A Miami Love Tale 3 : Thugs Need Luv Too (A Miami Love Tale : Thugs Need Luv Too)

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A Miami Love Tale 3 : Thugs Need Luv Too (A Miami Love Tale : Thugs Need Luv Too) Page 1

by Diamond Johnson

  A Miami Love 3 : Thugs Need Love Too

  A Novel By

  Diamond Johnson

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  © 2015

  Published by Leo Sullivan Presents


  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.


  First off I would like to thank God for even giving me the ability to have the talent of writing. I believe in Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me.” There were times when I didn’t want to continue writing this book because I didn’t think it would be good enough. I started working on I choose you in January, 2014 and ended up stopping due to school. Honestly, I pushed myself so hard to finish this book and to finally have it out. I won’t say that it was an easy journey because Lord knows that it wasn’t.

  To my amazing parents, thank you for believing in me as well and for not doubting me when I came to you guys with the idea of writing my very own book. I love you guys so much.

  To my sisters that supported me with the idea of finally putting my writing skills to good use.

  And lastly, to my readers, I hope you all enjoy this book as much I enjoyed writing it. I’m doing this for you guys. Keep a look out for Diamond Johnson, this is only the beginning, I have so much up my sleeve for you guys.

  “Keep in mind that I’m an artist

  And I’m sensitive about my shit

  -Erykah Badu

  Chapter 1: Breesha

  Who would have thought that the constant reminder of me losing my baby would send me over the edge and cause a failed suicide attempt? Why didn’t this shit work? I felt as if I had nothing else to live for! I lost my baby! What was wrong with me? I did everything that the doctors had recommended and I still wasn’t able to complete a full term pregnancy. I didn’t even get to be five months pregnant. I didn’t even get the chance to really get into having my small baby bump.

  It’s crazy that I would even stoop this low because I remember as a child thinking to myself, “Why do people kill themselves?” I felt like there was nothing be that could wrong in your life that prayer couldn’t fix! Did I suddenly stop believing in prayer? Did all of a sudden begin to question my faith in God? I mean because if there was a God, then why would he allow something as traumatic as this to happen? Why would he allow me to get my hopes up on having a baby just to turn around and take my son away from me? I know it’s been said to never question God, but the way I was feeling right now, I just wanted some answers. What did I do that was so fucked up that He would allow something as traumatic as this to happen?

  “One more pill Breesha!” Dontae said from his seat, sitting next to the window in my hospital room.

  “What?” I asked. My throat was so damn dry, it felt as if I had swallowed a bucket full of sand. I watched as Dontae rose from his seat and the pissed off look on his face was evident. I could tell from the way his jaw kept twitching that he was livid with me.

  “Breesha if your ass had taken one more fuckin’ pill, you would be dead right now! I wouldn’t be talking to you right now! I would be somewhere trying to make fuckin’ funeral arrangements for your ass!” he barked at me.

  I looked around the room and noticed that Imani, Nae, Bria, my aunt, Imani’s grandmother, and Mama April were also in attendance. I couldn’t help but to be embarrassed at this point. I knew they had to be calling me all type of crazy this and that. I closed my eyes and thought back to yesterday when this all happened.

  I was awake the whole time. I was just lying under the covers, pretending to be asleep so that Dontae wouldn’t come and get me out of the bed. I knew with him thinking I was asleep, he would leave me be. I had been having thoughts of suicide since the day I was discharged from the hospital. I was given booklets to read and numbers to call because I was told that I would be experiencing some thoughts of suicide due to me being depressed.

  But I didn’t want to read any of that shit! I just wanted to be left alone! I wanted to be at peace. And when I say at peace, I mean I wanted to go join my baby in Heaven. I didn’t want to be here anymore. I felt as if it wasn’t fair for me to continue living my life while my son never even got the chance to live his. Before he even got here he was dead! When I laid in that hospital bed and pushed him out of me, he was already dead!

