“Admiral,” the Agamemnon’s comm officer reported, “We have contact, Sir. I’m picking up four Eridonian signals.”
“Only four?” The Admiral quizzed.
“Yes Sir. They’re requesting docking instructions. Admiral, your orders on which ship remains behind?”
Admiral Gilmore stroked his chin, “Okay. Tell them to dock with the Aga, Rocinante, the Yamato, and HMS Bristol.”
“Yes, Sir!” the comm officer acknowledged, “Our two US ships, Japan and Great Britain.”
“Correct, ensign. The Australian ship, Jannali, will have to be fitted with a saucer later. Send word to Captain Wilson of the Jannali that they can catch up to the fleet as soon as the fifth Eridonian arrives.”
“Yes, Sir. Sending word to the Jannali, and sending the landing coordinates to the Eridonians.”
“Open channel to the rest of the fleet.”
“This is Lieutenant Casey on the Flag Ship. Stand by for Agamemnon actual. You’re connected, Admiral, go ahead.”
Admiral Gilmore grabbed the microphone from his center station. “This is the Admiral. The Eridonians have arrived. They have been given the docking coordinates. My apologies go out to Captain Wilson, and crew of the Jannali. We have not been given any information as to why only four ships have arrived. Once the Eridonian saucers are integrated with your ships, power up and launch into orbit. We will form up at the pre-arranged coordinates. Admiral Gilmore out.”
“Channel is closed, Sir,” Lieutenant Casey reported.
“Patch me through, ship to ship. I want to make sure Colonel Jennings is ready when we launch.”
“One moment, Sir,” Lieutenant Casey connected the intercom to the flight deck, “I need Colonel Jennings, call from the Admiral...Sir, they’re patching a link to his ship now, stand by.”
The Admiral shook his head, “We’ll have to be faster than this with our Comm or they’ll squash us out there.”
“Sorry, Sir. I have the Colonel on the line now.”
“Colonel Jennings? Is your ship ready for operations?”
“Yes, Sir,” Race boasted, “The Calypso is ready to launch when we reach orbit. All pre-flight checks are complete. I’ll be dispatching our first fighter squadrons from the Aga at your command.”
“Never mind the dog and pony show, Colonel.”
“You heard me. Once you launch, I’m transferring your ship to Captain Fitz. You’ll be launching the fighters from the Rocinante. The situation has changed. Only four Eridonians arrived. My only guess is they ran into trouble. I’ll relay additional news as I receive updates, but it seems we may end up in a fight sooner rather than later.”
“Understood, Admiral. The Calypso and her crew stand ready, Sir.”
“The Eridonians should be landing any moment now. Admiral out.”
“Sir,” Lieutenant Casey reported, “The Erdoinian’s will be docking in one minute to our US ships. Fifteen minutes for the HMS Bristol and twenty five to The Yamoto.”
“Send word to HMS Bristol and Yamoto. Patch me to the Rocinante.”
“Yes, Sir. Sending message and opening channel, Sir.”
The Admiral tapped the headset over his ear, “Captain Fitz? Admiral Gilmore. Prepare to receive your Eridonian Saucer.”
Captain Fitz smiled at Commander Jameson, “We’re ready to receive, Admiral,” Henderson activated the view screen. “This I gotta see for myself.”
“Aye, Sir. Switching main screen to aft view.”
Jed looked with his command support center staff at the Eridonian ship hovering over the Rocinante’s saucer docking bay. The ship settled down into the recessed compartment and then a domed lid closed over the ship, sealing the saucer within.
“Positive lock, Captain,” Commander Jameson reported, “Power cable connected. Confirmed power transfer in progress. Our flight systems are coming online now, Sir.”
“Sir,” Lieutenant Henderson interjected, “The Eridonian is being escorted to CSC now.”
“Excellent. Henderson, send word to the Aga that we’ll be ready for take-off as soon as our systems are all online.”
“Aye, Sir. Sending word to the Aga now.”
The Command Support Center came to life once the Eridonian ship was fully integrated. Each crew member shouted out their station readiness.
