ROCKING RANDY: MM Shifter MPREG Gay Romance (The Alpha To His Omega Series)

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ROCKING RANDY: MM Shifter MPREG Gay Romance (The Alpha To His Omega Series) Page 4

by Bonnar King

  I was shaking like a leaf and feeling like such a fool. I should’ve known that there was a reason why I felt that there was this animal magnetism about him. Why I was drawn to him in such a way. I had so many questions, but I was too terrified to say anything.

  I couldn’t breathe and I had no idea how I was supposed to react to something like that. I knew that I was flushed and seeing him like that had certainly put him into a different light. I managed to go around to the front of the club.

  Although scary at first, the wolf was beautifully majestic and was a part of Orion. I wanted to tell somebody, but I was shocked, but also amazed and bewildered by this mysterious man that came into my life. And I wanted to keep him to myself. The last thing I wanted was for people who didn’t understand Orion, to attack him. Also, how was I to know that there weren’t more like him? I mean, his band was called ‘The Wolfpack’ for god’s sake, So, they had to be wolves like him, too. Maybe the entire bar was full of wolves like him? I had too many questions.

  I turned to leave not able to deal with this when I bumped into Jamie.

  “Where have you been? I’ve been looking all over for you,” said Jamie.

  “We really need to go. We need to go right now!” I ordered.

  “Okay bossy pants. I don’t know what’s gotten into you. Let’s go,” said Jamie, as we hurried towards his car.

  I placed my hand up against the glass as I saw Orion come outside and saw me driving away. I felt bad that I had taken off in such a way, but there was no other way. How exactly would I be able to tell him why I left the way I did?

  Chapter 6

  Over the next few days, I got various messages from Jamie about Orion, but I was determined to keep him at arm’s length until I knew exactly what my next move would be.

  Jamie told me that Orion was worried about me and asked where I was, and if I was alright. I wasn’t taking his phone calls or answering the door when he arrived in the middle of the night. I jumped every time the phone rang or there was a knock on my door. I was unable to get him out of my head though. Orion had made me ache for something that I didn’t know I wanted, and that scared me.

  I did manage to avoid him, but it didn’t look like he was going to let it go that easily. I found him sitting in the parking lot after I had come home from grocery shopping. He saw me before I saw him, so I was unable to hide from him. I had no choice but to talk to him. I made my way toward him nervously.

  “I don’t know what I did, but whatever it is, I’m sorry,” said Orion.

  I tried to rush past him, but he quickly turned me around by holding my shoulders in place. I shivered in fear and excitement from his forceful demeanor.

  “I’m not leaving here, until I find out what made you leave and to start ignoring me,” Orion demanded.

  I shrank in on myself. I felt this dominant alpha male strength come over me. Commanding me. I didn’t even know that I possessed anything like that. I pulled away from him and turned my back, but my body was still drawn to him, like a flower to the sun.

  “I… followed you out into the alley that night, Orion.”

  There was this cold silence in the air. “I can’t even say the words without thinking that I’m crazy.” I took a few steps toward my apartment building.

  “Randy, you really shouldn’t have seen that, but it’s not like we can go back in time. I was born this way, and it’s something that I hope you can accept about me. I understand the instinct to run away from something that you don’t understand. I was planning to tell you, but you have to admit that this is not something that is easy to bring up in casual conversation, like ‘Hey, look at that beautiful sky… and by the way, I turn into a wolf sometimes.’ You can imagine that there are not too many people that know my secret.”

  Orion’s attempt at levity had only lowered the tension a bit. God help me, but I was actually feeling sorry for him, and wanted to hug him tightly.

  “I didn’t even know that something like that existed,” I said, as my voice was cracking and my resolve was crumbling.

  One look into his piercing green eyes made me believe that we could overcome any obstacle.

  “I was scared, but I was also pulled in to the creature that you become. I think I know the reason why I felt compelled to see you again. At first, I thought that it might be I was attracted to you, but I think it goes beyond that,” I confessed.