  As soon as I heard the door shut, I ran to the bedroom window, just to make sure that Dontae really did leave. I made sure that I made up the bed so that when he came into the room, he might think I went downstairs or something like that. After I made the bed, I went into the bathroom in our bedroom and located the Percocets in the medicine cabinet that the doctor had prescribed for me. I went back over to the bathroom door and made sure to lock the door. I didn’t need to risk Dontae finding me and possibly ruining my plan.

  The whole time that I was trying to twist the cap off my hands kept shaking. As soon as I was able to get the cap off, all the pills went flying to the floor. I was able to retrieve all of them and out them back in the bottle. Pill after pill, hands trembling, tears falling from my eyes, I continued to pop my prizes in my mouth, followed by the water I was using at the sink to help swallow them down.

  Finally, I was at peace. My body was numb. I couldn’t feel a thing. I thought I was that much closer to finally being able to seeing my son.

  “Breesha did you fuckin’ hear me?” Dontae asked, walking over to me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

  I tried to sit up in the bed but it felt as if my head weighed a ton. So, instead, I ignored him and buzzed for the nurse to come. Two minutes later, a middle aged African-American female nurse came into the room in her blue scrubs. She reminded me of a smaller version of the R&B singer Ledisi.

  “Well it’s nice of you to bless us with your presence Ms. Thomas. I’m Nurse Jenny. How are you feeling?” she asked, walking over to me.

  “My throat is very dry and my head is killing me,” I said, placing the palm of my hand on my forehead.

  “That’s to be expected. Let me go and get you a cup of water,” she said and left out of the room.

  Imani and Nae walked over to the bed and I gave them both a weak smile. “I’m dying to get in your ass right now! I swear to God you lucky Bria is sitting right there!” Nae had no problem letting me know how she felt. I didn’t say anything because I knew I was wrong and couldn’t anything I say justify my actions. So instead of trying to come up with an excuse, I just laid there and nodded my head.

  “I just want to know why you did it Breesha? I mean come on girl, you way stronger than that. You was there for Nae when she had her miscarriage so why wouldn’t you just let us be there for you? You shut us out. We couldn’t even be there for you because you wouldn’t even pick up the phone to accept our calls,” Imani cried.

  I felt bad having to see my little cousin cry over my mess. I couldn’t even form any words to come out of my mouth because I didn’t know what to say. Plus, I was scared that Dontae would try and kill my ass if I said something stupid. Imani looked up to Nae and I because we were older than her and she always thought that we were strong enough to do t
hings that she wouldn’t ever try. So for me to go to the extreme and try to harm myself really hurt my little cousin and I couldn’t help but feel like shit at the moment. Here I was, supposed to be her hero and I ended up almost going out like a coward.

  The nurse came back in the room with a cup of water and a straw. Imani went to the restroom out in the hallway, followed by Bria, while Nae went and sat back down in her chair. Nurse Jenny held the cup up to my mouth and allowed me to drink from the straw. I didn’t realize how thirsty I was up until now.

  “You missed lunch, so we’ll be bringing you dinner around 6,” Nurse Jenny told me after wiping my mouth with a napkin.

  I did not do hospital food. Hell no! I’ve never liked it and I never will. “Dinner? What’s for dinner? And I have to sleep here?” I asked the nurse, popping off question after question.

  Nurse Jenny laughed as if I had said something funny. “Tonight is tilapia, yellow rice, and fresh steamed vegetables and yes, you’re staying tonight sweetheart. We need to keep an eye on you,” she said to me like I was a fuckin’ invalid or some shit.

  “What? And I don’t even eat fish!” I whined.

  “Your ass going to fuckin’ eat it today,” Dontae said, standing over me. “Nurse, go ahead and send her plate. I’ll make sure she eats.” I rolled my eyes and I could hear Nae laughing in the corner.

  “Ain’t this some shit?” I mumbled when the nurse left the room. I felt as if I was being held against my own will and I didn’t like it one bit.

