Weddings Are a Bitch (The Luc and Zain Mysteries Book 2)

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Weddings Are a Bitch (The Luc and Zain Mysteries Book 2) Page 1

by Nathan Grant

  Weddings Are a Bitch

  A Luc and Zain Mystery Book Two


  Nathan Grant



  Nathan Grant

  Copyright © 2018 Nathan Grant

  Cover photograph by Nanette Grebe

  License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. Thank you for respecting the author's work.


  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.


  Weddings Are a Bitch

  Chapter One

  Looking around, Claudia Simon finally spotted her brother Zain Simon sitting on a water-worn rock alongside Oak Creek. The same gorgeous creek that meandered through his new resort located north of Sedona, Arizona.

  "Zainy, did you get that damn wine cooler installed yet? Aunt Franny told me she'd arranged for the wine and champagne to be delivered this afternoon. You know there will be hell to pay if she has to drink warm champagne again," she reminded her brother after not finding him inside with the installers.

  Zain looked over at her, not bothering to hide the irritation he felt by his sister intruding into his private thoughts. He took a deep breath to calm his response before turning to answer her.

  "Yes, I've got it all covered Claudia, now will you knock it off for a while and let me have some peace? Besides, Luc is down at her place and will keep her in order; you know how those two get along," he said with another heavy sigh.

  "Sometimes I think my sweet Luc Ronan has taken my place with her. She dotes on him like there is no tomorrow and I'm beginning to think they have their own private language like babies. Almost like they can read each other's minds," Zain complained thinking about how his fiancé had conquered the hearts of his family.

  "Well you have to admit Luc is sure a great looking guy and you know how Aunt Franny likes her younger men, and if he can read her mind, well I'm sure he'll be learning a few very unexpected things so you’d better watch out," she laughed.

  Zain couldn’t help but smile at the visual image, thinking of his boyfriend, now fiancé and soon to be spouse.

  "Well, he's mine and she can't have him, no matter what she might tempt him with," he snickered.

  "Yea, the old wrong plumbing joke," she kidded, remembering that comment made to her when she first met Luc.

  "Actually it was a match made in heaven; Aunt Franny likes great looking younger men, he likes to drink, she likes to drink, and they both enjoy the same type of humor. Plus Great-aunt Francesca Simon certainly doesn't look even close to her age," Zain began.

  "Or act it and after all she's a virtually our parent's age and they aren't that old either," Claudia quickly added.

  Zain glanced over at Claudia and was still amazed how much she resembled their Great-aunt Franny with her clear skin, jet black hair, and all the other prominent assets.

  "But you do have to admit it's apparent which side of the family your looks came from," he added watching the smile grow on her gorgeous face.

  "Well since I’m in a good mood, you're no slouch yourself Zain and thank you for that. And by the way, you look like Mom with the thick blonde hair of yours and those emerald green eyes I could kill for," she told him feeling weird for gushing so much.

  "True, we seriously sound like our own fan club and I hope to God no one is listening to this drivel," he laughed, looking around the area, making sure no one was close enough to hear them kid with each other.

  Claudia walked over to give him a quick hug.

  "We do, it's a dirty job, but someone has to do it, so when is Luc coming back? We have a lot of details to take care of before the wedding and he should be here instead of playing around with Aunt Franny," she told him.

  "She promised to have him back here soon, I made her swear; they went into town to look at some art that she wanted for her great room. Her excuse to take him out to lunch was that she needed his opinion and wanted someone without a bias. Oh, take a look, it seems the troops have arrived," Zain said pointing up at the road just in time to see a sleek white Mercedes sports car take the turn into the resort almost on two wheels.

  Smiling broadly, Luc got out of the car and hurried over to Zain, kissing him soundly and then giving Claudia a long warm hug.

  "Gee I feel left out," Francesca Simon complained as she sauntered over to greet the others.

  "So Aunt Franny did you manage to pick up some art or was it that handsome new artist you've been mentioning, that you wanted to acquire," Claudia asked, taking a moment to examine her manicure.

  Franny rolled her eyes at her great-niece.

  "Oh Claudia don't be such a bitch. Just because I happen to like a man's technique," she began, as she watched Claudia’s wicked smile grow.

  "Oh it's his technique now and not just how he works," she quipped, smiling to herself at Franny's expense.

  "As I mentioned to you, don't be such a judgmental bitch. Just because you've decided to be celibate for the last several months doesn’t mean the rest of us are bound by that sort of thing you know," she said, causing Zain to roll his eyes.

  "C'mon Aunt Franny, Claudia is just trying to live her life after her recent and terrible experience. Personally I'm glad she's decided to be a bit more discerning and move on from the past," he said carefully, and then he noticed their new construction supervisor walking up to them.

  "Is something up Jake," he asked, concerned they'd hit yet another snag with the latest cabin's renovations.

  The muscular handsome man smiled at everyone stopping to look long and hard at Claudia before he spoke to them.

