Weddings Are a Bitch (The Luc and Zain Mysteries Book 2)

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Weddings Are a Bitch (The Luc and Zain Mysteries Book 2) Page 3

by Nathan Grant

  Zain nodded in agreement, trying to defuse a touchy situation.

  "I think it's a great idea myself; we just came over here to introduce ourselves and welcome you, Ms. Barrett to your new home here in the resort," Zaid told her after turning in her direction.

  Olive smiled warmly at him, glancing over at Luc.

  "I'm very happy to be here Zain is it? Then you must be Luc who I have heard about from your Great-aunt Franny. She was so kind to me earlier and assured me you didn't mind me living here. Like I told her, I have no intentions of bothering either of you as I know you both are busy with your own lives and taking care of this wonderful place," she promised.

  "You don't bother us a bit Ms. Barrett; it's like I said, we are really happy this worked out the way it did and we are truly looking forward to getting to know you better. If there is ever anything you might need, just give us a call," Zain told her, handing her his card with the pertinent information.

  "That is just delightful to hear from you, and please call me Olive," she asked, turning to smile briefly at Luc.

  "Luc and I are having a wedding ceremony here in a few weeks and we'd be honored to have you as our guest. I will make sure you get an invitation so you will know the particulars, and let us know if you need any help attending the wedding. I know Aunt Franny or my sister Claudia would be more than happy to help you to the ceremony and anything else that might come up," he told her.

  "After meeting her, I'm sure Claudia will probably be too busy checking out the guys around there, than worrying about the guests," Jake said under his breath as he rapidly walked past them.

  Zain’s temper flared when he heard Jake making a crack about his sister. Even though it might have been deserved considering the outcome of their date the previous evening, he was still put off by his careless remark.

  "What the hell did you just say about my sister Claudia," Zain demanded as he turned to look at Jake.

  "I just said that your sister isn't the type of woman that cares about anything but herself; she made that clear to me last night."

  "I don't know what you're talking about," Zain returned, glancing quickly at Luc as he told his little white lie.

  Jake stopped and turned around to face him, pulling his cap off and then running his fingers through his hair in obvious frustration, completely ignoring Olive who was apparently taking it all in.

  "We went out to dinner and had a good time, at least I thought so. When we got back to her place, we were starting to get friendly and I thought we really hit it off, but apparently your sisters has other ideas of what she must want," he told him, giving him a very top level description of what had taken place.

  Zain tried to keep his face unreadable, and just sighed before he answered, trying to think of the man’s feelings.

  "Sometimes I guess the chemistry isn't there between two people; Claudia and I don't often swap stories about our dates," Zain said, feeling his cheeks begin to redden with his string of falsehoods.

  Jake wasn’t having any of it, as his now very apparent anger touched his extremely handsome features.

  "It wasn't chemistry that broke this up Zain; your sister only has feelings for herself, and when she started the obvious body shaming crap, I left. I don't need that kind of bullshit in my life and have no time for anyone that shallow. Maybe you should try sending a donkey in her direction," he huffed turning around and walking away.

  Dumbfounded by his last statement all Luc and Zain could do was stare as he walked away.

  "Oh my, I guess Claudia wasn’t buying what he was trying to sell," was all Olive uttered to them.

  She had been momentarily forgotten until now when Luc turned around to glance at her, completely mortified that she'd heard the raw suggestive conversation. At the same time, he was having a very hard time keeping a straight face in light of her comment and the amused look on her beautiful face.

  "I'm sorry you had to hear that Olive, unfortunately I'm sure it gave you the wrong impression about my sister Claudia," Zain told her, his cheeks still stinging from the evocative language used in front of her and the apparent insinuations.

  Olive shook her head in denial and then took hold of his arm, looking over at Luc before she spoke.

  "Nonsense Zain; a girl wants what she wants and that should be the end to it. There is nothing wrong with having a clear picture of what is necessary. Now I’m sorry to be abrupt, but it is time for my programs," she told them, leaving them both standing open mouthed as she turned and went back inside.

  Back at the resort, Franny could hardly contain herself.

  "Oh my God I knew I'd found a kindred spirit when I met her, this is just too funny," Franny giggled as she watched the looks on Zain and Luc's faces after they related the story to her.

  "I've got to meet this lady and soon, she sounds like a real kick to me," Claudia added with a smile of her own.

  "You've better be careful dear, she sounds like someone that just might want all the disgusting details," Franny warned with another chuckle.

  "And I'd be more than happy to supply those disgusting details to her and fill her in all about that little prick," Claudia answered, watching her brother roll his eyes as Franny howled behind him.

  Chapter Three

  Early the next morning after Claudia had finished her second cup of coffee, she decided to go introduce herself to Olive.

  After promising Luc to be back before too long to help him address wedding envelopes, she headed for the path that led to Olive's cottage.

  Opening her door in welcome, Olive ushered her into her cottage with a warm smile on her face.

  "So you are the famous Claudia Simon, please come in my dear, I've been waiting to have a chat with you," Olive enthused after answering her door.

  Upon entering the cottage, Claudia stopped in her tracks as she took in all the treasures surrounding her. Without saying a word, she slowly walked around the room awestruck by the collection of beautiful things near her.

