All But Lost (The Gifted Realm Book 6)

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All But Lost (The Gifted Realm Book 6) Page 27

by Jillian Neal

  “Fionna would like to see Emily for a few minutes, and Dan has requested Garrett and Rainer come in. I can assure everyone that Officer Vindico is in a rather vicious mood, so I wouldn’t try to get in without his permission.”

  “Good for him,” Governor Haydenshire complimented.

  Rainer and Emily stood while Garrett knocked hesitantly on the door. A full minute later, Dan opened the door and stepped back.

  Garrett gasped as he took him in. He’d never seen Dan Vindico truly broken. His eyes were bloodshot and swollen almost shut. His shirt and BDU pants were covered in blood from many sources, but most of it was Fionna’s. There were finger shaped bruises on his biceps.

  At some point in the past few hours, Fionna had clung to him hard enough to leave bruises. Garrett knew it had been out of pain.

  Swallowing down his own fear, he moved into the room while trying to brace himself to see Fionna laid up in a hospital bed.

  Rainer and Emily followed behind him.

  “Hey there, baby.” Garrett was mildly impressed with how he was able to normalize his voice as he took her in.

  Her eyes were just as swollen as Dan’s. Her body was pale and drawn. There was blood in her hair, and her abdomen was swollen and heavily bandaged, making her proportions oddly out of shape under the sheets.

  Several bags were hung connected to her IV.

  “I am so sorry, man,” Rainer choked on his humble whisper.

  Dan nodded and offered him a slight smile.

  “Hey,” Fionna finally managed, though tears continued to flow down her face.

  “You okay?” Garrett eased.

  “Not really.”

  Dan moved back to her and took her hand. He brushed her hair away from her face.

  “Oh, here.” Fionna seemed to remember suddenly as she pulled her hand from Dan’s and removed Emily’s ring.

  Emily smiled at her adoringly with silent tears flowing steadily down her face.

  “It saved my life, so thank you.” Fionna reached for Dan again.

  “Of course.”

  “Would you do one other thing for me? Then I think I’d kind of just like to be alone with Dan.” Fionna looked terrified to make the simple request.

  “Fionna, of course, anything!”

  Offering a weak smile, she seemed relieved that no one was offended by her plea. “Would you hug Dan for me?”

  Emily’s brow furrowed, as did Rainer’s and Garrett’s.

  “I believe you, Fi. I swear.” Dan was the only person in the room that understood the request.

  “He doesn’t. Not really. But if you hug him, then he’ll see.”

  Dan shook his head. “I summoned black to kill him, and I was afraid I was making her sick. She keeps insisting that I’m not.”

  “Oh,” Emily looked relieved. She smiled sweetly at Dan. “That’s not how it works.”

  “That’s what Fi said.”

  “You threw it off of you. He’s not in you,” Garrett reminded Dan, but he shook his head in feeble argument.

  “Here.” Emily moved to Dan and wrapped her arms around his broad chest. She squeezed him tightly.

  “See, I’m fine. Nothing.” Emily stepped back, looking the picture of health. “And it wouldn’t have mattered if you hadn’t thrown it, because dark energy is darkened by the intent, not by the action.”

  Fionna nodded adamantly.

  “You did it to save her, so it wasn’t dark at all. And she won’t feel anything like that from you. I bet she’s worse when you aren’t with her actually.”

  Dan’s brow furrowed.

  Fionna smiled, “He tried to let go of my hand while they were doing surgery. He thought he might be making me worse, and I flat-lined.”

  Emily patted Fionna’s leg tenderly. “When I was in that wreck and they were working on me, they noticed that my rhythms calmed when Rainer held my hand. My energy needed to be protected because a Receiver’s shield is so easily damaged. So I used his protective energies as my shield until I was well enough that my own could be reestablished. She needs you to stay with her until she’s healed up.”

  “I sincerely hope I’m not going anywhere,” Dan sighed. Keeping one hand on Fionna’s, he turned to Garrett and Rainer. “Could you two do me a favor?”

  “Anything,” Rainer agreed.

