Training the Help [Hedon Falls 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Training the Help [Hedon Falls 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 6

by Michelle Graham

  Sophie glanced at her watch. “How late are you open?”

  “Until six o’clock.”

  She had time, so she told the woman she would be there and hung up. After she finished cleaning the bathroom in the master suite, she looked longingly at the Jacuzzi. Maybe this evening. She grabbed her purse and keys, hoped she set the alarm correctly, and headed to the mall. She had taken the new bra along with her so she could see how it worked with the dress and Sophie was amazed at how good she looked.

  “The dress is perfect,” she told the saleslady after she changed. “I’ll need to get my hair done, but I’m new in town and don’t know where to go.”

  “There’s a great place at the South Hedon Falls Mall,” she said. “And they don’t charge a fortune, either.”

  Sophie got directions from the woman, thanked her again, and headed over to the other mall. It was small, and more like a strip mall, but there were a number of businesses there. Sophie spotted the salon beside the aquarium store and pulled into a parking spot nearby. When she entered, a handsome man with stylish clothes and gorgeous hair greeted her.

  “Hi there, sweetie,” he said, with a faint hint of a lisp that made Sophie smile. “What can we do for you?”

  “I need to get my hair done for an event on the first of December,” she said. “Do you have anything available?”

  “Ooo, is it for the gallery opening?” he asked as he began flipping through the appointment book on the desk.

  “I think so,” she replied. “I kind of forgot the details.”

  “I bet that’s what it is,” he said excitedly. “Isn’t it fabulous that we’re going to finally have a place to showcase local talent?”

  “I guess,” Sophie said. “I’m new to the area and I don’t really know anyone. But I like art.”

  “Well, my name is Remy, hon, so now you know me!”

  Sophie couldn’t help but smile. “Hi, Remy. I’m Sophie.”

  “A beautiful name for a beautiful girl!” he gushed. “Sophie, I can do you myself at two o’clock on the first.” He waggled his eyebrows suggestively.

  That made Sophie laugh out loud. The man was acting extremely gay, though she hated to judge based on stereotypes. But it put her at ease with the outrageous flirting. “Sure, Remy. You can do me then.”

  “Fabulous!” he said as he made a note in the book. “How do you want me to do you?”

  “An updo,” Sophie replied with a giggle. “Something elegant.”

  Remy made another note and then wrote the information on an appointment card for her. “There you go, sweetie. I’ll see you in a couple of weeks!”

  Sophie thanked him and left. Out of curiosity, she decided to look in the aquarium store. She was amazed at the huge variety of fish she saw in tanks around the outer walls. She was even more impressed with the huge tank in the center of the store with an eel of some sort. She stood watching it for a few minutes.

  “Can I help you?” a voice behind her asked.

  Sophie turned to see a beautiful man standing behind her. A quick glance at his name tag told her that his name was Liam. “I’m just looking around,” she told him. “I’m new to the area.”

  He smiled. “Then welcome to Hedon Falls. I’m Liam Dalton, one of the store owners. Please let me know if you need anything.”

  Sophie assured him that she would and continued wandering through the store. She loved watching the fish swimming. It was very relaxing. She’d heard they could be hard to take care of though, so she doubted she’d ever invest in one herself. At least she could visit the store if she wanted to. As she left the store, she waved to Liam, who was standing beside a man that looked so much like him, they had to be brothers. It was nice to see a family-owned business. The people in Hedon Falls are so friendly, she thought as she strolled along the strip of stores. She saw a small Chinese restaurant and decided to stop there for dinner. She experienced a moment of guilt when she handed them the Sullivans’ credit card, but it passed. Kendra had said she could use it whenever she wanted.

  When Sophie got home, she was relieved to find that she remembered the alarm code. Grabbing a robe and towels, she headed up to the master suite to take advantage of the big bathtub. As the tub filled, she sat reading more of Three Husbands for Hannah. She was enjoying it a lot. Not only did it have really hot sex, it had a good story as well. She managed to get through a few chapters by the time the Jacuzzi was ready.