  “You ready to talk and let me understand why you went and did that stupid shit?” Dontae asked me.

  “Nope I’m not ready so you can stop asking me that because I’m not telling your ass shit,” I said through gritted teeth.

  “I’m going to let you have that one being as though I don’t want to embarrass your ass more than you already embarrassed yourself,” he said and looked me dead in my eyes.

  I ignored Dontae and focused my attention on the TV screen. I wasn’t paying much attention to what was on TV though. My mind was all over the place. Five minutes later, Bria and Imani came back in the room hand in hand. Bria walked over to me and gave me a funny look. I knew her little mind was swarming with questions that she was dying to know the answers to.

  “What happened to you Ma?” she asked, rubbing my hand that had the IV going through it. I was getting used to having her call me Mommy and I kind of liked the idea of it.

  “I’m better now baby girl,” I said, picking up her hand and kissing it. Of course, I wasn’t going to tell her that I had tried to kill myself. Some things were just better left unsaid. I could tell from the look in her eyes that she wanted to ask me some more questions, but instead she went and sat in her daddy’s lap, who was still giving me the death stare. He was just going to have to get over it because the damage was already done. I failed at the suicide attempt and now we had to move on from this whether he liked the shit or not!

  After having a long conversation with Mama April, my aunt, and Imani’s grandmother, everybody left except for Dontae. I guess he figured since everybody left, that I was going to tell him why I did it, but I still wasn’t going to tell him. This was something that I was going to have to live with for the rest of my life and I didn’t want him down my throat calling me names because of the action that I had taken.

  Chapter 2: Dontae

  It’d been two weeks since Breesha was released from the hospital. Quite frankly, a nigga was still pissed off with her ass. Before this shit even happened, Breesha made the move into my house, so she and Mani didn’t have the condo anymore. Mani had moved in with Shard as well. I hadn’t seen or spoken with Breesha since I brought her home from the hospital. She hadn’t tried to call or text me and I hadn’t tried to call or text her. I think Breesha may have forgot that not only did she lose a child, but I did as well. I lost a son for that matter. She never even asked me if I was okay or anything. I’m not even going to lie, coming home that day to find Breesha laid out in that bathroom, I felt like my whole world had come to an end. I didn’t know what the fuck I would do if I were to lose Breesha. This woman was literally my better half, the female version of me. She may not have known it, but she had really changed my life since the day that we decided to make things official. I was just glad that she was still here with us because honestly if she had died that day, Lord knows my life would never be the same.

  I knew that at a time like this, I was supposed to be around her 24/7, but I was pretty sure she wasn’t stupid enough to try some shit like this again, especially after the way Nae cussed her ass out for being so stupid. I’m not saying I was done with Breesha but right now a nigga just needed some space. It took everything in me at the hospital not to strangle her ass to death. So, to avoid something like that happening, I chose not to be around her. And the fact that she wouldn’t even open up to me and let me know what was going on with her really made me feel some type of way. Breesha and I never kept secrets from each other. We were best friends before we were anything else so I was offended that my own fiancée couldn’t open up to her man.

  I knew I was fucking up because I hadn’t even been over to the house to see my daughter. I’d been staying in this damn hotel and I was honestly ready to take my ass home. Today I was going into the shop because I had a lot of appointments that I had to take care of. Most likely, I was going to head back home today because I missed being around my family. Besides, my mama had been blowing my damn phone up telling me that I needed to take my ass home and stop acting crazy. Since Breesha and my mom met, those two had become as thick as thieves, so of course my mama was going to side with Breesha.

  Pulling up to Tat Em Up, the place was on swole. I spoke to everybody and spotted my cousin Shard at his station, drawing up a half sleeve tattoo for one of his customers.

  “What’s good nigga?” I asked, putting my bag on my chair.

  “Shit nigga. What’s up with you?” Shard said, looking up from his drawing.

