Chronicles of Eden - Act IV

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Chronicles of Eden - Act IV Page 34

by Alexander Gordon

  Alyssa looked up to him with wonder, realizing that now she had the perfect chance to have sex with him. It was actually being handed right to her. She could have Daniel all alone and sleep with him, being allowed to do anything she wanted with the boy in bed and actually being encouraged to get his seed in the name of coexistence between humans and witches. And Daniel was even offering himself with no resistance, ready to take the witch to bed with him upon the simple answer she could give him right now, to just say yes.

  “Go on, Alyssa, tonight’s your night with him anyway,” Specca sobbed before she dropped to her knees crying.

  “It’s what you’ve always wanted, isn’t it, Alyssa?” Triska mentioned before struggling to hold back her tears.

  Alyssa glanced back to them then to Daniel, seeing him watching her with a troubled expression as he waited for her answer. It was her turn with him, she could take him to bed with her right now, she could have sex with him and even get impregnated by him on that very night. All she had to do was say yes.

  All she had to do was say yes, and everything she wanted could be hers.

  “No,” she said softly, with everyone looking to her with surprise as she slowly shook her head.


  “No?” Apoch and Astreal questioned carefully.

  “No?” Daniel asked.

  Alyssa looked down in thought for a moment, her eyes darting around slightly as she contemplated what she was thinking and whether or not she was acting foolishly.

  “Alyssa, just do it,” Triska muttered with teary eyes. “You know you want to.”

  “Just please make it quick,” Specca whimpered before looking down with sorrow.

  “No, no no no no, not like this!” Alyssa declared looking to the cat. The animal mewled with glowing red eyes briefly before Alyssa got down on her knees before it, watching the creature with pleading eyes as she held her hands together.

  “My grace, I can’t do it with him like this,” she desperately beseeched. “It would be too cruel. I would be hurting Daniel, I would be hurting my friends, I would be hurting those who are closest to me and I love. Please, if I agree to take Daniel to bed with me like this, I’ll really be a letchyask among my friends.”

  “So you are refusing to have sex with Mr. Daniel then?” Apoch asked with a smirk.

  “You decline Ms. Charlotte’s offer?” Astreal asked sharply. “After she agreed to give you a chance you’re saying no to her?”

  “Okay,” Kroanette spoke up. “Why are you two always saying Mr. and Ms. all the time?”

  Alyssa quickly stood up and looked to Daniel with urgency, the boy watching her with wonder as she thought about something very carefully before turning back to the cat with a formal bow.

  “My grace, I’ll prove Daniel’s belief to you,” she promised. “I’ll prove his point without a shadow of a doubt to you, I’ll even do so this very night, on one condition.”

  “On one condition?” Apoch and Astreal asked together. “What condition?”

  “And how do you two always talk together like that? It’s just creepy,” Kroanette mentioned again with a disturbed expression.

  “Alyssa, what are you talking about?” Triska asked.

  Alyssa looked to the girls, going from one to the other as she realized just how precious they were to her, how she loved them and couldn’t stand the idea of them being hurt, and then understood the only way she could make tonight work for them. She smiled softly and turned to Daniel while backing up to the girls.

  “Daniel, if you’re going to do me, you’re going to have to do all of us,” she reasoned, with everyone then looking to her with surprise and a jump.

  “What?” Daniel exclaimed with shock.

  “WHAT?” Triska and Specca cried out.

  Squeak merely squeaked loudly with a stunned expression on her face.

  Alyssa looked around at the girls then to Daniel while gesturing to the shocked individuals at her side.

  “Daniel, it’s the only fair way to do this,” she explained. “I love you, so much, and so do all of they. We mean the world to you, like you say, and you mean the world to us. But until you pick one of us to be your mate, until you actually make your final decision on which one of us you really love, then you have to be fair with giving us all a chance. If you have sex with just me, you’re not being fair to them. So… either you have sex with all of us, or none of us.”

