Vampires Don't Cry: The Collection

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Vampires Don't Cry: The Collection Page 80

by Ian Hall

  “See you outside,” Valérie said.

  “Can you give us five minutes?” Mandy asked. “I’ve got to go pee, and Lyman wanted to go, too.”

  “No problem. Five minutes.”

  Well, it took less than a second for Mandy to get a hold of me, and get bent over the empty table. Seems she’d got her jeans down, for as I pushed forward, I felt the wonderful globes of her bare ass.

  When the waitress came to clear the table, we had to move to a wall, and when someone bumped into us, Mandy moved away, grabbing my hand, pulling me towards the side door.

  Outside, we landed just six feet away from a very convenient three-foot high wall.

  Mandy bent over, pulling me behind her, and I closed the deal.

  As I neared release, I leant over her, feeling for those tits again.

  “Do you want me to hurry?” I asked, looking around me for people.

  “Oh, yeah,” she panted back at me.

  It had been animal, but because of the invisible thing, it had been incredibly erotic.

  I went back inside to wash myself, then walked nonchalantly to the truck.

  When I’d gotten back inside, I looked at both Valérie and Finch in turn. Neither of them caught my eye.


  I had no intention in letting Lyman have another final goodbye screw. When I sat on his lap, my instinct had been to rise. But I must have lingered because he got to my tits first, and then my sensitive nipples, and I felt unable to rise from the growing bulge in his trousers.

  I looked around, his hands now under my clothes, getting well and truly felt-up, when in the middle of a busy diner. I grinned at the abstractness of it all, and secretly wondered how far we both could go.

  I grinned maliciously as I sat up, dragging those delicious fingers from my top, then turned and fumbled for the front of his trousers. To add to my growing list of ‘Things I’d Like to Do While Invisible’ book, I placed my mouth around the tip of his penis, and went to town a bit.

  Call it weird, call it bizarre, call it what you like, but it felt very sexy.

  “These guys ready to go?”

  Valérie shocked me to the core. I stood up like we’d been caught red-handed, only to realize that of course, we hadn’t. I almost laughed out loud. “They’ve been darted.”


  The people around us went on unaware of our invisible tryst around the table. “How are you going to get them out?” I asked. I almost had to put my hand over my mouth to stifle my giggles. I mean, Lyman probably stood in front of us all with his dick hanging out!

  “Finch is going to make a diversion for us,” Valérie said.

  I almost suggested just making Lyman visible again; that would have been a heck of a diversion!

  “Then we’ll wink them out while no one’s looking.”

  “When will we know?” My curiosity had gotten the better of my mirth.

  She paused. “We’ll know soon enough.”

  A moment later there was a crash, dishes hitting the floor.

  And the two guys were gone.

  “See you outside,” Valérie said.

  And for some reason, I didn’t want to leave Lyman there, just hanging out. That would have been a terrible way to leave him, especially since I’d be gone on Friday.

  “Can you give us five minutes?” I asked. “I’ve got to go pee, and Lyman wanted to go, too.”

  “No problem. Five minutes.”

  I fumbled for my lover, and quickly pulled my jeans down to my knees. Feeling behind me, he soon seemed to get the idea. I knew that I felt ready for him. This felt way too sexy to miss.

  I felt his hands get hold of my invisible ass, and we rocked the table for a while.

  Then the waitress came to clear the table, boy did I give her a mean look. I shuffled myself to the nearest wall, where we humped some more. Boy that boy did have a delicious way with himself. I had just gotten near to coming when we got bumped by one of the patrons.

  Damn him!

  I grabbed Lyman’s hand and pulled him to the side door, then to a wall nearby, where he got to work again.

  Now we were humping outdoors, what a way to bring a bit of cheer to a dull day!

  I waited for my wave like a starving beach.

  Just then, as I neared climax, he groped for my tits.

  “Do you want me to hurry?” he hissed in my ear.

  “Oh, yeah,” I wheezed, and my orgasm came in buckets.

