Chronicles of Eden - Act IV

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Chronicles of Eden - Act IV Page 7

by Alexander Gordon

  “Why did you nearly run us off a cliff getting here so fast anyway?” Falla barked out at her.

  “Because the humans here in this village are going to help us find your missing sister, that’s why,” Alyssa replied as she eyed the village ahead of them, thinking about her upcoming night with Daniel more than the idea of finding Luna and Emily.

  “Are you crazy?” Specca snapped with a flustered tone. “You nearly killed us all with that reckless driving.”

  Alyssa looked back to her with a smirk and merely shrugged.

  “Would you relax, I got us here in one piece didn’t I?”

  With a loud crack the caravan suddenly jerked to the side and dropped down, the front left wheel snapping and breaking apart while Lucky neighed and stumbled about as the reins tugged him back slightly. The ride thumped down onto the dirt as Alyssa and Falla tumbled off the seat and down onto the ground, with the group inside the cabin lurching to the side again in surprise. Specca tumbled over landed on top of Triska over Daniel’s lap, the boy coughing as the two girls pinned him against the wall, while Squeak slid over and hit the wall with a surprised squeak. Jovian and Jacqueline tumbled over and collapsed against the wall with grunts while the ride rocked slightly before coming to a rest.

  “What happened?” Triska mumbled from underneath Specca, the nixie trying to sit up before she froze in place with a stunned gasp as she felt Daniel’s hand resting on her rear. She looked to seeing the boy trying to sit upright while he was staring with wide eyes at what he had grabbed without noticing, his hand cupping Specca’s ass while his fingers were touching right below her tail. Specca felt her heart skip a beat before pounding steadily as she locked up completely, with Triska struggling to push the girl off of her with a grunt.

  “Okay, Specca? Get off me already.”

  Daniel quickly raised his hands up with a nervous smile while Specca blushed brightly, the two staring at each other as Triska kept trying to get free from being pinned down by the nixie.

  “Um, sorry, I didn’t mean to touch you there,” Daniel quickly apologized.

  Triska froze in place while Squeak looked back to him.

  “Didn’t mean to touch who where, Daniel?” Triska asked cautiously.

  “Nothing, don’t worry about it, Triska,” Specca quickly said before she scrambled off of them, a small smile coming across her face as she held her skirt down with both hands. Triska and Squeak looked at her puzzled then to Daniel as the boy was glancing up at the ceiling to avoid eye contact with everyone.

  “Okay, what happened now?” Jacqueline whined as she and her sister sat upright against the wall. Jovian held in her grumble as she quickly moved past everyone and looked out the entrance, seeing that the caravan was dipped down on the front left side.

  “I’m no expert with these things, but I believe the caravan is broken.”

  The group looked to her with surprise then quickly started to scramble out of the ride, with Falla and Alyssa standing off to the side looking at the caravan and broken wheel. Alyssa whined and grabbed her hat while Falla rolled her eyes while crossing her arms with annoyance.

  “Way to go,” Falla said flatly.

  “Shut up, just shut up, Falla!” Alyssa barked back at her.

  The others quickly stumbled down off of the slanted front seat and saw the wheel which was broken and in pieces under the ride.

  “What the hell?” Triska yelled out. “Alyssa, what did you do?”

  “I believe that last hard turn was too much for it,” Specca reasoned with a sigh.

  Squeak face palmed and squeaked something while Jovian and Jacqueline just stared at the broken ride with dull expressions. Daniel sighed and looked over the damage before turning to Alyssa as the witch held her hands over her face.

  “This isn’t happening, it’s not broken, it’s okay, it’s all okay,” she shakily tried to reassure herself with.

  Upon saying that the rear left wheel snapped apart, with the group watching as the ride dropped onto its side with a loud crash, the sound of their belongings tumbling about inside being heard while everyone jumped with surprise at the sight. Lucky neighed as he was forced to step to the side a bit while the reins pulled him closer to the wagon. Alyssa stared at the damaged ride with utter dismay then groaned while grabbing her hat again.

  “Oh c’mon!”

  “Dammit, Alyssa!” Triska yelled out at her. “If you would have just drove us here like a normal person and not some speeding lunatic this wouldn’t have happened!”