  Silence filled the house as everyone just stared at the witch, unable to believe what they just heard. After a few minutes a rustling sound was heard outside, the group then looking to seeing Luna and Falla landing down outside the building, with Falla struggling to hold her sister back as Luna was trying to run towards the residence.

  “Let me go, Falla, I need to talk to him!” Luna yelled out.

  “No you don’t!” Falla barked back as the two sisters struggled around in the street. “That human is the last person in the world you need to talk to!”

  “What are they doing here, why do they keep following us?” Alyssa asked with disbelief. She shook her head then looked to Kroanette while waving toward the butterfly sisters. “Kroanette, could you please keep them out of here? We’re in the middle of something very important.”

  “Daniel!” Luna cried out as she broke free from her sister and raced into the building. Not even a second later Triska yelled out with frustration and unsheathed her sword with a sharp ring, spinning around and holding the blade out to Luna who stopped in her tracks with a frightened squeak.

  “Not now!” Triska yelled out as Falla ran in after her sister, the two girls then staring at Triska with fright as the human growled furiously at them. “For the love of god, not NOW! You two, outside, this instant!”

  “But… I need… to talk to…” Luna nervously whimpered.

  “Shut up!” Triska yelled out. “Luna, you and your sister are going to go outside and wait there, you are not going to move or make a sound, or so help me I will chop you both up into itty bitty pieces right here and now! Do you get me? If you bother us with anything, I will straight up murder you two like you wouldn’t believe, do you understand?”

  Everyone stared at her with wonder while the butterfly sisters nodded shakily with fearful faces.

  “Okay,” Luna squeaked out.

  “Leaving, right now,” Falla shakily agreed before the two girls ran out and hid behind the wall together.

  Triska dropped her sword to the ground and held her hands to her face as she tried to calm down, taking a few deep breaths as she struggled not to freak out, then turned to Alyssa with shock as words failed her once again. Alyssa glanced to her then to Kroanette with a shrug.

  “Never mind,” she said before looking back to Daniel with a hopeful smile. “Daniel, please, this is the only fair way. Both for our goal of peaceful coexistence, and also to give us all a chance to be with you.”

  Daniel just stared at her with a stunned expression as Apoch and Astreal watched Alyssa with puzzlement.

  “You seriously wish to share this human with your friends?” Apoch asked softly. “That isn’t necessary by Ms. Charlotte’s terms.”

  “Why would you want to share him with them?” Astreal asked with disbelief.

  Alyssa looked to Triska then to Specca and Squeak with a gentle smile.

  “Because I love them too.”

  Daniel blinked then looked at the other girls with bewilderment.

  “What?” he asked shakily.

  Alyssa giggled and turned to him with a small shrug as the other girls glanced to him with timid expressions.

  “Before we came here, we realized that… we love each other too,” Alyssa explained with a small shrug. “We do. We’re like sisters, like family. Daniel, I couldn’t do anything to hurt them, I just couldn’t. And by using Charlotte’s condition to getting you to sleep with me, that would kill them inside, and me too.”

  Daniel looked around at the other girls as they glanced to each other with blushes on their faces.
/>   “You… all love each other?”

  Specca hesitated then looked to him with worried eyes and nodded.

  “If anything were to happen to them, Daniel, it would break my heart,” she admitted. “I… don’t want be separated from them for anything.”

  Squeak pointed to the girls and nodded while squeaking something as well, the ant girl then wiping a few tears away before showing a saddened smile as she squeaked something else in her language.

  Everyone then looked to Triska as the girl was watching Daniel with worried eyes. She glanced to Specca and Squeak then to Alyssa, the teen breathing out softly before looking back to Daniel again.

  “Daniel, I love you, more than anything,” she said dearly, then closed her eyes before she looked down and shrugged slightly. “I would die for you, just as I would for them. They mean that much to me after all.”

  Looking back to Daniel she saw the boy just staring at all of them with wonder, his eyes going from one girl to the other as he tried to process what they just told him.

  “It is now 11:50,” Apoch and Astreal pointed out, with the group looking to them then to the clock with a jump.

  “Ten minutes left,” Kroanette said looking to Daniel with urgency.

