Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 40

by Brian K. Larson

  “I’d say about now, Sir,” Lieutenant Payne said, looking down to her Captain.

  Jed released his restraint seat to stand, as if that would bring him a better view, “Spec-tacular!”

  Malcom smiled, and took in a deep breath, “Ah, it is good to be home once again. Epsilon Prime does have an effect on one’s senses, does it not?”

  “You can’t actually smell your planet, do you?” Commander Jameson asked.

  “Why yes, telepathically of course.”

  “Then why not telepathically ‘smell’ your home when you’re away?”

  “Oh, it is so much better when we are in system, as you can imagine.”

  Jed nodded, “I can, and not in a telepathic way.”

  “Captain Fitz,” Malcom explained, “Your species is so close to elevating to a higher level.”

  “You mean telepathically, such as yourself?”

  “Why yes, eventually. You see, it is your emotions that keep you from mastering your minds. If you can learn to put away fear, despair, and the like, you will discover a new feeling. That is how it is with all races. That is the way it shall be with you. With enough time, you will learn and understand these great mysteries.”

  “Even the Warlords?” Jameson asked.

  “Even the Warlords,” Malcom nodded, “However, though they are at a higher technological state than Humankind is currently at, they are nowhere near as advanced mentally as you.”

  “Why, thank you Malcom. I take that as a compliment.”

  “Just think,” Malcom continued, “Humans could attain a higher telepathic ability in the next few thousand years.”


  “Yes, compared to the hundreds of thousands that the Warlords will require, that is a short amount of time.”

  “Kind of puts it all in perspective, doesn’t it?” Race smiled.

  Jed chuckled, “Yes, it does.”

  “New targets on screen, Sir!” Lieutenant Collins reported. “Twenty in all!”

  “Identify,” Admiral Fitz said, growing a worried look.

  “Look,” the helmsman pointed out the forward screen.

  Rising from the horizon of Epsilon Prime were twenty identical fleet ships in an arrow-shaped formation; three in front, three groups of five on either side, five in the center, and three at the tail of the group.

  “This is impressive,” Race said, removing his seat restraints, “You built all these ships in just a few weeks?”

  “Yes, Colonel Race Jennings,” Malcom answered. “We have fifty construction bays in orbit. Twenty of which we used to build your Earth ships. We will ramp up production and be fully operational shortly, for fifty ships every four of your months.”

  “That’s fantastic,” Race exclaimed.

  “Easy, Race. You’re going to blow a gasket,” Jed smiled, “Really, Malcom. We thank you for all your people have done for us. This is simply unexpected.”

  “You are quite welcome, Admiral. On behalf of our entire society, we welcome Humanity to the far reaches of space. Along with your new allies, we have a fighting chance to beat the Warlords.”

  “Our new allies?”

  “Oh well, yes of course. I suppose we have neglected to inform you.”

  “I’m all ears,” Jed answered.

  “We have good news and bad news to share. How do Earthlings say it; which do you want first?”

  “You’re the telepath, and you have to ask?” Race added.

  “Now, Race...” Jed began.

  Malcom interrupted, “It’s alright Admiral. I know that Colonel Jennings meant no harm by his comment.”

  Race gave Jed a wide grin, “See? Perfectly harmless...”

  “...and the good news,” Malcom began, “is that we have made contact with our two members at Sigma Draconis.”

  “Yes, yes,” Jed quickly answered, “you were telling us of our new alliance?”

  “Alliances, yes,” Malcom corrected, “We have officially formed a four way alliance. It seems that Hiram and Captain Shin successfully contacted the Theta Centurions while Bertram and Captain McCartney have formed an alliance with Sigma Draconis. Those two have been at each other’s throats for centuries. Now that each of their worlds has been destroyed by the Warlords, they have agreed to join the fight.”

  “You said it was a four way alliance,” Commander Jameson asked.

  “Yes, indeed that is true. The alliance is currently with those two, Humans, and Eridonians. It seems that Captain McCartney’s mission was a resounding success.”

