Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 10

by Brian K. Larson



  The Calypso Support Ship

  52 Hours into Fifth Jump Iteration


  “How much longer before we are in communication range?” Darnash growled.

  “Say, how about you just let me fly this thing and stop your belly aching, already?”

  “I grow impatient with you and this vessel’s FTL drive capability.”

  “I told you, we can only make two jumps of four light years every eighteen hours, or we burn out our jump drive.”

  “Limited technological creatures...how soon before we can execute our next jump?”

  “Two hours, Darnash. We jump in two more hours. Then we wait our last eighteen hours before completing the trip to Antares.”

  “...and you say we will be in communication range after our next jump?”

  “Yes, Chewbacca, we will reach your friends on the next jump sequence.”

  “My name is not Chewbacca.”

  “Oh, sorry. I had you confused with another large harry ape-looking creature from Earth’s pop culture. Relax, Sasquatch. Don’t you guys have any sense of humor?”

  “Humor? I am not sure the Nanites are translating that word correctly.”

  “Ah, don’t worry yourself over it. Humor, it’s a joke. A funny story.”

  Darnash simply returned a blank stare.

  “I see, well, you must not have laughter. Sounds like it’s pretty sad place to me.”

  “Stop talking already! Another twenty hours and I will deliver you to the Emperor.”

  “Oh, it’s been a barrel of laughs for me over here, too. Please remind me why I’m taking you there again?”

  “I will kill the female if you do not,” Darnash drew his sword and poked the tip in Race’s side.

  “Ow...right, well...I get your point.”

  “As soon as I deliver you to the Emperor, you will be taken to the arena. I suggest you prepare and hone your fighting skills or you will not make it to the second round.”

  “Yeah, now, ya see? You keep talking about his arena, but you never really told us what it is... Ya mind sharing? I think we deserve to know what we face when we get there.”

  “Yes, the arena is where we satisfy our blood lust.”

  “Blood lust?” Danielle exclaimed, “Why would anyone lust for blood?”

  “It is not a proper topic for discussion with inferior species. I can tell you that records of the games go back many centuries into the past.”

  “I get that it’s pretty old,” Race added, “But what is it, really?”

  “We must honor the heritage we have been given. Our blood contains a chemical only known in those of Antares. Our blood and our bodies are symbiotic, in that our blood lives in symbiosis with our bodies.”

  “Well, I have to tell you. Our blood is a symbiotic relationship with our bodies, too. Without it, we can’t live.”

  “All living creatures share the same need for life fluids that carry nutrients throughout a living body. However, our blood is different.”

  “Next, you’re gonna tell me that your blood has a mind of its own, right?”

  “Yes. Precisely.”

  “See?” Race glanced over to Danielle, “I knew it.”

  “Twice in the cycle of Lebencha, Antares’ forth gas giant, we gather together at the arena on our third moon. Our home, Serintin.”

  “Twice a cycle? What is the cycle of the big gas bag?”

  “You are attempting to provide, humor, again?”

  “Thought I’d try and lighten the mood.”

  “Stop the nonsense; I have no place for your impudence. Being imprisoned on this small craft of yours is punishment enough. I can barely tolerate your stench.”

  “My stench?”

  Darnash furrowed his brow toward Race.

  “Tell me more about this blood lust, Chewy.”

  Darnash growled, “I will tell you more, only if you agree to stop with the humor!”

  “Fine...poor sport,” Race whispered under his breath, “Darnash, please tell us more about the blood lust.”

  “Our blood lust comes from a chemical in our blood that flows through our veins. We must taste the blood of those who are the victors in the arena to satisfy the craving. Our Emperor is the one who quenches our thirst. When he partakes of the victor’s blood, it satisfies our need through the chemical exchange. The Emperor will partake in two ways; taste and merge. When our lust is quenched, it signifies the battle was honorable. It is the blood and the right amount of adrenalin in the blood of the victor that satisfies our blood lust. If the blood does not satisfy, there will be another battle and the Emperor will test the victor’s blood once more. Usually, there is only one battle. However, there are occasions that two or three battles are needed, to ensure the proper chemical composition of the victor’s blood. Especially if any game cycles have been missed, and depending on how many times the victor has succeeded. Too many wins over too few cycles mean the adrenalin content is lower. When that happens, the beast is sent to the arena to boost the chemical within their blood,” Darnash snorted, laughing at his own words.

  “Charming. So, what happens if you miss cycles?”

  “If our blood lust is not satisfied within three cycles, we will begin to lose ourselves.”

  “In other words, you will turn on each other to satisfy this blood lust?”

  “Yes, we struggled for thousands of years before the games were held. Now, we have not missed more than four consecutive cycles for over a thousand years.”

  “Tell him what other properties you have within your blood,” Malcom said, breaking his silence.

  Race looked over at the Eridonian, “You’ve been very quiet during this entire trip. What’s Chewy here, holding back?”

  Darnash leaned toward Race and growled.

  “Easy, big fella,” Race motioned. “Come on, give me a break.”

