Club Agony & Ecstasy Box Set

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Club Agony & Ecstasy Box Set Page 3

by Lexi Cross

  He raised an eyebrow and nodded, looking at his handiwork with pride.

  “Indeed it is.”

  The next set of photos seemed endless, I just wanted to get to the next binding; to feel his hands on my skin, tightening the ropes to squeeze my throbbing clit even more. He returned to adjust the knots after god knows how many photos, letting the free end of the rope graze across my nipples; already stiff and aching from the constant pressure of the ropes. I could hardly maintain a steady breath, and he was watching every movement I made, like he knew what I would do before I did it.

  “Can we do a couple with your legs spread, Michelle?”

  Richard was the master of timing, I had to appreciate that.

  Brandon watched, shamelessly; studying my movements under the duress of his expert knots. His eyes were locked on my shaved cunt, mostly hidden by the thick ropes that were squeezed into my slick folds, but still quite visible. I splayed my legs open salaciously, looking at him whenever I didn’t have to look into the camera; hoping to provoke a response.

  “These are great, I wanna do a few with you just kinda naturally struggling on the floor....just try to get out of the ropes and hold a position every few minutes, ok?”

  “Uh huh...sure,” I managed, and dropped to my knees on the floor, “like this?”

  I rolled onto my side some and pulled on the rope, actually trying to get myself out. I knew there was no point, even with my hands free I wouldn’t have been able to figure it out. But having the freedom to move felt good, awakening my nerves as I twisted against Brandon's artistic knotwork, vainly attempting to free myself.


  Richard nodded enthusiastically and was back to his usual position behind the camera.

  I had Brandon’s strict attention; he was standing just to the side of me and I could see him easily but he wasn’t visible to Richard---at least I didn’t think so. His eyes were fixed on me, more so than before, watching as I tried to break free of the stubborn bindings. I felt raw and primal, writhing like an animal in heat; tied down and starving for relief.

  His pants were definitely tightening across the front and I could see the unmistakable lump of a stiff cock. I had to remind myself to look at the camera, my mind was so distracted; and it didn’t help when he moved his hand down to give his package a squeeze, a mischievous grin spreading across his lips. He was enjoying my torment, taking cruel pleasure in seeing me twist and grind against his elegant handiwork.

  I pulled my arms forward as much as possible, tightening the ropes against my pussy with a

  sharp tug; luxuriating in the small relief it brought my aching clit as I ground my crotch against the juice sodden ropes that imprisoned my pussy.

  The sudden sound of a cheesy pop song---Richard’s ringer---broke the building tension and snapped me back to reality. I took a moment to catch my breath and realized I was flushed and felt lighter; not dizzy but just lighter somehow.

  “I gotta take this, gimme five minutes...Brandon get her ready for the next set”

  Richard grabbed his phone, dashing out the door to answer.

  “Yeah...will do.”

  I could hear the tension in his voice; hollow and raspy. He waited until Richard left the room before coming back over, and stood in front of me for a moment; his eyes travelling all over my bound body. The rope between my legs was soaked, and the scent of pussy juice was unmistakable; there was no way he couldn’t smell it.

  “Are you...enjoying my work?”

  His hands were on me, untying the dress of knots he’d so carefully placed. This time they lingered, longer than necessary and seemed to have a magnetic effect; awakening my flesh in a way I’d never felt.

  “Yes, more so than I thought I would,” I managed, “you’re very good at what you do.”

  “It helps to have a willing participant.” He said with a sly grin; his eyes moving to the soggy bit of rope between my thighs.

  “I’m a very willing participant,” I assured him . He didn’t reply but moved closer and turned me around to untie the back. He was pressed close against me and I could feel his stiff cock sticking out, nudging me through his pants. How long had it been hard? He certainly seemed to enjoy that last photo set. My heart was pounding and I was starting to perspire lightly.

