Bring The Pain_An Urban Fantasy Action Adventure

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Bring The Pain_An Urban Fantasy Action Adventure Page 20

by Michael Anderle

  The Professor nodded and took a sip from the mug in front of him. “Aye, lad. I kept those things around because I thought they eventually might be helpful in a situation like the one you were just in.” A huge grin appeared on his face. “But I hope you’re practicing your dirty limericks.”

  James groaned. “You’re serious about that shit?”

  “More serious than I am about beer.” The Professor gulped some of the amber liquid. “And beer is the most important thing God ever inspired in man.”

  Shay snickered. “Make sure you send me a text when Brownstone’s gonna perform. I have a feeling this chickenshit won’t tell me.”

  “Of course, Miz Carson. I wouldn’t allow you to miss such an epic performance.”

  Everyone’s fucking conspiring against me. I better leave before they get some ideas.

  James stood. “I think I better get going.”

  The Professor laughed. “There’s no competition tonight, lad. You don’t have to run off.”

  “Just being careful. I’ll pay my debt, but I have a few things to clean up first.”

  The Professor chuckled. “Before you leave…” He nodded to James and Shay in turn. “I was wondering if you might be interested in a job soon. This time it’s in Egypt.”

  Shay shrugged. “It pays in money, right? I’m not interested in dirty limericks.”

  “Yes, money, but I’ll throw in the dirty limericks.” The Professor glanced between the two. “We can discuss this another night. You both need some time to rest between all of your traveling and interesting tourist activities.”

  James nodded and headed for the door. He was almost there when he felt someone grab his hand. He turned and saw that it was a smiling Shay.

  Someone who can understand me. Someone who’ll accept me for who I am, even if I am a fucking alien.

  James wasn’t sure he believed he was an alien, but he also wasn’t sure he disbelieved it.

  He took a moment to drink in Shay’s beauty, her athletic body, her long dark hair, and even the brightness of her smile.

  “Didn’t you think I was gay?” James murmured.

  Shay laughed. “We all make mistakes. I figured out that you’re just thick. It’s fine; I understand now. The question is, do you?” Her smile softened. “Do you understand how I feel?”

  James stared into her eyes for a long while, not replying. “You sure about this? Especially after everything you’ve seen and found out about me? I’m not even human, according to you.”

  “Well, at least you have a human body.”

  James snorted. “Yeah, I do.”

  They stared at each other for another moment before they exited the pub hand in hand.

  James put his fork and knife down, savoring the lingering flavor of the steak in his mouth. He looked at Shay and the smiling Alison.

  “So yeah, it’s all over, kid.” He shot a glance at Shay. “Though I wish I had known earlier that Shay was giving you a play-by-play.”

  The tomb raider shrugged. “She deserves to know what’s going on with her soon-to-be dad.”

  James grunted. “Yeah, well, Shay took out most of the assassins. I barely had to do sh...anything with them. The only one that gave us any trouble, Shay figured out how to weaken her, and when we were dealing with the Harriken she was a machine.”

  Alison fanned herself. “I believe I’m having a little girl crush on my awesome Aunt Shay.”

  A strange look passed over Shay’s face and she shrugged.

  Alison stood. “That said, I need to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

  “Should I come with you?” Shay asked.

  The teen shook her head. “I’m fine. I’ll be right back.” She waved and stood, carefully making her way toward the bathrooms.

  James was awed by her ability to navigate without normal vision.

  Shay sighed. “Damn it. I’m supposed to be showing her how to be a normal woman, not a killer.”

  James shrugged. “Just be you. Alison loves who you are, and she’ll pick out the parts that work for her.”



  “I’m shocked at the wisdom that just dropped out of the mouth of a rock.”

  James chuckled and picked up his fork and knife again. He wanted to down a few more pieces of juicy steak. It wasn’t barbecue, but it was still damned good.

  Might have to hit up yakiniku places more. That stuff really grew on me.

  A few minutes later Alison returned and seated herself.

