Chronicles of Eden - Act IV

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Chronicles of Eden - Act IV Page 5

by Alexander Gordon

  “You’re my butterfly, mine forever and ever,” Emily promised. “I’m going to keep you for all time.” She then sighed happily with a loving smile as she watched Luna through her magical eyes around the room, the butterfly girl crying and screaming as she was raped by the dark tree.

  “I love you so much, Luna.”

  Chapter 2

  Hiding in Plain Sight

  The world of Eden was a dangerous place, especially throughout The Outerlands. The threat of wild animals, thieving bandits, murderous raiders, and lustful monsters was always present, sometimes appearing suddenly and at the worst of times. Because of this it was always a good idea to travel with others, after all there was strength in numbers. One had to be vigilant, to be aware of their surroundings, and had to be prepared for the unexpected to creep up on them at any time, and that was easier when in the company of others. Whether they were friends or fellow travelers themselves, working together provided safety from danger that could be lurking around them. Of course, even when staying close to others like that, it didn’t always mean one would necessarily be safe then.

  Sometimes the worst of evil was right beside them the entire time.


  The sky above slowly turned to dusk as a gentle breeze rolled by, with faint wisps of dirt and dust blowing across a worn trail in The Outerlands. A few trees rustled with their leaves while a pair of squirrels darted out of a bush and into the tall grass next to the trail. The two animals weaved through the plants before coming out onto the trail, right next to where a horse was lying dead in the middle of the road. The animal appeared to have been torn apart and eaten by something as its insides were eviscerated and spilled out onto the dirt. Next to the slaughtered mare was a traveling carriage which was motionless and parked off to the side against a fallen tree log. Inside the wagon blood was stained on the wooden floor and walls as well as the curtains to the windows, the crimson interior showing that death had occurred rather violently and recently. There were a few bags and boxes stored at the back of the carriage while the seats inside held the cadavers of two humans, both of which appeared to have been viciously mauled and eaten by something as their remains were nearly picked bare. The door to the side of the carriage was slowly opening and closing with the wind blowing by, the quiet creak of the hinge all that was making a sound in this bloody scene.

  The two squirrels slowly approached the wagon before suddenly freezing in place, both of them pausing for a moment before bolting back into the grass towards a tree as a faint gravely grumble was heard below. From the dirt a spurt of dark sludge popped up and began forming a small puddle, the foul looking matter slowly spreading out before a black tentacle crept up from the edge and stood upright with a yellow orb of an eye forming at the end. The eye slowly looked around for a moment before resting on the wagon while another tentacle eye popped up from the puddle across from it and rose up as well. The middle of the sludge pool then bubbled furiously as if boiling hot, the dark ooze parting and opening up to reveal a hole in the ground. The dark muck around the opening then crackled as it suddenly hardened, with the black goop and bits of dirt and grass forming into a solid frame around the opening. The tentacle eyes gazed around the area for a moment before Emily hopped up from the hole and landed down on the ground, the witch having a blank expression on her face while her eyes had an empty stare to them as she just looked past the wagon.

  “Such an unfortunate, and fortunate, setback,” Emily mused with a smirk.

  Her eyestalks turned to the slaughtered horse before the witch showed a sympathetic smile for a moment while shaking her head slowly.

  “Tsk tsk, I rather liked that horse too. I was going to keep it after we got to the city and all the humans were dead,” she said with a small shrug before her eyestalks then looked to the wagon, the door to the vehicle slowly opening again with the breeze while the smell of blood was easily detected in the air.

  “I knew I should have raped that man when we were out here. Dammit, such a waste of a perfectly good seed provider,” Emily cursed before waving her wand sharply at the wagon. In an instant the entire carriage broke apart and shattered back onto the grass next to the trail, the debris and remains of the humans crashing down onto the ground before the witch waved her wand up. As the remnants of the carriage collapsed down amongst the grass with a small dust cloud a pink carrying pouch flew up into the air, with Emily smiling bitterly as the bag hovered down towards her.