  “That is truly good news,” Jed smiled, “I guess the bad news is that their two worlds have been decimated?”

  “While that is not good news, it is not the subject of the bad news that I need to convey.”

  “I can hardly wait,” Race grimaced.

  “Yes, Colonel Jennings is correct,” Malcom nodded with his bald head, “This news is something none of us expected and is the main reason we decided to triple our ship production.”

  “What could trump the urgent needs of two destroyed worlds?” Race asked.

  “And how much are these ship productions going to cost us?” Jed added.

  Malcom chuckled at Jed’s question.

  “Hmm, must be pretty pricey if I just made you laugh.”

  Malcom motioned with his long pointy fingers, “No, no. You see, they are free. Everything we have done for Humankind has no monetary condition.”

  “Wow,” Jed said with raised eyebrows, “How are these going to be paid for?”

  “What your kind fails to understand is the mutual benefit of true equality. Everyone on Epsilon has a task to perform, all equally important for the survival of our race. Eridonians no longer have a system of commerce. We have advanced to a much higher level; a more universal understanding of the benefit of mutual cooperation, without gaining riches, such as most other species struggle to overcome.”

  “On Earth,” Race interjected, “The harder you work, the more reward in compensation. It’s how we’re motivated.”

  “Ahhh,” Malcom nodded, “Doing these tasks you’ve been asked to do aboard the Rocinante, you feel that your compensation is what drives you to peak performance?”

  “Yes, exactly.”

  “What if you were not receiving compensation?” Malcom posed.

  “Well...hmmm, hey, now wait a minute?” Race began to protest, “We are being paid, right?”

  “Perhaps a better way to observe this issue is to ask if a price tag can be put on the salvation of life on Earth? Pay or no pay, the fact that the Warlords could annihilate your world is not enough of an incentive for peak performance?”

  “Well, since you put it that way...”

  “If your world is destroyed in like manner as Sigma Draconis, or Theta Centauri, then even the highest level of compensation would have no value, rather supplies for food and energy and the basic needs become a higher value than any monetary gain.”

  “Well, the pay is still nice to have. As long as our planet stays safe, and since the corridor has collapsed, the Antarians will have a hard time finding us. So I’ll stick with the pay, thank you very much,” Race answered, raising his nose in the air.

  “Which brings me to the bad news.”

  “Yes, yes,” Jed impatiently insisted. “What is this bad news, anyway?”

  “This is something that not even the Eridonians could have expected to occur. Nonetheless, our Eridonian scientists have scouted the Betelgeuse wormhole and have discovered that it has reestablished its corridor to the Sol system.”

  “Come again?” Jed asked.

  “Yes, you see the gravitational forces from the supernova were so powerful, even the nuclear devises that Admiral Gilmore detonated, failed to permanently collapse the corridor.”

  “So, theoretically, we have three days once the Warlords discover that the corridor has reopened?” Jed asked.

  “Correction, Admiral Fitz, three minutes.”

  “Minutes?” Race again protested, “Wha
tever happened to days?”

  “When the corridor reestablished its connection to Sol, it exponentially decreased the travel time for crossing.”

  “You say this new fleet is under my direct disposal?”

  “Yes, Admiral Fitz, these ships are yours to do what you will. We shall have another twenty completed in a few days, and fifty more in four months.”

  “Sir,” Lieutenant Collins reported, “The fleet has formed up on the Rock.”

  “We’re nearing orbital sequence, Sir,” Erica added.

  “Alright,” Jed said with resolve, “I want ten ships to be designated to return to Earth sector and set up an early warning system. The other ten ships will follow the Rock to Sigma Draconis where we’ll begin making preparations to secure the corridor entrance at Betelgeuse.”

  “Admiral Fitz,” Malcom said, motioning with his hands, “We have the necessary equipment aboard the ten vessels you have designated for the Sol sector.”