  "This is really something Olive, Aunt Franny told us your home was spectacular but I had no idea that she was referring to this," Claudia breathed, reaching out to touch the highly polished antique Chinese fold up bar.

  "Thank you my dear, I've always loved being surrounded by wonderful things, but never could afford to buy them in stores. As I mentioned to Franny my husband had a knack of picking up these possessions for a song, and then restoring them to their former elegance. It was a hobby of his and he did have exquisite taste," she told her, handing her a glass of golden Sherry in a paper-thin cut glass stem.

  "Well he certainly made some incredible finds; especially that one of the Grand Canyon during a thunderstorm, that painting is fantastic! You can almost feel the electricity in the air," Claudia extolled, enraptured by emotive power literally exploding off the incredibly realistic painting’s canvas.

  "It has always been a favorite of mine, and I am so pleased that Jake took it upon himself to install a security system for me. I've never really heard about much crime in this area, but with such quick access to the highway, I have to admit I've been somewhat concerned," she said, glancing toward the window.

  "There is that for sure, but even the most secure homes can be breached by knowledgeable people but you are moving in the right direction, especially living alone out here," she said.

  "I've never been afraid to be alone, and I do have my little dog companion who is asleep in the other room right now. My husband traveled extensively while he was alive and now that I've been alone for such a long time, it seems natural to me. So tell me Claudia, you were certainly in the news for a quite a stretch and went through some terrible times; are you doing okay now," she asked.

  Claudia instantly warmed to the kind hearted woman.

  "Thank you for asking Olive, and yes I've recovered from what that bastard did to me. At least now I can sleep at nights knowing he's locked up for good, and will eventually pay the ultimate price for what he did," she said quietly.

s it must have been terrible for you, I can comprehend. I want you to know up front Claudia that all the terrible things they said about you in those gossip rags went in one ear and out the other. I have no time for people who judge others without walking in their shoes," she stated.

  Hardly knowing what to say, Claudia turned to look at her and saw the small twinkle in her eye, and tried hard not to laugh.

  "Yes they did brand me pretty well that it was my fault that Scott went on his rampage, but they didn't live with him either. I realized I'd made a mistake almost from the start of our marriage. I was swept away with what I thought was his love for me, and in reality it was just an obsession."

  "I know that feeling quite well my dear but in my circumstances there was no out for me so I entertained myself with my garden and had my daytime fantasies. Now please don’t get me wrong, he was a gentle kind man but boring as hell. And in the end when my husband finally died I hounded myself not with grief but with guilt for enjoying the sudden freedom, as I started to finally live my life, older woman or not," she confessed.

  "I'm sorry that you had to endure a situation that made you so unhappy, but now you have an amazingly beautiful place to live, and my brother is a very caring and loyal man. His partner Luc can be a lot of fun to be around as I'm sure you'll find out before too long."

  "I did see that in them briefly last night and they were kind enough to ask me to their wedding. I'm delighted that they thought of asking me, a relative stranger to them both," she said her eyes twinkling with happiness.

  "Me too, and I'll be around to make sure you get there okay, but for now I need to go as I have to meet with my lawyer about some property issues. It has been great fun meeting you Olive and I'm sure we'll see you soon, maybe even at Zain's new bar,” Claudia laughed, and after standing to go, she turned and gave her a long hug.

  "I would love to come sometime, and I just might surprise all of you, as I desperately need to begin my new life free of the past," she said, waving at Claudia as she headed down the path.

  Back at the resort, Claudia was excitedly relating her first promising meeting the Olive to the others.

  "Such a pleasant woman and so up to date in her thinking, but I wonder why she wears that long black skirt and loose black top that covers everything. It would drive me nuts," Claudia commented.

  "Especially if you managed to keep your clothes on for a change," Zain quipped, earning a stare from his sister.

  "Bitch," she returned.

  "Slut," he shot back before grabbing her and pulling her into a tight hug, with their giggling echoing in the room.

  Luc shook his head in amazement.

  "I'm sorry but I still have to say, you two have the strangest sibling relationship I've ever encountered,” Luc remarked, shaking his head.

  Claudia walked away from her brother and put her arms around Luc, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

  "No one is leaving you out sweetie, it just happens that your hot and sexy man is also the kindest, most understanding brother anyone could wish for, and we tend to have the same twisted sense of humor."

  "Okay I buy that, but please just tell me you aren't going to try to reform Olive. I think she has a personal style that is very charming in spite of how different it might seem," Luc told her, knowing he was defending a hopeless cause.

  Claudia paused for a moment looking thoughtful.

  "You do have a point there, and even Franny was quick to say how much she was taken with her. And you know Aunt Franny, she speaks her mind and doesn’t put up with a lot of boring nonsense," Claudia reminded them.

  "Well at least I'm glad she accepted our invitation to the wedding, God only knows the bunch that will be here will be raising all kinds of hell. I wouldn't want her calling the cops you know," Luc said.

  "I don't think you have to worry about that, we'll just make sure we lay in a good supply of Sherry and Vodka for the event, and we'll keep her very well medicated and happy," she snickered.