  Sophie settled herself into the tub. The hot water was glorious and she sank down as far as she could, resting her head against the edge of the tub. She closed her eyes and relaxed. It had been a long time since she’d been able to do that, because her stress level had been so high after being laid off. This tub was perfect and she thought about how things seemed to be looking up for her. She hoped it wasn’t too good to be true.

  * * * *

  Jack sat in a chair, staring out the window of his hotel room, watching the rain pelting the glass and the city outside. He hated bad weather. It was so unpredictable. His flight had been cancelled because of it, and he wouldn’t be able to get home until the next day. I should be at home, eating dinner with Sophie right now. He shook his head. He didn’t know why, but thoughts of his sexy little housekeeper kept swirling through his head. He couldn’t stop thinking about her.

  From the moment she had entered the interview room at the hotel, he had noticed something about her. She was very pretty, and her curves were filled out in all the right places. He remembered seeing her that first night at the house, bent over in the pantry, half of her luscious ass exposed. And that skimpy white tank top had shown off her breasts nicely, especially when it was covered in cranberry juice. Seeing her nipples harden under his gaze had made him rock hard. He sensed the submissiveness in her, and he wanted to find out if his instincts were right. Every interaction he’d had with her had pushed his Dom buttons.

  It was probably better that he didn’t spend as much time with her. When he was with her, he could feel his control slipping. He loved his wife, but there were some things she couldn’t do for him, and playing the submissive was one of them. With a sigh, he stood and went for a cold shower.

  * * * *

  By the time Jack’s flight touched down in Toronto the next day, it was already two o’clock. He hadn’t slept well and didn’t particularly feel like working. He called his secretary and told her he would be going home early, and then had the driver take him directly to Hedon Falls.

  He walked in the front door, kicked off his shoes, and went toward the kitchen. He was hungry and wanted to grab a snack before he put his things away. He pulled at the knot on his tie as he walked into the kitchen, and saw Sophie sitting at the table with a book in her hand. Before she saw him, he flicked his eyes down to the cover and felt a jolt when he saw the nude woman with her arms bound behind her back. That was one of the books his company published and it was graphic erotic fiction. And this one seemed to feature some BDSM. It seems my instincts were right on. He cleared his throat and nearly laughed at the horrified look on her face when she saw him there.

  “Jack! I didn’t expect you home until later! I finished all the housework for today and before I started supper I thought—”

  He held up a hand to quiet her babbling. She closed her mouth immediately. He walked slowly to the table, enjoying the way her eyes grew rounder and her pupils dilated. When he was standing right beside her, he reached down and took the book from her hands. He looked at the cover more closely, then flipped it over to read the back.

  “Where did this book come from?” he asked sternly.

  “From the shelves in your sitting room,” Sophie said with a slight quaver in her voice. “Kendra said I could borrow some if I wanted to.”

  Jack nodded. “Do you like this book?” he asked as he slid into the seat across from her.

  She licked her lips and swallowed. “Yes,” she replied faintly.

  Jack studied her for a moment. Did she like the book because of the BDSM? Was
she into that? “Do you like the BDSM?”

  The blush that crept over her cheeks was attractive. He’d love to see other parts of her red and flushed, too. “I like it,” she said, staring down at the table.

  “Look at me, Sophie,” he said forcefully. She immediately brought her eyes up to meet his. “Are you in the lifestyle?”

  She frowned slightly and shook her head. “Do you mean the BDSM?” When Jack nodded, she replied, “No.”

  Jack hesitated a moment. Should he push her further on this? He desperately wanted a sub and he couldn’t shake the feeling that Sophie was the one. He could train her without things getting sexual. He did it all the time at the club. “Do you want to try it?” he asked her at last.

  The red in her cheeks deepened and she glanced down again. But she didn’t say anything.

  “Sophie, when I ask a question, I expect an answer,” he said in his best Dom voice. “Do you want to try this?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  Yes! “I can teach you.” He tried to keep his voice calm, but he was excited. His cock was stiff and straining against his slacks.