  “I don’t think they could even get his seed in time now,” Apoch giggled.

  “That’s not true, maybe he’s just that pitiful of a man and it’ll only take ten seconds,” Astreal said before the sisters started laughing together.

  “Oh no, we’re almost out of time!” Alyssa cried out.

  The girls all looked to each other nervously then to Daniel, the boy staring at the clock with a stunned expression before he looked down and tried to think of what to do. Alyssa quickly turned to the cat and held her hands together in a pleading manner.

  “Please, my grace, if he chooses to do all of us, would you extend the time of your offer? I beg of you to consider it, surely him having sex with three monsters and a human at the same time would prove his words to you!” she pleaded, with Daniel looking back to her with a shocked expression that consisted of an open mouth, a twitching eye, and a faint, hoarse whine that escaped his throat.

  “Wait, what?” Triska cried out. “Hold on a minute, we… but… Daniel… that’s not… we can’t… but that’s…”

  “All of us?” Specca whined while blushing more. “Together? Oh my, that would… be… um…”

  Squeak looked to the clock then to Daniel while biting her lip nervously, her antennae twitching slightly as she waited to hear his response.

  Alyssa looked to Daniel and waited for a response that never came from the stunned boy then turned to the cat as the animal watched her with its glowing red eyes.

  “Please, my grace, we’ll prove it to you, we will!”

  The other girls looked to each other then to Daniel as the boy just stood there in silence, his eyes going from one girl to the next as they all watched him with wonder.

  “We… all… us?” he asked shakily.

  The cat meowed loudly, with everyone looking to it as Apoch and Astreal showed curious expressions at the feline. The animal then looked to Daniel for a moment before over to the sisters, its eyes giving off a red glow briefly before the sisters glanced to each other questionably.

  “What did she say?” Alyssa asked anxiously.

  Apoch and Astreal looked to her for a moment then to Daniel with simple shrugs.

  “She said that should Mr. Daniel take all of you to bed on this night, that would be acceptable,” they explained together. “And there would be no time limit needed. However, Ms. Alyssa must still receive his seed before the night is over, that will not be altered from the deal.”

  Kroanette slowly pointed from one sister to the other as she had a bewildered expression on her face.

  “Seriously, how do you two keep doing that?”

  Alyssa smiled a bit then looked to the girls as they all just stared at Daniel with stunned expressions.

  “What do you say?” she asked eagerly.

  “Wait, hold on,” Triska said shakily. “You’re suggesting that… we…”

  “Have an… orgy?” Specca squeaked out with a deep blush.

  Squeak glanced to the girls then to Daniel with a simple squeak while tilting her head curiously.

  Alyssa giggled then looked to Daniel with an innocent smile.

  “This is the only way, both to prove to Charlotte that humans can willingly mate with monsters, and so that we all get to be with you equally. So, what do you say, Daniel?”

  Everyone watched as Daniel just stared at the girls while remaining silent, with the quiet ticking of the grandfather clock nearby being heard as the group awaited his answer. After a moment they got their response, with Daniel dropping to the ground with a thump as he lost consciousness.

  “Dropped like a rock,” Kroanette mentioned shaking her head.

  “Daniel?” Alyssa asked worriedly, the witch then rushing over and looking down at the sleeping boy with a nervous smile.


  “Alyssa?” Triska asked hesitantly. “Can… we talk to you… for a moment?”

  Alyssa blinked then looked over to seeing Triska, Specca, and Squeak watching her with blushes on their faces while Apoch and Astreal just looked at Daniel with bored expressions.


  “What is wrong with you?” Triska yelled out with a flustered expression; herself, Squeak, and Specca standing together before Alyssa who was seated on the couch in front of them. The witch was looking down with concern as she held her hands together while Triska grabbed her hair and shook her head with frustration, the girls taking this time to have a discussion about Alyssa’s unique idea while Daniel was asleep in the nearby room with Apoch and Astreal waiting with him along with Charlotte’s cat.

