Love in the Mix

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Love in the Mix Page 4

by Lucy Darling

  “I have to get to work.”

  “I don’t want you to go.” He sits up, pulling me into him. His mouth comes down onto mine as he kisses me deeply. I don’t want to go to work either, but I have no choice.

  “I own the place. I kind of have to go. If I don’t make the goodies there won’t be any for the customers.” If I would have known this was going to happen, I could have planned for one of the girls I’ve been training to cover for me, but Sean came out of nowhere.

  Okay, maybe he didn't come out of nowhere since I basically went looking for him. So what that I’ve been lightly stalking him for a few months? I didn’t anticipate that he’d be all over me the minute we laid eyes on each other. All of this still feels unreal. It’s hard for me to even wrap my mind around it. Everything is happening so quickly.

  “All right. Get dressed. I’ll make you some breakfast.” He reaches up, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. “You feeling all right?”

  “I think the water and Advil that you forced on me in the middle of the night might have saved me.” I remember him trying to wake me up. I already sleep like the dead and that was before he decided to give me all of those mind-blowing orgasms that knocked me out. Somehow he’d managed to get me to drink a whole glass of water and down the pills. Saving me from what I'm sure would have been a massive hangover.

  “Good.” He brushes his mouth against mine before getting out of bed. I’m disappointed to see that he has his sweatpants on. It was totally unfair that he got to see me naked and I didn't get to see any of his goodies. I sigh, hoping I’ll get another chance. With the way Sean has been kissing me this morning and asking me not to go to work has me thinking that this is definitely not a one-night stand.

  Pulling myself from the bed, I go in search of my clothes. I locate my bra, putting it on but it takes me a few minutes to find my shirt. Once I do, I slip it on and begin the hunt for my panties. I declare them a lost cause after I search everywhere for them. I grab my purse and phone, heading out of Sean’s bedroom.

  Now that my mind is a little clearer, I take a look around his place. I don’t remember what part of town we’re in but it doesn't matter. His condo is stunning. There isn't much to it, but the place alone screams money. I didn’t think managing a club would pay this well.

  It must, though, because I can tell that he’s spared no expense in this place. His fancy sports car should have been my first clue. Yet he doesn't seem like some of the rich jerks that I’ve met in my time.

  “I don’t have much here.” Sean runs a hand through his short hair. “I’m sorry, cupcake. I’m not used to having company to cook for. I usually order in.”

  “It’s fine. I’m not really hungry and I usually eat while I’m baking.” I taste everything that I make before I serve it to customers. I have to make sure the quality is up to my expectations. That's what I tell myself, anyway. It’s really because I love the taste of my own treats and can’t stop eating them. It’s not my fault that I’m such a good baker. It’s a gift and a curse at the same time.

  “Let me grab a shirt and I’ll take you home.” He runs out of the room down the long hallway. I steal a few more peeks around his place. It makes me wonder if he comes from money. Both Neily and my family do more than okay on the financial side. Our families helped us get the loan to start our shop.

  Without them it would have taken us a whole lot longer to get where we are. But Sean’s place screams a whole other level of money than what I’m used to. Everything in it is high quality. It’s sleek and modern. The kitchen is to die for. I can’t help but picture myself baking in it.

  “Ready, cupcake?” He comes jogging back out.

  “In a hurry to get me out of here?” I joke, walking over toward the front door. He pulls me into him, kissing me until I’m breathless.

  “No, I don’t want you to leave at all but I know the sooner you get to work and get done, the sooner I’ll have you back here.”

  I smile up at him. “I like the sound of that.” I take his hand as he leads me out of his place. “Do you work tonight?”

  “Nope.” He answers me instantly. The quiet stretches inside the elevator, making me start to fidget. Sean pulls me into his side, wrapping his arm around me. “Don’t be shy, cupcake. I promise everything you do is fucking adorable to me.”

  I drop my head, hiding my blush. “Last night was-”

  He cuts me off. “The beginning of us.”

  “I don’t even know you.” I peek up at him. Those hazel eyes that I swear change colors lock with mine. Last night I thought it was the drinks that made me think that but staring at him now I know they really do.

  “All you need to know right now is you’re mine.” The elevator doors slide open. I go to step off but he keeps me in his arms. “Say you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours.” The words come out of my mouth before I can think them through. It feels almost natural. I want to be his.

  “Good. The rest you'll learn with time. Now that I have you, we have all the time in the world.”

  I should be scared or even the slightest bit concerned by how quickly this is all moving, but the only thing I feel is happy.



  I stand outside the cute little bakery named Love Bites wondering what I’m going to do all day. Would it be creepy if I stood out here? Probably. I don’t want to scare her off. I already made her tell me she was mine.

  I’d practically demanded for her to say it. I’d been on edge all morning. It was the first decent night's sleep I had gotten in a long time. Having her in my arms had proven to be the remedy to that emptiness that I’d been feeling for the last few months.

  Worry had taken root in me that she would want to leave when she woke up. So, when she mentioned work, I tried to talk her out of it. I didn't want to give her space and room to breathe. It scared the shit out of me to think that she would change her mind about us. I’d gotten a taste of her and now I wanted her forever.

