The Lost Book of Enki

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The Lost Book of Enki Page 4

by Zecharia Sitchin

  From the olden storehouses, weapons were retrieved; of rebellion there was much speaking.

  A prince in the royal palace was the first to take up arms.

  By words of promise, the other princes he agitated; Alalu was his name.

  Let Lahma be the king no more! he shouted. Let decision supplant hesitation!

  Come, let us unnerve the king in his dwelling; let him the throne abandon!

  The princes to his words gave heed; the gate of the palace they rushed;

  To the throne room, its entrance restricted, like onrushing waters they went.

  To the tower of the palace the king escaped; Alalu was him pursuing.

  In the tower there was a struggle; Lahma fell down to his death.

  Lahma is no more! Alalu shouted. The king is no more, with glee he announced.

  To the throne room Alalu rushed, on the throne he himself seated.

  Without right or council, a king he himself pronounced.

  In the land unity was lost; some by the death of Lahma rejoiced, others by Alalu’s deed were saddened.

  Now this is the account of the kingship of Alalu and of the going to Earth.

  In the land unity was lost; about the kingship many were aggrieved.

  In the palace princes were agitated; in the council, counselors were distraught.

  From father to son, succession from An on the throne continued;

  Even Lahma, the eighth, by adoption a son was proclaimed.

  Who was Alalu? Was he a Legal Heir, was he Firstborn?

  By what right did he usurp; was he not a king’s slayer?

  Before the Seven Who Judge Alalu was summoned, his fate to consider.

  Before the Seven Who Judge, Alalu spread his pleas:

  Though neither Legal Heir nor a son Firstborn, of royal seed indeed he was!

  Of Anshargal am I descended, before the judges he claimed.

  By a concubine, my ancestor was to him born; Alam was his name.

  By the count of Shars, Alam was the Firstborn; the throne to him belonged;

  By conniving, the queen his rights put aside!

  A Law of the Seed from naught she created, for her son the kingship obtained.

  Alam of kingship she deprived; to her son instead it was granted.

  By descent, of Alam’s generations am I continued; the seed of Anshargal is within me!

  The Seven Who Judge to Alalu’s words gave heed.

  To the Council of Counselors they passed the matter, truth or false hood to ascertain.

  The royal annals from the House of Records were brought forth; with much care they were read.

  An and Antu the first royal couple were; three sons and no daughters to them were born.

  The Firstborn was Anki; he died on the throne; he had no offspring.

  The middle son in his stead the throne ascended; Anib was his name.

  Anshargal was his Firstborn; the throne he ascended.

  After him on the throne kingship by the Firstborn did not continue;

  The Law of Succession by the Law of the Seed was supplanted.

  A concubine’s son was the Firstborn; by the Law of the Seed of kingship he was deprived.

  The kingship instead to Kishargal’s son was granted; her being a half sister of the king was the reason.

  Of the concubine’s son, the Firstborn, the annals made no record.

  Of him I am descended! Alalu to the counselors cried out.

  By the Law of Succession, to him kingship belonged; by the Law of Succession, to kingship am I now entitled!

  With hesitation, the counselors of Alalu an oath of truth demanded.

  Alalu swore the oath of life or death; as king the council him considered.

  They summoned the elders, they summoned the princes; before them the decision was pronounced.

  From among the princes a young prince stepped forward; about the kingship words he wished to say.

  Succession must be reconsidered, to the assembly he said.

  Though neither Firstborn nor by the queen a son, of pure seed am I descended:

  The essence of An in me is preserved, by no concubine diluted!

  The counselors heard the words with amazement; the young prince to step closer they summoned.

  They asked for his name. It is Anu; after my forefather An am I named!

  They inquired about his generations; of An’s three sons he them reminded:

  Anki was the Firstborn, without son or daughter he died;

  Anib was the middle son, instead of Anki the throne he ascended;

  Anib the daughter of his younger brother took to be wife; from them onward the succession is in the annals recorded.

