SLADE: Captive to the Dark

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SLADE: Captive to the Dark Page 18

by Alaska Angelini

  Jordan shook his head. “I suspected, but I wasn’t clued in. I’m telling you, I got out a long time ago. My only purpose on that boat was you. Julian…when he wants something, he doesn’t stop. In this case, it was me getting together with you. I think it benefits both of our father’s somehow. Anyway, I had no idea what to expect. But, then I met you, and you were nothing like what I thought. The few days we had together were amazing, if not rough in the beginning. But I loved every minute of our time. You didn’t kiss my ass or throw yourself at me. You were different. Special.” Slade’s fingers bit into my side and I knew he wasn’t doing it intentionally. His whole body was stiff.

  “Are you quite done throwing yourself at my fiancée? We have a wedding to plan.”

  Sadness filled Jordan’s face as he stared at me. I felt so torn. Yes, I really liked Jordan, and maybe something more would have come out of it had I stayed those three weeks on the boat, but that didn’t happen. I met Slade. And although he frustrated the shit out of me in many ways, he also had somehow captured my heart.

  “Just don’t do anything rash, Mary. Lily will be home in the morning. Then you’re free. No eloping overnight.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “As if I’d do something so rash.” I took Jordan’s hand. “Stop worrying about me. I’ll be fine. We have to go. You take care of yourself.”

  Slade stood before I could. The protectiveness cloaked me the moment we started walking away. His big arm hugged me close and I knew better than to fight against it. Not that I wanted to.

  “Do you feel better now? Just sit on the bench, she said.” I pressed my lips together as he mumbled, trying my best not to smile. Half of it I couldn’t hear, but he continued to carry on. It wasn’t until we turned the block, in front of his building, that he slowed. “Let’s do it, Mary. Fuck the false engagement. Forget the waiting. Let’s fly to Vegas. We’ll get married right now.”

  “What?” I pushed back as if he was some sort of poisonous snake. No way was I going to rush to Vegas and elope.

  “It’ll be perfect. Don’t you see? We’ll do the switch off in the morning and then they can’t make you go back. You’ll be my wife. Mine.”

  I may have let him carve his name into my chest for Lily’s sake, but that was to bring her home. There was no way I was going to go out and get married when she was so close to being here and my freedom was within reach.

  “You’ve lost your mind. How could you want to do that? You’re getting your sister back. Isn’t that enough? You have to try to best my father by keeping me too? Enough of this.” I took a few more steps toward the entrance. “I want to go home. You know this.”

  The cool air from the A/C swept across my face as I headed for the elevator. Bruising pain clasped to my arm as Slade led me the rest of the way. The door opened and he swept me in. “That came out wrong and you know it. Me wanting to be with you has nothing to do with your father or anyone else. Mary…” His forehead furrowed while he stared down. The door closed, sealing us in and my heart was pounding so hard that I could feel my pulse all the way in my toes.

  “I thought we’d have more time. We were supposed to have a week, at least. I’m not saying I’m not excited that my sister is finally going to be home, but…stay, damnit. Give me one more night to convince you. This isn’t how we’re supposed to end. I know you better than you think. If you leave tomorrow, you won’t come back.”

  He was right. I had no intention of returning. When we traded off, I was gone. Period. Slade would be no more than a memory and another scar from my past. Albeit, a very raw, soul-stabbing scar. Shit. Somehow, the name had mysteriously penetrated every layer of my skin and embedded deep down in my chest, claiming not only my physical body, but the one thing that made me… me.

  “How can I help you to say goodbye?” My eyes searched his. He needed to know this was going to end. I wouldn’t pretend that some mind-blowing sex was going to change my mind. Tomorrow, I was gone.

  “God damnit.” He swallowed hard and pressed his forehead against mine. His hands cupped my face, locking me into place. Secure, but not painful. “You’re so fucking stubborn. I know you have feelings for me. I feel them, Mary. Why you won’t give into them is beyond me. I already fucking see how this is going to play out and it’s tearing me apart. You’re going to go home and you’re going to marry Jordan because that’s what your daddy wants. Why not me? Why?” The question reverberated the insides of the elevator it was yelled so loud. “I’m sorry.” Slade pulled back, wiping his hand over his mouth.

