The Magnate's Holiday Proposal

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The Magnate's Holiday Proposal Page 13

by Rebecca Winters

  “You named him Tex, huh?”

  “I did. I guess you have to decide which dog touches your heart.”

  “The one with the mask looks the funniest. Do you think people would laugh at him?”

  “Probably, but he won’t know why. He doesn’t look in a mirror. He thinks he’s just like his brothers and sisters.”


  Even Signora Borelli laughed at Gabi’s comment.

  “Why don’t you pick up each dog again and have a talk with him. Maybe then you’ll be able to make up your mind.”

  Gabi could get Luca’s son to do anything. He watched him catch each one and walk over in a corner to have a private conversation between licks. When he’d finished, he came over to Luca. “I can’t decide.”

  “Then we’ll come back tomorrow and take another look.”

  “But what if one of them is gone?”

  “That’s a possibility,” Gabi remarked. “They’re all so darling.”

  While they stood there, the puppy Luca now thought of as the masked puppy kept jumping around Dino.

  “Do you know what I think?” They all looked at the owner. “That dog has picked you, Dino. He won’t leave you alone.”

  “I know. He keeps running around me. I think he likes me.”

  “I know he does. They choose the master they want.”

  “They do?”

  The owner nodded. “I see it happen over and over again. Someone comes in, and one of the litter chooses them. Nature is an amazing thing.”

  A huge smile broke out on Dino’s face. He picked up the pup and was rewarded with half a dozen licks. He broke down laughing and looked at him. “How come he loves me so much?”

  Luca glanced at Gabi, who was beaming. “That’s just how it happens, with animals and people. No one can explain love at first sight, but it’s a fact of life.”

  Do you hear me, Gabi?

  It was love at first sight with them, but they’d both had to get past their own painful pasts to recognize it for what it was.

  “Can we take him home now?”

  “What do you think?”

  “I have a dog crate you can buy,” the owner said.

  In a few minutes the transaction had been made and they left for the villa. The dog sat in the crate on the backseat next to Dino, who was entranced. Luca would set up a box to keep in the family room until the dog was fully trained.

  After they got home, he carried the crate into the family room and everyone, including the staff, gathered round. They could see Dino was in great shape and hugged him.

  “Guess what? I got a dog!” Everyone laughed.

  Luca said, “After lunch I’ll run to the pet shop and get the things we need. Then we’ll let him out.”

  Ines stood there with her hands on her hips. “What’s his name?”

  “Nero,” Dino announced. “He has a black eye. I love him!”

  Luca patted his shoulder. “That’s a good name for him, just like the emperor in your Coliseum puzzle. Now why don’t you wash your hands and we’ll eat the special pizza lunch Pia has prepared for you.”

  “Yum. Grazie, Pia. They didn’t give me pizza in the hospital.”

  “I shouldn’t think so.”

  The dog whimpered as they started to leave the room. “Don’t cry, Nero. I’ll be right back.”

  The dog wouldn’t take the place of Gabi, but Dino would be so busy taking care of him, he wouldn’t miss her so horribly when she did have to go back to work. However, Luca knew that would only be for a very short period while he made future plans for the three of them.

  Before long Nero had a collar, a leash, puppy dog food and two bowls for meat and water. They kept the dog on the leash to take him outside, and to keep him near Dino in case the door was open to the other rooms. The training would take time, but with luck Nero would be fully trained in sixteen weeks.

  * * *

  A boy and his dog.

  Gabi watched him run around the house with Nero getting in the way, running ahead and then behind him. Dino was free to do whatever he wanted. She loved Luca for thinking of this gift for him. Nothing could be more perfect than to start off his whole new life with a constant companion.

  Gabi was so happy for him she felt like she could burst, but nothing could erase the pain when she remembered what she’d heard Luca’s father say to him in private.

  By late afternoon Luca insisted Dino stop for a while and take a nap on his bed. He’d had a huge day. They went upstairs and Luca carried the crate.

  “Gabi? How soon do you have to leave?”

  “Day after tomorrow. Since there’s more snow forecast, I’ll have to get up really early so I won’t be too late for work. But you know I’ll be back.”

  “But you’re going to sleep here tonight and tomorrow night?”


  “Will you and Papà take me when I go back to school?”

  Pain, pain. “I’m sure I will.”

  “Will you sleep with me?”

  “No, Dino,” Luca spoke for her. “She has to stay in her own bed. We all do because we need a good night’s sleep. But she’ll be down the hall. And don’t forget—Nero will be next to your bed in his crate like he is right now. You can talk to him and make him feel better because he’ll be missing his mother and will cry during the night.”

  “He will?”

  “Yes. All he’s ever known are his mom and his brothers and sisters. You’re going to be his new family.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of him.”

  The love in Dino’s voice finished Gabi off. She excused herself to go to the guest bedroom. This had been a day like no other. She’d been storing up memories because starting day after tomorrow she needed to make new ones that had nothing to do with Dino or Luca.

