Steel And Sorrow (Book 2)

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Steel And Sorrow (Book 2) Page 13

by Joshua P. Simon

“It would seem that Kaz’s absence put everyone in a more amiable mood. I will fill you in with the details later, Your Majesty.”

  “Then I don’t understand. Why are you here?”

  Gauge looked out from the corner of his eye toward Kaz. “It was Illyan. He tried to bring up the same point he attempted to discuss last meeting.”

  “I see. What’s the problem?”

  “I’m afraid to say that in the time between meetings, he was able to gain back some of his supporters.”


  Gauge shrugged. “He refused to give any more details without you present. He swears the matter is of high importance.” He paused. “And according to Illyan, he spoke with someone high in your confidence who encouraged him to continue digging into the matter.”

  Elyse leaned back. “Who?”

  “I did,” said Kaz.

  Elyse wheeled around, furious. “We’ve talked about this several times, Commander. I’ve told you that it is a waste of time to indulge Illyan.”

  “Nothing I do is a waste of time, Your Majesty,” said Kaz. “If you would listen to him—”

  “No,” she snapped. “I will not listen to anything that man has to say until he has unquestionable proof and is willing to share his sources. I will not rule my kingdom through hearsay. My father caught himself up in such matters and that is why we’re in the mess we are today. You will not change my opinion on the matter.”

  An uncomfortable silence followed as the two stared at each other.

  Grayer cleared his throat. “Perhaps we should get back to strategy.”

  “No,” said Kaz, boring holes through Gauge with his piercing stare. “We‘re done here.” He turned to Grayer. “See that the positioning of troops are shuffled before you leave. Meet me in the barracks tonight if you have any other concerns, General.”

  “Yes, Commander.”

  Kaz strode toward the door and halted a few feet from Elyse. He gave her an exaggerated bow. “Your Majesty, may I be dismissed?”

  Elyse nodded, too angry to say anything. Why this sudden act of defiance toward me?

  “About Illyan, Your Majesty,” croaked Gauge.

  “Later.” She said, staring down the hall at Kaz’s back.

  * * *

  Kaz closed the door to his quarters and stripped off his armor. After the last piece came away he sat in a chair, leaned back, and gulped water. He reached across the table, grabbed a heel of stale bread from the morning and gnawed on it between drinks. He had missed dinner again.

  The army would leave in the morning and he felt behind after burning off his frustration in the training yard. A few soldiers sparred with him eagerly at first, hoping he would teach them something useful as he usually did. But their attitudes changed when they caught his sour mood. After some time, Kaz dismissed them and continued alone.

  When Drake arrived at the usual time, the two trained together. However, both had too much on their minds and neither wanted to talk about it. So Drake went back to his books and Kaz back to his sword, easing their minds in the best ways they knew how.

  Kaz forced down the last bite of bread and began cutting up an apple. A lot had changed since Slum Isle. Many of the men who once ridiculed him for his differences regarded him with respect. Some even looked up to him. However, those were soldiers of the royal army. Oddly enough, most of the people he had known the longest in the Hell Patrol still acted put off by him.

  They would much rather have Jonrell leading them. He threw a slice of apple in his mouth. So would I.

  Even though the army now accepted him, Kaz only considered a handful of them his friends. Perhaps that explained why Elyse’s tone and expression had bothered him so much.

  He understood that politics played a large role in their difference of opinion, an area Kaz knew lay outside his expertise.

  Could it be I’m sensitive because I’m such a stranger here? Maybe I should just tell Elyse I will no longer support Illyan, even if it’s a lie since I can’t ignore his claims. I just don’t want to leave on bad terms.

  A knock sounded and the door opened before Kaz could respond. A lithe figure glided into the room. Kroke leaned against a wall and whipped out a blade, closing the door with his foot. “You wanted to see me.”

  Kaz refrained from commenting on Kroke’s lack of decorum. He knew the man cared little for Kaz.

  Another of the old crew who doesn’t understand that I’m doing this to honor Jonrell, not replace him.