  The elevator opened and he rushed out, startling Marcio and Brace. “Get her shit packed and together. We’re leaving.”

  My eyes widened and Slade seemed to catch himself. Where the hell was he taking me? Away? Without thought, my finger pressed the close button on the elevator. Slade spun around in the threshold of his front door just as the elevator began to shut.

  “No! Mary, don’t do it! Mary!” My finger pressed faster and I screamed as the door closed right before he could reach it. Oh my God. Where was I going? I didn’t have a phone or money for a cab. My mind raced. Was I doing the right thing? A groan slipped from my mouth as heaviness in my chest nearly crippled me. “I don’t want to leave.” Even as the words echoed around me, I bent down, taking off my heels.

  The door opened and I sprung free, racing through the fancy lobby as fast as I could. I didn’t stop running until I was in the middle of the park. What was I doing? In a circle, I spun. My apartment was so far away from here. But he’d find me there. I wasn’t safe there until Lily was home. My eyes stopped on the bench. Jordan still sat there, his head lowered, hands clasped in front of him. I quickly looked behind me and continued running.

  “Jordan.” My voice sounded weak, almost catching in my throat. His head jerked and he stood. “God, please…get me out of here.”

  “Where’s Slade?” He picked up his briefcase, ushering me toward the street. As we crossed, I looked around nervously. What have I done? Bile burned the back of my throat and what seemed slightly right minutes ago was not sitting well anymore.

  We walked into the parking garage of the building across the street and I couldn’t stop my body from nearly collapsing at the adrenaline. “I ran, Jordan. He’s going to be looking for me. Oh, God.”

  “Shh.” He pulled me close. “You’ll stay at my place. It’ll be okay. I won’t let him find you.”

  “Jordan.” My hand grabbed the front of his jacket making him stop. “You can’t tell anyone I left. He has to get Lily back. If my dad knows I’m not under his care anymore, he might not give her back. Please. Promise me you’re not going to say anything.”

  Red lights from the BMW we were next to flashed. He clutched the keys in his fist as he nodded. “Your secret is safe with me, Mary. I won’t tell a soul. You can trust me. Now, hurry, let’s get out of here before he shows up. It’s time to go home.”

  Home. Why did that phrase make my feet turn to lead? Dizziness set in and I knew why. It was so obvious. I wanted it to be with Slade. Only Slade.

  Chapter 17


  The phone call came at four in the morning. I still hadn’t fallen asleep. Second night in a row. From the feeling in my stomach, it’d be one of many. I couldn’t believe Mary had left me. Fucking ran like I had feared she would. The sickness that plagued me was either from the bottle of Scotch I’d consumed or the fact that I was standing in a nearly deserted private airport right outside of the city, waiting for my sister to get off Mr. Brighton’s private jet.

  My men crowded behind me, guns drawn and ready to use if need be. My three closest were at my sides. The ten behind them were my back-up, and I was glad I’d called them in. There were an equal amount behind the governor and Julian.

  “Your sister’s waiting on you, Slade. Where’s my daughter? She doesn’t get off the plane until Mary is in my care.”

  My eyes narrowed. I knew she hadn’t gone to her apartment. That’s where I’d consumed the Scotch up unt
il an hour before the call. If she didn’t go home to Victor—

  “I’m here.” The voice that yelled out from the distance had my head whipping around. The warm burn in my stomach boiled at the sight of my slave running up with Jordan. I took a step forward, ready to tackle her down and go all alpha on her ass. That was my woman. Mine. She fucking gave herself to me. She couldn’t take that away. I wouldn’t let her.

  A hand clamped on my shoulder and I glared at Marcio.

  “I’m here,” Mary said, breathlessly. “Where’s Lily?”

  “What the hell is going on?” Victor looked over at her confused.

  Jordan pulled her close, nearly causing my teeth to break.

  “Mary spent the night with me. She’s going to be staying for a while.” His eyes flashed over to me, but didn’t stay focused. “Let Lily off. We’re good now.”

