All But Lost (The Gifted Realm Book 6)

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All But Lost (The Gifted Realm Book 6) Page 30

by Jillian Neal

  “Do you know when I might be able to take her home?” He whispered as he rubbed Fionna’s arm tenderly.

  “Well, that depends on how she is today. I’m going to have to do an internal exam, which won’t be comfortable, but I’ll try to be very quick. If some of the swelling has gone down, then we’re headed the right direction. Mrs. Haydenshire is bringing her some of her chicken soup. If she can keep that down most of the day and the swelling has improved by tonight, then I’d say I can release her tomorrow morning. If food makes her sick, then it might be another day or two,” Adeline allowed.

  Dan calculated that into his plans. “She’ll be all right for the wedding, right?”

  “I think so, but she’ll still need to take it very easy. She’ll be up and around here in a day or two. She’ll probably still be tender and have to sit more than she stands, but she’ll make it down the aisle with no problems by then.”

  “And she’s going to be all right? I mean once we leave here, she’ll be fine?” He just needed to hear Adeline tell him again that Fionna would recover.

  Giving him a kind, sympathetic smile, Adeline nodded. “She will be fine, Officer Vindico. She’ll be understandably emotional, and the first time or two that you have intercourse once she stops bleeding she might be tender. It might even be painful, but she’ll be back to full health very soon.”

  He hadn’t allowed himself to even consider their sex life yet. She’d been a disaster for several weeks. The first week, when she’d hoped against hope that her period was just late, she’d done a better job of feigning normality. But in the last two weeks as she’d slowly come from together to apart, she hadn’t offered, and he certainly hadn’t asked.

  “You don’t have to call me Officer Vindico.” Dan drew a deep breath. “I’m fairly certain that in a few hours Governor Haydenshire will show up with Governor Willow to inform me that I no longer have a job, and as I certainly consider you and Logan close friends, just call me Dan. He might be telling me I’m going to jail.”

  Adeline continued to cast and heal Fionna. “I don’t think the Governors will do that, but I know you’re worried. Officer Fitzroy was pulling onto the farm when I left.”

  Dan had no doubt that Fitz would plead his case, but he had no idea if Governor Haydenshire would listen.

  “Is Logan okay?” His nerves were eating at him. He needed a subject change.

  Adeline considered for a moment. “Kind of.” A rosy heat took over her pale cheeks.

  Dan chuckled. The sound shocked him. “He’s better with you, but worse when you leave.”

  “Yeah.” She seemed to appreciate his knowledge of how officers typically reacted after pulling the trigger.

  Adeline kept Fionna casted until eight, when she began to stir. She dropped the cast and quickly changed the pad and bandages. Dan was shocked by how much healing had taken place.

  “Hey, baby doll,” he soothed as Fionna fought to awaken. Adeline pulled her chart from the end of the bed, making several markings and studying Fionna as Dan raised the bed for her.

  “Any pain?”

  Fionna shook her head, but she reached for Dan. “Not really. It feels much better than it did last night.”

  Adeline smiled and nodded, continuing to write on the chart. “Did you still want us to keep everyone out of the room unless they’ve been given permission to enter?” She noted the demands that Dan had in place from the day before.

  “Yes! Jarred might turn up again.” She held Dan’s hand with both of her own.

  Adeline and Fionna shared a knowing grin. The sight soothed Dan’s soul.

  “I guess I wouldn’t mind him seeing my big, huge, sparkly ring.” She gave a small laugh as Adeline and Dan chuckled. “But I’d prefer to not be lying in a hospital bed with no pants on if I’m going to see one of my exes.”

  Adeline laughed heartily and nodded her understanding. “Well, since you’re such good friends with the Chief of Staff’s daughter, and you’re engaged to one of the Governor’s sons, that means that you get special treatment. I get to take care of you all day, and if you’re ready, I’ll take out your IV. Mrs. Haydenshire is bringing you her yummy chicken soup, so you don’t even have to eat hospital food.”