  Orion smiled warmly, which totally relaxed me and put my mind at ease. “I’ve never met another guy like you, Randy. You make all the others pale in comparison. I can’t even begin to tell you how I feel, only that I feel complete when you’re around. I’ve always felt that I have been struggling in life. I was looking for something. I never knew what that was until I saw your face in the crowd that night. Come with me to the coffee shop down the street and we can talk about this.”

  I should have told him an emphatic no, but once again I was powerless to resist. “Okay, but just coffee.”

  We walked down the block to the coffee shop that was open all night long. The police officers, nurses off duty and truck drivers were their main clientele. I think he brought me here to make me feel safe. We ordered our coffee and sat down at the table, facing one another. There was an awkward tension in the air, so I took a sip of my coffee and I was hopped he’d be the one to break the silence first.

  I got my wish. Randy spoke first. “I know this is hard to believe, but you are not the first to know about us. I want to say that it’s no big deal, but it is. Our kind stays away from populated areas to keep people safe from our tendencies. I would never hurt you, but I can’t say the same for my clan. They tend to act first and ask questions later. You see, I’m an alpha and you’re my omega. I believe us meeting was no coincidence, but actually fate. You are to be my mate because I have bonded with you. I want you in my life, Randy.”

  I looked deep into Orion’s eyes and knew he was telling the truth. “I should be running the opposite direction. Something like this is hard to adjust to, but I want to make the effort. I don’t want to be separated from you, Orion. I don’t want to wake up tomorrow morning with any regrets.”

  Orion smiled and then his hand entwined in my own—his hands warmed my cold skin. We stared into each other’s eyes and I couldn’t help to fall madly and hopelessly in love with him.

  “Randy, just stick with me. I will protect you,” said Orion, smiling at me.

  “I will. I know you will protect me, like an alpha would protect his omega,” I said.

  Suddenly, Orion’s attention was on something else other than me. His face was pensive, and he began to sniff the air and look around.

  Orion got up quickly, throwing down a 20-dollar bill on our way out.

  “I don’t like this. Someone is watching us and I have a feeling that I know who it is,” said Orion.

  “Who? Who’s watching us, Orion?” I asked.

  Orion gripped my hand tightly. “Don’t be scared and I will never let anything happen to you, Randy.”

  I could’ve said the same thing, but I was a little preoccupied by his hasty exit.

  “I need to get you somewhere safe, but I have no idea where we can go without his finding us. He’s already got my scent, and that comes from getting a little too close. I thought I had no choice. I thought I had to settle, but then you came along.”

  “I’m guessing that the old flame wants me out of the way. I would rather just use words like we do in a civilized society,” I said.

  “You don’t know Lenny like I do. He can be a bit much and sometimes I wonder why I even got involved with him in the first place,” replied Orion.

  We were moving quickly down the sidewalk and his eyes were darting everywhere. The shadows were speaking to him in his own language. he could feel the danger and I could see the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end.

  “I can’t let you do this, Orion.” We both turned and saw that same redheaded man, Lenny, standing there with a knife. He was moving the blade back and fort
h in his palm. His eyes told me that he was dead set on making sure that if he couldn’t have Orion, then nobody could.

  Chapter 7

  “He’s not like us. He’s only human,” Orion pleaded with Lenny.

  “I don’t give a fuck what he is. Why should you get to be happy and live happily ever after when I feel like shit? We were supposed to be together. I was to be your mate!” Lenny yelled, while waving his knife around.

  Orion extended his hands out to calm Lenny down. “I can’t choose who I imprint and bond with, Lenny. You need to calm the hell down. Besides the elders have been watching and I think you know that they don’t approve of your actions. We both know that something like this can have far reaching effects.”

  I had no idea what he was talking about, but Lenny and Orion shared this knowing glance with one another. He was affected by what Orion said.

  Lenny looked over at me in disgust. “I still don’t get it. I can see the way you look at him. It’s exactly the way you used to look at me. He’s not even in my league. I am more in every way. I am the one you are supposed to be with. I am the superior omega who should be your mate.”