  “I’m stressing nigga, real talk,” I told him, running my hands over my head.

  “You still ain’t take your ass home man?” Rashard asked me with shocked eyes.

  “Nope,” I said nonchalantly.

  Shard started laughing and stood up from the chair after he had finished the section that he was doing on the tattoo. “Nigga, you better take your ass home man. I overheard Mani on the phone with Breesha yesterday and by the time she finished dogging you, I was convinced that your name was really Fuck Nigga by how many times she called you that shit.”

  “Nigga please, Breesha ain’t crazy. Notice she said that slick shit to Mani and not to me. She know I’ll fuck her little ass up so I don’t even know why she talking all that unnecessary shit for,” I told Shard, waving him off.

  “For real nigga, go get your girl man. She was talking about she going to get her a new man and a whole bunch of other reckless shit,” Rashard informed me.

  “Oh yeah? I’ma swing by their later on tonight and see what’s up with all that noise she was talking,” I said and then walked over to my station.

  Breesha knew damn well her ass wasn’t leaving me, so I didn’t even know why she would allow that shit to come from out of her mouth with her shit talking ass. I was gon’ handle her though. First, I had to knock out these tattoo sessions and then daddy was coming home to straighten out mommy because from the sounds of things, mommy had lost her damn mind!


  I walked inside my home and the smell of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven invaded my nostrils. I walked into the kitchen and spotted my two favorite girls sitting at the kitchen table, playing a game of Uno. Breesha’s back was turned to me but Bria saw me. She jumped up from the table and ran over to me. I couldn’t help but notice how freshly done her braids were. I inwardly applauded Breesha because she always kept my baby up to par. There wasn’t a time that Breesha had my daughter running around here looking crazy.

  “Daddy!” she yelled, jumping into my arms and I li
fted her up and spun her around.

  “Wait! Wait Daddy! Put me down. I forgot, me and Mommy are mad at you,” she said, trying to put a frown on her beautiful face but the smile she was wearing wouldn’t go away.

  “Oh yeah? And why are you and Mommy mad at Daddy?” I asked her with my eyes fixed on Breesha as she stood up from her chair.

  Damn my lady was so fuckin’ fine, even when she wasn’t even trying to be. She was wearing a pair of red pajama tights by PINK along with the matching red pajama tank and red booties on her feet. She had her hair parted down the middle with those beach curls that she liked to wear that came down to her back. The way her small, perky breasts and then her tiny waist and her little plump booty that I liked to feel on complemented those pajamas was making a nigga want to nut up on her ass. Even though when she was pregnant she did have herself a little baby bump, now she didn’t even have it anymore. She was back to sporting a tiny waist. But that was fine because I planned on getting her ass pregnant again real soon.

  “Well, you didn’t call us and we haven’t seen you in a long time,” my daughter said, being overly dramatic. I laughed at my daughter and sat her down on the kitchen counter.

  “Daddy is very sorry princess and to make it up to you, Daddy will take you shopping this week and you can have whatever you want,” I told her. I knew it was Breesha’s ass that told my daughter to be mad at me. So, since she wanted to play these games, then we’d see who was going to win. I knew my daughter wasn’t going to turn down a shopping trip.

  “Yayy! Okay Daddy, I’m not mad anymore,” she said and kissed me on the cheek. I smirked at Breesha as she walked over to the oven to take out the cookies. She sat the pan on the oven and she and Bria went into the den for a while to watch TV until the cookies cooled down.

  In the meantime, I headed upstairs to take a hot shower. I wanted to bring Breesha’s ass in here with me and bend her over and dig deep in them guts for talking all that shit but I knew her crybaby ass wasn’t gon’ come, being as though she was still mad with a nigga, so I guessed I would have to shower alone. Seeing my girl and my daughter made me realize just how much I actually missed them. I know I said I needed some space but it was like this woman had some sort of spell on me or something because now that I was in her presence, I didn’t want to ever leave her again.


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