  “I didn’t know it would break that easily, it’s not my fault!” Alyssa shot back.

  “That easily? You were racing the damn thing across the land like a bat out of hell!”

  “I was just trying to get here so we could help find Luna and Emily!”

  “Yeah right! You were just eager to sleep with Daniel alone in an inn, you little liar!”

  “Hey!” Daniel called out. The girls all looked to him as he was just watching the caravan while trying to keep calm about the situation. He shook his head then glanced around at all the girls.

  “First off, is everyone alright?”

  “I scratched my elbow after I fell from the front seat,” Falla mentioned while looking to her elbow with annoyance.

  “Is everyone alright?” Daniel asked again tiredly.

  “Yes, I believe we are,” Specca said looking around at everyone.

  Daniel nodded slowly then looked to the village in the distance.

  “Okay,” he reasoned. “Well, no sense getting worked up over this. This is just a little setback, nothing we can’t recover from. For now we need to get to that village and alert them about Luna and Emily, just like we were planning to do. I’m sure somebody there would be able to help us repair our ride, hopefully for a reasonable price.”

  “You can use the money we would have used for the inn to fix it,” Triska suggested with a glare at Alyssa. “I think that’s only fair.”

  “No way, Triska,” Alyssa snapped at her. “I’m getting my night with Daniel tonight even if it kills me!”

  Jovian and Jacqueline smirked to that and glanced to each other while Daniel shook his head while keeping his eyes on the village. Triska waved to the caravan with frustration and stomped her foot.

  “It nearly just did, along with all of us!”

  “Okay, again, that’s enough,” Daniel called out, with Triska and Alyssa looking to him worriedly as the boy tried to keep calm about everything. “First we get into the village and get help for Luna and Emily, then get our ride fixed, and then we’ll figure out our sleeping arrangements, alright?”

  The girls all nodded to that, with Alyssa biting her lip in fear that she may have cost herself the night alone with Daniel at the inn. Triska blinked then looked around at the monster girls in the group.

  “Um, Daniel? They can’t just walk into the village like this, Eston isn’t a monster-neutral zone.”

  “Yeah, I figured as much,” Daniel admitted. “That’s alright, we don’t all need to go into the village together. Triska and I can ride into the town on Lucky and talk to the people first, you all can wait here with the caravan and out of their sight in the meantime.”

  “I’m coming too,” Alyssa spoke up.

  “Why?” Triska asked sharply. “We’re already in this mess because of you, we really don’t need more trouble to deal with.”

  “Because if Lucky gets spooked by the villagers I can keep him calm,” Alyssa reasoned. “The last thing we need is him getting scared and frightening the whole village while Daniel’s talking to them about peace with us.”

  Triska and Daniel looked to Lucky for a moment before Daniel smiled weakly and nodded to that.

  “Well, you do raise a good point there.”

  “Fine, you can come too,” Triska reluctantly agreed.

  “Must we really wait here like this?” Specca asked worriedly.

  “Just until we explain our situation and Daniel can win over the village,” Triska reassured
her. “And then we’re coming back for all of you. We shouldn’t be too long.”

  Specca slowly nodded then walked over to the caravan along with Squeak and Falla. Jovian and Jacqueline watched the three head over to the broken ride then looked to Daniel with curious smiles.

  “Please hurry,” Jovian kindly requested. “We wish to enjoy one last dinner with all of you on this night.”

  “Yeah,” Jacqueline giggled. “Hurry back, we’re starting to get really hungry.”

  Daniel and Triska nodded as Alyssa took off her hat, the witch walking over to Specca and handing it to her while Triska walked past them and boarded the downed caravan to get her sword.

  “Here, hold onto this for me, okay?” Alyssa asked. “My staff needs to stay here too, having either would give me away in the village.”

  “Sure, no problem, Alyssa,” Specca said while taking the hat.

  Triska hopped back out with her sword strapped behind her while Daniel unfastened Lucky from the caravan, with himself and the two girls then climbing onto the horse’s back. Triska held onto Daniel’s waist while Alyssa held onto hers, the two girls giving one last wave to the remaining group before they took off towards the village. Specca sighed and leaned back against the caravan while Squeak climbed aboard, the ant girl grabbing her pickaxe from the corner and slinging it behind her before exiting the wagon.

