Too Taboo! A Forbidden Fun Taboo Bundle

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Too Taboo! A Forbidden Fun Taboo Bundle Page 6

by Saffron Daughter

  Matt was sweating again, the glisten returning to his chest. I placed my hand in between his pecs. They dwarfed my hand, made me feel small, made me feel as if I was his. He was fucking me rhythmically, his pace slowly increasing, looking at me as I moaned and writhed and wriggled before him, pleasure wracking my body, causing my muscles to flex and relax at random.

  He leaned forward and took my earlobe into his mouth, sucked it and nibbled it as he fucked me. He was grunting into my ear, manly grunts, mirroring the rough movement of his thrusts, mirroring the way in which he was fucking me. I felt like the mare back at the ranch, with Matt as my stallion, driven insane with arousal as if I was in heat. I had no choice but to relent to the onslaught, to his impaling, each thrust rough, each reload drawing himself the entire length of his cock. There was no romance. It was all passion.

  “Fuck me,” I hissed at him, slapping his face. He growled and fucked me harder and faster, slamming into my pubis with gigantic force, each time impaling me upon his thick phallus tipped with its wide, rounded mushroom.

  I was bucking my hips wildly, pushing myself into his groin, doubling the impact of each thrust. Screaming and shrieking, moaning and sighing, it all coalesced into a drawn out sound, capturing all parts of the pleasure spectrum. From the hard thrusts to the sensation of stretching to the tingle of pain that reared its welcome head here and there, to the forceful impact upon my body, it all manifested in eyes shut tight, mouth open, teeth bared, and a primal cry of pleasure.

  Matt’s thrusts grew quicker, more shallow, a new urgency to them. “Not yet,” I snarled, reaching for one of his hands and guiding it to my clit. He thumbed me rapidly, pressing hard on my hood, my stub peeking out from beneath. His torso was upright in front of me, and I saw each flex of his muscles, the array of fibers and tendons playing out beneath his skin as he fucked me wildly. It was like a symphony of movement. His entire body was recruited.

  He thumbed clitoris hard and fast, bringing me closer to climax. “Oh fuck,” he said, looking down and shutting his eyes, as if to abate his orgasm for just a little longer.

  “Faster!” I yelled in the midst of my moans. “Faster, fuck–”

  “Fuck!” he roared. “Fuck, fuck!”

  I was nearly there. I raised my hips, cresting at the same moment he let out a long wild groan. I climaxed, screaming out in bliss, writhing on the bale of hay as my whole body convulsed and contracted. I gripped hard at the bale of hay as my orgasm continued to wreak havoc in my body, setting my pleasure centers on fire, igniting every nerve in my body, engulfing me in pure and utter joy. I felt his cock twitch mightily inside me, and I knew he was unloading himself for all he was worth within me.

  He collapsed on top of me, his sweat and his cum smearing between our two torsos. He was panting heavily. The rhythm of our breathing was matched for a moment, but his slowed down first. I raised my arms above my head, basking in the aftermath of orgasm, feeling my body wind down, feeling my breathing slow, grow deeper.

  “That was,” I said, smiling, “just what I needed.” Matt grunted an affirmative into my ear before lifting himself off me to look at me. He leaned down and kissed me tenderly on my breasts, working his way up beside my armpits to my neck, like he had done so before. I felt his cock twitch, looked down the length of our bodies and saw that it was already getting hard again.

  “Jesus, Matt, you’re a machine,” I said, laughing. I could hardly believe it. I certainly wasn’t ready just yet.

  “It’s you,” he said, lifting himself off me in full this time, and moving toward his underwear and jeans. “I have a truck here,” he said casually. “I can drive you back to your ranch if you like.”

  “That sounds like a good idea,” I said. “Will you stay the night with me?”

  “If you’ll have me,” he said, grinning, “then I’d love to.”

  “Oh, I’ll have you, but just for a short while. I leave in five days. Let’s make the most of it.”

  * * *

  We made love like that twice a day, every day. We spent time together, though we didn’t always talk. It was strange, but our relationship didn’t even begin to approach companionship. It was all sexual, and then afterward, a little distant.

  But that had suited me just fine. Perhaps it was the taboo nature of our illicit trysts. I didn’t know. What I did know was that I was late that month. I wasn’t worried, though, not really. I waited a few weeks, and then calmly took the test.

  Two blue lines. I was pregnant. I thought that I would be more afraid if this ever happened. I thought that I would be more worried, but I wasn’t. I just called Matt and told him, and he laughed on the phone, the joy ringing through the telephone cables.

  “I’m going to book another holiday,” I said. “And come up and see you.”

  “No,” Matt said. “It’s my turn this time. I’ll come down there. I mean, if that is alright with you?”

  “Yeah,” I said, smiling, feeling relieved that he was. “Please do. But there’s just one thing.”


  “I don’t have a barn for you to seduce me in.”