  “But you’re married!” she exclaimed.

  “BDSM is about more than sex,” Jack replied. “I help train subs at the club in Toronto and I don’t have any sexual contact with them.”

  “There are clubs?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Do you want me to teach you?”

  He could practically see the thoughts in her head as she hesitated. He waited, knowing this wasn’t an easy decision for her to make and not wanting to pressure her. When her eyes met his again, they were clear and determined. “I’d like you to teach me. Sir.” Her voice shook slightly, but she held her chin up.

  Jack couldn’t help the grin that came to his face. “Wait here. I’m going to get some things from upstairs. I don’t want you to move from that chair. If you do, I will punish you. Do you understand?”

  Her eyes grew round before she replied, “Yes, Sir.”

  Jack practically ran up to the third floor. He quickly stripped out of his suit, took a key from the drawer of his nightstand, and opened the door off the sitting room. He flipped on the lights and surveyed the playroom, trying to decide what to take. He picked up a pair of handcuffs, a blindfold, a flogger with soft, furry strands, and some rope. It would do for a start. He didn’t want to scare her away by showing her the full extent of his collection. He pulled on his leather pants and boots, but left his chest bare. Then he took his pile of toys and headed back to the kitchen. His cock hardened when he saw Sophie sitting exactly where he had left her. He set the toys on the counter, amused by the way her eyes widened when she looked at them. He went and sat across from her.

  “I have a few rules for you before we begin,” he said.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “The first rule is the safe word. I will give you a safe word. If there is anything we do that you can’t handle, say your safe word and the play will stop immediately. But think carefully about whether you really want to use it. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Your safe word will be ‘books.’ Next rule. You will continue to address me as Sir when we are playing. Failure to do so will result in punishment. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Rule three. Before we begin a new activity, I will explain it to you and I expect you to tell me honestly if it is something you don’t want. I have a few hard limits, and as you get to know more, I know you will, too.”

  Sophie frowned slightly. “I’m not sure I understand, Sir.”

  “There are some things I won’t do,” he explained. “Knives or needles are an example. If you wanted to try something like that I would have to take you to the club and get one of the other Doms to work with you.”

  Her gorgeous brown eyes grew wide as she looked at him. “Knives and needles? I don’t think I want to try that. Sir.”

  Jack felt relieved. Her innocence was beguiling and he wanted to protect her. He didn’t want to take her to the club. She belonged to him. “Is there anything that you don’t want to try?” he asked her.

  “I don’t know, Sir. I don’t think I understand all the possibilities, yet.”

  “Then tell me what you’d like to try first,” he said. “And be honest. If anything you want is a problem, I’ll let you know.”

  She nodded and chewed on her bottom lip for a few moments while she thought. “I like when you tell me what to do, Sir,” she said as her cheeks went pink again. “And I’d like to try the bondage, but I would appreciate if we could go slowly. Sir.”

  “That’s fine,” he told her. “What about spanking or paddling?”

  He noticed she squirmed in her seat a little bit. The discomfort in his own crotch was begging for relief. “I’d like to try spanking, but I’m not sure about paddling, Sir.”


  “I’m not sure, Sir.”

  “I’ve got some different ones we can try. Some hurt less than others. I think that’s a good start,” he told her. “Are you ready to begin?”

  There was only a brief hesitation before she looked into his eyes again and said, “Yes, Sir.”

  Jack’s cock twitched at her words. He stretched his hand out to her and stood. She followed suit and he led her to the refrigerator. “Hold onto the door handles,” he demanded, his tone leaving no room for argument. She obediently placed her hands on the handles of the double doors. He instructed her not to move and retrieved the handcuffs from the counter. He closed one around her right wrist. Then he slipped the other cuff behind the handles and attached it to her left wrist. He slid his pinkie under each one to make sure it wasn’t too tight. Then he placed his hands on her hips and leaned close to whisper against her ear, “Close your eyes.”

