Lucy, Fallen (The Infernal Paradise)

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Lucy, Fallen (The Infernal Paradise) Page 7

by Yolanda Olson

  I looked at Micah. I was shaking. I couldn’t believe he had kept this from me and allowed us to fight just the four of alone, against Thunderbirds. I wanted to cut his wings off. I wanted to cut his hands from his body. I wanted to grab his sword that he promised to me and drive it through him.

  Oh God, the devil ritual is starting to claim me. Deep breaths Luce, deep breaths.

  “Where are they?” I asked quietly.

  “In the city ruins. That’s why the Thunderbirds are keeping such a tight watch on this island because they know they’re here, they just don’t know where,” he said.

  I took a deep breath and nodded. I turned finally and saw Dev sitting on the floor with his head in his hands with Hadrian and Arissa on either side of him making sure he was okay. He looked up at me and mouthed I’m sorry. I smiled at him and motioned him over to us. He looked at Hadrian who helped him up and held onto him while he walked over to us.

  “Tell them,” I commanded Micah.

  “There is a small group of angels hiding in the ruins here. That’s why the Thunderbirds are so active around this island. They’re searching them out to destroy them. If we’re going to storm Above to save the devil child, we’ll need their help. Especially since I’m not entirely sure that the three of you will be able to sustain the feeling of being up there.”

  “Micah, I will not let my bride out of my sight. To tell me that you’re going to storm the Above to save Keilyn is quiet noble of you, but you must understand that you will need devils to help you as well. Let me send for a small faction from my house and then once both sides realize that we are working together, we will go up and get the girl. That is my bargain and that is what I will stand by. Accept it or Lucy stays here.”

  “Then I don’t have much of a choice do I?” Micah said sarcastically. “I’m off to get the angels Thirteen, would it be okay if I took one of the devils with me?” he asked Dev.

  “If they want to go yes,” he responded.

  “I’ll go,” Hadrian said. He gave Arissa a loving, sweet kiss, before disappearing into the city ruins with Micah.

  “Then I’ll go gather the faction, Lord Deveraux. I’ll return with a strong group, I swear it,” she said.

  “I trust that Arissa,” he responded.

  Nodding she took a deep breath and dove into the sulphur springs that no longer held the blessings of our ritual and disappeared.

  “What do we do now?” Dev asked.



  Arissa returned through the springs with a strong group of devils. Male and female equally and they looked like they were ready for a war. While we waited for Micah and Hadrian to return, Deveraux explained to them that there were angels on the way that were not to be harmed and were our allies. He also told them the good news of our eternal union. While the news of the angels made them uneasy, the news of our union made them all seem a bit happier about the situation. Micah and Hadrian returned a few moments later with angels from my realm. I was so happy that I ran to them and they all surrounded me happily shouting happily that I was still alive. Their combined rejoicing was enough to finish fixing the holes in my wings. It was when I stepped back and they saw them though that they faltered. Micah said he had explained everything to them and that Hadrian backed up the story. The angels accepted that their Sovereign was now joined with a devil, but the color of my wings still shocked them.

  “We’ll have to carry them,” Zahara said looking at the devils.

  Isaiah walked over to Deveraux and looked at him before lifting him to see if they would be able to handle the weight. I was obviously the only one of us strong enough to carry Hadrian, so by testing Dev it would give them an idea. He used his wings to lift them both off the ground and glided around the island with him a few times then brought him back.

  “It’s doable. Everyone pair up with a devil,” he said.

  “Wait,” I said as they began to group together.

  Everyone looked at me expectantly.

  “If this gets to be too much to bear I want you to leave,” I said to the devils. “And if it gets to dangerous, I want you to leave as well,” I said to my angels.

  “Agreed,” came the mumbles.

  I knew the devils were too proud to leave, and the angels were too angry to have been chased out of the Above to retreat without reclaiming it.

  “You have to promise the same thing,” Dev said looking at me gravely.

  I nodded but I refused to look at him. He probably knew I was lying already but looking at him so that he could see my lie would break me down and I’d confess it to him. Dev narrowed his eyes at me and went over to Hadrian and pulled him aside. I tried to listen to what they were saying but they were speaking in the language of devils, and that was something I could never hope to understand. Hadrian nodded and Deveraux squeezed his shoulder in thanks.

  Then we paired up. The female angels carried the male devils, and the male angels took the female devils. Micah had Dev and he stayed close to me and Hadrian as we ascended reminiscent of what a hurricane would like. Only instead of trees, leaves, and rain, we were two forbidden sides working together to save the life of a little girl.

  After we broke through the stratosphere, I tightened my grip on Hadrian because the first heaven we passed through would be the heaven of judgment. I only hoped that the angels would be able to mask the devils well enough to get them through, if not then this entire strategy would go to hell.

  We set our devils down.

  “We have to climb on your backs to get through those gates,” Isaiah said. “Our wings will act as yours and we will be as giants walking through. That’s the only way.”

