The Legacy of Darkness

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The Legacy of Darkness Page 5

by YuMao311


  I woke retching and gasping for air. It was as if someone had stuffed a rock down my windpipe. Which, coincidentally, was somewhat true (ow) – a half empty bottle of pepper-syrup lay on a stand next to where I was lying – on a white hospital bed with blinding lights and tools of medication whirling everywhere. The ward was empty though, except for me. BTW (is that how you normal people say it? Or is it FYI?), pepper-syrup clears your windpipe and sooths the lungs. It burns and makes you want to barf though. May I suggest you never to try it? No really. Don’t. It may be the end of you. Just kidding. Mostly. I tried to sit up but something restricted that movement. I glanced down at my wrists and ankles – they were chained to the bed. The metal chains scratched my tender skin and left angry red blotches on my wrists from my recent actions. I blinked in surprise and lowered my eyes to study my body more carefully. The first word that registered in my mind: WTH?! There were small cuts all over my arms and legs. Each one only two inches long but extremely deep. Both my arms were wrapped in line cloth and cotton, reaching from my biceps to the edge of where my shackled wrists rested. My legs were no better. They, too, were wrapped in cloth to stanch the blood, but there were marks where it seemed an animal had bitten me; bit marks were scattered around the thighs and the lower flesh area. Hold that thought. I know what you’re thinking; What if it was a vampire?! Nah. I wish. They were probably disinfected with white alcohol (yes, I said white, not the one you swallow in wine and get all tipsy and drunk) and were covered in bandages. I was dressed in a plain t-shirt and shorts. I tried to sit up again, but pain immediately shot up my legs and I fell down again, panting. “Better not move too much,” a voice warned (again with the voices!). I looked up warily to see one of the Resistance’s best healers – Ichii. He was decked in his usual white lab coat and clipboard in hand. “What happened?” I demanded. “You fell into a state of coma while you were talking to Kaito,” Ichii explained. “How long was I out?” I asked. “Two days. Ryoma stayed with you the whole time,” he grinned (creepily, I mean. Not like the ones Kaito flashes to me occasionally … Uh, I mean … WHATEVER. THE POINT WAS THAT ICHII WAS SMILING AT ME DISTURBINGLY. VERY DISTURBINGLY …) Pointing over my shoulder. I turned to see my trusted partner sleeping peacefully with his head down on a desk that I had previously not noticed (Kaito probably drew one up. And by drew, I don’t mean use a pencil and illustrate, I mean conjure one up. From thin air. Oh you know … just one of the many perks of having powers. Like I’ll never have to do my homework – why would I anyway? – By hand. All I have to do is mumble some French words and my pen scribbles the answers down for me. I’m a straight C person, by the way. What? Just ‘cuz I do my homework with magic doesn’t mean I bother to tell my pen to do the right answers …). “He stayed up until dawn before he fell asleep,” Ichii chuckled. I looked over at Kaito fondly. “He was with me the whole time?” I murmured. Ichii nodded. I kept my eyes on Kaito for another heartbeat longer before I turned with (some) difficulty due to the bandages (no, not the Dora ones, the professional ones doctors use in mortal hospitals that make you look cool like you did something totally dangerous and makes people want to sign your cast) around my neck. I cringed slightly as I finally faced Ichii again. “How did I get all these wounds?” I flexed my hand experimentally. “And why am I tied up?” “We tied you up because you were thrashing around (I’m a bad sleeper) Kaito suggested it so you wouldn’t get any more cuts than you already had. Didn’t work so well though,” Ichii grimaced when he saw my swollen wrists. “And the wounds? I don’t recall the fact that falling on the ground and having a possible concussion would lead to so many holes in my skin,” I raised an eyebrow (haha, *wiggles eyebrows* what? No, don’t look at me like that. I’m not nuts. … Okay, maybe a little, but a girl’s gotta have her fun, right?). “That I have no idea. It’s strange, actually. It just – appeared. I tried to heal you, but my magic didn’t even put a stitch on them,” he shook his head distractedly. “You’re just going to have to heal naturally.” I frowned. “Could it have something to do with my dream?” I muttered absentmindedly. “What dream?” Ichii said sharply. I looked up, startled (like a deer hit by a bus) that he had heard, but (tried to) explain nonetheless. “And the weird thing is, an old man died because of a snake bite,” I studied the bandages wrapped around my lower thighs that were covering numerous punctures of what looked like teeth. Could they be snake bites? “Ichii, untie me please.” He looked at me doubtfully. “I’m okay,” I reassured him. He still looked unconvinced but undid the chains that had formerly held me. “Thanks,” I sighed in relief as I rubbed my throbbing, sore wrists. I flinched slightly when my bare feet hit the cold, tiled floor. I stretched my