  The plane door opened and I became momentarily distracted. Dark hair fell over the shoulders of a white robe and I couldn’t contain myself from walking forward. The pressure in my throat threatened to cut off air and I was running before I realized it. Red, swollen eyes… my eyes, blinked back tears as Lily launched herself in my arms.

  “You found me,” she sobbed, holding to me so tight that I didn’t bother breaking the connection. I hugged her tighter, not able to believe how surreal it felt to see her again. For so long I thought she was dead. It helped with the pain, but now, the pain was even worse. My sister was home, but the path to her healing was far from over. I’d hoped Mary could help me with that.

  My eyes went over to her and noticed she was crying equally as hard. Two women. Both meaning more to me than my own life, in so much pain for reasons I’d never truly know. It was enough to cause my eyes to blur with my own unshed tears. I’d gained one. Just to lose another. Fuck.

  “Of course I found you. I wasn’t going to stop until I did. We’ll talk more about that later. Let’s get you home, honey.” I kissed the top of her head and led her to Marcio. “Put her in the car while I finish up.”

  “Sure thing, boss.” He held out his hand and she hesitated. Instead, she turned and looked at the group of people resting on the other side. My enemies, minus Mary.

  “No!” The screaming and clawing that followed as she tried to climb up my body had me reaching behind my back and pulling out my own gun.

  “Who?” I jerked her around to face them again. “Tell me who you’re afraid of?” I drug her forward while she fought, and didn’t stop until I was only five feet from them. Guns were pointed at me and my hired protection from all directions. Men shifted nervously, but I wasn’t going to stop. “Tell me!” I shook her until she calmed.

  Slowly, her hand rose and pointed to the governor, only to move to one of the men at his side. I cocked the gun just as Mary jumped in front of her father.

  “Slade, please,” she sobbed and shook her head. “Please. Don’t do this. Everyone is going to die if you pull that trigger. Including you. Maybe me, maybe Lily. Think about it. Look at all the guns on both sides. Please.”

  Fuck, I knew she was right, and I hated it. I wanted Victor dead. I wanted them all fucking rotting in pieces in some desert somewhere. Just like Thomas. A loud growl came from my mouth and I lowered the gun.

  “Are you happy now, Mary? Are you fucking happy? This is what you want?” My gun waved at all of them. “This is who you choose? Fucking rapists, druggies, fucking murderers?”

  “Slade,” she sobbed harder, and Victor nudged her into Jordan’s arms.

  “Take her home, Jordan.”

  Mary shook her head. “No…wait.”

  “Now,” Victor ordered.

  Jordan didn’t hesitate to pull her in the direction of where they’d arrived. Those green eyes I’d come to love turned back and looked at me, but she kept going. Without thought, I pushed Lily toward Marcio and began running.

  My name echoed in the background but I didn’t stop. I couldn’t. “Mary. Wait.”

  Jordan placed her behind his back as he glared at me. “Fucking turn around right now or so help me God, I’m going to really fucking hurt you this time. Enough is enough. She doesn’t want to be with you. Drop it and just go back before things turn really bad for you.”

  “Piss off, Jordan.” I moved to the side. “Mary.”

  Jordan sidestepped, blocking my path. My arm twitched, ready to remove the fucker out of my way, but Mary stepped around him. She said nothing. Only walked forward and cupped the side of my neck, placing the lightest kiss against my cheek.

  That was it. I stayed frozen as I watched the woman I love walk away, out of my life. She’d chosen…and it wasn’t me. Devastated. Heartbroken. I felt my monster flicker, and I embraced it.


  Screams awoke me for the eighteenth night. Groggily, my eyes fluttered open and I threw the covers back. The silk pajama bottoms were low on my hips and I reached over, grabbing a shirt. No use letting Lily see what I’d done days ago in my drunk stupor. I put it on and raced down the hall, making it to her room just before Marcio. I waved him away and opened the door.

  The closet light illuminated the room and my sister was huddled in the far corner, crouched with her hands covering her head like she was protecting herself from something…or someone. It was beginning to become the routine. I slowly eased toward her. The first night, I’d made the mistake of rushing in. That had only ended up leaving claw marks on my face. I learned fast after that not to wake her too quickly.

  “Lillian, wake up.” I kneeled a good two feet away, not touching her. “Lily, honey, it’s Slade. Wake up and let me hold you.”