  Who was that younger brother, a son of An and Antu, one of purest seed?

  The counselors with wonderment looked at each other.

  Enuru was his name! Anu to them announced; he was my great ancestor!

  His spouse Ninuru was a half sister; her son was firstborn; Enama was his name.

  His wife was a half sister, by laws of seed and succession a son she bore him.

  Of pure descent the generations continued, by law and by seed perfect!

  Anu, after our forefather An, did my parents name me;

  From the throneship we were removed; from An’s pure seed we were not removed!

  Let Anu be king! many counselors shouted. Let Alalu be removed!

  Others caution did counsel: Let strife be prevented, let unity prevail!

  They called in Alalu, the discovered findings to be told.

  To the prince Anu, Alalu his arm in embrace offered; to Anu he thus said:

  Though by different offsprings, of one ancestor we are both descended;

  Let us live in peace, together Nibiru to abundance return!

  Let me keep the throne, let you keep the succession!

  To the council words he directed: Let Anu Crown Prince be, let him be my successor!

  Let his son my daughter espouse, let succession be united!

  Anu bowed before the council, to the assembly he thus declared:

  Alalu’s cupbearer I shall be, his successor-in-waiting; a son of mine a daughter of his as bride shall choose.

  That was the council’s decision; in the royal annals it was inscribed.

  In this manner Alalu on the throne remained seated.

  He summoned the sages, savants and commanders he consulted; for deciding he gained much knowledge.

  Let celestial boats be constructed, he decided, to seek the gold in the Hammered Bracelet, he decided.

  By the Hammered Bracelets the boats were crushed; none of them returned.

  Let with Weapons of Terror the bowels of Nibiru be cut open, let volcanoes again erupt! he then commanded.

  With Weapons of Terror skyborne chariots were armed, with terror missiles from the skies were volcanoes struck.

  The mountains swayed, the valleys shuddered as great brilliances with thunder exploded.

  In the land there was much rejoicing; of abundance there were expectations.

  In the palace, Anu was for Alalu the cupbearer.

  He would bow at Alalu’s feet, set the drinking cup in Alalu’s hand.

  Alalu was the king; Anu as a servant by him was treated.

  In the land rejoicing receded; rains were withheld, winds blew harder.

  The belching by volcanoes did not increase, the breach in the atmosphere did not heal.

  In the heavens Nibiru its circuits kept coursing; from circuit to circuit heat and cold grew harder to suffer.

  The people of Nibiru ceased to revere their king; instead of relief, misery he caused!

  Alalu on the throne remained seated.

  The strong and wise Anu, foremost among the princes, was standing before him.

  He would bow to Alalu’s feet, set the drinking cup in Alalu’s hand.

  For nine counted periods Alalu was king on Nibiru.

  In the ninth Shar, Anu gave battle to Alalu.

  To hand-to-hand combat, with b
odies naked, Alalu he challenged. Let the winner be king, Anu said.

  They grappled with each other in the public square; doorposts trembled and walls shook.

  Alalu bent his knee; to the ground he fell on his chest.

  Alalu in combat was defeated; by acclaim Anu was hailed as king.

  Anu to the palace was escorted; Alalu to the palace did not return.

  From the crowds he stealthily escaped; of dying like Lahma he was fearful.

  Unbeknownst to others, to the place of the celestial chariots he hurriedly went.

  Into a missile-throwing chariot Alalu climbed; its hatch behind him he closed.

  The forepart chamber he entered; the commander’s seat he occupied.

  That-Which-Shows-the-Way he lit up, with bluish aura the chamber filling.

  The Fire Stones he stirred up; their hum like music was enthralling.

  The chariot’s Great Cracker he enlivened; a reddish brilliance it was casting.

  Unbeknownst to others, in the celestial boat Alalu from Nibiru escaped.

  To snow-hued Earth Alalu set his course; by a secret from the Beginning he chose his destination.