arms, testing out my muscles (which were a bit stiff and raw, but otherwise okay), before gingerly putting weight on both legs. Hot white pain overwhelmed me at once and I nearly collapsed if it weren’t for Ichii. He wrapped an arm around my waist and supported my upper body. “Thanks,” I gasped out. “We have to heal you. Now,” he said urgently. “How?” I groaned. “Lie down.” He helped me back onto the bed and I sighed in relief when the pain faded. “What’s going on? Are you okay, Misaki?!” a voice (geez. All these voices!!) Demanded frantically. We turned around and saw Kaito rising quickly from his chair and rushing towards me. “Are you okay?!” he practically shouted (bro, I get that you care about me and all … but calm down. Please.). “I’m fine,” I assured him. “Does it hurt anywhere?” he asked, agitated (nope, I’m covered in wounds, so of course it doesn’t hurt! I’m still mad at him.). “Her legs,” Ichii interrupted before I could speak. I glared at him furiously. Ichii met Kaito’s eyes evenly. “How do we cure her?” Kaito growled (whoa. Talk about animalistic!). It was so different from his usual cold and detached self. “I can’t heal her. My magic isn’t strong enough. But yours and Misaki’s are. You’re going to have to heal her,” Ichii answered. “How?” he demanded. “Kaito, don’t,” I butted in quietly. “He has to!” Ichii protested.“No, he doesn’t,” my tone was hard and I held Ichii’s gaze unwaveringly. “Yes, he does,” he snapped insistently. “No, he doesn’t,” I said calmly. “Do you want to die?!” he snarled fiercely. “If it comes to that, then yes!” I responded heatedly. “Then where would the rest of the Resistance be?!” he yelled. “Kaito would do just as well!” I retorted. Suddenly, Kaito, who had been silent throughout our whole exchange, grabbed my shoulders and gripped me tightly (can he not see the bandages?!). “You are not going to die,” he whispered roughly (thanks, glad for the vote of confidence). “Ichii. Do as you must. I’ll give you my magic. Just heal her,” Kaito released me. Ichii nodded, relieved that he had agreed. “You can’t do this! It’s not on your authority!” (I’m pulling all the shots now. Including the I-can-abuse-my-power-as-leader technique) I glared at them. “I am your lieutenant. I have the same amount of authority as you do … to some extent,” Kaito said quietly. I glowered at him furiously before biting out, “fine.” I lowered my head onto a pillow and rested my arms beside me. “Okay. Kaito, concentrate. Focus on the wounds on Misaki’s body,” Ichii instructed. “Now repeat after me.” (Insert ramblings of French and Japanese) Kaito echoed after Ichii, his hands positioned over my body as he let his fiery (no, it didn’t kill me. If it did, I wouldn’t be telling you all this, would I?) magic wrap me into a soft cocoon (I am not turning into a butterfly, thank you very much) of warmth (like a microwave except roomier). I closed my eyes and relaxed, letting the healing chant reach my wounds as the bandages unraveled and my skin closed up over the bite marks. My complexion returned back to creamy white (do not think about cream puffs. I am not edible) and strength returned to my body. As both teens finished the last line, my eyes snapped open and I grabbed Kaito’s hand. the glow of fire power faded. “That’s enough. Thank you,” I said quietly, my hand closing over his palm as I let a stream of my own elemental power regenerate his. Note: Not all magic users have an unlimited amount of power. Unlike my own, many of the Resistance’s powers are taxed (and by t
hat I don’t mean money taxed). Including Kaito’s. While they may be powerful, they must regenerate every 6 hours and train to control their abilities (no really. If you don’t, you may accidentally blow up Pluto. I tried it once. It was on national TV). Most users team up and work together, making their combined powers virtually invincible. Few sorcerers/sorceress have unlimited powers – take Jane and I for example. It usually comes from heritage. … Or an enchanted stone … … That was stole from my dead mother’s cabinets …


  “Ichii, send me Daniel’s report and get him to my office in 5,” I ordered curtly. Back to business. “Thank you,” I added as he left. The healer smiled slightly and slid the door close behind him. “Kaito. Get some rest. You’ll need your energy,” I turned back. He watched me carefully as I pushed myself off the bed once more and tested out my newly fixed arms. I stretched my legs and found them completely healed and functioning normal, without any sharp pangs of pain. “We’ll discuss this later. I’ll be in my office if you need me. Get some rest. You’ll need it,” I called over my shoulder as I disappeared towards my bureau, leaving Kaito standing alone, watching my retreating figure with a fixed stare.

  To be continued…


  Dear readers,

  Thank you readers for purchasing The Legacy of Darkness! The first part of my trilogy is slightly short, but the second part will be longer and added excitement. Who is the killer? What is Jane up to? Be sure to check out part two: Broken Promises. Coming soon! Thanks Grace Yip for formatting and publishing this book for me. Go check out her AWESOME books!


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