  Slowly, her head rose and the sobs turned into ones that left the all too familiar anger stirring.


  “That’s right. You’re home now, remember? Come, let me put you back to bed.”

  She sniffled and slid up the wall, using it to brace herself. But, she didn’t come to me. Since she’d gone crazy back at the airport, she’d yet to let anyone touch her. The therapist said it would take time, but I knew that look. My sister was broken inside. Unlike my strong Mary, Lily didn’t have that strength.

  “I’m sorry. I know you’re probably tired of being woken up.”

  “No, sweetie. Don’t apologize. I’m just happy to have you back.”

  She climbed into the bed and pulled the covers up to her neck. For the longest time, she just sat there, staring at me. When it came to comforting, I was probably the worst person cut out for the job.

  “Talk to me Lily. What’s on your mind?”

  “Who was that girl? The one you called Mary?

  Just hearing my slave’s name sent my stomach twisting in knots.

  “I’ve never seen you so sad. You…love her, don’t you?”

  There was no point lying to my sister. She may have been hurt inside, but she wasn’t stupid. “Mary is the governor’s daughter. I kidnapped her when I found out he was involved with your disappearance. She was my captive until the day before you came home. She’s the reason you’re here.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  My head lowered to look at the carpet. “Yes. I love her. But she doesn’t return my feelings. She’s chosen Jordan Brighton. He loves her too.”

  Lily’s eyes narrowed. “Did you hurt her? Is that why she doesn’t love you?”

  Did I? No. Not like she meant. At least, not intentionally. Well, maybe in the beginning. Fuck, I couldn’t think. I needed sleep. More than two hours at a time. “I guess I did a little.”

  “But you love her?”

  “God, yes. I wasn’t too nice when she first arrived, but I fell for her. Especially when she…” I trailed off, changing my mind. Lily leaned forward, more interested in what I had to say for the first time since she’d been back.

  “When she what?”

  My lips pressed together. “Mary was determined to have you back. She came up with a plan to get her father to hurry up the process.”

  “How?” Fascination flickered
on her face making me smile. She looked like the little girl I used to tell stories to. Who I had raised.

  “She thought that if her father believed I was genuinely hurting her, he’d bring you home faster. Mary had me carve my name into her chest. I knew then how much she cared about your safety. Guess that’s when I really fell head over heels with her.”

  Lily’s mouth parted. “She actually let you do that?”

  I nodded. “Yes. And she faked a black eye. But that’s for another night. Now, off to bed with you. The sun will be up in an hour or two and I plan to be deep in sleep by then.” My knees popped as I stood and I could have groaned at how much my body ached. Damn, I felt like shit. When was the last time I’d actually eaten anything? Or drank anything besides alcohol?


  My hand hovered over the light switch. “Yes, Lily?”

  “Take it from me, if she let you carve your name in her chest, she loves you. Maybe she’s just afraid of something.”

  Oh, I knew what she was scared of, but she wouldn’t let me soothe her fears. “Goodnight, Lily.”

  Darkness flooded the hallway as I walked back to my bed. The shirt caught on the scabbing covering my chest as I pulled it off. Mindlessly,I ran my finger over the letters.Mary.It was perfect. The marking wasn’t supposed to be done by me. My slave was supposed to do that. Too bad she’d never had the chance. I would have loved to have her handwriting branding me instead of my own.

  If I showed up at Jordan’s and asked her to do it across my back or neck, would she? Maybe if I begged? Damn, I was pathetic. She didn’t want me. Hadn’t she made that clear? First thing in the world I couldn’t have and it drove me absolutely insane. What was she doing right now? I rolled my eyes and climbed under the covers. Sleeping. That’s what the hell she was doing.

  The moment my lids closed all I could see was Mary’s face. It was always like that. There wasn’t a single time I saw anything but her when I closed myself off from the outside world. Blonde hair feathered over the pillow and I turned to where she slept, opening my eyes. If I stared hard enough, I knew I’d see her staring back. My hand reached across, my fingertips traveling over the silk. The same color green as the sheets back at my house in Washington. I’d had another set ordered after she’d left. So close to the shade of her eyes.


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