Chronicles of Eden - Act IV

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Chronicles of Eden - Act IV Page 10

by Alexander Gordon

  “Hey, I just want what he promised me,” she reasoned. “These other girls may not like the idea at all, but too bad. I’m a monster after all, and I need his seed.”

  “Falla, what the hell are you doing?” Alyssa yelled out.

  Specca glanced between Falla and the sisters as she tried to figure that out herself. Falla walked up to Daniel and smirked at him with a raised eyebrow.

  “If you’re going to kill them anyway, at least allow me the chance to claim what is rightfully mine first.”

  Jovian laughed and moved her sword aside as Jacqueline lifted Daniel up onto his feet, holding him by the shoulders firmly as she giggled amusedly.

  “You know what, I think this would be quite a show indeed,” Jovian speculated with a sly grin.

  “Yeah,” Jacqueline agreed. “It’ll be simply wonderful to watch all of them having their hearts crushed like this. I think it might even be more painful for them than our teeth would be.”

  Daniel looked back and forth between them then to Falla with disbelief as the butterfly girl walked up and placed her hands on his chest.

  “Are you crazy?” he frantically asked. “Here? Now? Like this?”

  “Oh, Daniel,” Falla said with a sympathetic smile while shaking her head. “I know it’s not the most romantic spot or whatever, but that’s what you get for trying to cheat me out of what’s rightfully mine.”

  “Falla!” Triska yelled out. “I swear to god if you touch him I’ll kill you myself!”

  Jovian smirked at the teen while drumming her fingers on her sword’s handle.

  “On your knees, all of you.” The girls just looked at her with frustration before she scoffed and held the sword up to point at Daniel’s neck, with him and Falla glancing to it worriedly. “I said on your knees, now!”

  The other girls slowly got down on their knees as they watched with growing fear for Daniel as the twins smiled coldly at them.

  “Now then,” Jovian informed them. “You all can just watch as this lousy rat gets to have the one and only session with him. Make sure you all pay close attention or else I’ll slice his throat during.”

  “If any of you get up or make any sudden movements he’ll die right here and now,” Jacqueline said with a glance at Daniel. “Just in case you’re really so eager to deny Falla her seed.”

  The boy looked around at his friends as they all watched him with worried eyes then to Falla as the girl had a solemn expression on her face. Jovian smirked then lowered her sword as Jacqueline shifted her hands down and held Daniel by his arms while standing behind him.

  “Alright, Falla,” Jovian offered with a wave to him. “Rape him, hard. Get every drop of semen out of him. Wring him dry in front of all his friends.”

  “Don’t worry,” Jacqueline giggled. “He won’t be going anywhere. Make sure to hump him really good.”

  Falla slowly smiled a bit and moved closer to Daniel, holding her hands to his chest as she leaned over to his ear.

  “Just relax,” she said softly.

  “You know, I was starting to have hope for you,” Daniel scorned. “Seeing you caring so much about your sister, I thought there was some good in you after all.”

  Falla closed her eyes as her hands slid underneath his outer shirt, with Daniel feeling her fingers tracing along his chest.

  “Daniel, you know being sneaky and cunning is what I’m good at.” Daniel blinked then slowly glanced down to something as Falla leaned back and smiled kindly at the boy. “You really don’t give me enough credit, do you?”

  Daniel looked at her carefully as the girl smirked with a twitch of her eyebrow. Falla nodded slowly then quickly yanked out Daniel’s dagger from his shirt, gearing back and striking it behind him into Jacqueline’s skull with a slick crunch. Jovian jumped and watched with surprise as Jacqueline let go of Daniel and stumbled back a step with a stunned expression on her face before Falla quickly grabbed Daniel and yanked him aside, with Jovian then screaming and taking a swing at them with her sword. Daniel and Falla ducked under the blade before Falla quickly fluttered her wings and grabbed hold of the boy around the waist, the monster quickly taking off into the air as Jovian yelled and swung at them again. The blade just missed Daniel’s foot as Falla lifted him up into the air and flew over the group before landing down behind Specca, with the girls looking at them with wonder as Falla smiled arrogantly at the sisters.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Jovian demanded. “I thought you wanted that stupid human’s seed?”