  The devils all looked at one another before taking their angels on their backs and gripping them tightly. I climbed on Hadrian’s back, secretly worried that my wings wouldn’t do anything to save him. I felt myself start to shake when I saw the Gates of Judgment in the near distance. Zahara was the first to approach the gates with her devil and stood in front of it hesitantly at first. She leaned down and whispered something into his ear and he took tentative steps forward. Once inside she jumped off of his back and waited. When the gates didn’t shut and they didn’t fall, she signaled to the rest of the group to walk through.

  Zahara, come for Hadrian, I have a bad feeling about this.

  I watched her brow crease as she walked out and met us at the back of the group. I held up a hand and waited for Micah to cross with Deveraux and for Isaiah to pass with Arissa before she climbed onto Hadrian’s back while I slid off. Dev was impatiently tapping his foot on the other side of the Gates and didn’t realize what we had done until Hadrian walked through with Zahara on his back.

  “Lucy?” he asked in confusion.

  I held up a hand to silence him.

  I approached the Gates with fear in my heart. Something felt very wrong about this but I couldn’t quite figure out why. I took small steps until I stood in front of them and looked up. They seemed to be calm with no ill intentions until I stepped one foot past the Line of Judgment. That’s when the gates swung closed in front of me and I felt myself start to fall.


  I heard Deveraux’s frantic cries as I fell from the Above. My union with a devil; my pact. My wings, so dark and trodden. All of this had marked me as forbidden to enter into the Above again. I closed my eyes and let myself fall with dignity.

  As I hurtled toward the earth, I felt my wings being pulled apart and away from my body. My punishment would be exile as a human on the Earth I loved so much. But the earth wasn’t as it was and now I had been banished.

  Please let Micah succeed me as Sovereign.


  “It’s not going to be that easy for them,” Micah said angrily as he flew back up to the Above with me in his arms.

  I looked at him.

  “How did you...?”

  “I demanded a council be convened over your exile. They are waiting on the inside of the G
ates of Judgment for us. You’re not going to be banished for trying to help them, Thirteen. You’re not going to be banished because you tried to save the last of us. You’re not going to be banished because you fell in love. I won’t allow this,” he said angrily as he shot through the stratosphere and marched up to the Gates holding me like a child.

  “Allow us passage!” he shouted into the oblivion.

  The gates opened slowly and Micah carried me in. Deveraux was beside himself thinking I had died and when he saw me he ran toward me but an invisible force stopped him.

  I looked at Micah wondering who could possibly be left to seek a council with.

  Then my question was answered when four of the oldest angels appeared before us.

  “You have your council, now speak,” Uriel said.

  “She deserves more than to be cast out. She’s served the Above well and you threw her out without so much as a simple consideration for all she did. Yes, there are devils here and that is punishable, but we brought them here to save us all. I don’t see the four of you doing anything but watching,” Micah spat angrily.

  “Watch your tone old friend,” Gabriel said softly.

  “Let her speak, please. Just let her tell you why she’s done why she has! I implore you!”

  Michael stepped forward and Raphael stood by his side inspecting me.

  Michael nodded to grant me permission and I began my story.

  “When the Thunderbirds were sent to cast us all out. I lost hope. I will admit that. My life felt shattered and I cut off my own wings to hide. I was a coward. But in my fear I wanted to find the last of us. I wanted to join forces with them once they were all mended and healed and bring them back to the Above to save everyone. I ... I was taken in by the devils in the Western Province and I fell in love with the Elder there,” I said softly. “The devils cared for me and they brought me back to reason. My purpose was renewed and there is a little devil girl that I believe has been held captive here somewhere because she risked herself for her family and for me. That courage taught me not to be selfish and not to think of myself. But to think of others no matter what they are. I gave myself to Deveraux in a way that is forbidden to us, but it was not for just the reason you would imagine. We entered a pact to save the last of us, bring them back here, eradicate the Thunderbirds, and restore the balance. He gave me new wings to help me with this purpose. We performed the marriage rituals of the devils and angels and I would give up eternity for him. The devils, not all of them, are what we think they are. If not for their kindness I would be dead and no one would be fighting for us. No one. I can’t take back what I’ve done nor do I want to. I can only hope that you’ll give me the chance to finish what I started before you exile me,” I finished weakly.

  “What you have done, aligning yourself with devils, is unforgivable. No matter what the reason is, Thirteen,” Gabriel said softly.

  “My name is Lucy,” I said evenly looking at him.

  “No, you’re name is Thirteen,” Michael corrected. “And your offense is unforgivable. You’ve come back to the Above defiled. You do not belong here. You must be stripped of your title, your realm, and your wings. You will be made human and you will be recycled.”

  “Then recycle me as well,” Micah said.

  I watched in horror as he began to rip his wings from his body. But a wave from Raphael stopped and healed him.

  “I’m sorry but we have decided,” Uriel said.

  “I ask that I be allowed to speak to Lucy before you cast her out,” Isaiah suddenly said.

  The four looked at each other then nodded.

  Isaiah came over to me and handed me four scrolls.

  “Do it,” he said.

  I looked down, still weak and not understanding, until I saw the seals. I looked at him and he nodded.

  “Then you leave me with no choice,” I said in as strong a voice as I could manage.

  “Put the scrolls down,” Michael said warningly.