“NAV and Radar control operational, Sir.”
“Engineering online and ready, Sir!”
“Combat Stations and Tactical at the ready, Sir!”
“Activating ship’s defense systems. Drones show ready to deploy at the fist sign of trouble, Sir.”
“Ship Helm control responding and at the ready for take-off command, Sir!” Lieutenant Payne reported, in her best professional voice, “Power systems check complete. The ship is ready and waiting your command, Sir!”
Jed leaned over to his first officer, “Jameson? How is it we know how to do all this stuff?”
“It’s the Eridonians, Sir. They seem to have trained us all for the tasks we need to know, telepathically.”
“Yes, they did say they’d provide us everything we would need. It’s just odd that we all know what we’re supposed to do.”
“Yes, Sir, I agree, Sir.” Jameson replied.
“Comm, patch me through to the flight deck.”
“Aye, Sir. Connected,” Lieutenant Terence Henderson nodded to the Captain.
Jed picked up his microphone and headset, “Chief. Is the flight deck ready for take-off?”
“Yes, Sir Captain. I’ve rolled both fore and aft landing bay doors. We are secured and pressurized. Ready for space flight, Sir.”
“Excellent Work everyone.”
“Captain,” Lieutenant Henderson reported, “The Agamemnon is lifting off, Sir. We’ve been given clearance to follow into orbit when ready.”
“Well, let’s not make them wait for us. Comm, open ship wide channel.”
“Channel open, Sir.”
Jed held the mic to his mouth and depressed the trigger, “This is the Captain speaking. We are about to embark on our maiden voyage. I want to thank each and every one of you on board who have made sacrifices to being here as part of my crew and a member of The Rock. I know you will make us all proud...All stations, prepare for lift-off. Captain out! Helm! Take us up, pilot’s discretion.”
“Yes, Sir!” the exuberant helmsman grinned. “Powering take-off thrusters now!”
The Lieutenant grabbed the two throttle controls and inched them forward. The ship rumbled with the power output of these gigantic thruster engines.
“Bow raising ten degrees! Positive climb at mid and aft sections. We’re airborne!”
“Raise landing struts,” Jameson ordered, “Forward thrusters five percent.”
“Landing struts retracted and locked,” Lieutenant Payne reported. “Elevation: five-hundred feet and climbing.”
“Engage all environmental controls,” the first officer again ordered.
“Aye, Sir!” one of the stations called out, “Gravity generators now tied into the Eridonian saucer control. Pressurizing all systems. Oxygen scrubbers and CO2 sensors are online. The Rock is sealed and ready for space flight.”
“Engaging plasma drives,” the helm officer sounded, “Accelerating to Mach 1. ETA to orbit is two minutes.”
The Rocinante vibrated with power as the new drive engines took over from the simple thrusters. “Engaging inertial dampening systems, we’re experiencing slight atmospheric chop. She should stabilize in a moment, Sir.”
Jed caught a movement in the corner of his eye. He turned to see a short, bald humanoid figure wearing a long blue smock. There was a strange glistening to the flowing fabric as the Eridonian walked. The being stopped at Jed’s station down in the CSC and addressed the Captain with no lip movement, Impressive ship, isn’t she, Captain?”
“You must be Malcom?” Jed asked, approaching the alien with his hand stretched out.
No, unfortunately, Malcom was captured by the Antarian
“What do you mean, captured? Are they here already?”
They have sent a scout ship here. Most probably they have already begun scanning your battle readiness. My guess is they have already returned to the Betelgeuse conduit.
Jed turned to his helmsman, “Helm, full speed, get us into orbit now! Comm, send word to the Aga that we’re not forming up with the rest of the fleet. Tell them we’re heading to the conduit to pursue the Antarians. Have them launch Race’s ship ASAP and dock with us.”
“Aye, Sir,” Lieutenant Henderson acknowledged.
Captain, the Eridonian’s brow furrowed, pursuing such a course may be a fool’s errand. Perhaps you should not be concerned with our missing ship as much as you should be concerned with forming a blockade. Preventing any ships from exiting the conduit would be a prudent tactic at this point.