  James swallowed a piece of meat and cleared his throat. “I need to be clear about something, Alison.”


  “On whether you want me to adopt you or if you’d rather just stay as my ward. I’ll support you in whatever you want.”

  Alison frowned. “Why wouldn’t I want you to adopt me?”

  “I don’t know. Your mom was special, and I’m...just me.”

  Shay snorted and rolled her eyes.

  Yeah, well, she doesn’t need to deal with the whole ‘your new dad is an alien’ thing yet, Shay. Alison’s got enough on her plate.

  Alison shook her head. “I’ve been learning about the Drow and it’s been fascinating, but it doesn’t matter that you’re different than me because you’re human.”

  Shay snorted again.

  Alison shot her an annoyed look. “Anyway, like I said, it doesn’t matter. Family is family, and I would love for you to adopt me. You’re the first man who has actually cared for me, and it’s funny how you pick on the boys.”

  “What boys?” James growled, looking around.

  Shay and Alison shared a laugh.

  After confirming there were no boys he needed to threaten in the vicinity, James returned his attention to Alison. “During your summer break, we can finish all your paperwork. We can also have a party, since the new house should be finished by then. You’ll have your own bathroom and a huge closet; plenty of space.”

  Alison smiled and shrugged. “Thanks, but what do I need with all that space? What clothes am I going to put in it? What shoes?”

  James sighed. He hated that she couldn’t see everything. Her soul sight might give her a unique view of the world, but at the same time she was missing out on a lot of experiences.

  The thought of giving her normal sight with the wish bubbled up, but he forced it back down. That wasn’t his call to make, and now Alison knew about the wish. She could make that decision herself if she wanted. In time, she would figure out what was best for her—with his guidance.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Alison told him. “I’m just happy I’m going to be your daughter officially.” The girl let out a happy sigh. “I know you can’t see it, but it’s...beautiful how our energies are connected now.”

  James smiled. “That’s great, kid. That’s great.”

  “Oh, and does this mean Shay will be my mom?”

  Shay spat out her water, her eyes wide.

  James just laughed.

  Guess I should have figured out she’d see that.


  Dark Is Her Nature

  Alison’s journey continues in The School Of Necessary Magic. Book one in this new series, Dark is Her Nature, comes your way June 6th, 2018 exclusively at Amazon.

  Pre-Order Now at Amazon

  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  Written May 24, 2018

  The man scratched his chin as he looked into the distance, thinking about my question. Brownstone turned to look back at me. “Just five minutes?”

  “All I need,” I agreed, touching the button on my iPhone to start the recording. “No barbeque this time, I promise.”

  Brownstone grunted, neither pleased nor displeased with my comment. That was the best result I could hope for, I figured. “Tell me about…”

  “No Shay.” He shook his head.

  “I wasn’t going to ask about Ms. Carson,” I confirmed.

  “No Alison,” He added.

  “I wasn’t
going to ask about Alison either,” I admitted.

  “Ok.” He nodded. “If we aren’t talking barbeque, Shay, or Alison, what is it you wish to chat about?”

  “Trucks,” I replied, and his face lit up a bit. Well, for Brownstone it damn near was as bright as the sun. “I’d like you to tell me what you think about the Hummer.”

  “Good,” he admitted. “It held up when it got shot to shit and took off-road efforts well.” He smirked. “They cost a shitload when you total one.” His eyes narrowed. “Wait, are you with the insurance company?”

  “No.” I sighed. “I’ve told you before, I’m The Author. I take your life and somewhat fictionalize it.”

  “Yeah.” He shrugged. “But authors don’t make any money.”

  “I’m fine,” I answered.

  “You sure?” He countered. “I could imagine you taking a second job to support your writing habit.”

  “It’s not a habit.” I pulled my phone out and clicked on the web browser. “Look! Have you ever paid any attention to my Author Page?”

  “No,” James answered. “Do you do barbeque books?”