  “Hey, here’s a good idea,” she scoffed at herself. “Let’s hide the focuser crystal in case those two new travelers decide to steal it. Yeah, that was almost as smart as letting those two things aboard my ride in the first place. I just had to focus on that damned apple pie of theirs, always getting distracted by tasty looking desserts. Stupid witch!”

  With a grunt she waved her wand to the side, with the pink bag ripping apart and fluttering away in tatters while a ring with a yellow rounded gemstone floated in place. Emily smirked as her eyestalks looked at it, the trinket then gliding over and sliding onto the girl’s middle finger of her other hand as she held it out. She giggled with a dark tone as her two rings glowed softly, the area around her turning darker briefly as the ground under her started to dry up and turn black.

  “There we go,” she chuckled. “As good as it feels to be prepared with leaving one behind, it always put a smile on my face and a warm glow in my heart to have my lovelies with me like this.” With a happy sigh she turned to the nearby trees while her eyestalks looked to them with their unblinking eyes.

  “And when I find those two accursed man-eaters that tried to eat me, I’m going to be smiling even more,” she said coldly before waving her wand towards the trees. A black swirl of sludge and rotting dirt formed around a tree’s base before washing against the trunk and clinging to it, with the tall tree groaning and wavering slightly as the slime holding onto it started to sizzle and burn through the wood. The tree tilted slightly before sinking down and melting in the goop while two large hands made of sludge reached up and grabbed hold of it, the limbs appearing to pull the melting lumber down into the pile of muck and themselves that dissolved it with a loud hiss while exuding smoke. Emily laughed as the tree was destroyed before she held a hand to her cheek and blushed while looking down timidly.

  “Still, this worked out so well,” she mused to herself. “I never thought I would have found someone like Luna in this world, I’m so lucky I have her all to myself now. I suppose I’ll have to bid a thank you to those man-eaters before I melt the flesh from their bones.” After a moment of getting lost in her daydream the girl then stretched out her arms with a happy sigh.

  “I guess this is a much better turn of events, I’m back in full control of my power and I have a beautiful butterfly all to myself. I’m so happy.”

  The witch then started skipping playfully towards the portal she made in the ground before suddenly stopping in her tracks, her gaze still facing forward while her eyestalks merely looked around and allowed the witch to see everything around her.

  “Oh, silly me. I’m getting careless,” she said distantly before waving her wand back behind her.

  The sludge that destroyed the tree then rumbled before lunging over in a wave and crashing into another tree, with the lumber quickly melting into the goo that formed large hands and grabbed onto the trunk again. The tree crackled and shifted slightly before dropping down into the acidic sludge with a loud hiss, with the eyestalks watching as the tree was melted by the dark goop. Emily smirked then gently flicked her wand around, causing the sludge to dissolve back into the ground and vanish, leaving two large areas of parched earth and the bones of two small squirrels behind.

  “I know you’re watching me. Your two little seers couldn’t hide from me just as you can’t. The same goes for the third one which hasn’t escaped my eye,” Emily mused before her eyestalks looked over to seeing a third squirrel watching her from atop a large rock in the grass. The animal’s eyes gave off a crimson hue briefly
as Emily turned to smile directly at it.

  “I knew you would try to steal one of my focusers, after all I’m sure you’re just dying to get this one back, yes?” she taunted as she leisurely tossed her wand up in the air and caught it. The squirrel screeched at her before it took off into the grass, with Emily then waving her wand towards it sharply. A trail of darkness raced out in front of her, with the grass it came into contact with wilting and drying up while the ground turned black and rotten. The wave of death raced through the field before a sudden sprout of dark sludge erupted up into a large hand which slammed down into the ground, melting away tall stalks of grass with smoke billowing up into the air as Emily chuckled to herself. The sludge then dissolved and melted into the ground, revealing the decaying dirt and bones of the squirrel it had killed.