“How can you be so insensitive to losing one of your own?”
I assure you, Captain Fitz, we are not insensitive to losing one of our own. Malcom’s loss is a most significant one. However, his loss is not your concern.
“And I say we shall help you recover your lost man. You’ll have to understand, it is the way we are. What should we call you?”
You may call me Artemis, the alien projected.
“Artemis, understand that we humans value all life. Malcolm was coming here to help us, like you did. That has made this our concern.”
A most kind and gracious gesture, Artemis bowed.
“Sir,” Henderson reported, “I have word from the Agamemnon. The fighter support ship, Calypso has launched.”
“That’s Race’s ship. Put it on audio and provide them docking vectors.”
“Right away, Sir.”
A moment later, the audio feed from the Calypso was heard in the background.
I have taken the liberty of summoning your doctor to the Command Support Center, Artemis nodded, communicating telepathically.
“Now why would you do that? Last time I checked, I was in command...”
Artemis waved its hand before Jed, do not worry, Captain. I am not usurping your command. You will understand momentarily.
The radio static was cut by Race’s voice, “Nice flying ship...Rocinante, come in. This is Calypso. Receiving docking coordinates. I’m going to fly out past the moon’s terminator, circle around and come in from behind when you pass... stand by...”
“Sir, we’ve left the Earth’s gravity well. I’m plotting course for the Calypso to intercept.”
“Very well.”
“Wait a minute...” the crew of The Rock listened between static that was heard over the intercom, “This is the Calypso...launch one squadron of fighters...picking up something strange out here on our scanner...”
“Get me the Chief! Now!”
“He’s on the line, Sir.”
“Kelly, get eight birds in the air! Emergency launch protocol!”
“Aye-aye, Captain! Major Phillips, assemble strike force one, on the double!” Jed heard through the comm channel.
“Oh-my-god!” Race said through the intercom.
“Race! What’s going on out there?”
“They just came out of nowhere!” then the radio returned static.
“Race! Get out of there!” Jed turned to his first officer, “Where are those fighters!”
“The launch bay is clear, Sir,” Henderson reported, “All fighters away.”
The CSC doors opened to admit a lab coat draped over short, greying blond man. He quickly stepped to the Eridonian, held the tip of an injector to the alien’s neck and pulled the trigger. Several seconds of hissing accompanied the pull of the trigger. He popped the cartridge out, and quickly replaced it with another.
The lab coated man jumped down to the pit next to the Captain. Jed held up his hand, “Whoa, whoa, whoa! What’s in that thing?”
The doctor paid no attention to the Captain. He shoved the nozzle to his neck and squeezed the trigger.
“I’m your ship’s physician, Doctor Claude Lambert, pleased to meet you, Captain.”
“Ow! What the hell was that?”
The intercom continued to return static, “They’re gone, Sir!”
Turning to the communications station, “What do you mean, gone?”
It was the Antarians. It would appear that they are, or were, still in system. They have taken your support vessel.
“RACE! No!”
“I’ve plotted their jump trajectory,” Lieutenant Foster, the NAV officer reported.
They’re headed back to the conduit, Artemis nodded.
“Can we reach them in time?”
They are gone...just as much as Malcom is gone. I’m afraid there is no hope for them.
“Well, Artemis, you seem to give up rather easily. As for me, I don’t buy that. Helm plot us an intercept course, we’re going after them!”
“Aye, Sir! Prepping our jump systems. We’ll be ready in five minutes.”
Betelgeuse Conduit
Antarian Corsair
“We’re entering the Betelgeuse conduit, my Lord.”
“Malcom,” Thelix said, turning to the Eridonian, “Darnash shall accompany us to the holding cell. I’d like to meet our other guests.”
Thelix turned to Tornado, “Prepare the jump drive to take us all the way across. The Emperor should be very pleased when I deliver this new species. Let us not delay his pleasure, nor my rewards for it.”
“Yes, my Lord. I’ll begin making my calculations. We should be ready to jump in thirty minutes.”
