She could stay here, so she wouldn't need to worry about money for rent. She could walk to the college from here, so it wouldn't be a problem not having a license, and she had a part-time job lined up so she'd have a little spending money."

  "That would be a good chance for her to turn things around," Derek agreed. "So, tell me a little more about Kelli. What's she like?"

  Phil instantly frowned, which told his friend a lot. "She's a good kid, Derek. She really is, but she needs to realize that. She's been on her own too long, and she's out of control. Even before our mom died, she was basically on her own. She came and went as she pleased. She needs someone to rein her in a little bit. I honestly don't think she sees the good in herself right now, either, which is a shame. She's got a lot going for her, but right now it's hidden. I think I'm probably the only person who sees that in her, and lately, I have to look hard to find it."

  "It sounds like she needs someone to hold her accountable for her actions."

  "That's exactly what she needs." Looking at his friend hopefully, he asked, "Are you interested in the job?"

  Derek sighed, and took a few minutes to consider it. "I've got a few questions, but I need honest answers if I'm going to be able to help her."


  "Does she seem happy with herself or her life right now?"


  "Is she fighting the whole idea of being on probation, or is she willing to accept it?"

  Phil thought a moment before answering, "I'm not really sure. She's been pretty rebellious lately, so I know it's not what you want to hear, but she may be bucking the system."

  Derek nodded his head and asked, "Has she ever spent any time at all, even overnight, in jail?"

  "Just a few hours at the police station, until I could get there and bail her out. She was never in a cell."

  "Okay. If I take her on and she rebels and ends up in jail or something, is our friendship going to be a problem? Will she be upset with you because I sent her off?"

  After consideration Phil answered, "Honestly, maybe at first, but I think she'll figure it out fairly quickly. Let me try to explain this. She doesn't take responsibility for her own actions right away, but at the same time, she doesn't blame her problems on someone else. She just doesn't think things through before she does them. If something happens, it's never her fault; it just happened. But if you press her on it, she doesn't blame it on anyone else, either. Eventually she sees it for what it is. Does that make any sense?"

  "In a way it does, yeah. If she's never had consequences for her actions, nothing's ever her fault." Derek ran his hand through his hair, sighed again, and said, "Phil, here's the thing. It sounds to me like Kelli needs accountability in her life, and a strong sense of boundaries. If she steps over one of them, she needs to have consequences. I know this isn't something you'll want to hear, but until and unless she learns that life has boundaries and learns how to live within them, she'll struggle on probation, and will probably end up in jail."

  Phil was listening intently, and agreed. "I think that sounds exactly like what she needs. Mom and Dad never did that for her, like they did me."

  "Why did they with you, but not her?"

  "I think because she was born two months early and had health problems when she was young. They just couldn't bring themselves to deny her anything, and she caught on to that early. Like I said, she's smart, and she learned right away that a charming smile and big puppy dog eyes would get her about anything she wanted. If they said no, a good pout on her part would change their mind."

  "That explains a lot," Derek said, smiling.

  "So what do you think?"

  Derek looked at his friend intently for a moment. "I have one more question, and consider this carefully." Phil nodded, and Derek continued. "It sounds to me like what Kelli needs more than a probation officer is a friend who will hold her accountable for her life. She needs the probation officer to satisfy the court, but I think she needs a friend or mentor, someone who won't give in to her, even more. I don't think her chances of making it through probation are very good without such a friend. Now, I can and will be both her probation officer and the friend she needs, but the question is, do you think she'll let me?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "I'm going to be honest and up front with you, Phil. What I think will help Kelli most, and quickest, is if I set some boundaries, and if she crosses them she gets spanked."

  Phil's eyes popped wide open. "Are you serious?"

  "Completely," Derek assured him. "Think about it. Did you parents ever spank you when you were a kid?"

  "Sure, when I was a kid."

  "And what was the result?"

  "It definitely caused a change in my behavior."

  "And how quickly did you change?"


  "And did you grow up hating your parents or respecting them?"

  "I respected them."

  "Did Kelli respect them? That may sound like a silly question, but kids who aren't disciplined often lack respect for people, including their parents."

  After some consideration, Phil admitted, "Derek, I never thought about that, but now that you mention it, I'm not sure she did respect them. She didn't listen to anything Mom said, so how could she have respected her? And she had Dad wrapped around her little finger, so she probably didn't have much respect for him, either. I think she loved them, but I don't think there was a lot of respect."

  "It sounds like Kelli not only needs to be held accountable, but she also needs to learn a little respect for someone else. Then she'll be able to respect herself and the decisions she makes."

  Phil was considering this and said, "I agree with everything you're saying, Derek. But she's not a kid. I don't know if she'll agree to it or not."

  "Well, I'll ask her when I meet with her, but if I were to give her a sample of what I'm talking about, what will she do?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "After she and I talk about this some, if she gives me cause and I spank her, then try again to talk to her, will she hear me out and listen to what I have to say, or will she get super upset and call the police?"

  "Derek, if there's one person she will listen to, at least a little, it's me. If she wants to call the police, I'll step i
n. The more I've been thinking about it, the more I think this is exactly what she needs, and it might work. You're willing to do it?"

  "As long as you think it will work, yeah. In my business I see some people who think the world owes them, and they always will feel that way. There's not a lot I can do to help them because they don't even see that they have a problem. I just do my job, and encourage them to do right, and what happens happens. I see other people who know they need to change their life, but it's just too hard, and they're not ready to put forth the effort. The only thing I can do for them is encourage them to get to that point where they care enough to do the hard work. Every now and then I see someone, especially a young lady like Kelli, who is smart and has a lot going for her, but is just a plain spoiled brat."

  Phil smiled at his friend's words. "That's Kelli."

  Derek chuckled as he nodded his head. "Honestly, I just want to take those ladies over my knee and get their attention. I swear it's what they really need, and I'm sure it would work much better, and a lot quicker than anything else, but I'm just their probation officer, so I can't do that. If you'll back me up on this, I'd like to really try and help Kelli how I think will work best. I honestly think it's her best chance of staying out of jail. It's also her best chance of being happy, in my opinion."

  Phil was nodding his head as he considered Derek's words. "I appreciate it, Derek. You've got my backing. Now we just have to convince Kelli."

  "Set up a time for us to meet. I have to make sure we're compatible, and then convince her to let me help her."

  "What do you mean make sure you're compatible?"

  "Occasionally you meet someone you just don't like. It would be really hard for me to gain her trust, which is vitally important here, if she can't stand to be around me. Spanking is obviously a very personal thing, so we have to be okay around each other, and she has to trust me."


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