Running Wild (Wolves of Wisconsin Book 1)

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Running Wild (Wolves of Wisconsin Book 1) Page 1

by Marie Fraser

  Running Wolf


  Wolves of Wisconsin Novel

  By: Marie Fraser

  Running Wolf

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  Copyright 2018 Marie Fraser

  All RIGHTS RESERVED. One or more global copyright treaties protect the information in this document. This Special Report is not intended to provide exact details or advice. This report is for informational purposes only. Author reserves the right to make any changes necessary to maintain the integrity of the information held within. This Special Report is not presented as legal or accounting advice. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owner.


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  All Characters, events and locations in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, dead or living, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Cover art: Sabrina Ihadadene


  The wind in her fur and the mud beneath her feet, helping her stretch herself long and wide as she continued to run, not after a specific location but for the thrill. For what was the point of this life, this heritage, if one couldn’t enjoy it to the fullest? If she couldn’t live this way, life would seem pale.

  Aiyana raced through the forest, leaving behind the human façade she had to portray for the world around them. She used all her might to navigate, for today she wasn’t going to stop running.

  The world was hers to explore. For now, there were no responsibilities to turn to nor any missions.

  For now, she was the running wolf.

  Aiyana was free and she had so many possibilities to explore. She reached the cliff and dove in, the water greeting her like an old friend.

  Chapter 1:

  The Oneida County, situated in the heart of the Northwood’s of Wisconsin, was the most sought out tourist destination of the area. People came from far and wide to settle down in the area for a few weeks. The Bear Lake Cabins and Rooms was the most famous inn of the area, where guests enjoyed every day they spent there.

  The area was famous for the fishing preferences it presented the guests with. Essentially, the whole site had been created to accommodate the growing number of nature lovers, coming to the area to hike, fish, learn cooking skills, and to commune with the beauty of nature.

  Aiyana sat at the reception, waiting for her shift to be over. Her stomach was growling from hunger, she hadn’t hunted in a long time, exactly one whole night.

  Yes, with growing hormones and strength, Aiyana’s appetite had also increased by a large amount. She sat, waiting for someone to show up from the staff so she could give them her spot for half an hour so she could out and hunt.

  Sure, she could’ve had normal human food but what was the fun in that? If God, or rather her genes, had presented her with an opportunity to eat directly from the wild, she wasn’t going to ignore it.

  To an outsider, Aiyana would look like any other Native American twenty-two-year old, with her raven hair that fell till her shoulders, straight and sleek. Her unusual green eyes sat on top of a tanned face that accentuated her beauty and made her look just as more beautiful than the other women of her clan.

  However, Aiyana was slightly different than the rest. She was a werewolf.

  The Clan of Arikara was a magical. Each generation had ten werewolves who had received the magical gene which allowed them to transform into a wolf, at any given point. The sole purpose of the werewolves was to protect their clan, which lived amongst the woodland area. The surrounding populations were natives but more modernized and hence, without the werewolf gene.

  Aiyana’s clan was the oldest and most prestigious one, proclaimed by everyone as the mighty legends. Aiyana was privileged to have a part to play in the legacy, she was privileged to make a name for herself by submitting her life to the clan and the pack.

  Essentially, there were ten werewolves, from which only Aiyana was the female, a legend spoke of this being the norm. The other nine werewolves were all ranked by their age and their experience while Joshua was their chief and the eldest. Aiyana was ranked higher than the other eight wolves, apart from the chief Joshua. She was held in the higher ranks and everyone held her in high regard, for she was the only female. She was essentially the omega while Joshua was the alpha.

  Often though, Aiyana had to admit, being the only girl in the group was a bit wearisome. She didn’t really have any females to turn to for the pack-maintained secrecy about their identities. Yes, the clan knew about the werewolves and the clan also knew they were present to protect them. Yet, their identities were not known to all of them. Only the pack members and the Elders, the pack members before them who were now part of the higher council, knew who the current werewolves were.

  Even family members could not be trusted with this secret. That was possibly the toughest part about the whole ordeal. Not having the privilege to tell your own flesh and blood about your true identity and leaving them wondering where you were at such odd times.

  Luckily, Aiyana’s mom was also the omega in her time and now enjoyed a supreme position in the council. Unlike her other comrades, Aiyana did not have to hide anything from her mother. Essentially, Aiyana’s only family was her mother, if she didn’t count her pack brothers. Her father, Samuel, had passed away long before Aiyana had even been born. Her mother, Adsila, had been pregnant when Samuel had died in an accident in water.

  Aiyana had never met her father and she didn’t really miss his presence, it was more like longing for a figure like him, not him specifically. However, her mother did miss him, night and day, always wishing he could’ve been here to see Aiyana grow up. Aiyana loved her mother so very much and sometimes felt forlorn about the fact that she had no one to turn to.