  # # #

  Taboo Helping Hand by Cheri Verset

  * * *

  Today was going to be a lazy day. I still had a week before going back to college for my sophomore year and my job at the shoe store had ended two days ago. I intended to lounge around the house, swim in the pool, work on my tan, maybe meet some friends later.

  I was happy, I realized as I stepped out of the shower and dried my flawless, firm young body. Once I was dressed and drying my long dark hair with a towel – there was no need for a blow dryer since I would be swimming today – my phone rang.


  “Oh good, Brittany! You’re up.”

  “Hey, mom,” I greeted as I walked through my room stark naked, wondering what I was going to wear today. “What’s going on? You’re at work already?”

  It wasn’t even nine o’clock yet. I picked out pink terrycloth shorts and a white camisole which would be perfect for this warm summer day.

  “Yeah, been here since six this morning. We’re having problems with the Buffalo branch, their systems are all screwed up. I’m going to be here late into the night, we might even have to fly to Buffalo and stay overnight.”

  “Oh, sounds serious. So I’m guessing you’re calling to tell me you already made a delicious lasagna for dinner and all I have to do is heat it up?”

  I was really hoping that was it. I hated cooking.

  “No, sweetie. I’m afraid you’ll have to order pizza or something instead.”


  I started getting dressed after getting some white panties from a drawer. I didn’t bother with a bra since I liked the freedom and how sexy it made me look.

  “Listen, the reason I’m calling is a lot more serious than that. I just talked to your father’s doctor. More importantly, I talked to the insurance company.”

  Wearing only my panties, I sat down on my bed. This was serious. A few weeks ago, my stepdad had been clipped by a speeding car while he was riding his bicycle around the neighborhood. He flew over the handlebars and crashed hard into the pavement. This resulted in a broken right shoulder and a broken left hand.

  While they treated him, they found an alarming level of PSA in his bloodstream and he was being monitored for the possibility of prostate cancer. The doctors were optimistic, they said there was probably nothing to worry about, but we were worried nevertheless.

  And if that wasn’t enough, we were having problems with our insurance. The company dad worked for was in financial trouble and they were switching insurance carriers. This led to a lot of confusion with what was covered and which company was going to pay for my father’s medical bills.

  “So?” I asked.

  “There’s only one last test before your dad can be cleared of cancer and it has to be done today otherwise none of our insurance is gonna cover it.”

  “Okay. You want me to dr
ive him to the clinic?”

  My father couldn’t drive right now. His right arm was locked in place at shoulder level, held up with a rod going from his wrist to his waist, making him look like some goof in an ‘80s comedy. His other arm was mobile but his whole hand was in a cast except for the tip of his thumb. He was completely helpless.

  “It’s more complicated than that, Brittany.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “They need… They need a semen sample.”

  “What’s complicated about that? He can just… Oh.”

  I stopped speaking when I understood. He could barely eat by himself, there was no way he’d be able to masturbate into a plastic cup.

  “Yeah, that’s the rub.”

  “And it has to be done today? No way you can come home for half an hour to help him out?”

  “No, like I said we’re in a crisis over here. If I leave I’ll lose my job. You know we can’t afford that right now.”

  “So let me get this straight… You want me to jerk off daddy?”

  Strangely, I found there was no hostility or repulsion in my voice, just surprise.

  “I’m so sorry, sweetie. I know this is weird but it’s the only way. Think of it as what nurses do, all they have to put up with. It’s nothing sexual, it’s simply helping him out with his medical needs.”

  “But still mom…”

  “I know. It’s the only way we can truly know for sure he doesn’t have cancer.”

  I nodded as this sank in. “I understand.”

  After I told her I would do it, she gave me more information that wouldn’t make this any easier.

  * * *

  It was a good 20 minutes before I gathered the courage to go downstairs. I went to the kitchen to get some coffee and cereal and found my dad at the table watching TV. He was sucking coffee from a straw. I supposed mom had poured it for him before leaving.

  “Good morning, Brittany.”


  I felt icky around him. All I was thinking about was that I needed to masturbate him. He had been my stepfather since before I was in kindergarten and now our relationship would be changed forever. Sure, maybe it wasn’t technically sexual but I still would need to hold his dick in my hands until he ejaculated.

  I got myself coffee and I drank it with no further thought toward breakfast. I had lost my appetite.

  “From your expression, I gather you spoke to your mother already.”


  “I’m so sorry about this, baby. I wish there was another way.”

  Looking at him, I knew he was being sincere. It was a little sad to see, a handsome and proud man reduced to this. Because of the main shoulder cast he could only wear a bathrobe, something he’d been wearing ever since coming back from the hospital. Technically he could wear pants but, again, he couldn’t do it by himself and it would necessitate assistance to go to the bathroom during the day. So he didn’t bother.

  “I thought about different methods,” he continued. “But for all of them I end up requiring help anyway. You can’t possibly know how much this breaks my heart that you have to do this.”

  “I know, daddy.”

  I came closer and hugged him lightly so I wouldn’t hurt him. That was what being a loving family was all about, being there for each other in times of need.