  "Nothing that important, so don't worry about it. I just think it is a good idea to put some extra reinforcement on the chimney to make sure it doesn't shift when we shore up the cabin's foundation. I'm sure this is the original construction that was done by an experienced amateur, but an amateur none the less."

  Zain looked relieved since it wasn’t another expensive fix.

  "It sounds like a good idea and thanks for bringing it up," Zain told him, noticing how Claudia was still staring and smiling at him.

  "Good deal, I'll have the men start the shoring up process right away; you can’t be too careful with all these old buildings," he told him, and then turned to Claudia.

  "Are we still on for dinner later tonight," he asked, surprised at how Franny covered her mouth and turned away to keep from laughing.

  Claudia flashed her a dirty glance great-aunt and then turned back to answer Jake’s question.

  "Of course we are Jake, I'm looking forward to it," she said, making sure to lock eyes with him.

  "Great, I'll pick you up at your residence around seven or so and we can try that new Italian place down by the creek," he beamed at her.

  "I can't wait," Claudia purred slowly back at him, reaching out to sensuously place a finger on his muscular arm.

  With another big smile at them, he turned and strutted away, with Claudia and Franny both checking out his sensational muscular butt.

  "Wow, Claudia Simon in action," Luc chuckled, and then followed it by a low admiring whistle.

  "More like the slut is back in in the saddle," Franny quipped, shaking her head in amazement at her great-niece.

  Several hours later after the construction team had left the work site, Luc, Zain, and Franny were seated on the stone patio near the murmuring creek. It was a quiet evening and they
wre enjoying watching the late afternoon sun painting the high canyon walls.

  "The transformation here has been simply amazing. In just over two months now, seven cabins have been renovated and are ready for occupancy. The care to maintain the feel of the original resort is exceptional," Franny enthused.

  "We were very lucky all things considered especially when they had been neglected for so long. The original buildings were still sound and only required electrical, plumbing, and climate along with the usual cosmetic changes. As it turned out, there was only one exception that had a bad foundation issue. The roofs on the buildings were all slate and were built to last; major chimney cleanings have been completed. Once we have the last buildings finished, we've got a fantastic plan for the landscaping starting early next week and right on schedule," Zain explained to her.

  "Bearing in mind all the people coming from out of town and especially family and close friends, we wanted to have the place virtually done about a week before the wedding," Luc mentioned, smiling and reaching over to take Zain's hand.

  "Personally, I can't wait until you renovate the rest of the bar and keep it firmly in mind, that's one aspect of the hiring I want to participate in," she laughed.

  "Better you than Claudia," Zain breathed, thinking about her latest conquest, and hoping anew that she wouldn't screw up the progress on the renovations.

  "So what's going on with that Olive character, the one who was the condition for the sale of this place," Franny asked, glancing up the pathway toward the distant hidden cottage.

  Franny thought back to the tedious negotiations about what the former owners called their elderly relative. There was the iron clad condition that the Simons would first renovate the old caretaker’s house located out of sight of the resort, where she could live out her life in a peaceful home.

  Arguing against such an unusual condition proved futile and if they wanted the property, their Great-aunt Olive Barrett was part of the package deal, or there would be no sale.

  Per the contract, the renovation to be completed before the resort opened to the public, and other than her occupying the cottage, that was the end of their obligation to her.

  If they sold the resort, the condition stayed in place during her lifetime, if she vacated it due to her health, death, or disinterest in living there any longer, the condition was considered whole and complete.

  Franny's attorneys made it very clear that her continued occupancy was the only condition, and she or the Simon family members were not responsible for any other things that might arise. It was stipulated that they were in no way liable for her health, welfare, entertainment, support, or legally responsible for any type of accident or occurrence natural or otherwise.

  "The lawyer guy that you bargained with called three days ago to tell us she would be moving in tomorrow, and thanked us for doing such a great job on the house for her. He also mentioned that she might be bringing along a small dog to keep her company," Zain explained to them, watching the surprise on their faces.

  "Oh great a difficult old who knows what, and a yappy little dog, thank God they didn't demand one of the resort houses," she said rolling her eyes.

  Zain frowned feeling a pang of empathy for the older lady whose family was making it very clear they didn’t want her around.

  "While talking to him I asked him what she liked to eat and drink and had the place stocked for her. It was odd, as it seems she just about lives on things like cookies, and Ramen type noodles, along with some bread, salad things, fruit, and cheeses. In addition, here is one for you Aunt Franny; he told me to make sure I laid in two cases of good Russian Vodka as she likes to have a little 'something in the evening," he laughed.

  Franny’s features softened in a smile.

  "Well then I guess she can't be all bad; after she arrives I might just stroll on over there, just to be neighborly you understand, and see if we girls might be able to hit it off over a smart cocktail or a little something," she reasoned.

  "Or maybe three or perhaps more little somethings," Luc quipped, barely avoiding the back of Franny's hand.

  Much later Luc and Zain were again sitting out on the rustic stone patio enjoying the sound of the creek as it splashed along past the cottage.