  He lay atop me for a moment, then pulled himself out.

  “I’m going to clean up.”

  “Okay.” I let him leave, then shuffled inside, my jeans still around my knees, to give myself a good washing. After all, there were another two vampires inside the truck with damn good noses on them.

  The three vampire protectors we hit with two or three more darts, and put them in body bags. I didn’t count the shots, I’m not sure that anyone in the truck gave a damn.

  Anastase we treated with a bit of kid gloves, although we did dart her again as we got near Unicorps. Valérie wasn’t sure what Weeks wanted done with her, so we weren’t taking chances.

  Four more vampires taken from the streets, and I’d just had an invisible assignation. Not bad for one afternoon.

  Another Day, Another Dime

  The journey down from the canyon proved to be quite stressful for me.

  Nice screw, yes. Well, the nicest yet possibly, with ‘nice’ not quite the word I’d have used if Mandy had asked me.

  There were lots there to think about and savor over the next day or so, I mean, it’s not every day you screw an invisible girl, while you’re invisible too, in the middle of a crowded restaurant, is it?

  And we’d actually completed our mission in the middle of the sex, or maybe it had been the other way around. I don’t know.

  But then, in the middle of the mission, in the middle of the sex, someone else had popped their mouth around my erection, and given me the shock of the day.

  I feigned tiredness, and gave each of the girls a good looking at.

  They really could have been twins, you know, they were so alike. Straight wispy light brown hair, cute as buttons despite their ninja tendencies, and of course, bodies to die for.

  I caught both of them making funny-ish remarks on the ninety-minute journey, but nothing to convince me that either mouth had been on my dick.

  Either that or there lurked another invisible person in the canyon area, and that didn’t bear thinking about.

  When we got to Unicorps, Anastase got whisked quickly away by the obligatory men in dark suits, and her companions got checked for IDs, and their photographs catalogued into the database.

  All very Unicorps, all very tidy.

  Howard surprised me as I headed for the cafeteria. “I didn’t know you were in town.”

  He nodded, all very smiley. “I couldn’t let you and the girls get in on the action without getting my hands a little dirty.”

  “I was headed for eats, are you hungry?”

  “No, I’ve had about all I can take today, thanks.”

  We shook hands, and he toddled off down the corridor.

  When I reached the cafeteria, I looked around for a friendly face.

  Mark Brennan looked in deep conversation with a dark-haired woman, who had her back to me. I got my obligatory meatloaf (they do great meatloaf there), and browsed for an empty table.

  “Hey, Lyman?” Mark called across the café floor.

  I grinned and veered in their direction. As I neared the table, I recognized Miranda, the doctor from Chicago Unicorps. “Hi, guys,” I said, glad Mandy wasn’t there to see me consort with the enemy.

  “Sit down, sit down.” He pulled a chair out from the table. “What’s going on?”

  “Oh, just between missions, not sure what I can say about them, you know.”

  “Oh, we’re in on the loop, both Doctor Vasquez and I.” I don’t think I’d ever heard her last name. “We’ll be coming down to Phoenix with you to
night. We’re joining your teams.”

  “What’s that all about?” I asked as I downed forkfuls of meatloaf.

  “New initiative. Some of the vampires are being taken to Chicago for study, we’re to weed out the interesting ones.”

  “Ah,” I nodded, my mouth still full. “You’ll be the filter.”

  Miranda looked at me quizzically. “I know what I’m looking for, a good balance between newer and older vampires.”

  “I thought all the Blanche vampires had been caught?”

  She grinned. “Oh, we’ll probably never get another quite that old, not unless we’re very lucky.”

  I watched Miranda talk, and recalled the venom I’d felt when Mandy had been caught by the Helsings. I’d watched her try to eat with teeth missing, watched her hands with crusts where her nails should be, all pulled from her body with no anesthetic whatsoever.

  This cruel woman now sat opposite me, and discussed our missions like we were the best of friends. Then the news came on the television monitor above Brennan.