  “Why are you getting that now?” Specca asked as the ant girl hopped back down onto the ground. Squeak squeaked something while watching Lucky riding off towards the village, with Specca then looking to the sisters curiously as they smirked a bit.

  “She says she’s just being prepared for danger,” Jovian relayed.

  “Yes, you never know when trouble might creep up on you out here,” Jacqueline added as she glanced over to Falla, the butterfly girl facing away from her and watching Daniel and the two girls riding off together. Falla blinked then glanced back to the sisters, seeing the two girls smiling at her while she felt like there was something about them that was familiar.

  ‘Something’s not right about them, I just know it. What am I not seeing here?’

  “Something on your mind, Falla?” the sisters asked together in unison.

  Falla looked at them carefully then back towards the village, trying to shake off the bad feeling she had forming inside of her. After a while her eyes slowly widened as she remembered back to when they first found Emily and what the child spoke about regarding her encounter with the dreaded man-eaters.

  “I hope Daniel is able to convince the village to help us,” Specca said softly as she walked over next to the butterfly girl. Squeak nodded and squeaked something while looking around the area and keeping on guard, with Jovian and Jacqueline smiling curiously at her then at Specca.

  “She says she has complete faith in Daniel,” they relayed together in perfect sync. “He’ll be able to help us.”

  Falla felt a cold chill run down her spine while Specca glanced back to the sisters with a curious eye.

  “How do you two always do that?” Specca asked.

  “Do what?” the sisters asked with happy smiles.

  “Talk at the same time like that. It’s just so different,” Specca said with a raised eyebrow.

  “We just do,” the sisters replied with shrugs.

  Specca looked at them quizzically as Falla slowly turned her head back to the sisters. She glanced from one to the other, both twins just watching her from behind their masks.

  “You know,” Falla carefully mentioned. “When we found that human child out in the wilderness she was scared out of her mind, exhausted from running all day from the monsters that killed her parents.” Squeak and Specca watched Falla as she slowly turned to face the sisters with a sharp eye.

  “The poor thing was blind,” she said softly. “So she couldn’t see her parents’ killers at all. But she did remember hearing them very clearly. Hearing how they ate her family, taunted her about it, laughed about it.”

  “Oh dear,” Jovian said softly with her smile still standing.

  “That must have been so horrible for her,” Jacqueline agreed with a shrug.

  “It must have,” Falla agreed. “The poor girl was so scared of those monsters, even though she couldn’t see them. She told me and my sister what she heard though. How there were two of them, both being female, both being older than she was.”

  Specca looked at Falla curiously while Squeak walked over towards them before stopping in front of the sisters, the ant girl watching Falla as the butterfly girl stared down the twins with an accusing glare.

  “Two of them, who had a very unique way of talking,” she accused sharply. “They always spoke together in perfect sync, as if they were one.”

  “Falla, what are you saying?” Specca asked carefully.

  A loud squeak was heard behind her, the nixie then looking back with a jump as she saw the sisters holding Squeak firmly by an arm each while also holding onto her head and neck. Squeak was looking ahead at her friends with fright as her arms were forcibly held back behind her, the sisters giggling in unison as they removed their masks. The twins placed the masks in their dresses in front of their left breasts before Jovian yanked on Squeak’s hair and tilted her head up.

  “I think she’s implying that we’re not human,” Jovian said looking to Squeak with a cold smile, the ant girl trembling in fear as she couldn’t budge or break free at all from their grasp.

  “Yeah, like we’re monsters or something,” Jacqueline laughed while brushing Squeak’s hair.

  “Jovian? Jacqueline?” Specca exclaimed. “What are you doing? What… what’s with your eyes?”

  “They’re not human, they’re monsters!” Falla shouted as she pointed to them. “Like hell two human girls could hold your friend like that!”

  Specca’s jaw dropped slightly as Jacqueline leaned down and slowly licked Squeak’s neck, the ant girl trembling as she felt the girl’s tongue going across her skin up to her cheek.