  There had been precious few moments of quiet lately since all the renovations began but now as the shadows overtook the light, Luc breathed in the heady scent of Cottonwood trees lacing the warm air.

  "You know Zain, there are times lately when I wish we had just had a small ceremony for close friends and family and then had taken off on our own for a couple of weeks," he said, sounding tired.

  Zain leaned over, kissed his cheek, and took his hand.

  "I know how you feel Luc, and fully understand, but our family, or I should clarify my family would be devastated if they didn't get to put on a big party for us. I'm their only son, and now they think of you the same way and want to show us how they feel. And you know how Franny would react if the Simon family didn't do things up right," he smiled, thinking about the racket she would make protesting such a decision.

  "I know and the one who has surprised me the most is Claudia and how enthusiastic she's been about planning everything. Personally after what she just went through with Scott, I thought that the idea of marriage would be the last thing she'd care about," Luc said, thinking out loud.

  "Probably because it's someone else getting married and not her, so she can just sit back and enjoy," Zaid told him.

  "If the way she was acting with the contractor earlier is any indication, I believe Claudia has something else on her mind than the nuptials," he laughed.

  "Speaking of which, why don't I grab a bottle of bubbly and join you inside; I think I need some more practice for the wedding night," Zain told him, leaning over again to sensuously kiss his neck, slowly trailing his hot tongue down Luc’s sensitive skin, causing him to shiver in delight.

  "You are probably on to something there Zain, I felt the last time you were a little clumsy," he giggled at Zain's expression then jumped up and ran for the house with Zain in hot pursuit.

  Chapter Two

  A day later, deciding the direct approach was the best, Franny walked along the narrow wooded path toward Olive's newly renovated cottage.

  On her way over to the cottage, she thought back to her conversation with Claudia who had brought up a subject earlier that morning. Something that made her completely forget to ask Claudia how her date had gone the previous night.

  Claudia had mentioned to her, that she saw a large moving truck parked by the side of the highway late the previous evening and thought it was an odd time to move someone in during the night.

  "My guess is they were very happy to get her off their hands. I sincerely hope that she isn't going to make things difficult for Luc and Zain, living on their property and so close to their new resort," Franny told Claudia.

  Franny nodded her agreement.

  "I hope not as well; getting that place off the ground is going to be hard enough with a major distraction living there."

  "I certainly agree with you on that. I'm going over to the resort shortly to pick up Zain and then go to the store to start stocking the other cabins that are finished. Before we go out shopping, I'm going over to Olive’s place and determine the lay of the land so to speak. I feel our best strategy is to know what we are dealing with upfront," she returned.

  "Great idea, and let me know if you need me to deliver more Vodka," Claudia chuckled as she turned to go.

  As Franny rounded the last turn on the gravel path, she saw the cottage's small porch now decorated with several pots containing a myriad of colorful flowers. There were three wicker rocking chairs gracing the lovely space, a large hand tied rag rug, providing the perfect resting place for a small table.

  "Very cozy," she breathed, as she walked the final steps and then as she was raising her hand to knock on the door it opened, and a striking older woman stood inside, staring her down with a questioning look on her fa

  Olive Barrett was a tall thin woman, with her thick steel gray hair pulled back severely into a tight bun. She wore no makeup to disguise her classic beauty and smooth skin.

  Her eyes were so dark brown they appeared to be black under her dense black lashes, and Franny found it truly hard to guess her real age.

  "Hello, I'm Francesca Simon and," she began but Olive cut her off with a wave of her finely boned hand.

  "I know who you are Ms. Simon, but what I don’t know is why are you here," she asked causally, her sultry voice painting the air.

  Taken aback and still staring at her, Franny tried to hide the shock she felt at the woman's direct approach and glared back at her without losing eye contact.

  "I am glad you know who I am Olive, most people in this town do. I stopped by to welcome you and give you a housewarming gift; one I'm sure you will enjoy," she smiled briefly at her, but Olive’s eyes remained icy, as she glanced down to Franny’s hands.

  Upon seeing the gift, Olive suddenly seemed unsure of Franny’s friendly approach, but all the same, held out her hand to accept the Vodka, still not smiling.

  "Thank you for your gift, Ms. Simon; but I would have expected one of the young men down there to do your bidding for you," she remarked, sneaking a furtive glance at the bottle's label.

  Franny breathed in slowly to allow her time to consider her words, not to mention control her temper at the offhand insult.

  "The young men as you put it are now your landlords, as they own the property. One of them is my grand-nephew, and the other man is his fiancé," she mentioned, watching her closely for a reaction to her statement.

  Without a glimmer of what she was thinking, Olive shrugged her slim shoulders and then with a wry smile, she returned her answer.

  "Times change and so do opinions Ms. Simon and I have no problem with their personal life in the least, or ever have. Now shall we quit sparring and share a taste of your gift to melt the ice perhaps," she asked, completely taking Franny off guard.

  Knowing when she’d been outmaneuvered, Franny openly smiled at her.


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