  “Uh,” he used his left hand to fish keys out of his pocket. “This is the key to my desk. I’m certain I won’t need it anymore, but could you get the thing that’s in there and bring it back to me.”

  “You got it,” Rainer smiled as Garrett nodded his agreement.

  “We’ll go, and let you rest,” Emily soothed. “I’ll be right out there if you need me again.”

  “Thanks.” Fionna held her arms out to Emily for a hug. They embraced gently, and Rainer and Garrett headed towards the door.

  “I want only you to be in here for a while,” Fionna pled in a terror-filled, trembling plea to Dan.

  “I’ll be right here, baby, only me.” He seated himself hesitantly on the bed beside her.

  “You heard that,” Dan called to Garrett.

  “Hey, nothing would make me happier than to piss off a waiting room full of people in your place,” Garrett goaded Dan.

  “I can’t think of a better man for the job.” Dan’s voice bordered on normal, though pain continued to perforate everything about both Dan and Fionna.“Fitzroy’s here, just so you know.” He wasn’t certain Dan was aware he’d been called.

  Looking truly touched, Dan assured Garrett that he would come out and see everyone later, but that right now he wasn’t leaving Fionna’s side.

  Lead from the Front

  ~Governor Stephen Haydenshire~

  Watching Garrett exit Fionna’s room, Stephen studied him and then Rainer and Emily. Hopeful faces met Garrett’s. Everyone expected to be asked in to see Dan and Fionna next, but Garrett shook his head. “Dan says no one else for a while. He’ll be out in a little while to see everyone.”

  Everyone nodded their sympathetic understanding.

  “Can we do anything for them?” Kara begged.

  “Yeah, actually, why don’t you and Em run over to Dan and Fi’s house? Get them both some clean clothes, toothbrushes, stuff like that, cause he’s not gonna leave her even to do that.” Garrett’s thoughtful request deeply impressed Stephen.

  Maybe his kids had listened to him occasionally growing up. They’d all certainly turned out to be some phenomenal adults. But Stephen knew that several of his children needed him right then. He was going to have to take them one at a time, however.

  “Rainer and I are gonna run a quick errand for Dan. We’ll be back in just a few.”

  Or maybe two at a time, Stephen amended his original plan.

  Emily and Kara looked thrilled to be of service, and Zach immediately offered to drive them.

  “I think I’m going to come along, son. We can talk,” Stephen informed Garrett.

  “Ok, Dad,” Garrett sighed. He glanced at Logan, confirming what Stephen already suspected.

  “Garrett, dear, did you tell Daniel that his father and I are waiting to see him?” Marion Vindico huffed indignantly.

  Garrett chuckled, and Stephen knew he found it humorous that moments before she’d wanted to blame the pregnancy on Garrett and now she was calling him ‘dear.’

  “He knows you’re here, Mrs. Vindico, but right now Fionna is his only concern.”

  She turned to her husband with a huff, “Well, why doesn’t he want us to come in and show our support?”

  Realizing that Marion Vindico had once again woefully missed the mark, Stephen rolled his eyes. “Sometimes, Marion, when you’re going through something difficult, it’s nice to just be with the person that’s going through it all with you. Now, I’m certain that once our little ones are all settled in for the night, that I won’t be able to pry Lillian out of here with a crow bar. So why don’t we just all get comfortable and let Dan and Fionna know that we’re out here if they need us.”
br />   With that, he followed Rainer and Garrett to the elevators.

  “You think I should go ahead and clear up the whole thing with Fi and me?” Garrett asked his father and Rainer.

  Stephen was certain there would be many more questions from Logan and Rainer, but he was happy that someone was finally talking.

  “I think Daniel and Fionna need a fresh start without any involvement from you, son. It might soothe Dan’s frazzled nerves for the Realm to know whom she belongs to, and as I am assuming that we are going to pick up the engagement ring that Dan purchased recently from your uncle, then it would probably make everything much less complicated for the two of them.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought you were gonna say.” Understandably, Garrett did not look forward to facing the press.

  For what must have been the thousandth time since Will had been born, Stephen wished he could step in and make life easier for his kids. But he couldn’t, and Garret had to do this. So he slapped his son on the back and offered him a sympathetic smile as they exited the hospital into throngs of press.