The Eridonian meekly followed the Captain off the bridge, Darnash close behind with sword drawn. Thelix led them down a corridor and around the corner to the left. The Captain entered his access code into the panel next to the holding cell door, which promptly slid open.
Inside the holding cell, three humans looked up from their knees.
“My, they grow ugly big on your world, don’t they?” Race scoffed, “What are you, like eight feet tall? You sure smell like eight feet!”
“Gorenslog!” Darnash ordered, holding the edge of his sword to Race’s neck. “Gornorman monigik dao sklippin nogsonal!”
“No, really,” Race said, continuing his banter, “You look like a sasquatch, for god sakes...and smell like one too!”
Darnash began to draw his sword across Race’s neck when Thelix stopped him, “Darnash! They do not understand our language. You will not kill them. I shall bring them all to the Emperor. Prepare the Nano injection.”
Darnash grunted his disappointment, and returned his sword to its sheath.
“You’re blood lust will be satisfied soon enough!”
“Yes, my Lord.”
Darnash stepped outside the cell to a small table and took a hypo-injector. Pressing a few buttons on the device’s handle, he held it to Race’s neck and squeezed the trigger.
Race listened to the Antarians’ deep voices spew incomprehensible words as they spoke to each other.
“Wait, what’s that?” Raced begged to know.
Thelix continued speaking to his tactical officer, “Neshilg morginslog delphithek time now.”
“What? What’s anytime now? Hey! I can understand you now...what’d you do to me?”
Darnash stooped lower to address the human face to face, “You shall not speak unless you are directed to! Do you understand, gorech?”
Race nodded, and then Darnash injected the others. “You have been injected with Nanites. They translate our words instantly so there’s...no more misunderstanding. They will also inoculate you from any biological sicknesses of our home world.”
“Home world?” Race asked.
Darnash drew his sword once more, “I warned you not to speak! You choose which will die, the female or the other male?”
“Darnash!” Thelix interrupted, “I said you will not kill them. That was an order!” Thelix narrowed his eyes, his face now cl
ose to Darnash, “Or, do you need a Nanite injection to help your understanding?”
“My Lord, the Emperor will not miss one of these humans. Allow me to teach them obedience, and we will bring two of these creatures along with the Eridonian!”
“Perhaps I need to teach you some obedience, Darnash! They will fight in the arena.”
“Fight? Arena?” Race protested.
Danielle and Corporal Harry Gill, the Calypso’s navigator, gasped at Race’s comment.
“What’s going on, Race?” Danielle asked.
Thelix silenced Danielle, “I shall tell you. You should be aware of your fate.”
“If you think we’re going to fight you in an arena, you’re sadly mistaken!” Race shouted.
Thelix laughed out loud, “No, no. It will not be us you will fight. We are larger creatures than you are. It would not be good sport if we fought gorechs...no, no...” Thelix roared louder, “You will be pitted against those that are closer to your size and strength. That is how our blood lust will be filled.”
Darnash sheathed his sword, “...and if you do happen to win the fight, you will then fight our prize beast. The Boreshog has never lost. Either way, we shall satisfy our blood lust.”
Race spat on Darnash’s face causing the large humanoid to jump back, “We will NOT fight!”
Darnash stood upright, Thelix took his finger and wiped the spittle off of Darnash’s face.
Then he stuck his finger in his mouth, sucking off the contents, and then licked his lips, “Hmmm, very tasty; salty and sweet, with a touch of alkaline. The Emperor’s blood lust will surely be filled with the death of these beings.”
“What part of “NO” do you not understand?” Race yelled. “Are your nanites working okay?”
“Whether you fight and win, or refuse to fight and die, makes no difference to me...our Emperor’s blood lust will be fulfilled in either case,” Thelix again roared.
“You’ve never ran into our kind before, have you?
“No, this is our first encounter. However, I’m not impressed; small and weak.”
“You will not prevail!”
“So you say, but time will tell. Won’t it?” Thelix again roared with laughter.
Warlords Saga Page 7