  “An orgy?” Triska cried out. “An orgy? That’s your answer for this?”

  “Alyssa, what were you thinking?” Specca demanded. “We couldn’t possibly… that wouldn’t be right in so many ways!”

  Squeak merely glanced over to the bedroom where the door was shut then back to Alyssa with a raised eyebrow, not really seeming to voice any complaints or agreements with the witch’s idea.

  “I thought it was a good suggestion,” Alyssa defended with a pout. “It’s the only way we can both win Charlotte’s favor with our idea and be fair about any of us having sex with Daniel.”

  “A good suggestion?” Triska shouted out. “Alyssa, you just suggested that we all get naked and have sex with Daniel tonight, together! That’s even more preposterous than the damn deal for him to have sex with you for Charlotte to even listen to him in the first place!”

  Alyssa huffed then looked to them with her hands set at her hips.

  “What else can we do?” she demanded.

  “Anything but an orgy!” Triska yelled back.

  “Excuse me,” Kroanette spoke up from outside the residence, the centaur sticking her head in through the front door with a weak smile on her face.

  “What? We are very busy right now!” Triska yelled out at her.

  “Yes, I can hear that from here,” Kroanette said with a shrug. “It’s just our two friends out here wish to come inside, if that would be alright.”

  “Why?” Specca snapped. “We don’t want to deal with them right now, we have a very pressing matter to discuss.”

  “Please! I’m really thirsty!” Luna called out from behind the centaur. Triska, Specca, and Squeak looked at Kroanette with dull stares as the centaur merely shrugged.

  “Humans have water in these homes, do they not?” Kroanette simply asked.

  Triska set her hand on her dagger and drummed her fingers on it, with Kroanette watching her worriedly before the teen pointed over to the kitchen.

  “If you two say one word right now I’m going to murder you, you got that?” she called out.

  Everyone listened as nothing was heard, with Triska then shaking her head while stomping her foot.

  “Well? You got tha
t? Answer me!”

  “You told us not to say a word though,” Luna whined. “How can I say yes if I can’t say a word?”

  “We got it, we got it,” Falla called out tiredly.

  Triska rolled her eyes before she and her friends turned their focus back to Alyssa, with Kroanette then walking into the home before Luna rushed past her over into the kitchen. She frantically searched around the pantries and cupboards before Falla walked over and grabbed her head, turning her focus over towards a large urn near the side of the kitchen and pointed to it. Luna nodded then rushed over and promptly knocked the urn over, which dropped onto the ground and broke apart with a loud crash. Water splashed out onto the floor as all the girls looked over to them with disbelief, seeing Falla face palming as Luna quickly dropped to her hands and knees and started sipping the water off of the floor. Kroanette glanced to Triska as the teen used all her willpower not to lash out at the innocent and obviously not very bright monster. Specca held a hand over her eyes while Squeak just watched Luna with a dull expression, the ant girl slowly shaking her head as Luna’s wings fluttered once while she drank the water off of the floor. Falla shook her head then looked to the other girls with a shrug before she watched her sister slaking her thirst the hard way.

  “Anyway,” Triska grunted with frustration before the girls looked back to Alyssa, the witch merely glancing over with a dull expression at Luna quenching her thirst in a very unusual way. “This is difficult enough as it is, not to mention really screwed up in ways that I don’t have time to go into right now, so let’s just get this night over with. Charlotte wants to see you and Daniel doing it before she’ll agree to help, so quit dragging this on for us and just get it over with.”

  “We said we loved each other, Alyssa,” Specca added with a flustered huff. “But this… we can’t all have sex with Daniel together, we just couldn’t.”

  Squeak glanced to them then shrugged before looking back to Alyssa, not seeming to object such an idea at all.

  “So, what?” Alyssa asked while closing her eyes. “You want me to go in there and have sex with Daniel by myself, is that what you want?”

  “Alyssa, I’m not saying I want that at all,” Triska argued with clenched fists. “None of us are. But we’re out here for Daniel’s quest, and this… this is what we have to do for it. That’s the only reason we’re going along with this.”


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