  Fox News showed a full feature on the Election Day shooting. The ballot had been cancelled and would be rescheduled in a month or so. But still just four people dead; no rise in the death toll.

  Brennan pointed his fork at the television. “Hopefully, we’ll be able to diminish the vampire hold on Cusack, now that we’ve got his daughter safely locked away.”

  Man, Mark did seem to be up with all our missions.

  But as I cleared my plate, I considered that the vampire hold on Senator Cusack had indeed been ‘diminished’, but a new influence had dawned.

  The Helsings now had a hold on him.

  Howard met the four of us in the conference room.

  “Due to the failure of communication, we’ve fixed you out with these.” Howard opened a small box. Inside lay a looping earpiece and battery pack. “These have three channels, one for communication between yourselves, although this is quite unnecessary since you’re holding hands, one for contacting the other two-man team, and one for contacting your base vehicle. That way you can alert them of your incoming parcels.”

  It seemed a bit over the top, but now there’d be less chance of separation. We tried them on, checked the channels. The earpieces sounded crystal clear, both in the building and in the parking lot.

  Then we were all called for debriefing. Damn, I thought I’d missed it.

  Man, I couldn’t wait for Friday to come. It felt good to be getting out of this bullshit corporate undercover spy-vampire world. I thought I’d given it a body-swerve this morning, being assigned to Grand Canyon, but no. Not only would I have one debriefing, I’d get two.

  Howard had also brought a few colleagues from the Chicago facility.

  Doctor Miranda, black ponytail and all, sat at the same large table as I did.

  I managed a smile which she didn’t return.

  My head swam as the suits began to talk figures.

  On Election Day, Lyman and Finch had taken out twenty-five vampires. Valérie and I had accounted for twenty-six. Not a bad haul for one day. But it seemed so far away, so long ago.

  Angela McCartney and Judy Miller, both Blanche vampires, had also bit the dust.

  Steve, with his fingers in my pussy, had been a peripheral victim, not even mentioned.

  But of course, there was the case of the hundred and fifty plus still in the PMU, and Howard still saw the possibility of further aggression from that direction.

  I let it all slide past me. It was late Wednesday, I had three days to go, almost down to two, and I didn’t give a flying fuck what they talked about.

  Maps of the PMU buildings got rolled out on the table, and they talked of ingress and access points until past dinner.

  And we didn’t even stop for that. A huge bunch of Chinese food containers arrived, and most of us dug in. Even I couldn’t ignore Mr. Chan’s sweet and sour.

  But that made me think of the times with mom and dad at the local restaurant in Gregor. That made me resent Alan McCartney. And that made me want to leave even more.

  The plan seemed to be set for tonight. I cringed at the prospect.

  Yet another plan.

  Yet another ‘assault’ on vampire HQ.

  Yet another team meeting.

  But looking on the bright side, at least Lyman and Finch were still paired together, so I didn’t have to see puppy-eyes again for a bit.

  I’d considered our tryst in his bedroom to be our last, but the invisible restaurant hump would take its place. Poor Lyma-beans.

  And of course every silver lining has its cloud, and mine seemed to be Miranda.

  I’d had to do a double-take as old black ponytail walked into our team room, and sat at the table.

  Seems she had plans to be in on this one. My interest, slight to begin with, slowly lessened further.

  But, of course, just because I didn’t want to know the ins and outs of the newest hit-the-vampire plan, didn’t mean the rest of the ‘team’ didn’t.

  They ran over it exhaustively.

  The hit-and-run tactic that we’d used so well against the Election Day vampires would be trotted out again. Valérie and I would hit the campus. We’d pick out single vamps or those in pairs, and bring them back to a central point for decommissioning. It sure seemed to be more of the old ‘same-old.’

  I listened for my own good, to give me enough information for my own self-preservation, but little more.

  I actually planned my leaving more than I listened to the Helsings.

  Hop on a Greyhound bus. Maybe two or three.