  Luisa had texted her, wondering if they could go to dinner and a movie soon. She texted her back and made a date for Friday after work. Then she got in the shower and washed her hair. After drying it, she slipped on a blouse and skirt. Before she went downstairs, she lay down on top of the bed just to close her eyes for a minute.

  When she heard Luca call to her, at first she thought she was dreaming until he said her name again. “Gabi?”

  She sat up. How long had she been sleeping? It was dark outside. “Luca?”

  “We need to talk. Can I come in?”

  “Please do. Is Dino all right?”

  “I gave him a painkiller. Now he’s out like a light and will probably stay that way until morning. I’ve already taken Nero out again.”

  “Have you had any rest yet?” He had to be utterly exhausted.

  “Don’t worry about me.” Her door was still open, so they could hear Dino if he called out.

  Luca moved over to the bed and stretched out on it next to her. “I need to hold you for a little while.” In the next breath he pulled her into his arms and buried his face in her hair.

  Gabi couldn’t believe this was happening. The mention of another woman in his life had been eating away at her emotions, but this was what she’d been wanting for so long, she could deny him nothing.

  Euphoric that she had the freedom to touch and feel him, she pushed her fears aside and gave in to her desires. They came together in an explosion of need that rocked her world.

  “You don’t know what meeting you has done to me.” He kissed every centimeter of her face and throat. “I could eat you alive. Don’t ask me to stop because I can’t, bellissima.”

  “I don’t want you to stop. Surely you know that by now. Why else do I keep finding excuses to stay?”

  “I love you, Gabriella Russo. I’m so in love with you, I can’t think about anything else. Don’t say it’s too soon, or that we barely know each other. None of
that matters because we know how we feel.”

  So how did he feel about the woman named Giselle? What was the truth of that situation? She could ask him but didn’t want Luca to think that she’d been eavesdropping earlier.

  “I knew I wanted you the moment I saw you at the foundation. If you can deny that you didn’t feel the same way, then you’re lying to yourself and to me.”

  “I’m not denying anything, Luca. Over the last few weeks I’ve learned to love you more than life itself. You know I have. In truth I didn’t think it possible to love any man like I do you. I didn’t know a man like you existed, but here you are. And you’re the father to the most perfect boy in the world. Half the time I feel I must be dreaming.”

  “Then we’re both in the same dream. Love me, Gabi,” he cried, before he started devouring her.

  Being in his arms like this, being swept away by his kisses that grew longer and deeper had her spinning out of control. She could hold nothing back. Their desire for each other was reaching flashpoint. He rolled her on top of him, trapping her legs. She gasped as he molded her to his hard, male body. This kind of rapture was indescribable.

  “Ti amo,” she cried, witless and breathless.

  But in the next breath she heard whimpering sounds at the side of the bed that caused her to lift her head.

  “Good grief. It’s Nero,” Luca muttered.

  Before she had the presence of mind to move off him, the overhead light went on.

  There stood Dino. “Papà! Are you and Gabi making a baby?”

  Caught like rats in a trap as they old saying went. Another minute and they wouldn’t have been wearing their clothes. She was on the verge of hysteria.

  Luca rolled her over and got up from the bed. “What do you know about making babies?” Calm and collected. That was the man she adored.

  “Paolo told me.”

  “That Paolo has a lot to answer for.” He picked up the puppy. “How come you let Nero out of his crate?”

  “He was whining and it woke me up. I thought I’d put him up on the bed, but he ran away from me.”

  “Now you know why you have to keep him on a leash.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay. This is how you learn. Come on. We’ll go downstairs and take him outside. Are you hungry?”

  “No. I just want some water.”

  “Are you going to come, too, Gabi?”

  “Let’s leave her alone until she’s ready.”

  “I’ll be downstairs in a minute, Dino.”

  “Are you going to have a baby?”

  “We’ll let you know when we know.”

  She couldn’t believe Luca had just said that and shut her eyes tightly, hardly daring to breathe. Gabi ran in the bathroom to fix her makeup and brush her hair. After straightening her clothes, she hurried downstairs. The grandfather clock chimed 9:30 p.m. She assumed the staff had gone to bed in the other wing of the villa.

  Gabi went to the kitchen to wait for them. Pretty soon the two of them came in. “Where’s Nero?”

  “Papà put him in the crate in the family room for the rest of the night.”

  “I think that’s a good idea. It’s time for everyone to get to bed.”

  Dino pulled a bottle of water from the fridge. He hurried over to her and gave her a hug. “I know you said you’d stay until the day after tomorrow, but I wish you didn’t have to go.”

  “I promise I’ll be back. Have I ever broken one?”


  “All right then. Buona notte, Dino.”

  He acted like he wanted to say more, but Luca gave him a look and that was enough to silence him. “I’ll meet you in the living room,” Luca mouthed on the way out of the kitchen.

  A few minutes ago they’d been interrupted before a huge mistake had been made. Now Luca wanted to talk about it. She trembled like a leaf while she curled up on one end of the couch waiting for him.