  “Aww, thank you. I feel bad. You don’t have to do that.” Fionna blushed. Dan was mesmerized. She’d been so pale the day before. With the glow of her cheeks, she looked almost back to normal suddenly.

  Mrs. Haydenshire arrived with a picnic basket that contained numerous mason jars of chicken noodle soup.

  “Start with just the broth,” Adeline instructed, “and don’t be surprised if it makes you sick. That’s normal. It’s just the anesthesia you had yesterday. It doesn’t mean that anything else is wrong.”

  Mrs. Haydenshire pulled one of the many Styrofoam bowls she packed and poured broth from one of the jars. She heated the bowl with her hand and placed it on the tray for Fionna.

  “Want me to feed you, baby doll?” Dan moved in to take over.

  She gave him another one of his smiles, and Dan became aware of his heartbeat, of the breath permeating his lungs, and the warmth of her beside him. He became aware, once again, that maybe life was worth living.

  “I think I can do that,” she scoffed. But as it turned out, sitting up enough to hold the bowl made her uncomfortable.

  “Sit back, and let him take care of you, sweetheart. It will make me feel better and him feel better,” Mrs. Haydenshire ordered as she tidied up the room.

  Fionna leaned against the pillows Dan stacked behind her back. “Okay, fine, but very soon I want to eat and pee on my own.”

  Everyone laughed, and Adeline promised that she would indeed do those things on her own again.

  As he finished feeding Fionna the soup, a knock sounded on the door. Dan’s hand shook with the spoon. He was certain that he knew who was calling.

  Like a knife straight through him, the fear returned to Fionna’s beautiful eyes.

  “It’ll be okay.” He hoped against hope that he was telling her the truth. Covering her bare legs with the blankets once again and making certain that she was covered completely, Dan moved to open the door.

  “Wow,” he huffed, “the big guns.” His eyes methodically moved down the line. Governor Haydenshire, Governor Willow, former crown Governor Carrington, Governor Sapman, Governess Eleanor who’d taken Governor Haydenshire’s old seat, and his father.

  Governor Haydenshire chuckled, “We just need to talk for a few minutes, Daniel. Why don’t we go get you some breakfast?”

  Dan was aware that it wasn’t an invitation he would be allowed to refuse.

  “Garrett said to tell you, sweetheart, that he’ll be here as soon as he goes home to change. He stayed with us last night. I had an errand I needed him to run with me.” The Crown Governor moved into the room and gazed adoringly down at Fionna.

  “Yes, sir,” she choked. The tears returned. The first of the day, but Dan was certain there would be more.

  He shook his head. “Look, just say whatever the hell you came to say. I’m not leaving her.”

  “No, it’s okay, I’ll be all right, I think.”

  “He will be right back. That make you feel better?” The Governor effectively closed the argument.

  Fionna managed a slight nod. Dan felt his entire body slump in relief. He had no idea what was coming, but apparently he wasn’t going to Coriolis.

  “Are you sure you’re all right, baby? If you want me to stay, just say the word.” Dan kept his voice low, but knew that Governor Haydenshire could hear his vow.

  “No,” she whispered. Her chin trembled. “But I know you need to know. It’s making you nervous, so just go. But please, not too long.”

  “I promise.” Dan brushed a tender kiss on her forehead and rubbed her cheek tenderly with his thumb, wiping away the escaping tears.

  Rolling his eyes, Dan pulled on his sunglasses and lowered his head as he walked within the circle of Governors out of the hospital. The press went wild.<
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  “Officer Vindico, what can you tell us about, Miss Styler?” they chanted.

  “How do you feel about the miscarriage?” one drawled, making fury sear through Dan’s veins.

  “Why was Fionna Styler at the Tantra yesterday?”

  “When did you begin dating?”

  “Are you still dating?”

  “Will you and Fionna be starting a family even though that will force her out of Summation?” a female reporter sneered tastelessly.

  “Step away from Officer Vindico. He will not be answering any questions,” Governor Haydenshire demanded angrily.

  Dan flung himself into a seat at a diner beside the hospital. His jaw worked until his molars ached. He wished the Governors would just get on with it. He needed to be with Fionna, not in a diner listening to them tell him how sorry they were.