  “Lenny, please don’t do this. You know you’re not a true omega. You are a beta and just a lot of trouble for everyone. Please just leave us alone. We are OVER, and I need you to respect that. We were over even before Randy came into my life, so please leave him out of this,” Orion said, with anger in his voice.

  Lenny looked visibly disgusted at Orion’s words. “This guy? This little twin is just a rebound. You know we belong together. I think that after he’s gone that, you’ll understand that it was for the best.”

  Lenny was twitching and holding his right side where Orion had hurt him, but he did not try to turn into the wolf.

  “You hurt me in more ways than one. It’s about time that you feel that same pain,” said Lenny, as he came toward me with knife in hand. Orion stepped forward and growled deeply at Lenny.

  “Don’t do this, Lenny. It’s only going to end badly for you. We both know that you can’t change, until you fully heal and that leaves you at a distinct disadvantage.” Said Orion, who was trying to give Lenny a chance to walk away.

  However. Lenny’s eyes showed hatred that could not be denied. he’d already told me that I was basically not good enough and that the only one that could be with Orion was him. Orion didn’t like this at all, which was made obvious from the way he was shielding me from Lenny. Keeping me safe by putting himself forward and before me.

  “I’m going to kill him in front of your eyes and then maybe we can get back to what we used to have,” Lenny said, with a devilish grin on his face.

  “You’ve lost your fucking mind, Lenny. Get a grip!” Orion yelled.

  Lenny took a few more steps closer. The clothes that he was wearing, including the leather jacket was splitting down the middle. The formation of the wolf’s spine ripped through like a hot knife through butter. The rest of his body busted out of his clothes as well as he transformed into a wolf.

  “I won’t let you hurt him,” barked Orion, as he began to growl and get into a fight stance.

  Lenny leapt at Orion, but when he got close, Orion slipped to one side and kicked him as hard as he could in the chest which caused Lenny to fly backwards and crash on the ground, causing him to he accidentally sticks the knife deep within his hide. He brought his hand around to protect himself.

  I gasped and put my hand up to my mouth with my eyes wide open. It wasn’t long before he was falling onto his knees looking at the both of us. He saw his own blood spilling in a pool of blood on the pavement.

  Orion grabbed me by the hand and we ran away as fast as we could. We reached a secluded area a few blocks down and stopped running. I looked at Orion, unable to speak about

  I was now being overwhelmed with emotion, which was very unlike me, but in the heat of all this action, how could I have possibly had my wits about me? I took comfort in the knowledge that I wasn’t alone. I was with Orion. He and I had a bond that was both physical and spiritual. I couldn’t be without him and I was beginning to see that his love for me was genuine, and more than just animalistic lust. He had protected me and I was determined that I was going to do the same thing for him, however impossible that seemed.

  I could see that the fight with Lenny had caused some scratches on Orion’s body, but he didn’t seem to notice. He was more concerned about my safety and protecting me.

  We were almost back at Orion’s apartment now, and the danger was behind us now. I was no longer afraid. I just wanted to fall into his arms and have him take me.

  Chapter 8

  When we got inside, Orion made me stand in his bedroom, until he came back with a blindfold.

  “Put this blindfold on,” he demanded.

  I did as he said as I was excited as to where this would lead.

  He took my hands and placed them on his chest. My fingers danced to their own tune, feeling his rippling, hard muscles.

  “Orion, are you naked?” I asked, putting my hand on the blindfold and about to remove it.

  “Yes, I am. Don’t take the blindfold off yet,” Orion said.

  Orion took my hands and guided them down over the contours of his muscles. My heart was racing so fast that I thought I was going to explode from the excitement. He traced his finger along my lips. I sucked one into my mouth before making contact with his naked body.

  “Do you know why I’ve brought you here?” He asked, whispering into my ear. His breath warm and tingling, making my cock hard for him.