  I stopped typing into the search bar long enough to grunt and stare up at him from underneath my bushy eyebrows. “No.”

  “Then no need to look you up,” he finished.

  This time I stayed quiet and turned my phone around, placing the book list (or at least the start of the book list) right in front of his face.

  He didn’t take the phone from my hand; his eyes merely went back and forth as he read.

  “You can take it,” I urged.

  This wasn’t some nice suggestion on my side. No, my fucking arm was getting tired after a few moments. I wanted him to take the fucking phone.

  I type. I don’t work out.

  Finally he took the phone from my hand, swiping his finger across the screen and continuing to study the books there. “Thank you,” I told him, massaging my arm where the muscles had started to cramp.

  He grunted and I rolled my eyes. Why I ever chose to document his exploits is becoming fuzzier and fuzzier to me the more I interact with him. “You have pictures of Shay in here,” he told me. I looked up to see him staring over the phone at me.

  “Yes.” I nodded. “She wanted the money for the stories.”

  “Sounds like Shay,” he agreed and returned to looking at the screen. “You still sending the payments to the orphanage?”

  “Yes.” I nodded again. “Per our contract, I send it within five days of book income coming in. The first time the Father was quite surprised. I had to do a tap dance to make sure I answered his “is this money from blood business?” question correctly so he would accept the funds.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “That I was matching it from other books, not Shay’s. He accepted the notion.”

  He handed me back my phone. “Lots of books,” he admitted. “So, you don’t have a second job?”

  “No.” I shook my head. “I’m a full-time writer making good money because the readers LOVE your stories.”

  “All right,” He allowed.

  “Ok, my question…”

  He cut me off. “Out of time.” He pointed to his watch with a smirk on his face.

  I looked down and my shoulders drooped. It had been six minutes…


  That fucker is a lot smarter than we think he is.

  Thank you for following us into this fourth story of James Brownstone! We have Shay #1 and #2 out, and will have Alison #1 Pre-Order on June 2nd (Pre-order, not the final release, which is June 6th.)

  Right now life is crazy! I’m in Boston for the Boston Fantasy Fest and RIGHT after that I fly to New York for APAC and Book Expo (simultaneous event in New York.)

  I’m ready to curl up into an introvert ball and hide.

  I’m sure I’ll do ‘just fine’ through the events, and be happy they happened, but hell’s bells I’m kinda terrified of all the effort over the next eight days.

  See you all on Social Media! (Sort of… Well, I’ll post stuff, and you will see it… I don’t think I’ll actually see anyone.)

  THANK YOU again for supporting this series, and all the other Oriceran books you have read.

  We can’t do what we do, without you!

  Ad Aeternitatem,


  Other Revelation of Oriceran Universe Books

  The Unbelievable Mr. Brownstone

  * Michael Anderle *

  Feared by Hell (1) - Rejected by Heaven (2) - Eye For An Eye (3) - Bring the Pain (4)

  I Fear No Evil

  * Martha Carr and Michael Anderle *

  Kill the Willing (1) - Bury the Past, But Shoot it First (2)

  School of Necessary Magic

  * Judith Berens *

  Dark Is Her Nature (1)

  The Leira Chronicles

  * Martha Carr and Michael Anderle *

  Waking Magic (1) - Release of Magic (2) - Protection of Magic (3) - Rule of Magic (4) - Dealing in Magic (5) - Theft of Magic (6) - Enemies of Magic (7) - Guardians of Magic (8)

  The Soul Stone Mage Series

  * Sarah Noffke and Martha Carr *

  House of Enchanted (1) - The Dark Forest (2) - Mountain of Truth (3) - Land of Terran (4) - New Egypt (5) - Lancothy (6) - Virgo (7)

  The Kacy Chronicles

  * A.L. Knorr and Martha Carr *

  Descendant (1) - Ascendant (2) - Combatant (3) - Transcendent (4)

  The Midwest Magic Chronicles

  * Flint Maxwell and Martha Carr*

  The Midwest Witch (1) - The Midwest Wanderer (2) - The Midwest Whisperer (3) - The Midwest War (4)