  “Killing your pets is one thing, but I suspect killing you would be both entertaining and sad,” Emily said with a well-spoken demeanor, sounding nothing like a young child but rather a mature woman. “After all, I’ve come to love the frustration I must feed you by always being one step ahead in our little dance, and killing you would put an end to that.”

  She then giggled as her eyestalks turned to the portal on the ground, the witch skipping over to it with a playful hop once again.

  “Oh well, I’ll deal with her another day. Tonight I have plans with my best friend,” she said happily before she jumped down into the portal, the witch then flipping forward and landing down on the ground while the portal into The Outerlands was behind her at her feet. As Emily stood on the corroded mixture of sludge and wood the gateway behind her slowly sealed up, vanishing completely with a small crackle while the witch’s eyestalks around the living room of her home looked to her then to someone else nearby.

  The dark tree that once stood in the middle of the collapsed interior of the house now had turned and fallen back onto the floor, with Luna being seen atop it, held down on the trunk while her legs and arms were held down by the strong tree’s limbs. Her legs were still parted while she had a tentacle pushing in and out of both her pussy and ass repeatedly while two more were squeezing and fondling her breasts constantly. Luna’s hands were pinned down above her head while she had a slithering tentacle pushing into her mouth, muffling her screams which had begun to quiet down as the girl was struggling to remain conscious with the constant abuse she was going through.

  “I’m back, did you miss me?” Emily asked sweetly as she playfully skipped over to the tree and hopped up onto a branch to sit next to Luna, the witch’s eyes just staring off into space while her eyestalks around the room watched Luna from every angle. The butterfly girl was moaning and screaming around her gag while her legs and hips were held in place and apart to allow the tentacles to have their way with her.

  “Oh, Luna, just relax and enjoy it. It’s going to be okay,” Emily reassured gently as she reached one hand over and carefully wiped a tear away from Luna’s cheek. The butterfly girl tried to scream louder before she whimpered and shuddered, her body feeling hotter from the abuse she was enduring.

  “That’s right, just let my magic take care of you,” Emily gently said. “I know you may be scared now, but you won’t be for long. In fact, after a few days of this you won’t even remember why you felt scared at all. Actually, you might not remember anything at all. But that’s okay, all you’ll need to know is that we love each other and that we’ll always have each other here in this world. Always and forever.”

  She hopped up and stood over the butterfly girl, watching as Luna lurched back and forth repeatedly from being penetrated without rest. Luna looked up to her with wide eyes of fright, seeing the witch just smiling down at her with a blank gaze in her eyes.

  “I can’t wait,” Emily purred. “The sooner you’re broken and admit you love me the sooner we can play together. Oh, and don’t worry, I’ll be sure to share any humans I catch with you, you’ll have daughters right alongside me. Just think about it, our daughters will grow up with each other, just like sisters!”

  The witch cheered then hopped down and sat on Luna’s lap, the butterfly girl screaming around her gag while her hands flinched and struggled to pull free. Emily giggled then started pinching the butterfly girl’s nipples, with Luna looking to her with fright and a blush.

  “I can’t wait, I can’t wait at all. Please, hurry and lose yourself to this pleasure, hurry and give your heart to me so we can be together forever,” Emily said happily before she leaned down and started sucking on one of Luna’s breasts. Luna cried and whimpered as the witch licked and lightly bit her nipple before smiling eerily at the girl.

  “I love you, Luna, so much,” she tenderly said, then started caressing and sucking on the butterfly’s breasts again with an eager murmur.

  Luna screamed as loud as she could around her gag as she felt both fright and pleasure rippling through her mind. She couldn’t deny that she was starting to feel good from the witch’s magic and actions, however the way Emily was expressing her fondness for the butterfly girl was still frightening and downright chilling to her. As daylight outside through the window started to slowly fade away Luna desperately thought of one thing as she tried to fight off the pleasure being forced upon her.