  “Just get it over with. I’ll be right behind you.”

  “Is it? Yes, folks, Garrett Haydenshire is exiting Georgetown hospital with his father and soon-to-be Brother-in-Law, Rainer Lawson. Let’s see if we can get a word.” Reporters swarmed around Garrett.

  Running his hands through his hair the way he’d done since he was a little boy and had to do something he didn’t want to, Garrett nodded his agreement to answering a few questions.

  “Have you seen Ms. Styler since she was brought in this afternoon, Garrett?” a reporter Stephen despised from The Sun chanted.

  “I just left Fionna’s room,” Garrett explained.

  “We were informed that her condition has just been upgraded to stable. Can you tell us more about her injuries?” another reporter called.

  “No,” Garrett quipped, making Stephen and Rainer chuckle.

  “Can you clear up the confusion about her being Officer Dan Vindico’s girlfriend?” a reporter from the Realm Times called.

  Garrett drew a deep breath. “Fionna and I have been best friends since we went to the Academy together, but she was never my girlfriend. She and Officer Vindico have been dating for quite some time.”

  The broad grin that finally formed on his son’s face brought hope back to Stephen. Watching closely, he saw the moment realization came over Garrett and Rainer both. Wretchkinsides was done for. Emily and Fionna were safe being with the men that they loved for the time being, anyway.

  “So the baby is Officer Vindico’s?” demanded several reporters.

  “No more questions,” Garrett commanded forcefully. He raced away from the reporters. Rainer and Stephen joined him in his sprint, ignoring questions being shouted at both of them.

  Stephen’s hand shot out as an enhanced boom mic came dangerously close to Garrett’s shoulder. “My son said no more questions! Move on.”

  As the press had the parking decks blocked, they decided to take the Metro to the Senate.

  Walking in quickly, Stephen followed Rainer and Garret into Dan’s office. He felt nausea wash over him in waves. He couldn’t pretend that he hadn’t watched Daniel kill Dominic Wretchkinsides. Nor could he pretend that he hadn’t done it by summoning black.

  Cal’s kind face swam before Stephen. He swallowed down raw emotion. His son was gone, and as much as he would like to rejoice that the Interfeci was done for, Dan had to be held accountable for what he’d done.

  Garrett unlocked the top drawer and then sent the required magnetic pulses to release Vindico’s cast. He lifted the ring box from Tad’s store and locked the drawer again.

  “I have a feeling that after the conversation we’re all about to have in my office that I’ll be needing those,” Stephen lamented.

  Garrett nodded dejectedly as he slipped the keys to everything in Iodex off of the key ring and handed them to his father.

  ~Rainer Lawson~

  Settling into one of the leather chairs in the Crown Governor’s office, Rainer felt his stomach churn uncomfortably.

  “All right boys, let’s establish one thing before we begin this conversation,” the Governor commanded. “I want you both to understand that I am now and will always be your father before I am the Crown Governor, or any other role that I serve. Not trying to take anything away from Joseph, Rainer.”

  “I know, sir.” Rainer wasn’t offended in any way. Governor Haydenshire had been his father alone for the past eight years, and he’d certain helped raise him for the past twenty-one.

  “Let’s just pretend we’re sitting at the kitchen table at the house instead of in this office. But as I am also the Crown Governor, I do need to know everything that happened today from beginning to end, so that I can best decide how to move forward.”

  Garrett and Rainer shared a quick glance, both thinking about Logan.

  “Let’s start with how Daniel got Wretchkinsides and all of the Interfeci together and in the basement of that club.”

  Garrett nodded. He seemed to realize that the faster they came clean the faster they could get the ring back to Vindico.

  “He took Marlisa from the O’Ryan’s house and locked her up here.”

  The Governor’s eyes closed for the length of one heartbeat. He rubbed his temples.

  “Please tell me that she is not still here!”

  “No sir, Portwood let her out and drove her back to the O’Ryans. Not sure what he said to her, though.”

  “How did they end up in the Tantra?”