  “Have a seat,” said Kaz, gesturing toward a chair.

  “I’ll stand,” said Kroke. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Elyse.” Kaz saw Kroke flinch slightly at the name.

  “What about the queen?”

  “With the army moving out tomorrow, she’ll be by herself and vulnerable again.”

  “You mean because you won’t be here to shadow her every move.”

  “Something like that.”

  “You’ll need a few to stay behind and keep an eye on her then?”

  “No, just one.”

  Kroke looked up slowly as realization set in. He scowled. “I ain’t no babysitter.”

  “She doesn’t need a babysitter,” said Kaz, nodding to the blade in Kroke’s hand. “That’s what she needs.”

  Kroke worked his mouth. “You sneaky piece of garbage. I see what you’re doing. You’re trying to get rid of me.”


  “Yeah, leaving me here means there is one less from the old crew to worry about. Well—” started Kroke, moving forward.

  Kaz stood and slammed his fist on the table. One of the legs splintered and the table crashed to the floor. “Stop!” He had enough.

  Kroke froze.

  Kaz tried to calm himself. He had done his best to lead as Jonrell would have.

  But I’m not him.

  “I know you hate me. You want to stick that blade in my gut right now and watch the light fade from my eyes, don’t you? Well, then do it. You might succeed. Then again you might not. Perhaps we’d both die. But what good would either scenario serve? Whether you like me or not, Elyse put me in control of the army and Jonrell is dead. I wish as much as you do that he wasn’t, but neither of us can change that.” He paused. “Whether you agree with all my decisions, haven’t I at least tried to do the right thing?”

  Kroke said nothing.

  “Good enough. You know Grayer or Jeldor cannot win Elyse the war. I know you don’t want to see her lose. And we both know Jonrell wouldn’t either.”

  Kroke relaxed ever so slightly and put away the blade in his hand. “I’m listening.”

  “I need you to watch Elyse. Everywhere she goes, I want you there. Whatever we accomplish in the field will be useless if someone kills her first. I know you won’t allow that.”

  “What did she say about this?”

  “I haven’t told her yet. But I’m not worried about her reaction. I know you get along. It will do her some good to have a friend nearby, someone who is not looking to advance their station like all the other nobles around here.”

  “No argument there.”

  “So are we settled?”

  Kroke nodded. “We’re settled. I’ll stay. Just don’t screw things up while I’m gone or we may have to revisit this conversation.”

  * * *

  Kroke left Kaz’s room confused. He still hated the man, but strangely enough, he found himself respecting him too. That only muddled his thoughts further.

  He had been looking forward to leaving Lyrosene in the morning, hoping the distance from the queen would clear his head and allow him to focus on what he needed to do. But now Kaz had taken away that refuge of war, and rather than distancing him from Elyse, he was going to shadow her every move.

  To be her friend.

  He couldn’t decide how he truly felt about those orders.

  And that scared him.

  Kroke pulled out a knife and flipped it in his hand as he walked.

  If I don’t kill something soon
, I’m going to go crazy.

  * * *

  “Stay focused, Yorn. Your right side is faltering again.”

  The green mage cast a scowl at Krytien. “I’m doing the best I can.”

  “Then you need to do better. I don’t have a lot of time to teach you how to fight as a unit in combat.” He pointed to a group of yellow mages. “Tighten your circle. There are too many gaps in your formation.”

  “What do you mean? They’re fine,” said Janik.

  Krytien’s hand shot out and tendrils of sorcery snaked toward the various mages on the training ground. It seeped through their defenses and as it did, several forgot themselves and ducked. The sorcery struck Yorn in the chest, knocking him to the ground.

  Krytien stalked up to the mages who stared uneasily at him and then at Janik. He reached the green robe mage. “Now do you think they were fine?”

  Lufflin came barging up beside Krytien. “What in the name of the One Above is the matter with you? You could have killed him!”