  The board ordered, and Dan followed suit. He requested that his be brought out as soon as it was finished, and not with the other meals.

  Governor Haydenshire chuckled. “I guess we see where we stand.”

  Dan didn’t join in the customary laughter the Crown Governor’s comment elicited.

  “Well now, Stephen, you didn’t really expect him to change, did you?” Governor Carrington offered Dan a wry grin.

  “No, I didn’t.” Governor Haydenshire gave Dan a nod, “And I’d have to say that I would have been disappointed if he had.”

  The waitress returned with piping hot mugs of coffee that Dan had to admit he did find restorative.

  “Your orders will be up in just a minute,” she assured the waiting table.

  “Well, since Daniel clearly has more important things to attend to, why don’t we just talk, and after he eats, we’ll let him get back to his beautiful fiancée.” Governor Haydenshire commanded the attention of the table.

  “I asked Regis to come with us this morning. Occasionally, even the Crown Governor needs a little advice.”

  Growing impatient quickly, Dan sighed. “Look you don’t have to fire me; I resign.” He was certain that was the hesitation and the visible strain in the Governors’ eyes.

  “Daniel, simmer down,” Governor Vindico ordered his son.

  Seeming to understand that Dan wasn’t going to sit there and drink coffee chatting the morning away, Governor Haydenshire nodded. “All right, fine, let’s do this. Governor Willow and I will accept your resignation.” The Crown Governor’s tone turned regretful.

  “I will get you a job anywhere in the Realm you would like, but not in law enforcement, Daniel. It isn’t good for you, son, and you have someone that’s wearing your ring and laying in a hospital bed anxious for you to return. She is so good for you. So before you decide on your next career, I’d like to ask that you take a little time to heal, Daniel. Really heal. Not only from losing everything you lost yesterday, but from the past ten years.”

  “I’ve spoken with my sons, my future Son-in-Law, Landon Portwood, Trent McCoy, and got an early call from Captain Fitzroy this morning. We discussed everything that happened yesterday. None of us seem to recall anything happening that shouldn’t have, so I can’t fathom there being any legal repercussions.”

  He felt his chest unfetter. His stomach finally unclenched. “Thank you, sir.” Dan turned appreciative quickly.

  “The way we all figure it, you worked approximately ten years straight without taking a vacation. As you have effectively been forced to resign, we’ve taken the liberty of cashing out all of your amassed vacation days. I’ve decided in addition to that, the Senate will be paying your current salary through the end of the year.”

  Dan’s mouth hung open in shock. “Sir, it’s only March.”

  “Yes, Daniel, I do have a calendar on my desk, son. But I like a nice round number, so this morning I had my eldest son place three hundred and fifty thousand dollars in your bank account.” He chuckled at Dan’s utter shock.

  “That should allow you and Ms. Styler a few options and a little time to really heal before you go back to work. I’m not certain what you and Fionna will decide, but if she might like to end her career with the Angels, perhaps do something a little different, then I want that for the two of you.”

  Stunned disbelief washed over Dan as he tried to thank the Governors and thank the waitress for placing the plate of eggs, bacon, and biscuits in front of him.

  “I can’t thank you enough. I don’t deserve that.”

  “Son, you gave your very life for twelve long years serving this Realm, trying desperately to end Wretchkinsides evil and rid the Realm of all of the horror that he held in his hands. Now, I may not always have liked the way you went about that, but you fought long and hard. Yesterday, you paid your debt to Amelia.”

  “I know he took things from you that no amount of money will ever bring back, but you deserve a real life. God saw fit to give you a woman that clearly makes your days so good you don’t want to go to sleep at night, so hold on to her tightly with both hands and never let her go. Heal together. Create a real life with her and for her. Sew the pieces back together. It’s going to take some time. But if you’ll spend your life cherishing her and being her rock, none of this will have to have been in vain. If Lillian and I or any of the people at this table can help you do that, then please ask, because we love you, son, and we care about you.”

  Swallowing down raw emotion that had him in a chokehold, Dan thanked them again.