  “Vindico sent a picture of Marlisa to the Interfeci, then Wretchkinsides kidnapped Bridgette Meyers from the Tantra. He thought she and Vindico were still dating. I don’t know. It was weird. She’d tried to tell him that Dan was dating someone else, but I don’t know if that was before or after he’d taken her. Tuttle said she’d been getting chummy with him. But anyway, Wretchkinsides told us he had spies at your inaugural ball, so they saw them together,” Rainer quickly supplied.

  “Dan thought she was safe after he ended it with her, because, to our knowledge, no one ever knew about the two of them. He did try to keep her safe. Had Tuttle and a few Gifted police officers keeping tabs on her. That’s how we knew she was extending her hours with Nic,” Garrett elaborated. “Fi and Dan ran into her one night when they stopped in for takeout. Fi freaked. Tears, door slamming, everything; you know how women are.”

  The Governor chuckled, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

  “Anyway, Dan didn’t want to upset her, so he never saw Bridgette again until today. She really hadn’t had much information for us lately.”

  “Is there anything I need to know about from the time you all entered the Tantra to the time you made your way back to Wretchkinsides?” the Governor studied Rainer intently.

  “It was horrible,” spilled from Rainer’s mouth without him really meaning to confess that. He shuddered from the memories as they seeped back into his conscience against his will.

  “It definitely was,” Garrett confirmed, and Rainer knew it was to make him feel like he wasn’t a coward. He and the Governor were having an unspoken conversation with their eyes. Rainer wanted Emily.

  “Well, son, you usually want to talk things over with Emily Anne, and then Logan, and then me, but I’m here right now if you want to skip a few steps. If not, I’ll be around to talk whenever you need me.” Governor Haydenshire gave Rainer a loving gaze, the one he used for all of his children.

  Rainer nodded. He was immensely thankful for the knowledge that the Governor and Mrs. Haydenshire would always be there for him, but that wasn’t who he wanted to talk to about the hell he’d been through that day.

  “I think I’ll stick with my usual pattern, sir.” Rainer earned a nod and chuckle from the man that had raised him.

  “All right, now, how about one of you tell me what happened with Logan?” the Governor struck upon the one question that he didn’t want to ask, and that Garrett and Rainer didn’t want to an

  The silence was deafening. “How about I take a guess? You got back there, saw Bridgette tied up, and Pravus started running his repugnant mouth about Cal.” He knew perfectly well what had happened.

  “He said a few things Logan just couldn’t let go. He admires all of his big brothers,” the Governor nodded to Garrett, “but he and Cal were particularly close.”

  Garrett and Rainer nodded. They were both extremely thankful that they weren’t the ones that had to tell the harrowing story.

  “I’m assuming that it was your brother’s gun that ended Pravus’ life?”

  Garrett and Rainer nodded again.

  “Truthfully, in light of everything that happened, I think my take on it would have to be that I’m sorry he didn’t aim for his head instead of his gut,” the Governor quipped, shocking Rainer.

  “Am I to also assume that if this story ever left this office that your brother would no longer have an Iodex badge?”

  “McCoy and Portwood were there, too, Dad, and Pendergrath saw him as well.” Garrett sounded terrified for Logan.

  This time the Governor offered Garrett his soothing smile. “Don’t believe I’ve ever heard of Iodex officers turning on one another, son, and I’ll take care of Candor Pendergrath. He’ll be looking to cover his own hide. He always is.”

  “I can’t recall a time in the past twenty-one years that Rainer hasn’t covered for Logan and vice versa. I doubt this time will be any different.”

  “No sir,” Rainer vowed adamantly.

  “Pravus took aim,” Garrett supplied instantly.

  “He was going to shoot,” Rainer chimed in vehemently.

  The Governor drew a deep breath, “I had a feeling that was the case.”

  He shook his head over all that had happened. “This morning I was annoyed that half of the Senate was going to be on my farm. Been a long day,” he sighed. “Is Fionna having any trouble being around Dan after what he did?”

  “No, Emily said that it’s intent that makes dark energy dark, and that Dan had the best of intentions. He knew Wretchkinsides would never leave Fi or the baby alone. He was protecting his family, so it wasn’t even really black energy or whatever.” Garrett tried to get the information out quickly.


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