  “Yes! I could have! And I could have killed you too as you cowered down next to him. The only one who stood their ground and took this exercise seriously was Nora.” Krytien watched Lufflin shoot her a look. The girl averted her eyes, almost ashamed for her efforts.

  Too bad that she seeks his approval. There is a lot of potential there. Though they all have potential if they would just listen to me. Lufflin even has a great technical understanding of things. He just has trouble applying the theory.

  “Who do you think you are?” asked Janik as he helped Yorn to his feet.

  “I’m the one trying to ensure you don’t get killed. Tomalt’s mages won’t be as gentle as I was.”

  “You never studied at Estul. You weren’t a student of Amcaro,” fired back Lufflin.

  “No, I wasn’t.”

  “Your methods break every rule we’ve ever been taught,” said Lufflin.

  “That’s because there are no rules in war. You do whatever it takes to get the job done. Amcaro was a great mage who lived for hundreds of years, but he saw very little battle.”

  “But he studied under Sacrynon before he went mad. Sacrynon helped Aurnon the First conquer all of Cadonia and Thurum. Who else would have been a better teacher?” Janik said.

  “Yes, and Amcaro taught us as Sacrynon taught him,” added Yorn.

  “Theory and practical use are two different things. The sooner you learn that, the better we’ll all be. Theory goes out the window when the man across from you is actually trying to kill you. Or when you see the men you were working to protect, die because you failed.” Krytien’s voice had taken on a solemn tone as he thought over the countless battles of his life. The battle at Asantia stayed with him the longest. “Trust me, you don’t want to know that feeling.”

  An eerie silence hung in the air. Krytien cleared his throat. “Go. Get some rest. But be ready to work on this tomorrow while we travel.”

  * * *

  Alone in his tent, Krytien rubbed the ache out of his tired legs and sipped from a cup of wine. The frustration of dealing with the young mages had worn him down.

  And it’s only beginning.

  He understood their trepidation. After all, they had once studied under the best. Krytien got up from bed and went over to the table in the corner. He opened the bag he had packed earlier and pulled out a small, red leather book.

  Despite all he told Drake about not wanting to read anything by Amcaro, he couldn’t help himself from taking the private journal of the High Mage. Krytien had discovered Amcaro’s personal quarters. It had only taken him a few moments to break down the security wards after figuring out their pattern.

  Krytien stared at the book lying flat on the table top. Though he had taken it with the intent to learn more about Amcaro, Krytien had yet to work up the nerve to crack it open. However, he finally had the nudge he needed. He had trained other mages before, but never any so young and stubborn. He wondered if the man he had once looked up to had ever felt as discouraged as he did.

  * * *

  Drake pawed at his eyes with the palms of his hands, but when he removed them his vision still blurred. He blinked at the pages and slowly the words came back into focus. He knew he should get some sleep. He’d have to wake in a couple hours as the army exited the city. Still, he hadn’t gone as far in his research as he had hoped. He had been too busy dealing with Raker’s continuing downward spiral to focus on the texts before him.

  I hope Kaz is right and he gets better once we get on the road.

  Drake had already passed some helpful bits of information on to Kaz, especially a few items related to the works of General Victas of the Quoron Empire. He gave one text that focused less on his military exploits and more on his diplomacy to Elyse. He still had much more to get through in regards to military strategy, general politics, and other miscellaneous items before he would be able to look over the books he took from Estul Island on a hunch. Some of those dealt with ancient sciences, others lost cultures and geography, and a few more random items that just looked interesting.

  He rubbed his eyes again. Just a few more pages, then I’ll go to bed.

  The door swung open and sent a gust of wind through the room that rustled the pages. Drake turned as Lufflin barged in.

  “You idiot. Be more careful with those pages,” he said.

  “You’re the one who barged in.”

  “I assumed you had the sense to get some rest for a change. Apparently a lack of brains is common in your little mercenary group.”

  Drake smiled to himself. “Krytien work you too hard?”

  Lufflin growled. “Shut up. Put the book away and leave.” He plopped down on his cot and rolled onto his back.