  In their clan, it was an unspoken rule that a woman couldn’t remarry after her husband passed away. Perhaps this was the reason Aiyana tried to avoid marriage altogether. She didn’t want to leave her mother alone and she also didn’t think she could hide her real identity from her husband for a long time. The clan and her mother meant the most to Aiyana. She didn’t have much more to hold on to or love.

  Even though she was now twenty years old, Aiyana had never fallen in love. Her mother would constantly tease her for missing a gene in her blood or that she would fall in love with an outsider. All this was jokes only because the clan was forbidden to mingle with outsiders apart from when business was concerned.

  Friendship, let alone love, even was a big sin to commit when it concerned people from outside the Oneida County. Besides, Aiyana was not interested in finding a partner for herself. She had a good enough life as it was and did not need the hassle of maintaining a relationship. She had too many jobs to take care what with being the sole breadwinner of the house.

  Aiyana was an only child and the responsibility of the household was on her shoulder. Her mother worked as well, mainly taking care of the antiques shop the Bear Lake Cabin owners had constructed to attract customers. While her mother was the manager there, Aiyana worked as the receptionist for the cabins. She had the sole responsibly of ma
king sure all guests were received with a warm welcome and were treated with exactly the right amount of hospitality.

  Aiyana didn’t know if she was the right person to welcome people, warmly that is. Ever since she was a little girl, people would comment on her hard expression and lack of emotions. It wasn’t that Aiyana didn’t feel anything, she just had a difficult time showing herself to people.

  Aiyana had been with one boy long ago, when she was sixteen and freshly learning what love was. For some reason or the other, things hadn’t worked out and Aiyana was left heartbroken. She never again wanted to go through the same thing. How could she after all? Love had turned out to be a notion and just that. A lie and something no one should delve in to, if they didn’t want to face regret.

  However, as a werewolf, this was something each one of them inevitably had to go through.

  In the magical world, all creatures had another person they would connect to. A bond that would be too potent and strong to ever be broken. The soul mate’s kiss, is what the pack called it. So far, only three of them had experienced this and were now happily involved with their girlfriends, except one who was already engaged to be married in August. Joshua, the chief himself had still not found his mate and more often than not, Aiyana would read his mind and see that this fact bothered him.

  Aiyana on the other hand was more than happy that she was still safe from this kiss, the kiss that would act as a chain and hold her down. She had seen her other comrades and how they were now completely consumed by love and ignorant to everything else.

  God only knew how Aiyana hated that. How could anyone just submit themselves to love in a way that left them without any choice of their own?

  Aiyana looked around, sighing in frustration when no one showed up.

  A few minutes passed and a group of people walked in, two girls and two boys.

  “Welcome to Bear Lake.” Aiyana greeted them.

  She took out the registration manual and placed it on the desk for them to sign.

  “Do you have a booking?” Aiyana asked them.

  “Uh, we do, but our friend isn’t here yet. He made the booking.” One of the boys said, dressed in a flannel shirt along with blue jeans and boots.

  “Under which name?” Aiyana asked.

  “Jason.” The man said told Aiyana.

  “I can show you to your cabins and Jason can check in when he arrives.” Aiyana told them as they smiled.

  “That would be amazing.” One of the girls said.

  Aiyana couldn’t help but notice how different they looked from her. One had blonde, curly hair while the second had more brown hair with light specks of hazel in between, wavy and silky. Aiyana wondered if everyone in the city looked like them. The group was dressed in appropriate North Woods attire.

  Aiyana picked up the keys to their cabins from the shelf behind her and they followed her out of the reception area into the back garden where most of the cabins were. This party had booked three cabins and Aiyana showed them around, pointing out the different facilities.

  “Is there a trail into the forest?” The brunette asked.

  “Yes, right behind one of your cabins.” Aiyana told them, happy to see the excitement in their eyes.

  Aiyana loved this part about her job, it made her feel good, making other people happy.

  “I call shotgun.” The blonde guy said while the other groaned.

  “This is the first cabin.” Aiyana said, unlocking the door. “The trail can be reached through the back entrance.”

  “Thanks.” The blond guy said as the brunette and he went inside.

  Aiyana wondered if the group was divided into two couples and realized this was the case when the other two also went into the same cabin.

  Aiyana left them to unpack and headed back towards the reception. She saw her friend, Ahmik, heading out from the cafe, which served the guests every morning, compliments of the Cabin Inn.

  “Ahmik!” Aiyana screamed out, glad that she had finally found someone to cover for her.

  “Yes?” Ahmik replied, turning to face her.

  “Can you cover my shift for an hour?” Aiyana asked, pleadingly.

  Her hunger was truly getting the better of her. Who could blame her? Being a werewolf was an exhausting job description. Her body no longer functioned like an average human being’s. Aiyana was hungry more often than she could recall and her emotions were running wild. She could be laughing with someone and then a minute later she could be scolding them.

