ROCKING RANDY: MM Shifter MPREG Gay Romance (The Alpha To His Omega Series)

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ROCKING RANDY: MM Shifter MPREG Gay Romance (The Alpha To His Omega Series) Page 6

by Bonnar King

  “Randy, this is my choice. The band was fun for a while during my younger years, but I’m so done with that. I’ve found a true purpose now, with you and our child. Our cub.”

  “And what about your friends and family?”

  “This isn’t permanent. I’m sure we’ll see them again, and it’s not like I’ll never speak to them again. We have phones, Skype and email, right?” Orion joked.

  The intensity in Orion’s eyes and his voice filled me with pride and hope. He took my hand and placed the other on my stomach as we walked away from everything that he once knew for the man that he loved.


  Many months had passed since that fateful day where we left our old lives behind us. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have doubts about whether we’d ever be free of the people that tried to stop us from being together, or if we’d ever truly be happy once we left everything behind. But it turned out that I had nothing to worry about because my real life and happiness were just waiting to happen to me. It was as though I had been asleep all my life, and now I was finally awaking from my previous life. I was finally truly living.

  We had moved to Canada, where Orion had some good, open-minded friends. We got our house in the suburbs, with the white picket fences just like I had always dreamed, and most importantly, Orion and I were happy and we were having a baby!

  I was in my third trimester, and due to give birth any day now. In fact, the baby seemed like he didn’t even want to come out, because it was a day overdue.

  I was quickly discovering that being this heavily pregnant wasn’t all peaches and cream. My damn lower back was killing me almost all day, I had ridiculous abdominal pain, and the most annoying thing—my ridiculous temper due to the hormones running though my body. Orion was a sweetheart and would massage my back or my feet when they were aching. I never even needed to ask him to do that, but he always wanted me to be as comfortable as possible.

  However, I still would get a little touchy at the worst of times. I didn’t know if the mood swings were because of me or because I was carrying an alpha wolf cub inside my womb, but whatever the reason, Orion sure got an ear-full when I’d get irritable. Poor guy—I loved him so much and I definitely didn’t want to flip out at him the way I did in this condition, but it was as though I wasn’t being myself. I wasn’t myself!

  If he didn’t get me the weird foods that I was craving at any given time, he’d definitely hear about because I’d shout until I was red in the face. God knows how he put up with me. I promised myself that I’d make it up to him later. Orion would usually just shrug off my tantrums as a temporary thing. I started to even think if there was anything I could ever do that would actually annoy him. He was a perfect gentleman and always stayed attentive and let me get away with absolute murder. He wouldn’t even complain that I would snore like a beast at night or ate his share of the food. He actually loved that I was eating so much because as he put it ‘I don’t want a weak ass cub. Eat more!’

  The big day, or should I say night, finally came. I woke up screaming with both panic and excitement because my water had broken. I was beginning to have the most painful contractions. Not that I had any previous experienced of this before, but fuck me, this hurt so much. I imagined they were even stronger due to my baby being a cub of such a powerful alpha.

  I was howling in pain while Orion was rushing to get dressed and find the car keys. He had packed the emergency baby bag days in advance for just for this occasion, yet he has misplaced it.

  “I can’t find the bag. I can’t find the bag,” Orion kept repeating, as he scanned the bedroom.

  “Fuck the bag, and get me to the goddamn hospital,” I yelled.

  Orion carried me to the car, opened the passenger side and gently placed me inside.

  “Oh shit. I remembered that I put the baby bag in the trunk,” Orion said.

  “Will you start the damn car already, I’m about to burst here!” I yelled, baffled by how Orion could think about anything other than his mate about to give birth to his cub.

  We rushed to the hospital and Orion got me a wheelchair, and took me to the maternity center, where one of Orion’s friends was a midwife.

  “Hey Jess, Randy’s having the baby. Please help,” said Orion.

  “Don’t worry guys, leave it to me. I have everything ready for you,” said Jess.

  She knew exactly what to do about our special occasion and didn’t seem phased at all by it. It was obvious that she’d handled a male pregnancy before.

  Jess lead us to a private birthing suite, which looked like it was reserved for the rich and famous. We were joined by a few more nurses and cesarean specialist.

  I could now begin to feel the baby kicking inside me.

  “Get this baby out of me!” I screamed, as I squeezed Orion’s hand tightly.

  “They’re doing everything they can. You’ll be fine,” Orion said.

  “I feel like I’m about to die, and you’re telling me everything will be fucking fine?” I asked, angrily.

  “I mean, you’re okay. Please try to relax,” Orion said, in a futile attempt to calm me down.

  “Calm down? CALM DOWN? You did this to me, you jerk!” I yelled.

  Orion smiled and held my hand tighter. He knew I was losing my mind in a moment of madness due to the pain.

  Luckily, I was given a regional anesthesia, and could feel nothing from the waist down. Then the C-section was carried out. I saw the tiny incision made, which felt odd because I didn’t feel anything except the slight pulling of my skin. I wasn’t even concerned about the scar that it would leave. I was more excited to see our baby.

  The midwife pulled my baby out of me, and I knew everything would be fine when I heard him cry. Orion reached forward and cut the umbilical cord, and looked at me with pure love in his eyes.

  The baby was cleaned and weighed by the nurses, and Orion looked eager to get him in his hands, just as I was desperate to see and hold our child.

  “What does he look like? Is he healthy?” I asked.

  “He’s absolutely beautiful,” Orion said, with a beaming smile as he took the baby in his arms.

  “Please bring him to me. I need to hold him,” I said.

  Orion gently handed out baby to me. And although I knew that every parent always thinks that their baby is the cutest baby they’ve ever seen, I had to admit—our baby was very cute. He was a pretty big baby, chubby and pretty strong too from the way he was holding onto my thumb. He had the same eyes as Orion, and to my surprise, was in completely human form.

  “I thought he would be a cub,” I said, looking at Orion.

  “We’re all born in human form, Randy. The shifting happens later,” Orion clarified.

  That made a lot of sense when I thought about it, as the wolf shifters did spend most of their lives in human form, so it only makes sense that the babies were also human when they’re born.

  “He’s absolutely beautiful, Orion. I will name him Orion Randy Junior—after his fathers’,” I said.

  “Are you sure about that? Won’t that get confusing?” Orion asked, smiling.

  “He is his fathers’ son. It’s perfect,” I declared.

  Orion took little junior in his arms and looked down into his eyes. Junior let out a little howl as he bonded with his alpha father. It was a beautiful sight to see such a strong alpha male such as Orion totally melt when holding his child. I knew he would do anything to protect this baby. Our baby.

  It was the strangest feeling—our lives went from it being just Orion and I, to now being the three of us, and I had to admit, this baby had just taken the number one spot as the most important person in our lives.

  I knew Orion felt the same way as he looked back at me with pride. I was his omega, and he was my alpha. It was fate that brought us together.

  The End

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