  “No, but I’m looking forward to finding out,” I replied with a grin.

  “I’ve brought you here to my den, because you’re my omega, and I am your alpha. I need to protect you and to—”

  “That’s so sweet,” I responded, cutting him off mid-sentence.

  “And to have my way with you again. I need to fuck you, Randy!” Orion growled.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to remove the blindfold and see this alpha man in the flesh. There was no way I wasn’t going to get front seat to his amazing body.

  There he was, standing completely naked before my very eyes. A true sight to behold. His cock was standing stiff and looked even bigger than I remembered it being. Without even a command from my alpha-master, I got to my knees and took his veiny monster into my tight mouth, while keeping intense eye contact with him.

  I massaged his balls with my hands while sucking his fat cock hungrily. Then I began to stroke his length with my hands, while licking the head, which drove Orion wild.

  He grabbed the back of my head and began to buck his hips, driving his massive cock deep into my mouth and causing me to gag slightly. Saliva and precum began to overflow as Orion brutally fucked my mouth with extreme force.

  “Good bitch. Take my massive cock like the omega you are!” Orion growled.

  He then took his cock out of my mouth and slapped my face with it gently. “You like that, huh? You like being my omega?” He asked.

  “I love it. Now give me back that cock!” I yelled.

  Orion did as I asked, and placed his cock back into my hungry mouth for me to suck. I began to stroke it with a twisting action now while sucking it harder and faster.

  Orion’s alpha cock had now grown even bigger and stiffer than before and could barely fit in my mouth any more. He began to growl, and I knew he was about to come.

  “Aaaagh, fuck! I’m going to come. I’m coming hard!” Orion yelled.

  I immediately stopped sucking. “Come on my face. All over my whore face. Come for me. DO IT!” I demanded.

  Suddenly, Orion’s throbbing, veiny cock began to shoot out rich, creamy, warm cum. It was erupting out of him like a water-cannon and it went everywhere. All over my face, my hair, and into my mouth. There was so much of it that it even dripped down my chin and onto my chest. It was easily ten times the amount of cum I’d ever seen any man shoot in my life.

  I looked up at him—my alpha—with amazement. My
mouth still full of his warm cum. I gargled and then swallowed it all down like a good little omega bitch.

  This drove Orion crazy. From his insane smile and the way he was looking at me, I knew he loved seeing me be so free and filthy. He reached out to me and pulled me up to my feet.

  Without saying a word, he ripped my clothes off my body as if they were made of paper. He lifted me up by my waist, brining me up to his level to kiss me passionately. I felt as light as a feather in his arms as he groped and squeezed my ass.

  Orion then carried me over to his bed and laid me down while kissing each piece of exposed skin. His lips ignited this fire inside me and it became a full-blown blaze. My ass hole had lubricated itself with anticipation of his massive cock, and the longing to be filled once again.

  Orion got on his knees and began to kiss my neck, then went down to my chest, where he sucked on my nipples very hard, which caused me to scream in pleasure. My dick was also so hard now, which Orion gladly took in his mouth and began to suck momentarily, but what he was really interested in was fucking my tight ass.

  Orion flipped me over, so my ass was in his face. He then buried his face into my round ass. He began to lick and fuck me with his giant tongue. Teasing me with it.

  “Please, Orion. I need your cock inside my ass. Fuck me!” I begged.

  As he stood back up and said “I want to make love to you,” which definitely took me by surprise.

  I got up and looked back at him in shock. “I thought you don’t do romance.”

  “That was before I met you, Randy. Now I want you and only you. I can’t let you out of my life,” Orion said, his cock growing stiff and large again, as he looked at me with hungry eyes.

  Orion cupped my upper thigh and ass and lifted me up gently and placed me on his bed. As I lay there on my back, my ass hole grew wet with anticipation. His muscular, hot body towered above me. With each deep breath of excitement he took, his abs would get tighter. His six-pack looked so hard and sexy, as he knelt on the bed looking like a bronze god.


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