  "Let's just hope she has something else to wear to the wedding; that all black costume is more suitable for a funeral it’s so depressing," Zain sighed, feeling instantly guilty for speaking his mind.

  "Oh leave her alone, a lady has her personal style and to tell you the truth, it looks artsy to me," Claudia said.

  "Yeah, I can just visualize the picturesque Claudia Simon in widow's weeds for the occasion," Luc snickered, thinking back to his earlier comment.

  “You know Luc; I don’t think you’ll have to worry about my little frock for the wedding for even a split second my friend. I’m sure everyone will know who I am,” she smiled sweetly at him.

  “That is, if you don’t get too distracted by one of the groomsmen. From what Zain tells me several are single ones along with a couple of mine, so you will have a selection,” he informed her, cautiously taking a step back.

  Claudia stared at Luc, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

  “New blood, we like that in a man. I’m just going to have to make sure everything is perfect, I don’t want to embarrass my current brother or my new brother for that matter,” she laughed as he rolled his eyes.

  “You know Claudia, I don’t think your wedding ensemble or lack thereof will in any way distract the attention from my beautiful new sister,” he laughed, hugging her.

  “Well it never hurts to accessorize you know,” she told him, giving him another quick hug.

  Two days later the bar was finally finished and the whole family was gathered to christen the new hangout. In keeping with the former atmosphere of the rustic place, tables were scattered about the casual room, with a large stone bar and gleaming glass shelves behind the bar, loaded with every imaginable kind of alcohol.

  Next to the seating area, stood a huge climate controlled wine cellar graced with heavy ornate security gates, safeguarding the fabulous vintages.

  To celebrate the occasion Billy and Nan Simon had presented Zain and Luc with a set of antique paper-thin French champagne flutes and several cases of French Champagne for their personal enjoyment.

  Franny had her cook prepare several light appetizers for the occasion including one of Luc’s new favorites; Endive leaves stuffed with thinly sliced Parmesan cheese, sprinkled with finely chopped Pecans, drizzled with a hint of desert honey, and dusted with a touch of crunchy, flaked Sea salt.

  Zain had just twisted the cork from the first bottle when they heard a soft knock on the door, he walked over and pulled it open. All heads turned toward the door, their mouths falling open in shock.

  “Olive, is that you?” Zain questioned, while Franny let out a shriek of delighted laughter and ran over to embrace her.

  Olive stood at the door wearing a short black and white silk dress, accessorized with gleaming black high heels with large sparkling bows. The plunging neckline highlighted her ample bosom, graced with a stunning dark crimson ruby on a thin golden chain resting in her deep cleavage.

  Claudia openly gawked at Olive’s amazing figure and how naturally her slight application of makeup enhanced her delicate features, erasing any hint of the formerly plain woman.

  “Well fuck me,” Claudia almost whispered, and then burst out laughing as she hurried over to hug her.

  Franny just sighed and frowned at her niece for her comment.

  “Well everyone else has,” she breathed, earning a glare from her brother Billy, while Nan openly laughed.

  “All I can say Olive is you sure as hell know how to keep a secret,” she giggled, still in shock at how attractive she appeared.

  “You know I just decided that my time for sadness is over and I want to try to live again like I mentioned to you,” she told them, with tears threatening.

  Nan stepped over to embrace her before she turned to the others.

  “Of course you do dear and there is no reason for you to stay up there by yourself, when you’re welcome down here anytime,” Nan told her, turning to her son for agreement.

  “Absolutely, now how about a glass of champagne; it c
ertainly looks like we have a lot to celebrate these days,” Zain said, walking over to fill up another flute.

  Olive took the thin sparklings in her slender fingers and gently touched the rim to Zain’s glass, her eyes still threatening tears.

  “To many happy years in your beautiful new home. You have done such a wonderful job here. When I was much younger I used to stay here and clearly remember how rustic and basic it was but still, those times were wonderful,” she enthused, holding out her glass for a refill after draining it.

  “By any chance do you have any old pictures of the place? I thought it would be nice to line the wall behind the bar with some of the old memories. We’d make copies of them of course,’ Billy asked her.

  “I believe I have a few old ones hanging around. I’ll ask my family as well, but I do have most of them, and I will see what I can put together for you. I think that is such a great idea to respect the past,” she said, looking around the room and stopping when she came to the large rock fireplace.

  Luc noticed her long stare, walked over to her side, and looked as well to see what she was looking for.

  “Is there something wrong with the fireplace? We had it brought up to code, reinforced, and cleaned. Doesn’t look right to you for some reason?” he asked, still looking but not seeing anything wrong.

  “Oh no, nothing is wrong, I was only just looking into the past. There used to be a large painting hung over there when I visited, and I was only reminiscing. It was a very large painting of Cathedral Rock and even then I could tell it was in desperate need of a good deep cleaning,” she laughed.

  “That sounds like a great idea; I do remember that painting from when we first used to visit here. The kids were too small to remember but even then I thought it was darkened with soot. You are right that it truly carried the ambiance of our beautiful Sedona,” Billy told her, smiling at the happy old memory.


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