  * * *

  At ten after ten Luca entered the living room and found Gabi right where he wanted her. He reached for her and pulled her onto his lap. “How about that son of mine?” he said against her lips. “I’m sorry I left your bedroom door open so the dog could get in.”

  She took a quick breath. “I’m glad you did. It woke me up to reality.”

  “The only reality is that I’m in love with you and want to marry you right away. After tonight it’s obvious we need to be man and wife as soon as possible.”

  He tried to prolong their kiss, but she had to get away from him. Calling on every shred of self-discipline, Gabi slid off his lap so she could stand.

  “We can’t. You can’t.”

  “What’s to stop us?”

  “For one thing, common sense.”

  Luca looked up at her in amazement. “We’re both mature adults who’ve experienced marriage before. We know what we feel now. I want you to be my wife. I want to give you children we’ll raise together with Dino. With you at my side, I see the chance for a lifetime of happiness for all of us. I know you do, too.”

  “I thought I did until the day Dino was operated on.”

  He got to his feet. His jaw had hardened. “What do you mean?”

  She shook her head. “I hadn’t intended to say anything, but at this point I can’t keep this from you any longer.”

  “I’m afraid you’ve lost me.”

  Gabi kneaded her hands. “When your father entered the room and we were introduced, he thanked me for coming in response to Dino’s letter. Later, when everyone was leaving he said something that gave me pause.”

  Luca’s mouth had become a straight line of what she could only interpret as anger. “Tell me exactly,” he whipped out.

  She swallowed hard. “Tomaso had just made the comment that now that Dino was going to be fine, you could get back to work full-time. He smiled at your father when he said it. Your father in turn looked me straight in the eyes and said, ‘Since we won’t be seeing you again, Signora Parisi, we thank you for your time.’”

  A harsh epithet escaped Luca’s lips. “How dare he speak to you like that—as if you were a servant no longer needed. It’s so like him,” his voice grated. “No wonder you disappeared from the room for so long.” He reached out to grip her shoulders. “I swear I’ll never let him get near you again. He’ll have nothing to do with us or our plans.”

  She eased away from him. “From the beginning I’ve sensed you and your father had some kind of a problem. I wondered if that was the reason you didn’t want to be the CEO in the first place, but I never wanted to ask.”

  “I should have explained about him before now, but I’ve been so worried about Dino, I put it off. Please don’t worry about him.”

  “I can’t help it. You haven’t heard everything yet.”

  His dark brows furrowed. “What more is there?”

  “Luca—you didn’t hear the conversation when everyone had assembled in Dino’s room. Catarina’s aunt and uncle, along with your father, painted a picture of life with your wife I’ll never forget.”

  Lines marred his handsome features. He put his hands on his hips. “What picture?”

  “Don’t pretend you don’t know what I mean.”

  “What picture?” he ground out.

  Gabi moistened her lips nervously. “You and Catarina had the perfect marriage.”

  “No,” he protested. “We had a good marriage despite a lot of differences between us. Like all marriages, it had its ups and downs. Dino was the best part of it. So it’s already started,” he muttered.

  “What do you mean?”

  “My father knows something monumental has gone on between you and me. He sensed it when Dino didn’t want them to come over for a visit that day. The truth is, he’s had a woman picked out for me since
I was twenty years old and had almost finished college.”

  “You’re talking about Giselle.”

  His head reared. “How did you hear about her?”

  She took a deep breath. “After I came out of the restroom, I saw you and your father talking in the hall and overheard part of your conversation.”

  Those blue eyes had narrowed to slits. “What part?”

  “He said you had to marry Giselle.”

  Luca paced the floor before coming to a stop. “Her name is Giselle Fournier. She’s the daughter from a wealthy French industrialist family that made their money in plastics. Her father is my father’s best friend. I was never interested in her, never could be. She’s still available. My father is hopeful I’ll marry her to seal the family fortunes.”

  “You’re kidding—”

  “He hopes you’ll go back to Padova where you came from. That’s why he said what he did at the hospital.” Luca groaned. “You have no idea what depths my father will sink to in order to get his own way.”

  “I can’t comprehend it. My father was so kind.”

  “You were lucky. From the time I was born, I’m afraid mine had an agenda where I was concerned. But when he tried to coerce me into marriage, I rebelled openly against him.

  “After getting my business degree, I joined the ski team without his knowledge, and there wasn’t anything he could do about it. From the age of twenty-one to twenty-five, I lived the life of a racer with my ski buddies all over Europe, even trained in the US and South America. As you pointed out, he didn’t even come to watch me race for the gold medal.

  “He threatened to cut me off, but I financed myself with racing money and endorsements so he didn’t have to pay for anything.”

  “That’s a horror story.”

  “In a way, it was. About that time, he had a heart attack and blamed me.”

  “Oh, no—”

  “It wasn’t a bad one. The doctor said to look at it as a warning. Wouldn’t you know the chairman of the board of the company asked me to come in and take over my father’s position while he recovered? I saw it as a ploy on my father’s part to get me under his thumb. I refused.


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