  “There you go again with your telepathic reading again,” Race chuckled.

  “We apologize for the intrusion. Nevertheless, it was necessary that I know your course of action. You will come to appreciate our abilities over time.”

  “I am already seeing the benefit, Malcom,” Jed said, “though, it’s still a bit unnerving.”

  “The Earthbound fleet will arrive at the Sol sector and begin assembling your early warning and weapons system to protect Earth around Sol’s asteroid belt. Stations will be constructed at strategic locations to use as a staging area for our ships as well as defense systems designed to attempt to take out any enemy ships that approach.”

  “Race?” Jed slyly glanced.

  “Yes, Sir?”

  “How’d you like your very own ship? Just pick one and command the ten ships back to Earth?”

  “Ah come on Jed...”

  “That’s Admiral.”

  “Err, Admiral. I’d love to have one of these babies, but let me stay with your fleet. I’ve gotta stay close in case...”

  “...in case you get a chance to rescue Danielle?” Jed finished.

  “Well, yeah! I’m the reason she’s in this mess in the first place.”

  “Colonel Jennings,” Malcom interrupted, “Do not blame yourself. You see, the actions that have already unfolded were destined to occur. There was nothing you, nor anyone, could have done to prevent those events.”

  “Still, I failed to rescue her from Serintin.”

  “Race, we’ve been over this. We cannot jeopardize more resources to attempt another extraction. It’s just too risky.”

  “I know, Sir. But you have to understand that if there is any chance, I’m going to take it...Sir.”

  “Race...Colonel Jennings,” Jed began, “I need you to go back to Earth with the fleet.”

  “But Sir...”

  “I’m sorry, Lieutenant Colonel. There will be an opportunity, we have to organize. Our very existence depends on how well we prepare. I need my best man on the job...”

  “Promise me that you’ll give me an opportunity.”

  “I promise, Race. You have my word. Just get things situated back at home.”

  “Aye, aye, Sir. You know I’ll do this right.”

  “I know you will, Colonel Jennings.”


  “Yes, I am promoting you to a full bird Colonel. I need top officers to command a fleet of ten or more ships.”

  “Thank you, Jed... err, Admiral.”

  “You can thank me later. In the meantime, split the fleet and depart for Sol at once.”

  “You got it, Admiral.”



  Serintin Palace

  Empress’ Private Quarters


  A rap on an old wooden door echoed through Danielle’s private room. She cast off her Howler furs, rose from her stone bed and grabbed for her sword, “Who is it?”

  “It is Darnash, my Lady.”

  “Why do you disturb me?”

  “You asked to be wakened when word reached our fleets, my Lady.”

  She wrapped one of the skins around, covering her bare skin, “Very well, you may enter.”

  Darnash creaked open the door and stepped in. Danielle shot him a glare, “Don’t just stand there letting in that draft, get in and close the door!”

  “Yes, my Lady,” Darnash turned and closed the door and then turned to face his Empress.

  The room was dimly lit by candles, which also gave the room an aromatic scent.

  “You have a report? Then give it and leave me!”

  “Yes, my Lady,” Darnash stood before Danielle. Noticing her slight nakedness, he turned away, “Beg pardon, my Lady.”

  “It’s alright, Darnash. I know you are an honorable Antarian; I am safe with you.”

  “Thank you, my Lady.”

  “Now, proceed,” Danielle said, covering her exposed skin with more furs.

  “My Lady, we have reached our four main fleets. Two of them have changed course for Antares and will arrive in three days.”

  “And the other two?”

  “The other two fleets are very far out. It will take them two weeks to return.”

  “Have they changed course?”

  “Yes, my Lady,” Darnash bowed. “They have acknowledged the Empress’ request.”

  “Very well, then. What about fleet productions? What is our current ship manufacturing output?”

  “Most of our ship building farms are not currently in production. We’ve not had losses such as we have experienced since your arrival for many cycles.”