  Jacqueline slowly reached up and pulled the dagger out of her forehead, her wound healing up while her expression turned to anger as she glared at Falla.

  “I do,” Falla quipped. “And I’ll still get it just as he promised, however I don’t like the notion of you killing him after I’m done with him. I’d rather like to share him with my sister later on after all.” The other girls just stared at her with bewilderment while Daniel watched Falla with a raised eyebrow, the girl glancing around at everybody then to Daniel with a shrug.

  “What? Luna wants to get pregnant too. Besides, you owe me.”

  Daniel just stared at her for a moment with confusion before looking over to the sisters, with the other girls quickly getting back onto their feet and backing up towards him while staying between him and the two dark monsters.

  “Okay then,” Jovian said dryly. “I think we learned a little lesson here.”

  “Yeah,” Jacqueline said holding the bloody dagger down at her side. “If you want to cause pain and suffering to others, you have to do it yourself.”

  “Alright, so what’s the plan here?” Triska asked carefully.

  “Specca, what kind of monsters are they?” Daniel asked.

  Specca eyed the two sisters over nervously and quickly shook her head.

  “I’m not sure,” she answered. “Those eyes… the way they can’t die… something about them seems familiar, but… I’m too scared to think right now.”

  “I think it’s safe to say we’re not going to be negotiating with them at this point,” Alyssa pointed out. “They’re not peaceful monsters, that much we at least know.”

  “Great,” Daniel said. “They can’t be killed and they can’t be reasoned with. What options do we have left?”

  The two sisters started walking towards them with cold expressions as the group backed up slightly.

  “I vote run,” Specca quickly suggested.

  “Seconded,” Falla agreed with a nod.

  Squeak nodded a few times and squeaked in what was assumed to be in agreement as she watched the sisters with growing fear.

  “We’re not running away from them,” Triska argued sternly. “Those monsters need to be put down for good.”

  “We agree with that,” Specca nervously said. “But they’re not staying down, that’s the problem.”

  The two sisters advanced on the group while wicked smiles spread across their faces before stopping suddenly and looking past everyone with a curious eye. Lucky quickly neighed then took off down an alleyway to the side between two buildings, his footsteps echoing out as the group looked to seeing him racing off then to the sisters who were now standing still.

  “Lucky?” Alyssa called out after her horse.

  “Something spooked him,” Specca said nervously.

  “Something besides two flesh-eating monsters that can’t die and a village full of dead people?” Triska questioned skeptically.

  “He wasn’t running from them,” Daniel said carefully. “He ran that way, almost like he was avoiding something behind us.”

  After a pause the group slowly looked behind to seeing a figure walking towards them in the middle of the street, a little girl that gradually became visible in the light from the streetlamps.

  “I see we have some new faces in this village, welcome to Eston,” Emily greeted with a calm smile on her face, her eyes seeming to look past everyone with an empty gaze while she had her hands held behind her back with her wand. From the
rooftops around the group tentacle eyestalks slowly shifted up and peered down at everyone from all angles, giving Emily a complete view of the newcomers.

  “Who are you?” Daniel asked.

  “Get out of here, kid,” Triska ordered. “This isn’t a good time to be out playing.”

  The twins watched Emily with curious smiles while Falla was staring at the witch with surprise.

  “Emily?” Falla cried out.

  The group looked to her then to the witch as Emily showed a faint smile at seeing the butterfly girl with the group.

  “Oh, Falla. You’re still alive after all.”

  “That’s Emily?” Specca asked. “That’s the girl Luna was with?”

  Falla quickly ran over to Emily and shook her by the shoulders with desperation, the witch having a dull expression on her face while she gripped her wand in one hand.

  “Where’s my sister?” Falla cried out. “What happened to her, where is she?”

  “Falla, get away from her!” Alyssa shouted out.

  Everyone looked to her as she was staring at Emily with surprise, with the dark witch slowly turning her empty gaze towards Alyssa.