  The Fairhaven Chronicles

  * with S.M. Boyce *

  Glow (1) - Shimmer (2) - Ember (3) - Nightfall (4)

  Other Books by Michael Anderle

  Kurtherian Gambit Series Titles Include:

  Death Becomes Her (01) - Queen Bitch (02) - Love Lost (03) - Bite This (04) - Never Forsaken (05) - Under My Heel (06) - Kneel Or Die (07) - We Will Build (08) - It’s Hell To Choose (09) - Release The Dogs of War (10) - Sued For Peace (11) - We Have Contact (12) - My Ride is a Bitch (13) - Don’t Cross This Line (14) - Never Submit (15) - Never Surrender (16) - Forever Defend (17) - Might Makes Right (18) - Ahead Full (19) - Capture Death (20) - Life Goes On (21)


  Payback Is A Bitch (01)


  *with Ell Leigh Clarke*

  The Dark Messiah (01) - The Darkest Night (02) - Darkest Before The Dawn (03) - Dawn Arrives (04)


  *with Paul C. Middleton*

  Evacuation (01) - Retaliation (02) - Revelations (03) - Redemption (04)


  *with Justin Sloan*

  Justice Is Calling (01) - Claimed By Honor (02) - Judgement Has Fallen (03) - Angel of Reckoning (04) - Born Into Flames (05) - Defending The Lost (06) - Saved By Valor (07) - Return of Victory (08)


  *with TS Paul*

  ALPHA CLASS (01) - ALPHA CLASS: Engineering (02)

  *with N.D. Roberts*

  Discovery (03)


  *with Craig Martelle*

  Nomad Found (01) - Nomad Redeemed (02) - Nomad Unleashed (03) - Nomad Supreme (04) - Nomad’s Fury (05) - Nomad’s Justice (06) - Nomad Avenged (07) - Nomad Mortis (08) - Nomad’s Force (09) - Nomad’s Galaxy (10)


  *with Natalie Grey*

  Risk Be Damned (01) - Damned to Hell (02)

  The Vigilante Chronicles

  *with Natalie Grey*

  Vigilante (01)



  *with CM Raymond and LE Barbant*

  Restriction (01) - Reawakening (02) - Rebellion (03) - Revolution (04) - Unlawful Passage (05) - Darkness Rises (06) - The Gods Beneath (07) - Reborn (08)


  *with Justin Sloan*

  Shades of Light (01) - Shades of Dark (02) - Shades of Glory (03) - Shades of Justice (04)


  *with PT Hylton*

  Storm Raiders (01) - Storm Callers (02) - Storm Breakers (03) - Storm Warrior (04)


  *with Candy Crum*

  The Arcadian Druid (01) - The Undying Illusionist (02) - The Frozen Wasteland (03) - The Deceiver (04) - The Lost (05) - The Damned (06) - Into The Maelstrom (07)


  *with Brandon Barr*

  Rogue Mage (01)


  *with Amy Hopkins*

  Dawn of Destiny (01) - Dawn of Darkness (02) - Dawn of Deliverance (03) - Dawn of Days (04) - Broken Skies (05) - Broken Bones (06)


  *with P.J. Cherubino*

  Knight’s Creed (01) - Knight’s Struggle (02) - Knight’s Justice (03)



  *with Haley Lawson*

  Unleashing Madness (01)



  *with Ell Leigh Clarke *

  Awakened (01) - Activated (02) - Called (03) - Sanctioned (04) - Rebirth (05) - Retribution (06) - Cloaked (07) - Bourne (08) - Committed (09) - Subversion (10)


  *with Ell Leigh Clarke*

  Giles Kurns: Rogue Operator (01) - Giles Kurns: Rogue Instigator (02)


  *with Amy Duboff *

  Covert Talents (01) - Endless Advance (02) - Veiled Designs (03) - Dark Rivals (04)


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