  “One more thing,” Governor Haydenshire sighed. He pulled something from a file folder. “Officer Tuttle went through Bridgette Myers car this morning. He found these. I’m showing you these to try to alleviate a little bit of your guilt, but also to make you see that you have got to make better decisions, Daniel. Let your love of Fionna drive you instead of vengeance, please.”

  Dan took the photographs. His heart stalled as he stared at pictures printed on computer paper that had come from Bridgette’s phone. Pictures of Fionna getting out of his Ferrari and the Expeditions at the arena. Pictures of Dan kissing her good-bye before practice.

  “Not sure how she got those or why, but she must not have shown them to Nic. Either that, or he didn’t believe that Fionna meant anything to you. Just let this be a reminder to you. Don’t sell your soul again, Daniel, please. You should never have involved yourself in her life. You should never have taken her to the arena at all. I hope I’ve made my point.”

  To Start Again

  Dan raced back into Fionna’s room an hour later.

  “I got sick,” she fussed pitifully.

  “Baby.” Another round of guilt racked in his gut. He felt terrible that he hadn’t been there when she needed him.

  “But you can try to eat again in an hour. It’s completely normal,” Adeline reminded her as she plied Fionna with a water bottle.

  “And, sweetheart, I keep telling you, I’ve had eleven children. I have cleaned up more vomit than I care to think about. I’ve even cleaned up after your future husband when he and my oldest sons decided to see what might happen if they consumed more alcohol than is contained in an actual distillery.” Mrs. Haydenshire gave Dan a wry smile.

  “Sorry about that.” He reveled in Fionna’s weak laughter.

  “Well, I think Emily and I will just go and let you two rest.”

  Adeline changed Fionna’s pad and bandages again and made her exit as well.

  At the agreed upon time, Dan fixed Fionna another bowl of broth and fed her slowly.

  She managed to keep it down, and the healing effect was dramatic. They talked, and Dan told her everything the Governors had decided, shocking her as well.

  Fionna fell asleep a little while later, and Adeline moved to cast her once again. Dan slipped from the room to visit with Rainer, Garrett, and Fitzroy, who’d come back to check on Fionna.

  “Hey, Maddie really wants you and Fionna to come to Paris, let her take care of you for a while,” Fitz urged.

  “Maybe,” Dan allowed. “We have this big wedding thing we’re supposed to be in here in a couple of weeks, but ma
ybe after that.”

  Garrett and Rainer chuckled.

  “You know, it might be good to get her away from here soon, though,” Garrett stated thoughtfully. “The press is chomping at the bit to talk to either of you, and all the owners are fending off demands for interviews until they talk to her. It’s gonna be a lot to deal with, and she’s not okay, Dan.”

  Repulsion and deep concern fought for dominance in his rhythms as he thought about Fionna being asked just a few of the questions that had been shouted at him as he’d left the hospital with the Governors. “I’m working on that, and let’s give her some time.”

  When Fionna awoke, Adeline suggested that she try some more of the soup. Each time she ate, her color improved dramatically, and each time Adeline casted her, Fionna’s pain seemed to ebb.

  Dan supplied her with the soup, adding small bites of chicken, vegetables, and noodles in with the broth this time.

  After she’d eaten and Adeline had given her permission to have an actual shower, Dan broached the topic of the two of them getting away for a while as he dried her off.

  She’d cried over his suggestion, but they seemed to be tears of joy this time instead of tears of utter heartbreak, which she’d shed without stop for weeks.

  “Dan, that would mean so much to me.” She hugged him with all of the strength she could manage, which, truthfully wasn’t much.

  Kissing her tenderly, he told her how much he loved her and how much he’d missed her over the past few weeks, only serving to make her cry harder.

  “Let’s give it a couple of days, and see if I can take you home in the morning. Whenever you’re ready to go, we’ll head out.”

  They sat on the bed discussing their trip and purposefully not talking about anything that had happened the day before. There would be time for that later. They both needed just an hour or two to pretend that life was normal and that nothing had gone so very, very, wrong.


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