  He felt her trembling slightly as he pressed against her. She was so short that his erection was pressed against the small of her back instead of her ass, but he knew she felt it by the way she wriggled slightly against him. “Hold still,” he ordered her and she froze, which brought a smile to his face. Her naturally submissive tendencies made her damned appealing and his desire to dominate her in every way grew along with his cock. He reached one hand around in front of her to undo the button and zipper on her jeans and he felt her stiffen. “Is there a problem?” he asked.

  “No, Sir. I just…thought there wouldn’t be…umm…sexual—”

  “Enough,” he snapped. “A spanking isn’t the same if you’re dressed. I’ll leave your shirt on, but the pants have to go. Understood?”

  She nodded.

  “Pardon me?” he prompted.

  “Yes, Sir. I understand.”

  Jack slipped his hands under the waist of her jeans and panties and yanked them down. He ordered her to step out of them, which she immediately did. He stood back and admired her bare ass. It was full and creamy white. He couldn’t wait to colour it with his hand. Reaching down, he rubbed his dick a few times to ease the ache. He’d been aroused while training subs before, but never had he been so consumed that he worried about his iron control slipping.

  Moving forward, he caressed one smooth globe of her ass. “You have a beautiful bottom, Sophie.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  He heard a slight hitch in her breath as his hand strayed toward the cleft. He continued stroking her skin, warming it. Jack withdrew his hand and then smacked her soundly. Her cry made his cock throb with need. He caressed the spot he had hit to ease her discomfort, then he struck the other side. Her cry ended with a slight moan. He admired the rosy colour blooming on her white flesh. He hit her again and before she had time to breathe, again. Now she moaned in pleasure as his hand slapped her bottom a few more times, each harder than the last. When she cried an indignant, “Oww!” he stopped and stepped back to suck some air into his lungs.

  He looked at her red ass, which she had thrust backward. She was bent over a bit and he could see her pussy glistening between her legs, wh
ile a trickle of her juice slid down her inner thigh.

  God, I want to taste that. He could think of nothing better than burying his face in her hot snatch and licking her to orgasm. But he had to gain her trust, and taking advantage of her while she was so vulnerable was not the way to do it. Sophie whimpered slightly and wiggled her ass a bit. He would finish her off. She deserved a reward for her behaviour.

  He leaned close and said, “Did you enjoy that, Sophie?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she gasped.

  “I can see your pussy is very wet. Did getting your ass spanked turn you on?”

  She moaned again and said, “Yes, Sir.”

  He stroked his hand over her ass and said, “You’ve pleased me today, Sophie. You are learning fast and I think you deserve a reward. Would you like to come?”

  “Oh, God! Yes, Sir!”

  “Then ask me for it.”

  “Please, Sir. Please, make me come!” She sounded desperate.

  He picked up the flogger he had brought down. He adjusted his grip and stepped up behind her. He brought it down on her thighs, eliciting a groan from her. He brought it down repeatedly on her legs and back, avoiding her ass.

  “Please!” she cried, panting loudly. “Oh, God! Make me come, Sir! Please, make me come!”

  He could see her legs trembling. “Bend over a bit more and spread your legs,” he demanded, nearly laughing at the speed with which she complied. Her pussy and thighs were soaked. He swung the flogger so it struck her gently on her pussy.

  “Yes!” she cried. “Fuck, yes!”

  As Jack continued to rain blows between her legs, her cries escalated until she was keening with need. “Please!”

  “Please what?” he growled.

  “I need to come, Sir. Please!”

  “Then come, Sophie. Come for me.” He swung the flogger hard and she wailed. Her knuckles were white from gripping the handles and her legs shook badly. Her shrieks echoed through the kitchen before her legs gave out.

  Jack moved forward and grabbed her around the waist before she fell, then lowered her carefully to his lap. He took the key for the hand cuffs from his pocket and deftly unfastened them. He cradled her against him, and she gasped and trembled. He looked down to see tears streaming down her cheeks.


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