  Would she change her mind about this? Is it possible that she’ll try to give me the slip? I should call my brother Ethan. He knows all about that. His wife had given him a run for his money.

  My brother had gone a little mad until he found her again. I bet he could give me some sound advice. He’s never steered me wrong before. I’ve never gone to him for advice about a woman because I never had the need to. But he has always been there for all of the other important decisions in my life.

  Ethan has already been on my case about finding a girl and settling down. He wants to make sure that I have more in my life than only working constantly. I shook off his words and told him to mind his own fucking business. But he was right. The ache that has been driving me insane is now gone and it’s been replaced with an entirely different feeling.

  My phone buzzes in my pocket. I reach in, grabbing it to see it’s my brother. He must have sensed that I needed him. He’s the only person that would ever call me this early. Working in the clubs late at night means I don't typically get out of bed until noon.

  “What’s up?” I ask, bringing the phone to my ear. My eyes stay on the bakery. My girl must be in the back still baking. I’ve seen a few other girls show up who look to be setting up the front of the shop.

  “Who is the chick in the pic?” My sister-in-law Amelia sing-songs into my ear.

  “Morning to you, too.”

  “Stop avoiding. You’re in the paper sucking face with some girl in one of your clubs. Spill it.”

  “Shit,” I mumble. I should have known that was coming. I made out with her in the middle of the club. Anyone could have snapped a picture of us. Fuck.

  “So who is she? She’s adorable. Nothing like the other women I saw you with before.” Alyssa is adorable and sexy at the same time. She is the whole fucking package.

  “What other women?” I scoff. Amelia has never seen me with anyone else.

  “When I stalked your brother, I saw Google pics of you, too. You were always partying in your
clubs. Each night you seemed to be with a different woman.”

  “Different women because I was at a different event each night. But let me make it clear that I was alone at each of them.” The pictures had been taken with whoever happened to be standing near me at the time. I didn’t bring or date any of those women, but I can see how Amelia would think that.

  “True. This is the first time that I have seen you sucking face with someone.” Lovely. I’m not sure I want to see this picture. Normally I could give a shit if someone takes my picture and puts it in the paper. It is free publicity for my clubs. This time, however, it turns my stomach. Alyssa is shy. Her cheeks are always tinged that pretty pink. I don’t think she’ll like the idea of being in the paper.

  “What does it say? Do they name her?”

  “Nope. That’s why I’m calling. Who is she? Are you going to make a pregnant woman beg for the details?” I smile. Amelia is good for my brother. Actually, they are good for each other. I like her. Although she and Ethan have only been together for a short time, I’ve come to think of her as my sister.

  “She owns a bakery. Love Bites.”

  “Love Bites!” Amelia bursts into laughter. “That is a wonderful name. I love her already.” I hear my brother in the background telling Amelia that if she doesn't stop laughing so hard that she’s going to go into early labor. She pulls it together.

  “Have you given her any love bites yet?” Her controlling her laughter is short-lived as she bursts into another fit. I can’t help but chuckle with her. I’ve done more than a few love bites; I’ve eaten my entire cupcake. It was the most delicious thing I’ve ever had in my whole life. I can guarantee that it won’t be for sale at her bakery either. I’d burn the place down before that ever happened.

  “They sell desserts,” I half-growl, not wanting anyone to think they can have any part of her. The name is cute but what's even more adorable is I’m almost positive that my innocent cupcake doesn’t realize the innuendo.

  Amelia abruptly stops laughing. “What kind of desserts?”

  I smile to myself, knowing that her pregnancy has her craving all things sweet. My brother is constantly running around to get her something she is craving. She doesn't even have to ask him. She only mentions it and the next thing you know, my brother is either getting it or having it delivered. I needle him about it sometimes but really, I enjoy seeing him this way. Happy.

  “Cupcakes, cookies, things I don’t know the name of.” I haven't actually been inside yet. That’s just what I saw on the website for the place.

  I pulled it up after I dropped my girl off for work. I was trying to not come off as a stalker by following her inside and planting myself in one of the chairs until she was done with her shift. She already assured me that we’d spend tonight together. I have no reason to stand guard. Still, I can’t pull myself away from here. I am quickly turning into my brother.

  “I need all those things.” I can hear Amelia shuffle around on the other end of the line. “Get my purse.” I know she’s talking to my brother.

  “You’re going to come all the way down here for a cupcake? It’s not even lunch time yet.”

  “I’m pregnant. I always want cupcakes. Besides, I have a bridal shower and I need desserts for it.”

  “I’ll see you in a little.” I hang up the phone. This will at least give me a reason to go into the bakery instead of standing outside like some crazy obsessed stalker.



  “Is that a hickey on your neck?” I ask Neily, who is sitting in front of me eating a cupcake for breakfast.

  “We’re not talking about me.” She moves her dark hair to cover the mark on her neck. What the hell did she do last night? “I can’t believe you didn't go all the way with him.”

  “Did you?!” I point my frosting-covered spatula at her. She takes another giant bite of her cupcake, not answering me. Neily usually tells me everything. Unless she’s being shy about something. Then it takes her a little bit before she lets it all out. I’ve learned that it’s easier to let her come to me. She can only hold it in for so long.