  ‘Falla, where are you? I need you!’


  Inside the caravan’s cabin Daniel and Specca were looking down at a map they had rolled out on the floor, the two trying to figure out what direction to head in to find Luna and Emily, a decision that was difficult to answer seeing as how they had no idea where the elusive butterfly had traveled to. Next to them Alyssa and Squeak were looking down at the map with troubled frowns, all of them having traced their path from where they encountered the slaughtered camp of lycans to where they were now, which was almost to the village of Eston. Lying over at the rear of the cabin Jovian and Jacqueline were seen facing away from the group with blankets over them, the two having opted to take a nap earlier while the others continued their search for the missing girls and had yet to get up as they lay beside one another. The two were of course both wide awake, listening to the group’s discussion with dull expressions on their faces while their masks were set near their pillows.

  “How much longer do we have to wait?” Jacqueline whispered.

  “Just a little longer. If we don’t find those two lost girls soon though we may have to skip them for now,” Jovian replied while glancing back behind her to the others, all of them talking amongst each other and not noticing the girl was awake. Jacqueline held in her growl as she slowly turned to face her sister, still being hidden from view by the others while she snuggled closer to Jovian under the blanket.

  “We’ve been pretending to be asleep for hours, this is boring,” she whined.

  Jovian sighed then moved her hand forward under the blanket, with Jacqueline then holding in her gasp as she was pulled closer to her sister by her crotch.

  “No, don’t tease me like this, that’s not fair,” Jacqueline whined silently, then held a hand over her mouth as Jovian pushed two fingers into her pussy and started stirring them around slowly.

  “You were the one complaining, now be quiet otherwise they’ll know we’re awake,” Jovian said quietly with a smirk as her sister blushed and shut her eyes. Jovian’s other hand slipped around to Jacqueline’s rear, with the blonde girl trembling and holding in her gasp as Jovian started to play with her ass as well.

  While the sisters remained mostly quiet and motionless the others were trying to decide their next move, which nobody had a solution for.

  “This isn’t good,” Daniel said worriedly. “We’re about an hour’s trip away from the village, do you think she even came this way?”

  “Maybe she flew off in this direction,” Specca wondered as she drew her finger away from their location towards a small forest to the south.

  “No,” Alyssa replied while pointing to another spot on the map. “That would mean she would have had to come through here to get there by now, that would have been too dan
gerous going through here.”

  Squeak squeaked a few times and pointed to another section, with Alyssa and Specca shaking their heads while Daniel started to think they were never going to see Luna again.

  “No, she wouldn’t have gone that way,” Specca reasoned. “It would have taken her back closer to the lycans, and she was trying to get away from that area.”

  “Do you think she went this way still?” Daniel wondered. “Maybe she left the child at the human village ahead of us.”

  “Luna may not be a straight thinker,” Specca reasoned. “But I would assume not even she would be foolish enough to go into a human village, let alone with a human child.”

  “Why not?” Daniel asked. “She was trying to protect that kid, right? Wouldn’t she want to take her into a village where she would be with other humans?”

  “It’s one thing to approach a human village, Daniel,” Specca informed him. “If Luna were to get too close she would have been chased off for being a monster. She’s rather harmless and doesn’t look threatening; the humans would likely scare her off with threats and swords but wouldn’t bother to hunt her down. But if she had a human child with her, the people would have gone after her in a riot and killed her.”

  Alyssa shook her head and eyed the map carefully.

  “Monsters may prey on men and chase away women, but only truly evil and despicable monsters mess with children,” she explained. “I’m not proud to admit that witches can fall into that category, although I’ve never harmed a kid in my life. But there are some monsters that don’t care if a human is young and innocent.”

  “It’s a very serious offense,” Specca added. “If a monster is seen near a human child, especially out here in The Outerlands, humans will try to kill it on sight. They’re protective of their young after all.”


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