  He tugged on the knots with more force this time and I could feel shocks of pleasure flowing through me, down the intricate knotwork to my dripping clit. He was teasing me, taking his time untying the silken ropes and letting them glide over my skin with that sweet torment. he seemed to enjoy doling out. My cunt was dripping already, worked into a frenzy by the slow, deliberate shifting of the ropes.

  He freed my arms but I held the position, liking the way it made my tits stick out proudly and drew attention to my nipples. He was less gentle now, and it felt good---I was like a ragdoll under his hands, his expert bindings. I wanted to use my newly freed hands on him, to feel the heat of his body and the thick rod pressed against me. He knew it too, and rewarded my shameless display with a thrust of his hips, driving his hard cock into the cleft of my naked ass.


  I let out an involuntary sigh, the pressure was building in my body; the slow nagging ache of desire yet to be fulfilled.

  He released the knot at my waistline, spinning me around to face him. His hands traced down my collarbone, freeing my breasts from their delightful captivity. The ropes that had been wedged between my legs, now sodden with my juices; fell away, leaving me completely nude once again.

  He glanced down at the ropes, no doubt looking at the lovely mess I’d made of his fancy ropes. He picked them up, holding them close enough to smell my urgency and it wasn't hard to see the darkened wet patches where the bindings had coaxed a torrent of liquid from my tightly bound cunt.

  “Hmm, what are we going to do about this?”

  His dark eyes were piercing, but he had a slight grin, teasing me for my naughty display. My hands were free now and i went to reach for him, to press my body up against him and show him the fierce need he had conjured up in me.

  I heard the door open and Richard was standing there, a wicked smirk on his face.

  “You two ready? Or did you need a minute?”

  Brandon stepped back quickly, attempting to hide the bulge in his jeans by tugging the hem of his hoodie down.

  “We’re ready,” he said quickly, “I was just getting her, uh, undone.”

  “I see that,” Richard said with a wry smile, “this’ll be the last set, I was hoping to have more time but I’m have to go soon. Maybe we can reconvene another day?”

  Brandon thought for a moment, and took another look at me.

  “I could probably finish off the last set,” he offered, “the shots are pretty simple, it’s just the set up thats more complex and I’m doing that anyway.”

  Richard glanced at his watch and nodded,

  “Yeah, you seem to know what you’re doing here, Brandon. Meet back up at the studio at 8?”

  “Sure, sounds good!”

  Yes, yes it did.

  Richard gathered his stuff, apologized for cutting the shoot short, and headed out the door; leaving me in the very capable hands of his hot assistant. I was dying to get my hands on him; to feel his bare skin on mine and show him what a cruel frenzy he had worked me into. The way he

  As soon as the door closed, his hands were on me; roughly turning me to face him. His eyes were intense and fiery; he met my gaze and I felt his lips on mine, kissing me greedily with his open mouth. The slowly rising ache in my untouched pussy gave way to a deep craving and I could feel my juices spilling out, drenching the insides of my thighs.

  His hands gripped my waist tightly, he was stronger than his size let on; not much taller than me. I was crushed up against him, this thick cock grinding against my naked flesh with only the thin fabric of his pants between us.

  “ohhhh...please Brandon...”

  My words were unrecognizable, I didn’t even know what I w
as asking him for; my mind was foggy and my voice sounded distant. I felt drunk, almost; with my mind set on quenching another thirst now.

  He pushed me back gently

  “Shit...we have to get back to the pictures.”

  Was he kidding? Or did he just enjoy watching me suffer?

  “Um, now...?”

  He sighed a little, and nodded reluctantly.

  “We only have this room for so long, we have to get these done, and then...”

  He didn’t have to finish, I got the point.

  “Then I promise...I will make the wait worthwhile. I can’t go back with no pictures, can I?”

  I nodded sheepishly, regretting the desperation in my voice.

  “Anyway, these will be fun; suspension bondage.”

  Oh my.

  My heart fluttered at the thought of being strung up in front of this guy; his hands free to do whatever they pleased. Much as I wanted to be free, to get my lips around that cock and have him fuck the hunger he’d created away, the idea of a few more minutes under his marionette strings wasn’t a terrible one.