  Give Lyman the slip, then find somewhere warm, somewhere I could sit back, relax for a bit, and not have to kill anyone.

  It wasn’t a bad plan.

  But of course, the more they talked about vampires, the more I took in by osmosis and a new kernel of thought began.

  I remembered my brief time in the company of Miranda. The stuff they pumped into my body. The stuff they dropped into my eyes. The pulling of my fingernails and my incisor teeth.

  No Novocain, no aspirin, no clove oil.

  And the weirdest thing began to happen. The more attention I paid to the plan, the more I thought about the stuff I’d do to her if I ever got the chance.

  Revenge. Hmm.

  I started to cuddle that thought.

  Like holding a cup of hot coffee close to your body on a cold night.

  Like the plan for Election Day, just yesterday, they spoke of this plan like it was the plan of the century. But, in all honesty, because of my weariness, it felt like the exact same plan. Same idea. Same participants. Same old shit.

  I just felt downright tired.

  The usual two teams, hitting the campus at night, both ripping vampires from beds, wherever they were, the usual teams back in the trucks, dispatching the bodies, vanishing the evidence.

  The spade work would be done by the usual two-man invisible teams, same Modus Operandi as before. And of course, same risk for the participants.

  I did remark that we’d never actually found out where the bullets had come from on the first such escapade, but found myself reassured that rooftop surveillance would be in place for this one.

  We even studied live satellite shots from the campus area. Students walked between classes; it seemed like a normal day at the office. But of course, we knew better.

  The attendance rolls would count at least sixty vampires short, plus the four of us.

  The head had been chopped from the organization, yet the reports that flowed from our people on the ground only mentioned business as usual.

  Mark Brennan had joined our team, and he wanted more details of the blood serum, and what we’d done with it. “So we don’t know if we’re going to encounter raging vamps or docile ones?” He sounded slightly pissed.

  “With the time restraints, we did the best we could.” I hadn’t expected any belligerence to our efforts, but he maintained his attack.

  “Seems it could have been better organized.”

/>   “Plans change on the ground,” Finch said, looking daggers at the Unicorps doctor. “You might find similar tonight.”

  He did look slightly embarrassed. “I’m sorry…”

  “Yeah.” Finch leant forward. “Easy for the desk-jockeys to complain of the front-line cock-ups. Let’s just wait to see how you cope. Because, Doctor Brennan, if you think this is going to be a turkey shoot, you’re in for a tough night. You’ll see the back door of the van open, and suddenly an invisible vampire to deal with. Then you’ll have another, and another, and maybe, by the end of the night, we’ll still be alive to chat over who ‘performed their function’ properly. Debriefings are all very well, but let’s just pray we all make it back for the next one, shall we?”

  That sure took the wind out of his sails.

  Finch turned to me and winked. I couldn’t help a sly grin.

  Time for zero hour? Nine p.m.

  Support vehicles would be in place; our own SWAT teams, ready to repel any outside forces, like the shooters from the Election Day.

  Around six, we trotted out to the garage area, and got introduced to our new vans.

  They were larger than the ambulances, like the kind you see the FBI using on television for surveillance. Ours had a local electrician’s logo on the side, proper Phoenix telephone numbers, etc. I wondered how they’d got the job done so quickly. No gurney inside this time, just a long bench on each side.

  And a big pile of thick, black body bags in the center.

  Finch pulled me to one side, a belt and two daggers in her hands. “These are for you.”

  I looked at the bare blades. “I’m not Căluşari, Finch. How do I handle these?”

  She waved away my protests. “Look, you’re not trained, I know that. But there might be times when they’ll come in handy. I’m not asking you to become the master of the double stroke in one day, but a Bãtrane dagger will get you out of trouble damn quick. And they’re silent, no giving away your position by the sound of a dart gun.”

  I took the belt and thanked her. In the next fifteen minutes, she drilled me in their specific use. Boy, If I’d felt like a ninja before, I sure felt it more now.

  Left alone to reflect for a moment, I recalled the last week.


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