  Aiyana was so glad her mother knew the truth, otherwise she would’ve gone crazy.

  “Why?” Ahmik asked, suspiciously, since he didn’t know about Aiyana’s reality.

  “I have to run an errand.” Aiyana said, not offering any further explanations.

  “Alright, hurry back though.” Ahmik said, reluctantly.

  “Thanks.” Aiyana said, kissing his cheek as he turned pink.

  Aiyana had known Ahmik for a long time and they had practically grown up together. It sucked that she couldn’t tell him the truth, but that was the price a hero had to pay. She had a feeling Ahmik had feelings for her, but always tried to ignore that part of their friendship. She didn’t want to lose him but she also knew she could never be with him. She saw him as a brother more than as a lover, and nothing could change that.

  For someone who hated love, it sure was a recurring thought in her head, Aiyana noticed, bitterly.

  Aiyana left the Inn and headed towards the forest. She went deep inside, crossing the warning sign that stated wolf hunting was forbidden in the area.

  She reached the clearing she usually left her clothes in and undressed. She didn’t want to tear her clothes off while shifting and would return to them after hunting. She had an hour only and had to make the most of it.

  Naked to the last part of her body, Aiyana shook her arms and closed her eyes. She breathed in deeply as she felt her body transform, the fur growing on her body, her frame shaping itself like a wolf’s and her senses heightening. She opened her eyes and began running. She was now in control of her body, more so than she ever felt as a human.

  Chapter 2:

  Jason felt very bitter. Why had he been forced to come on a hunting trip, with two couples? It defeated the purpose of him trying to get over his ex.

  Jessica. The name itself brought bitterness and sourness in his mouth. He felt chagrined by the way she had broken his heart, all because she had to move away for her career. Had Jason not given up his own career multiple times? To stay with her in her time of need, he had put their love first, multiple times and was willing to do so again, if she hadn’t made the decision to end things.

  Jason felt betrayed, not by Jessica, but by love. He didn’t want to ever get into anything of that sort again, once had hurt him quite enough. He had given her everything, everything he could’ve given to anyone but himself. Love, companionship and care. She had thrown all that out of the window and put herself first.

  Jason didn’t hold that against her. Even though he felt irritated by this, he couldn’t ever hold her accountable for things not working out. She had simply put herself first, as normal humans did. Jason had learned a lesson, to never give anyone more importance than he gave to himself. He had learned to never make someone a priority over himself and his own life.

  Oh, how he had been hurt so harshly by the woman he had called his love? He had wanted a whole life with her, a whole new world of possibilities had been waiting to be explored by them? Yet, Jessica had deemed him unworthy and had ran off.

  Now Jason was left to mend his broken heart, completely disheveled and disoriented. He hadn’t really tried to move on either, it didn’t make sense for him to go out and find someone else, especially when he had been treated so harshly in this field. Jason had no inclination to step back into the game and find a new partner. It was clearly not this forte ad he only ever ended up hurt and desolate.

  He remembered his first relationship, back in high school with his first girlfriend
Sarah. Even then Jason had thought she was his soul mate, the girl he was destined to spend the rest of his life with. Sadly, the harsh reality had settled in upon graduation when they parted ways. They had talked so much about the future, even though Jason now knew how foolish they had been to think of anything of that sort at such a young age.

  Commitment, essentially, was the one thing love always came down to. In the happily ever after’s, both partners wanted this. In the worse end, one always didn’t. Those were the worst moments, when there was nothing a partner could do to make sure the other person stayed.

  Love wasn’t in favor of Jason. It truly wasn’t, be it during high school or adulthood. He was one of those people who were prepared to settle down but sadly the right partner never came along. He didn’t know if there was something wrong with him or the women he dated. Regardless, something was definitely not right.

  He couldn’t understand the reason behind this.

  He had so much to offer. Love, security and care. He was well off, working at his own restaurant, a business he had started with his sister, Rachel. Rachel had been the only reason Jason had agreed to come on this blasted trip, and only because she had insisted. The trip had been planned to commemorate her one-year anniversary with Jack, her boyfriend and Jason’s child hood friend. At first, Jason had felt quite strange about his best friend and his baby sister dating.

  It had taken some getting used to definitely but Jason was now more accustomed to the situation. Rachel had tried her best to make sure things wouldn’t get awkward, which is why he had decided to come for the trip, to show he wasn’t holding anything against her and was in full support.

  Yet, deep down inside, Jason was angry.

  He didn’t want to spend the next week sitting around with two very openly physical couples. Rachel had brought along her own best friend, Amanda and her boyfriend, Adam. Jason liked them, all four of them, but after his break up, even the sight of a lovey-dovey couple made him cringe. He didn’t know when he had become so bitter and cold. There was probably no way of this changing and Jason would have to accept it.


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