  “I’d been drinking so he didn't want to.” I change the subject back to me because I love her and I’m going to let this one slide. If she doesn’t want to talk about whoever she sucked face with last night, it’s fine. I am more than willing to talk about Sean. He’s all I can think about.

  “That’s sweet.” She licks her lips, cleaning up any frosting that had been lingering on them.

  “I think we’ll do it tonight.” I put the spatula down, done frosting this round of cupcakes. One of the new girls comes into the back, grabbing the tray and taking it to the front of the store. I love that Neily and I no longer have to work in the front. It was fun at first when we’d opened up initially but baking is what I really enjoy.

  “You’re not supposed to plan it. Just let it happen. You know what happens when we try and plan things.” We end up making some kind of mess for ourselves. To be honest, that happens whether we plan things or not.

  “I really like him.” I grab one of the still-hot cookies as I head over to sit down with Neily. “I know I just met him last night but it feels as though I’ve known him forever. I felt an instant connection to him.”

  “You’ve been stalking him for months.”

  “Stop saying that! I was just looking around the front of our shop. That’s not stalking.” I was so stalking. “It’s called being aware of my surroundings.”

  “Fine. You weren't stalking.” She keeps her face straight. I almost buy it.

  “You’re a good liar.”

  “We all have our skills.” She picks up her phone when a text sounds.

  “Who is texting you this early?” I try and peek at her phone, wondering if it’s the same person that put the hickey on her neck. Waiting for her to tell me about her night is torture.

  “My mom.” She stares at the phone for a moment, then her eyes go round. Her head jerks up to look at me, her glasses sliding down her nose. “Your mom is about to blow up your phone.”

  “What. Why?” My phone starts ringing. “What’s going on?” I jump up from my chair, going over to my purse to fish it out.

  “You’re in the paper.”

  “In the what?” She did not just say the paper. Why would I be in the paper? Oh. Maybe the bakery is getting reviewed. But wouldn’t she have said we’re in the paper?

  “The paper.” She jumps up from her chair, bringing her phone over to me.

  “They still make papers?” My phone keeps ringing in my hand.

  “It’s online, too.” She turns her phone for me to see. It’s Sean and me kissing in the middle of the club. Why would anyone put that in a paper? People kiss all the time. That is so not newsworthy.

  “Do I answer?” I look down at my phone.

  “If you don’t, she’ll just show up.”

  “True.” Reluctantly I answer the phone.

  “You’re dating Sean King!” my mom shouts into the phone.

  “His last name is King?” I cringe. I cannot believe I just said that. Neily shakes with silent laughter. I glare at her.

  “You’re making out with men in clubs and you don’t even know their last names. It’s about time you and Neily got out there and had some fun. Bree and I were sure we were going to die without grandbabies. You look beautiful as always and your shirt is super cute.”

  “Don’t talk about death.” I hate when she does that. “Wait. How do you know who Sean is?”

  “He’s one of the city’s most eligible bachelors. Everyone knows who he is. His brother went off the market a few months ago.” My mom and Bree have always been into gossip. It is real-life reality television for them. “His brother is Ethan King.”

  “I still have no idea who that is, Mom.”

  “Are you living in a cave over there? He’s one of the richest men in the world. Pretty sure his younger brother Sean is climbing up that ladder right behind him.” I shake my head no. That can�
��t be right.

  “No, they must have Sean mixed up with someone else. My Sean works at the club. I think he’s the manager or something.” That is my best guess based on what I’ve learned about him so far. We didn't do a ton of talking but like Sean implied, we have all the time in the world to get to know each other.

  “Ohhhh. Your Sean,” my mom teases. I walked right into that one. “Well, your Sean owns multiple high falutin’ clubs. Managers don’t usually drive Bugattis.” I should be scared that my mom knows so much about him but I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. It’s clear where I developed my stalking skills.

  “He owns it?” Neily mouths, as shocked as I am. My mom's voice is loud enough for her to hear the entire conversation. Plus, Neily has always had creepy good hearing to begin with.

  “Mom, I’m working. Can I call you back?” I don’t really let her respond before firing off that I love her and hang up. “Are you Googling him?”

  “Oh right.” Neily hops up and heads over to the computer to pull up Sean King. I do the same on my phone. We both read over what we can find. Yeah, no wonder his place was so nice. He is more than rich. The man is downright wealthy. “There are so many pictures of him.” I nod in agreement. I’m already scanning through them. “Is that Bella Clark?”

  “I think so.” My stomach turns. There are a lot of pictures of him with other women. Famous ones. Supermodels, actresses, and everything in between. You name it and Google has a pic of him with it.

  “Oh shit. Is that Cindy Milono? How many supermodels has he dated?” I put my phone down, not wanting to know.

  “He’s not only one of the most eligible bachelors, he’s a playboy.” Neily plucks the words right out of my head.

  “Heartbreak. That’s what he is.”

  “I’m sorry, Aly bug.” She walks over, putting her arm around me. “At least you found out before he could break your heart.” I look down at the floor. “Ah shit. Are we already there?”


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