  “I will tell you,” Darnash began, “We also use our blood for imprecations. If we swear a blood oath, it is our blood that ensures we keep our word. After an oath is made, our blood is shared from the one who swears it. If we break our word, our blood knows it, and then kills us.”

  “Wish we could have that property back on Earth,” Race smiled.

  “Human! I ordered you to stop this humor.”

  “Oh, that wasn’t humor at all. I was dead serious. Too many people on Earth have a tendency to lie and not think twice about it. That blood oath thing of yours might actually be good for our society.”

  “This is one property that we discovered while scanning your world. You humans are full of deceit and treachery amongst yourselves. On Antares, we have complete order. There are no law breakers, no crime. We all work together for the advancement of our kind.”

  “Bravo, Darnash, bravo. You have achieved a perfect society through the deaths of others. Way ta go!”

  Darnash shook his head, squeezed his eyes shut, and then thundered a huge sneeze that rocked the ship.

  “Bless ya,” Race said, “What’s the matter? You catching a cold?”

  The Antarian shook his head once more and broke the ships position with his second sneeze.

  Race grabbed the controls and steadied the ship, “Easy there, big guy. What’s wrong?”

  “I do not know. I am not feeling very well,” he managed to say, holding back another sneeze.

  “If I didn’t know any better,” Danielle said, “I’d think he’s getting sick.”

  Malcom touched Darnash’s forehead, “He’s burning up with fever!”

  “Didn’t you get inoculated before we came on board?” Race asked.

  “No, there was no need. My Nanites should be working to fight off any disease you would have brought.”

  “Well, apparently your Nanites aren’t programmed for every physical aliment in the galaxy.”

  “This has never happened to me before,” Raising a finger in Race’s face, “do not think that I am no
t in control. I will be fine! Do not try anything or I WILL kill the female.”

  Malcom nodded his head, “I would listen to him, Race. He will not hesitate for one moment.”

  Darnash nodded, “You should listen to the wise and old Eridonian. He knows.”

  Malcom shut his eyes and tried as hard as he could to penetrate the telepathic dampening field, before opening them again, Race...Race...if you can hear me blink.

  Race glanced over to Malcom with a quick blink of his eyes.

  Good, I cannot hold this long. He is getting sick, I have not seen this sickness either. I suggest we go along with what he wants. An opportunity will present itself.

  “What about the Arena?” Race asked, trying to keep the Antarian unaware.

  “The battle takes place between two opponents. Each one is given time to fashion a weapon of their choosing. When that time expires, the battle must commence. The opponents will fight regardless if the weapons are completed.”

  “Wait, what? I don’t know how to forge metal, let alone how to fight with a sword.”

  Do not be concerned, Race. I’m sure they will allow me to provide you the required skill. The blood lust works better if it is a fair fight.

  “This is why you should prepare,” Darnash explained, “Failure will result in your death. Then your opponent’s blood will be used to quench our blood lust.”

  “You’ll have to allow the Eridonian to give me the knowledge needed. Where’s the sport in killing an unarmed and untrained opponent?”

  “We will allow this. It will make the games much more interesting,” Darnash laughed through two more sneezes.

  I...I’m not able to maintain my hold. I will remain silent and meditate on our situation.

  “I can hardly wait,” Race looked at his watch. “Another hour and we can commence jump prep.”


  The Rock

  Betelgeuse Conduit

  52nd Hour


  Captain Fitz gazed out the porthole of his cabin in wonder. He thought about his ship exiting the corridor. They were minutes from the conduit’s exit. He grimaced at the stars that glistened in the distance, their light ripping at the seams of space as they sped through the corridor.

  Jed walked to his liquor cabinet. Grabbing a shot glass, he slowly poured a healthy amount of the Scotch whisky Race had sent to his quarters. Setting the glass on the table in front of him, he simply stared at it, “I don’t really want this now do I? No,” he answered to himself, “I don’t...so why did you pour it?”

  He gently lifted the glass under his nose and took in the deep rich fragrance as he swirled the golden liquor. About to put it to his lips and down the elixir, his office door chimed, interrupting him.

  Jed set the glass on the counter and called out, “Come!”

  Commander Jameson entered his quarters and instantly saw the glass, “Sir, you don’t really want to go there now, do ya?”

  “Just about the time I think it’s okay, I remember.”

  “That’s right, sir.” Jameson said, walking over and taking the glass, “You just keep on a remembering too, we don’t need you...”

  “Commander, I’m quite capable.”

  “Yes, Sir. Never said you weren’t,” Jameson answered, pouring the glass down the drain.

  “Hey! That’s expensive scotch! Race went through a lot of trouble getting that to me, so just take it easy!”

  “The price he paid wasn’t close to as dear a price as you would pay, Sir.”

  “I know, I know, Commander...”

  “Joan would never forgive you.”

  “Don’t think that I will ever forget my own wife’s death…”

  “No Sir...I just...”

  “Jameson, you just keep on reminding me.”

  “Aye-aye, Sir!”

  “I can’t let that accident...I can’t allow her death...to affect the lives of my crew. We’re about to exit this corridor in what will likely be the most dangerous thing we’ve ever done, Jameson.”