  He picked up some of the longer ropes made of a heavier material in a brilliant royal blue. His eyes met mine as he twisted the wide cord around my body, his hands moving slowly over me while he worked, barely glancing at the knots he seemed to know instinctively.

  The bindings were simpler this time, just a series of wrappings around my chest, waist and thighs. A final rope around my wrists and I began to feel the bizarre sensation of being lifted; almost floating a few feet off the ground. He adjusted the connected ropes, and went to take some photos, leaving me dangling in the air.

  I wasn’t even on the ground and he was still controlling my movements; documenting it all on camera for some yet unknown consumers. The nefarious ropes hung me like a display in mid air, suspending me helplessly and I had no choice but to wait until he was finished with me.

  The flash of the camera stopped and he made his way back to me, a spinning me around slowly in the bizarre harness he’d created for me. I was strung up horizontally facing the floor and he’d left one of my legs free for the last set of photos. I couldn’t see him but I could feel his hands on my calves, tracing up towards my thighs

  “Are we done...the pictures I mean?”

  I really needed to be done the pictures, this had been the most agonizing 2 hours of my life so far and I was in desperate need of some relief; the kind only my delectable captor could provide.

  “Yes, just finished...that was the last set.”

  He made no attempt to untie me, or even lower me to the ground, but was running his hands along the exposed skin between my bindings, bringing every nerve to life.

  “Thank God---untie me!”

  I’d waited long enough, this guy had been teasing me from the beginning with his meticulously placed knots and infernal ropes! I wanted him to fuck me, needed him to; and I knew his mind was in the same place; at least I thought it was.

  “Not just yet,”

  “Brandon, please, untie me...I want to be able to touch you,” I begged, “please...”

  I felt him untie something and I dropped a few feet, spinning around so I was at eye level with him. The ropes lurched again and I knew I wasn’t going anywhere.

  He grabbed the back of my head, crushing his lips to mine; kissing me violently as I hung almost weightlessly in the air; swinging and twisting at his will.

  I wanted him to free my hands at least, but he was clearly not planning to do so for the time being. His lips moved down my chin and throat, over the thick cords that encircled my chest to the lower half of my compressed tits. My nipples were sticking out hungrily, rubbing against the soft ropes, and he sucked one into his mouth, using the tip of his tongue to tease me.

  “Ok, ok...” I pleaded, “you can let me down now, please...I wanna get back down on my knees for you and suck your cock...please!”

  I was desperate now, there were no ropes to rub my sore pussy against for relief this time, my thighs were squeezed together, tied tightly, and the pressure wasn’t helping either.

  “But I like you like this,” he said in a low voice, “I’m not quite done with you.”

  “Can you at least undo my hands? They’re starting to hurt.”

  It wasn’t my hands that were hurting but it was a good excuse.

  “I guess I could do that for you,” he agreed after a moment, “you’ve been such a patient girl.”

  He unfurled the rope that held my wrists captive, and I could feel my hands drop slowly. He was close to me, his lips on my stomach and hands reaching around, giving my ass cheeks a firm squeeze with his surprisingly strong grip.

  He wrapped an arm around my waist and I felt my feet dropping; towards the ground; he had released one of the ropes connecting me to the ceiling and my body returned to a more natural angle; although I was still a few feet off the ground. My hands were free now, but he didn’t lower me enough to be able to use them.

  I felt the ropes on my thighs loosening, and he reached his hand up the insides of my finally free legs, feeling the heat and wetness that had built up through his merciless teasing.

  “Oh....God Brandon...please don’t stop,” I begged, “please....your hands feel so good on me...”

  He slid one of his fingers along the wet folds of my pussy, rubbing the juices that had been building up since I’d laid my eyes on him.

  He rubbed his fingers vigorously along my tender clit, using the tip of his tongue to go back and forth between my nipples, teasing them with wicked little flicks. I could feel myself losing control, humping his merciless fingers, desperate for an orgasm that had been building for too long now.