  Synopsis of the Second Tablet

  Alalu’s flight in a nuclear-armed spacecraft

  He sets his course to Ki, the seventh planet (Earth)

  Why he expects to find gold on Earth

  The solar-system’s cosmogony; Tiamat’s water and gold

  The appearance of Nibiru from outer space

  The Celestial Battle and Tiamat’s breakup

  Earth, half of Tiamat, inherits her waters and gold

  Kingu, Tiamat’s main satellite, becomes the Moon of Earth

  Nibiru is destined to forever orbit the Sun

  Alalu’s arrival and landing on Earth

  Alalu, discovering gold, holds Nibiru’s fate in his hands

  A Babylonian depiction of the Celestial Battle

  To snow-hued Earth Alalu set his course; by a secret from the Beginning he chose his destination.

  To regions forbidden Alalu made his way; no one has gone there before,

  No one at the Hammered Bracelet a crossing had attempted.

  A secret from the Beginning Alalu’s course has determined,

  The fate of Nibiru in his hands it placed, by a scheme his kingship to make universal!

  On Nibiru exile was certain, there death itself he was chancing.

  In his scheme, risk was in the journey; eternal glory of success was the reward!

  Riding like an eagle, Alalu the heavens scanned; below, Nibiru was a ball in a voidness hanging.

  Alluring was its figure, its radiance emblazoned the surrounding heavens.

  Its measure was enormous, its belchings fire blazed forth. Its life-sustaining envelope, its hue a redness, was like a sea churning;

  In its midst the breach was distinct, like a darkened wound.

  He looked down again; the wide breach turned into a small tub.

  He looked again, Nibiru’s great ball turned into a small fruit;

  The next time he looked, in the wide dark sea Nibiru disappeared.

  Remorse the heart of Alalu grasped, fear held him in its hands; decision to hesitation turned.

  To halt in his tracks Alalu considered; then from audacity to decision he returned.

  A hundred leagues, a thousand leagues the chariot was coursing; ten thousand leagues the chariot was journeying.

  In the wide heavens darkness was the darkest; in the faraway, distant stars their eyes were blinking.

  More leagues Alalu traveled, then a sight of great joy met his gaze:

  In the expanse of the heavens, the celestials’ emissary was him greeting!

  Little Gaga, the One Who Shows the Way, by its circuit Alalu was greeting, to him a welcome extending.

  With a leaning gait, before and after the celestial Antu it was destined to travel,

  To face forward, to face backward, with two facings was it endowed.

  Its appearance as first to greet Alalu as a good omen he at once considered;

  By the celestial gods he is welcomed! So was his understanding.

  In his chariot Alalu followed Gaga’s path; to the second god of the heavens it was directing.

  Soon celestial Antu, its name by King Enshar was given, in the deep’s darkness was looming;

  Blue as pure waters was her hue; of the Upper Waters she was the commencement.

  Alalu by the sight’s beauty was enchanted; to course at a distance he continued.

  In the far beyond Antu’s spouse began to shimmer, by size Antu’s the equal;

  As his spouse’s double, by a greenish blueness was An distinguished.

  A dazzling host encircled it on its side; with firm grounds they were provided.

  To the two celestials Alalu bade a fond farewell, the path of Gaga still discerning.

  The way it was showing to its olden master, of whom it was once the counselor:

  To Anshar, the Foremost Prince of the heavens, the course was a-turning.

  By the speeding chariot, Alalu the ensnaring pull of Anshar could tell;

  With bright rings of dazzling colors the chariot it was enchanting!

  His gaze Alalu to one side quickly turned, That Which Shows the Way with might he diverted.

  A sight most awesome then to him appeared: In the faraway heavens the family’s bright star he discerned!

  A sight most frightening the revelation followed:

  A giant monster, in its destiny moving, upon the Sun a darkening cast; Kishar its creator swallowed!

  Frightening was the occurrence; an evil omen, Alalu indeed thought.

  The giant Kishar, foremost of the Firm Planets, its size was overwhelming.