  “In a little while. I’m not finished.”

  “I say you are. This is my room and I’m tired. One Above knows that this is the only chance I have to get any peace from you or that idiot mage.”

  “Now you know how I feel,” Drake mumbled.

  “What was that?” snapped Lufflin as he sat up.

  “Nothing. Just getting my things together.”

  * * *

  Kaz woke with a start and sat up in bed. Sweat covered his body head-to-toe. The sheets lay bunched in a ball next to him, torn in spots. In a fit of anger, he threw the sheets to the floor.

  Glimpses of what had been his past had begun to haunt his dreams more frequently than before. Between the nightmares and the random traces of memories that flashed in his mind during the day, Kaz struggled not to take his anger and frustration out on his men.

  He faced pressure everywhere he turned. Everyone counted on him to be an ideal he didn’t know if he could live up to. However, Kaz felt no greater pressure than what he put on himself. If the small memories he had could be trusted, he couldn’t allow himself to be that man again.

  Kaz looked out his window toward the low hanging moon. Dawn was still hours away, but he climbed out of bed all the same. The lingering fears from his dream would prevent him from getting anymore sleep tonight.

  I’ve got too much to do anyway, he thought as he dressed.

  * * *

  Dressed in full armor, columns of soldiers paraded down the streets of Lyrosene. Crowds of people sent them off with supportive cheers. Children waved at the passing men, some pointing as they recognized fathers or brothers in the ranks. Women watched and wiped away tears.

  Elyse could feel her own eyes welling as she sat mounted near the city’s gate. She worked to keep her emotions at bay, smiling and waving as the army marched out over the open road. She needed to be strong.

  The clattering sound of supply wagons announced the end of the long columns. Kaz had disagreed with the parade, or ‘spectacle’ as he called it, wanting to move out before dawn in the most efficient way possible.

  Another thing we disagreed on. She saw a few soldiers wipe away the redness in their eyes as they passed under the portcullis. The men need to know how much we care for them.

  She turned out tow
ard the expansive countryside where the army snaked south across the winding road. A lone horseman rode up the lines toward Elyse. Kaz’s helm rested on the horn of his saddle and the sun shone brightly off his scalp. She felt her stomach tighten as he approached. They hadn’t spoken since Gauge had interrupted them. Kaz had ridden out at the army’s head earlier that morning and, other than a formal bow from the saddle, had made no move to speak with her. The gesture had tugged at her heart, knowing like any other soldier he could die and never return.

  She held her breath as he pulled in beside her. “Your Majesty,” he said, bowing. “Can we speak in private?”

  Elyse turned to either side, dismissing her personal guard. Kroke who now accompanied her moved out of earshot with them.

  “You wished to say something, Commander?”

  “Your Highness. Elyse,” he whispered her name. “I didn’t want to leave . . .” he started, trying to find the right words.

  “. . . on such poor terms?” she said, finishing his thoughts.


  “Nor did I.”

  Kaz cleared his throat. “I wanted you to know that I will not support Illyan any longer. I should trust your judgment as you trust mine.”

  “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”

  They sat waiting, each appearing unsure what to say next. The last supply wagon rolled by and the roaring crowd quieted. People shuffled along the cobbled streets as they went about their business.

  “I don’t want to keep you from your duty,” said Elyse finally.

  Kaz looked around and nodded. “Do you have any last orders?” he asked.

  “Yes,” she said. “Be careful. And come back. I’ve already lost so much,” she croaked and turned her head away, surprised she admitted such a thing.

  Kaz reached out and touched her hand. “I will always come back.” He turned her hand over and opened it. He placed the head of a small single flower into her palm and closed her fingers around it. Elyse saw what looked like a smile as he wheeled his mount around and rode back toward his army.

  Chapter 13

  Weeks of traversing the unforgiving southern forests had not been part of Tobin’s original plan. Each day his army covered less ground than the day before, fighting for every inch against Charu’s staged ambushes and other traps the land offered.


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