  “No. I am the only one that can call them forward and stop them,” I said defiantly.

  “It’s not the right time, you’ll throw the world into chaos!”

  “It’s already there,” I said as I ripped open the first seal.

  “I call forth the Horseman, Pestilence.”


  “That should keep them busy for a while,” Isaiah said grimly as we walked further into the Above.

  All hell had broken loose once I released the Horsemen. The four angels had to scramble to get them under control and since I had been given dominion over them, I knew that would give us plenty of time to find Keilyn.

  Dev had a vice grip on my hand and refused to let go. He was so shaken by what happened that he hadn’t said anything either.

  Suddenly I got the stabbing pains in my stomach again and stopped for a moment bending over.

  “Are you okay? That’s not the first time I’ve seen you do that,” Micah said.

  “Fine,” I replied through grit teeth. I could feel the blood in the back of my throat but I forced it back down.

  I straightened myself up and we kept walking. I knew we weren’t far away from my realm, we just had to start going up now.

  Hadrian came over to me and cradled me while Zahara grabbed onto him and we all flew up. We looked like a bittersweet symphony of good and evil that was never meant to be together.

  Deveraux kept his eyes trained on me the entire time for fear that I might be pulled away again, but as we landed on the steps of the Ninth Realm, I took a deep breath and began the climb.

  I wasn’t prepared for what I saw. My realm lay in ruins. It looked like a battle was waged here and nothing really seemed to have survived. The gates had been pulled off the hinges and were laying scattered on the ground. The buildings had been mostly knocked down and there was rubble everywhere.

  My heart broke. Tears stung my eyes. I couldn’t believe this had happened in such a short amount of time.

  Dev squeezed my hand and I looked at him. He wiped the tears away from my face and let my cry into his chest.

  This isn’t supposed to be like this!

  The angels that were with me busied themselves cleaning as much as they could until we all heard the sound of a small child crying.


  I broke free from Deveraux and followed the sounds. The wailing was so heart wrenching that I needed to soothe whatever was making that noise to keep from going insane.

  I searched and searched with Arissa and Zahara by my side but we found nothing.

  “It must be coming from one of the upper realms,” Zahara reasoned. “We must rest for now before we go up again. Isaiah will get us passage through,” she said as she and Arissa waited patiently for Deveraux to catch up to us.

  When he did they left us as he held me close to him.

  “She’s here Dev, just like I thought. That had to be her crying, there are no children in these realms,” I said.

  “I know,” he whispered. “But please don’t run away again. To know that I might lose you soon is bad enough, I don’t want it to be sooner rather than later.”

  Nodding I looked up at him and a had the worst thought that could ever cross my mind.


  “Yes Lucy?”

  “We never did have a proper ritual night,” I said with a slightly seducing smile.

  “I thought you’d never ask,” he said. “Where are your chambers?”

  “Just over there,” I said pointing to one of the few buildings that was still standing.

  I took him by the hand and walked him to my soon to be former home and brought him in. The illusions in the Above were magnificent. It looked like a small stone building from the outside, but once inside, it was one of the most opulent homes you could ever see. Almost as large as Deveraux’s but with seven floors. I lead him up the stone staircases until we reached the room I would sleep in and then pushed the doors open. The bed was beautiful; fit for a human queen. White walls with scarlet trim an
d a large simple bed that sat directly in the middle.

  I walked over to it ignoring the wave of nausea that was coming over me and half sat, half laid on the bed. He looked at me with a renewed life and removed his shirt.

  “Take your clothes off,” he said softly but forcefully.

  His desire was already so strong that when he removed his pants I could see it pulsating.

  Coming over to the bed he pulled me up so that I was sitting naked and gently grabbed me by the back of the head and slid his desire into my mouth. I wasn’t sure what he wanted at first until he gently started pushing it in and out. That’s when I grabbed hold of it and too his desire into my mouth, moving my hands up and down his desire as I did. His moans were amazing. They echoed through the Ninth realm like a horrid wailing because such things were forbidden here. I pleasured my master for as long as he could take it. When he came close to his point of ecstasy, he pushed me on my back and put his head between my legs. With the same hunger he had before, he began to lick me causing me to moan loudly. He continued to lick me until I couldn’t take it anymore. Then he climbed up on the bed and sat next to me pulling me on top of him.

  I slid his desire inside of me and began to rock back and forth with him gripping me tightly. He whispered to me how much he loved me. It made me move faster. This was the first time Deveraux ever used those words and I wasn’t going to let the moment slip away.

  “Oh Dev, more,” I moaned as he laid me on my back and began to penetrate me deeper and harder than ever.

  He moved inside me with hard quick strokes as I moaned louder and louder gripping him by the back of the neck. We were both almost to the point of our highest ecstasy. He moved faster still and I gripped him even harder.

  “Oh Lucy, I love you so much,” he said as he we both shuddered and exploded with such pure passion that the Ninth realm shook.

  We lay there in our sin, sweating and both satisfied.

  He lay on his back and I had my head on his chest. Dev tried to catch his breath as I did mine and I smiled.

  I knew that this would be the last chance I would ever have to feel his love inside of me again and I was going to relish every moment of it.


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