  Swirling storms obscured its face, colored spots they moved about;

  A host beyond counting, some quickly, some slowly, the celestial god encircled.

  Troublesome were their ways, back and forth they were surging.

  Kishar itself a spell was casting, divine lightnings it was thrusting.

  As Alalu looked on, his course became upset,

  His direction was distracted, his doings became confused.

  Then the deepness darkening began to depart: Kishar on his destiny continued to circuit.

  Slowly moving, its veil from the shining Sun it lifted; the One from the Beginning came fully into view.

  Joy in Alalu’s heart was not long-lasting;

  Beyond the fifth planet the utmost danger was lurking, so indeed he knew.

  The Hammered Bracelet ahead was reigning, to demolish it was awaiting!

  Of rocks and boulders was it together hammered, like orphans with no mother they banded together.

  Surging back and forth, a bygone destiny they followed;

  Their doings were loathsome; troubling were their ways.

  Nibiru’s probing chariots like preying lions they devoured;

  The precious gold, needed for surviving, they refused to dislodge.

  The chariot of Alalu toward the Hammered Bracelet was headlong moving,

  The ferocious boulders in close combat to boldly face.

  Alalu the Fire Stones in his chariot more strongly stirred up,

  That Which Shows the Way with steady hands he directed.

  The ominous boulders against the chariot charged forward, like an enemy in battle attacking.

  Toward them Alalu a death-dealing missile from the chariot let loose;

  Then another and another against the enemy the terror weapons he thrust.

  As frightened warriors the boulders turned back, a path for Alalu granting.

  Like by a spell the Hammered Bracelet a doorway to the king it opened.

  In the dark deepness Alalu the heavens could clearly see;

  By the Bracelet’s ferocity he was not defeated, his mission was not ended!

  In the distance, the Sun’s fiery ball its brilliance was sending forth;

  Welcoming rays toward Alalu it
was emitting.

  Before it, a red-brown planet on its circuit was coursing; the sixth in the count of celestial gods it was.

  Alalu could but glimpse it: On its destined course from Alalu’s path it was quickly moving.

  Then snow-hued Earth appeared, the seventh in the celestial count.

  Toward the planet Alalu set his course, to a destination most inviting.

  Smaller than Nibiru was its alluring ball, weaker than Nibiru’s was its attracting net.

  Its atmosphere thinner than Nibiru’s was, clouds were within it swirling.

  Below, the Earth to three regions was divided:

  Snow white at the top and on the bottom, blue and brown in between.

  Deftly Alalu spread the chariot’s arresting wings around the Earth’s ball to circle.

  In the middle region dry lands and watery oceans he could discern.

  The Beam That Penetrates downward he directed, Earth’s innards to detect.

  I have attained it! ecstatically he shouted:

  Gold, much gold, the beam has indicated; it was beneath the dark-hued region, in the waters it was too!

  With pounding heart Alalu a decision was contemplating:

  Shall he on the dry land his chariot bring down, perchance to crash and die?

  Shall he to the waters his course direct, to perchance into oblivion sink?

  Which way shall he survive, will he the treasured gold discover?

  In the Eagle’s seat Alalu was not stirring; to fate’s hands the chariot he entrusted.

  Fully caught in Earth’s attracting net, the chariot was moving faster.

  Its spread wings became aglow; Earth’s atmosphere like an oven was.

  Then the chariot shook, emitting a mortifying thunder.

  With abruptness the chariot crashed, with a suddenness altogether stopping.

  Senseless from the shaking, stunned by the crash, Alalu was without moving.

  Then he opened his eyes and knew he was among the living; At the planet of gold he victoriously arrived.

  Now this is the account of the Earth and its gold;

  It is an account of the Beginning and how the celestial gods created were.

  In the Beginning,

  When in the Above the gods in the heavens had not been called into being,

  And in the Below Ki, the Firm Ground, had not yet been named,

  Alone in the void there existed Apsu, their Primordial Begetter.


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