  “Appoint one of your elite guards to oversee the launching of the ship building farms. We need more ships; ships to protect our system and ships for the battle at Earth.”

  “My Lady, do you really think that your people will mount another attack on our home?”

  “My people are resourceful. With the help of the Eridonians, I am sure they will attempt another attack, and this time they will have allies. We must prepare.”

  “Yes, my Lady. I shall appoint Chelek to oversee the ship building. It might take weeks to produce more ships.”

  “I want to know how Chelek progresses.”

  “Yes, my Lady.”

  “Have you found Tumaleka?”

  “Tumaleka has found us.”

  “Explain? Did she return to the palace?”

  “No, my Lady, she has not. She has sent us a communication frequency and has requested you to contact her. She said she is not with Dumakas.”


  “She has said it was urgent. She needs to explain herself to you.”

  Danielle stood, keeping the furs wrapped around her body, “Very well. Give me a moment to get dressed. Wait for me in the corridor. Then take me to the palace communication relay.”

  “Yes, my Lady,” Darnash turned and exited the room, and then paused a moment, “Do not forget your sword, my Lady. You should never be without protection.”

  “You do not have to worry, Darnash. I shall bring my sword. Now go and give me my privacy.”

  Darnash closed the wooden door behind him and waited for his Empress to join him in the corridor.

  Danielle threw off her furs and dressed in her leather clothes, strapped her long sword to her side, and then grabbed one of the furs to stay as warm as possible.

  Darnash turned at the creaking door as it opened, “My Lady, the communication array is this way, follow me.”

  In a short time they arrived at the array. Laboolaron stood guard at the entrance.

  “It is good to see you, Laboolaron,” Danielle said.

  Laboolaron stepped aside, “As I have always said, my Lady, I am loyal to you, but only through your blood spirit.”

  “I know. I am already feeling weakened.”

  “We all can sense that, my Lady,” Darnash answered, “you are already losing power of the adolescent’s blood.”

  “One thing at a time
,” Danielle said with worry, “fire up that frequency and get Tumaleka online.”

  “By your command, my Lady,” Laboolaron nodded to an Antarian technician.

  “Tumaleka is receiving, my Lady,” the Antarian technician said.

  “Put it on the loud speakers, I want everyone to be witness to her treason.”

  The technician flipped the switch and gave her a nod before stepping to the side of the room.

  “Tumaleka, this is your Empress. Do you read me?”

  The radio static ended with the sound of a woman’s voice, “Yes, yes, my dear. I am reading you.”

  “What have you done? Why did you flee the palace? You are the one who released Dumakas, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, my dear. I confess. I did set him free.”

  “Why did you do this? Do you not know that you have plunged the Houses of Delema and Gornash into civil war?”

  “I am very much aware of my treason, and I shall pay the ultimate price when the time comes.”

  “I shall hunt you down like a dog and kill you myself!”

  “What did you expect me to do? He’s my grandson! I couldn’t bear to see him waste away in that cell. I had to save him! It was my duty.”

  “Your duty?” Danielle shrieked.

  “Besides, I am surprised none of you knew before now?”

  “I’ve had my suspicions for some time now...”

  “Yes, I could sense your feelings. My treachery was right there before your eyes.”

  “How so?”

  “It was written in the ancient book, my dear... the leader would be removed from the throne and detained, later to be released by blood. That blood being my own.”

  “Yes, of course,” Danielle exclaimed. “By your blood, being of the blood of relation.”

  “Yes. Even the council of elders pointed right at it, and none of them knew.”

  “Do you know where your grandson is?”

  “Certainly not, he doesn’t even know it was me.”

  “You must tell me how I can find him? Cooperation might just spare your life.”

  “No, I am sorry, my dear. You will not spare my life. However, I will tell you that Dumakas has fled to Gornash to enlist more troops. He will make every attempt to take back his throne.”

  “I still fail to understand. You knew a civil war would erupt with Dumakas’ release. I thought you supported me as your Empress?”


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