  “I love you, you know.”

  “I love you too,” I said. “So, when do you want to do this?”

  “It doesn’t have to be now. Let’s get ourselves used to the idea first.”

  I shook my head. “Actually, I think we should do the opposite. We should get it over with so we never have to think about it ever again. What do you think, daddy?”

  “Okay, baby. Whatever makes you more comfortable.”

  “Great. Mom said the sample jar is upstairs?”

  “Yeah, in our bathroom.”

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Taking deep breaths, I went back upstairs and got a towel as well as the clear plastic jar. I came back and decided to do this in the kitchen so that it would be the least romantic moment of both our lives.

  “Oh boy,” he exhaled, nudging his chair toward me. “This is really happening.”


  I figured we should keep talking to a minimum so I opened his robe and saw him naked for the first time. He was fit from working out and a lifetime in the construction business. His abs were tight and there were a few grey hairs on his chest which gave him character.

  Still, my eyes were drawn downward. I swallowed dryly when I saw his penis. It was a lot bigger than I would have expected, even in a flaccid state. His balls underneath looked full and I covertly wiped my moist hands on the towel I was holding.

  “Let’s do this,” I said.

  I fell to my knees in front of him and opened the sealed jar so I’d be ready.

  “Did your mom tell you about my… issue?”

  “Yeah. I can do it.”

  Before hanging up, my mother had told me that these days he had to take ED medication to get hard most times. Because of the test, he wasn’t allowed to take the blue pill now so it would make my job that much more difficult.

  Not daring looking into his eyes, I brought my hands to his cock. I grasped it and immediately started to stroke it. I didn’t need to be sensual, I thought. This was a medical procedure and I had to remain professional.

  But no matter how hard I pulled, he remained soft.

  “Come on, daddy. You gotta get hard for me.”

  As I said that, he twitched in my hand! My voice couldn’t possibly excite him, could it? I had to try again, just to be sure.

  “Focus, daddy. It won’t be long and I’ll make you cum in the bottle.”

  Again, he jolted. This was turning him on! He was getting harder and I began to tug on his balls.

  “Yeah, right there,” he whispered.

  I found the spot behind his ball and pressed on it while I jacked him off. I hazarded a glance at his face and saw that he had his eyes closed. The bastard was enjoying this! More troubling was that I felt pride and happiness at his reaction.

  “You’re getting big, daddy.”

  He was fully hard now and I squeezed the base with one hand while I rubbed the head. He was breathing deeper, practically moaning. I wondered if he was staring at my cleavage. Was this crossing the line? No, we had crossed the line when my mother had asked me to make him shoot his load.

  “You have to tell me when you’re ready, daddy. I gotta place the cup in time.”

  “Just a little more, baby. Just a little more…”

  Without warning, he stood up and yet I held on. I knew he was close! Also close was his cock to my face. I took in his manly scent and unbelievably it made my nostrils flare. Was this getting me aroused? Was jerking off my father getting me wet?

  I refused to believe it but I could indeed feel heat between my legs. This was nuts, it wasn’t supposed to be this way!

  “I’m close,” he grunted. “Get the jar, get it!”

  I reached for the cup with my left hand and with my right I went on stroking him frantically. My eyes were riveted to his balls which were giggling underneath. They were so full, he had to be in need.

  “Do it, daddy. Do it, I’m ready…”

  My eyes were riveted to his rigid cock but I also perceived his thighs flexing, like he was bracing for impact. He was about to explode.

  “That’s it, it’s gonna happen!”

  I lifted the jar so that the tip of his dick was inside and I went into overdrive, pumping his length for all I was worth.


  It’s all he had time to say before erupting. My eyes widened as I witnessed the thick jet of cream splashing into the container. He came in powerful spurts and I continued stroking daddy. I guess I could have stopped, they had their sample, but I was lost in the moment and didn’t want to leave him hanging.

  He was breathing deeply and I squeezed the last of his semen out. I wi
shed I could’ve had a third hand to fondle his balls, coaxing even more from him. Alas, I hadn’t been prepared.

  “Okay, baby. You can stop.”

  I did and put the jar on the table, making quick work of putting the lid on it. Then I used the towel to clean him up.

  “Thank you, Brittany. You can’t believe how much that means to me what you just did.”

  “You’re welcome, daddy. It’s what families do, right?”

  I doubted families helped each other masturbate on a regular basis but extraordinary measures were called for sometimes. Besides, this had gone from weird to not totally catastrophic.

  * * *

  I was in a daze afterwards, not knowing how I felt about the whole thing. Well, I knew how I was supposed to feel – disgusted and shameful – but everything in my body was screaming the opposite. It had actually been really hot.

  I changed into something more appropriate, a salmon-colored dress, but I decided not to wear any undies. I was suddenly feeling sexy and I wanted to milk the situation for all it was worth. I said goodbye to my father, made sure he didn’t need anything, and I drove into the city to deliver the sample to the clinic.


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