  “Well, well, well,” Emily said coldly. “Alyssa. What a surprise seeing you here.”

  “You know her, Alyssa?” Daniel asked.

  “That’s Emily, the Blight Witch!” Alyssa cried out as she pointed to Emily.

  Falla looked to her then to Emily with confusion as the witch slowly lowered her hands, revealing the wand she was holding.

  “Witch?” Falla nervously asked as she backed up. “She’s a witch? She’s not human?”

  “Blight Witch?” Daniel asked.

  Emily chuckled as the ground under her started to turn black and decay, with Falla quickly scrambling back to the others as they watched the witch smiling coldly at them.

  “Alyssa, the Wildfire Witch,” Emily taunted. “How wonderful that I get to kill you myself. I’m sure the other alphas would appreciate such a gesture to the witch community.”

  “What is she talking about? Who is she?” Triska asked.

  “That’s Emily, the Blight Witch,” Alyssa whimpered. “An alpha of the eastern region.”

  “She’s an alpha witch?” Specca said with surprise.

  “What does Blight Witch mean?” Triska asked cautiously.

  “She’s a master of using necro and demonic spells,” Alyssa nervously said. “She’s a death dealer with her magic.”

  Emily laughed then stopped as her eyestalks took notice of Jovian and Jacqueline, the witch then facing and pointing to them accusingly.

  “You two!”

  The group looked to the sisters as they giggled at the witch.

  “Oh look, it’s the one that got away,” Jovian mused.

  Emily growled and clenched her fist as her rings and wand gave off a soft glow.

  “You two were the ones that tried to eat me! You ruined my trip to Ashwood, how dare you get in my way like that!”

  “Wait, what’s going on here?” Daniel asked looking around at the dark monsters.

  “To Ashwood?” Specca asked softly.

  Jovian and Jacqueline laughed and shrugged while watching Emily with amused smiles.

  “Sorry about that,” Jovian said coldly. “We were just trying to make you scream like a little girl.”

  “We’re so glad we found you again though,” Jacqueline mocked. “We’ve just been dying to sink our teeth into your flesh this whole time.”

  Emily growled and pointed her wand toward the sisters as Daniel and his group slowly moved off to the side to the edge of the street, watching as the dark monsters stared each other down.

  “You two had the audacity to try to kill me,” Emily cursed. “Treated me like I was some common animal to be hunted and eaten. That was the worst mistake of your wretched little lives!”

  The witch then swung her wand down, casting out a dark shadow that raced across the ground towards the sisters. The group watched as the shadow stretched across the street before rising up into a giant hand of black sludge, the summoned limb gearing back before slamming down on Jacqueline. Jovian stumbled to the side as a loud hissing and burning sound was heard while smoke billowed up from the sludge on the ground, with Emily smiling wickedly at the sight as the group stared with wide eyes.

  “What the hell was that?” Triska asked shakily.

  “I told you she’s a master of necro spells,” Alyssa reminded her. “Her magic can summon the most toxic and acidic monstrosities from the underworld.”

  The sludge on the ground dug down into the dirt and disappeared, leaving behind a bleached skeleton on the ground while Daniel’s dagger had melted into the dirt beside it.

  “Oh my god,” Daniel breathed out with wide eyes.

  “She killed her… in one swoop,” Specca said softly with wonder.

  “She’s one of the worst witches we could have run into out here,” Alyssa whimpered nervously.

  “I think we know what scared away your horse then,” Falla pointed out worriedly.

  Jovian looked down to the skeleton that was once her sister then to Emily with a dull smile.

  “Really now,” she taunted. “That was just pitiful. Is that all you can do?”

  Emily growled at the girl before her eyestalks took notice of something, causing her to jump with a gasp as the group watched with surprise as well. Jacqueline’s skeleton slowly started to regenerate its flesh and organs as it sat up on its own, with all eyes watching as the girl reformed again from head to toe minus the clothing which had been melted away by the lethal sludge.

  “What the hell?” Emily shouted with disbelief.