  His hands grabbed my knees and pulled my legs apart; spreading my pussy lips wide open with my legs hanging off his shoulders. I could feel his hot breath inches from my dripping cunt and was ready to lose my mind.

  “You look so delicious,” he whispered, “I can’t wait to get my lips on you and make you cum all over my face...”

  My clit was throbbing, just the thought of it was almost enough to push me over the edge.

  “Yesss.....please Brandon,” I was moaning, begging him to continue.

  I felt the heat of his lips touch on my swollen bud, sending a rush of pleasure through me; I knew I couldn’t hold back for long, and if he kept it up his face would be drenched in no time.

  The pressure was building in me, and he was using the tip of his tongue in maddening circles, prolonging the agony.

  “Oh god, Brandon, I can’t take it.....please I need your cock in me!”

  My hips were thrusting uncontrollably, driving my aching clit against his merciless tongue. A few more little licks and I would be there....

  “Oh shit.....ohhhhhhh...”

  I felt my body contracting, twisting against the ropes as a rush of blissful orgasm washed over me; a river of juice pouring out of my pussy and all over Brandon’s face---just like he’d wanted.

  I was spinning slowly, trying to catch my breath and I could see him standing below me, a

  devious grin on his face.

  “Come here,” I pleaded, reaching my hands out to grab onto him, I was somewhat sated but I had to have him inside me, I’d been thinking about it for too long.

  He kissed me again, insistently; and I could use my hands on him now, pulling his face closer to me as our tongues collided. The taste of my cunt was all over his face, and tasted oddly sweet and enticing to me now and I sucked the remnants of my juices off his tongue.

  He lifted me suddenly, up to his waist , and pulled my legs around him. His sticky cock was crushed between my drenched cunt lips, and he used the overhead ropes to lift me up and down slowly, sliding his wet cockhead along my slit.

  I was shaking with anticipation, my overworked clit throbbing again, needing to feel the pressure of his cock shoved in me to the hilt. I could feel him teasing me to the brink again and I knew I couldn’t take it another time.

  “Brandon, please...I nee
d your cock inside me, ohhhhhh fuck me!”

  I was bouncing around as much as the ropes would allow, jiggling my dripping clit on his juicy cockhead, feeling the slickness of our juices mixing together; trying to get some relief by pressing my aching nub against the velvety tip.

  “Yeah? You want this?” he teased, dipping the tip of his tool inside me, stirring up my juices.

  “Yessssssss.....ohhh god! Please, deeper...”

  I twisted my hips as much as I could in my a futile attempt to get him further inside me, but he wasn’t going to let it be my choice. It was obvious by the way he pulled the strings, using me like a marionette for his entertainment.

  He stood back a little, my poor aching pussy inches from his cock, it was harder than before and oozing a steady stream of liquid. He wrapped his hand around it, slowly working his shaft, making a thick layer of lubrication that was dripping off the tip.

  I thought he was finally going to shove it inside me; but he held it over my starved cunt, letting the hot goo trickle down mercilessly from his cockhead and coat my throbbing clit in a layer of his juice. I couldn’t take it anymore, I felt like I was going to explode; I was shaking and sweating like crazy, and it felt like anything could send me back into fits of orgasm.

  I’d given up begging him to fuck me, I just accepted that he was going to do what he wanted, and there was nothing I could do in these bindings to change it. It was strangely euphoric, and I felt like I was floating on the constant brink of orgasm.

  He grabbed the ropes that held me up suddenly, and I could feel it this time---the pressure of his thick cock spreading me, filling me up as he slowly lowered me.

  “Ohhhh, fuck YES!......fuck me, Brandon!”

  He felt so good in me; thick and raw, and warmer than anything I’d ever felt. Maybe it was the long anticipation, or something else entirely, but I could feel him like a slow fire inside me, searing my drenched pussy

  He was finished holding back; gripping me tightly he shoved his cock inside me, impaling me on it’s length as I hung from the bindings. They were slack now and he was barely holding me, he was practically holding me up with his cock, using the ropes to move me as he thrusted into me mercilessly.


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