  “Yes, Sir...Sir, I came to tell you we’re all behind you and we’re ready for you in the CSC.”

  “You just keep me in check, Mister,” Jed added, locking his precious bottle away.

  “You can count on me, Sir,” Jameson answered, following Jed through the cabin door.

  The quick walk through the passage brought them to the Command Support Center. Jed quickly descended the four steps that led into the pit, taking his place at the command console.

  “Navigation, position report?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Lieutenant Foster shouted, “We drop out of the Betelgeuse conduit in two minutes.”

  Jameson spouted more commands, “Henderson, check your comm systems and scanners. Open a link to the Chief for flight operations.”

  “Channel open, Sir! Scanners are activated and ready, Sir!”


  “Aye, Sir!” a gruff sounding voice echoed over the speakers, “Flight deck is prepped, pilots are in their seats and we’re ready to launch the first CAP.”

  “Excellent, Chief. Keep this channel open to the CSC.”

  “Aye, Sir. Standing by and monitoring.”

  “Helm, prepare plasma engines. Thrusters at station keeping protocols.”

  “One minute!” Foster counted.

  “Action stations!” Commander Jameson shouted, “Lieutenant Collins, this is your show now. Activate weapons systems! Point Defense Systems to stand by! Stand ready!”

  “Aye, aye, Sir!” the NAV officer grinned, “All weapons systems are active, armor plating activated. PDS online!”

  “Exiting conduit,” Foster counted, “…in, five... four... three... two... one! We’re out, Sir. Normal space ahead!”

  “Plasma engines to full power,” Jed ordered, “Keep us from being pulled back into the gravity well!”

  “Full power to engines, Sir. We’re holding steady with inertial dampeners now!”

  “Launch the recon!”

  Down in the launching bay, Chief Kelly’s voice motivated his crew, “Move those launch bay doors! We’re burning up the clock here!”

  His crew quickly had the bay doors rolled open, exposing the emptiness of space in front of them.

  Twenty fighters shot out of the launch bays, followed by the four area combat enhancement ships. After them came the rest of the fighters, two sets of five on each level of the flight deck.

  “Rock, Major Phillips, do you read?”

  “Go ahead flight leader,” Lieutenant Collins ordered.

  “We’re picking up a single ship out here. You getting this?”

  Commander Jameson shot a concerned look at their tactical officer, “Collins, talk to me.”

  “Confirmed, Sir! Major, we’re picking up a single Bogie on your starboard side. They’re holding position.”

  Artemis squeezed her eyes in concentration, “Hold on, Captain. I’m not detecting any resistance at the moment. I can fool them, they won’t see us if you don’t engage just yet.”

  Commander Jameson pointed to Collins, who gave the order to Phillips, “Major! Fall back. Do not engage enemy. The Eridonian is masking our signatures.”

  “Affirmative, Lieutenant! Flight operations! Hold back, repeat. Hold back! Do not engage the enemy. My fighters are pulling back, Sir!”

  “Sir,” Collins reported, “The target ship is about one-third our mass. Engines and weapons systems are on standby and I am not detecting any shields activated.”

  “We could take them out with one missile, Sir!” Jameson nodded.

  “Yes, we certainly could. Remember, though, we have to think of our men. They are most likely on that ship.”

  Artemis opened her eyes, “I have scanned the vessel. There are two Antarians onboard, as well as one human. I suggest we form a boarding party and take control of the ship.”

  “Agreed,” Jed nodded, “However, I think a troop transport might be a little overkill here. Can we sneak one of
the support ships over and gain access that way?”

  “It is possible,” Jameson agreed, “We only need a few marines onboard.”

  “Do not underestimate the Antarians. Two can be quite the handful.”

  “We can send six heavily armed Marines plus the two pilots,” Jed offered.

  “I’m getting word to Kelly now, Sir. We’ll be ready and loaded in fifteen,” Collins reported. “Sir, I’m also scanning the ship. It appears to be the same configuration as the one we picked up on our scanners that took Race and his crew. There’s a hatch that I’ve scanned. We can form a hard seal there. We just have to blow it open, pressurize the air between the two ships, and then take control.”

  “Okay, let’s do it,” Jed agreed. “Artemis, can you read the human on that ship? If so, please make contact and let them know help is on the way!”

  “Yes,” Artemis agreed, continuing with closed eyes, “I am working on that now.”



  The Calypso Support Ship

  54 Hours into Fifth Jump Iteration


  Race flipped switches and pressed a few button sequences on his control pad, “Beginning jump prep. NAV set. Jump destination is confirmed.”

  The engines on the small vessel whined as the ship’s systems came to life. “Jump drive spooling to full capacity.”

  Darnash secured himself, laying on the floor due to his immense size, not feeling well at all, his fever continued to climb to dangerous levels, even for an Antarian.

  The others fastened themselves in the front seat and rear computer station.

  “Jump drive at one-hundred percent,” Race shouted. “Generating negative energy densities! All systems are green and go...jump in five... four... three... two... one... initiating seventh jump!”

  The ship vanished and reappeared at the specified coordinates. The engines’ whine faded in frequency and volume.


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