  “Dammit, not even that could kill her?” Triska grunted with frustration as Jacqueline slowly stood up, the blonde monster now being completely naked as she giggled at Emily.

  “Oh my, that tickled,” Jacqueline mocked before the sisters started laughing together.

  Emily stared at them with shock then growled with anger as her focuser crystals glowed softly.

  “You… just what the hell are you two anyway?”

  “That would be telling,” Jovian and Jacqueline replied while holding a finger to their lips with cold smiles on their faces.

  Specca looked at Emily nervously then slowly shook her head.

  “Wait a minute,” she questioned. “I thought she was blind, how is she seeing them?”

  Alyssa glanced around then pointed up to a roof on the other side of the street, with everyone looking to seeing a black tentacle made of sludge with a large yellow eye staring at them.

  “That’s how, she uses her summoned creatures to see for her.”

  Daniel and Triska looked around to seeing dozens of the tentacle eyestalks up on the roofs of buildings all around the street, all of the eyes watching the group while never blinking.

  “Dear lord, those things are everywhere,” Specca said nervously.

  “Nothing ever escapes her eye,” Alyssa mentioned. “She can see everything around her with her magic.”

  “But where’s Luna? Where’s my sister?” Falla cried out.

  Emily giggled as a tentacle eyestalk slowly rose up from the ground next to Falla, with the butterfly girl screaming and backing up against a house while staring at the strange limb with fright. The tentacle swayed over towards the girl and leaned closer to her face, staring into her eye as Daniel and his friends watched the strange limb with growing concern.

  “Don’t worry,” Emily reassured while still facing the sisters in the street. “I’m taking very good care of her, and I will forever and ever.”

  “What?” Falla yelled out. “What does that mean, where is she? What have you done with her?”

  Emily laughed as the eyestalk leaned back and tilted to the side slightly.

  “That doesn’t concern you anymore,” Emily replied with a cold tone. “She’s my butterfly now, now and forever.”

  Triska looked around quickly then to the eyestalk while gripping her sword tightly. />
  “She’s here, Luna’s here somewhere.”

  “We have to find her, she’s in danger,” Specca whispered.

  “In case you haven’t noticed we’re in danger,” Alyssa hushed out frantically as the group looked between Emily and the two sisters. Jovian and Jacqueline looked around at everyone while holding a few fingers to their lips.

  “Sister, where should we start with our feast?” Jacqueline asked curiously.

  “I’m not sure, I was thinking about eating Triska first to be honest, she looks really tasty,” Jovian mentioned, with Triska glancing to her nervously as the dark girl then turned to Emily with a cruel smile.

  “But then again, I have been waiting forever to make that little brat scream in agony. Oh such a difficult decision indeed.”

  Daniel gulped then slowly held his hands up defensively as he faced Emily.

  “Listen,” he called out to her. “We’re not here to cause any trouble. Isn’t there any way we can discuss this peacefully? This is all just a huge misunderstanding, please, we don’t have to fight each other.”

  Emily slowly turned to face him with a dull glare while remaining silent, with Alyssa whimpering and shaking her head as she stared at the witch with fright.

  “Daniel,” Alyssa spoke up. “She’s a mass murderer, she is not one of the witches we can talk to about your ideals.”

  “You’re one to talk about being a murderer,” Emily hissed. “You slayed many witches with your accursed fire, all I’ve killed are petty human beings. You’re the only witch here that needs to be slaughtered for your atrocities.”

  Triska looked around at the village then to Emily with anger.

  “Did you kill all these people? Was this your doing?”

  “Of course not,” Emily coldly replied. “I only killed the men here. I raped them until they gave me all their seeds, I squeezed every last drop out of them before they breathed their last breaths.” Daniel’s group stared at her with shock as the witch turned her blank gaze towards Jovian and Jacqueline.

  “As for the rest of the trash in this village, I didn’t bother to sully my hands with them. I let my pet take care of the rest.”

  She then a hand out and waved it around in several loops, creating a trail of red light that etched into the air. The witch chuckled as she then struck her hand through the circular casting ring, the emblems and symbols lighting up along the edges as the air distorted around it.


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