  “You know,” Jovian mused coldly. “We wanted to enjoy eating you all together, and were prepared to wait as long as reaching this little hole in the world to do so.”

  “No, you can’t be,” Specca breathed out.

  “But since Falla wouldn’t shut up,” Jacqueline reasoned with a dark smile. “I guess we’ll have to settle for eating you all however we can, starting with you three.”

  Jovian chuckled and let go of the ant girl before starting to walk towards the others, with Squeak then being held by both arms and forced down onto her knees by Jacqueline alone. The ant girl thrashed about but wasn’t able to break free as the blonde haired sister held her arms back behind her with great strength.

  “See? See?” Falla shouted while pointing to Jacqueline. “A human couldn’t hold her like that, she’s a monster! They both are!”

  “What? What?” Specca cried out.

  “I told you, didn’t I? They’re not human, those are the man-eaters!” Falla exclaimed with fright.

  Jovian laughed then darted forward and grabbed Specca’s hand, the nixie screaming and trying to run away before she was thrown down onto the ground. Jovian pounced on the girl and sat on her lap, holding the nixie’s hands down by her head as Specca screamed and stared up at the creepy smile on Jovian’s face. Jacqueline giggled then threw Squeak down onto the ground on her side, the blonde girl then kneeling down and holding the ant girl’s hands down by her head while leaning closer to her face. Using only one hand she held the ant girl’s wrists together down on the ground while her other held Squeak’s waist. Squeak struggled to kick free and get up yet was held down with great force, with Specca thrashing around weakly in Jovian’s grip nearby as the raven haired girl laughed down at her.

  “What are you doing? Let me go!” Specca cried out.

  “Haha,” Jovian laughed with amusement. “No, I don’t think I’ll be doing that. You look so delicious after all.”

  Specca stared up at the girl’s strange eyes then screamed and shook her head as
she tried to get free. The sisters then looked over to Falla as the butterfly girl slowly took a step back away from them.

  “What’s wrong, not going to try to save your friends?” Jovian mused before she leaned down and licked Specca’s cheek, the nixie screaming as she kicked about underneath the monster.

  “I don’t think she cares about them, she’s just a lousy rat after all,” Jacqueline said before she grabbed hold of Squeak’s breast, the ant girl squeaking and shaking her head with fright as the blonde girl roughly squeezed and fondled her. Jacqueline laughed before licking her lips slowly as she eyed the ant girl over with a hungry smile.

  “I’ve been waiting to bite into these for a while now, they’re so plump and juicy looking,” she said coldly. Squeak looked down to her breasts then to Jacqueline with terror and shook her head, with the blonde girl slowly nodding in response.

  Jovian licked Specca’s cheek then forced a kiss on the nixie, with Specca screaming into her mouth and trying to shake her head as she felt the raven haired girl’s tongue lapping around hers. Specca kicked and thrashed about while her tail whipped around on the ground before Jovian leaned back and smiled wickedly down at her.

  “You taste good, Specca. I wonder how you taste between your legs,” she taunted before baring her teeth in her smile, with Specca shrieking at hearing that. Jovian laughed and watched as the nixie desperately tried to free herself before a loud crack echoed out, with Jovian promptly dropping down to the side with blood pouring out from the back of her head. The girls all looked to her then to Falla who was standing over Jovian with a large rock in her hand that had blood splattered on it.

  “Falla?” Specca breathed out shakily.

  “Okay, I am sick of you calling me a rat, you fucking bitches!” Falla yelled before she swung down and cracked Jovian’s skull open, striking again and again with furious grunts while Specca scrambled away from them onto her feet. Squeak watched with surprise as Falla smashed Jovian’s head into a bloody smear then quickly bashed her head up and knocked Jacqueline off of her, the blonde dropping to the side before Squeak quickly rolled over and pinned the girl down with one hand while reaching back and grabbing her pickaxe with the other. She squeaked loudly before driving the tool down with a sharp whack into Jacqueline’s head, spiking through the skull with a crunch as blood splattered onto the dirt. Specca held her arms around herself with a nervous whimper as Falla stumbled back to her feet and tossed the bloodied stone aside, the butterfly girl catching her breath as she backed up towards Specca while keeping her eyes on Jovian’s body.


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