Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 50

by Brian K. Larson

  Three of the Antarian destroyers followed the flagship as it crossed the event horizon.



  Betelgeuse Sector

  The Rock


  “Jump complete, Sir!” Lieutenant Foster announced.

  “SITREP?” Jameson barked.

  “Looks like we came to the party just in time,” Jed said, looking at his scanner.

  “Yes, Sir,” Collins shouted. “We’ve got both Antarian and Centaurian ships fighting at close combat. Fighters are launched on both sides. The Erdoinian’s are attempting to hold back a few ships from reaching the event horizon.”

  “Helm, plot a course to that Antarian ship closest to the wormhole. That’s our target, I’m sure of it! Comm, open a fleet wide channel.”

  “Open Sir!”

  “Bristol, Yamato, and Captain Zetaal; this is the Rock actual. Split the fleet into three. Shin, McCartney, and Zetaal; take each of these hundred and provide cover to the Centaurian ships already engaged. Keep the last fifty in reserve.”

  “Altering course to pursue, Admiral. We’re on course for the lead Antarian ship.”

  “Shouldn’t we launch our fighters, Sir?” Jameson asked.

  “Negative. If that ship goes in, we’re going after it.”


  “Sir, I’m picking up unusual readings from the Betelgeuse event horizon,” Collins reported.

  “What is it, Lieutenant?”

  “I’m scanning now, Sir. Stand by.”

  Henderson cupped his wireless, “Admiral, it’s the Chief. He’s wondering when we’ll be giving the launch orders? Seems we have an anxious Major Phillips; says he’s chomping at the bit to get his men in the fight.”

  “Tell the Major to stand down. We’re in pursuit of a few ships entering the wormhole. Tell him he’ll get his chance soon enough.”

  “It’s a ship, Sir!” Collins reported, “It’s an Earth ship and they’re on a collision course with the Antarians.”

  “Identify the damn thing!” Jameson sternly ordered.

  “Sir, you’re not going to believe this!”

  “Just give it to me, Lieutenant!” Jed shouted.

  “It’s the Agamemnon, Sir.”

  “The Aga...what was that?”

  “Yes, Sir, I confirmed the transponder code. That ship is the Aga, Sir.”

  “What the devil?” Jed rubbed his chin, “Well, open a channel!”

  “Yes, Sir! Channel Open, Sir.”

  “This is Rocinante actual,” Jed began, “Admiral Gilmore? Is that you?”

  “Our nukes failed to detonate, Captain Fitz. What the hell’s going on over there?”

  “Admiral, you’re on a collision course. Activate your point defense guns as you pass!”

  “They’re nearly on us now, Captain, stand by.”

  “Standing by, Admiral, and it’s Admiral Fitz now.”

  “Admiral? What are you talking about? I’ve never given you that rank.”

  “Sir, the Aga is firing on the Antarian ship, they’re taking damage!”

  “They’re crossing the event horizon,” Collins reported. “Their main ship, three destroyers, and several fleet ships are following them in!”

  “Lieutenant Payne, full speed to the event horizon,” Jed ordered, “We’ve got to catch them!”

  “Aye, aye, Admiral, thirty seconds.”

  “Henderson, get word to our fifty reserves to join us. Bristol and Yamato take care of this sector! Captain Zetaal, how are your ships doing?”

  “We’re holding our own, Admiral. We ssshall keep thessse Antariansss from crossssing through. You ssshould know that our brothersss from Alpha Aquila and their friendsss from Tau Ceti are arriving with reinforcssementsss.”

  “Wonderful news, Captain Zetaal, I shall thank the Chancellor personally next time I see him. Good luck to you all and see you back at Earth prime.”

  “Good luck, Admiral,” Captain McCartney said over the comm.

  “We’ll meet up with you soon, Admiral,” Captain Shin added.

  “What the hell’s going on, Captain Fitz?” Admiral Gilmore demanded.

  “No time to explain now, Sir.”

  Malcom closed his eyes and spoke to Jed’s and Admiral Gilmore’s mind, Admiral Fitz, Admiral Gilmore, it is important that you both understand what has happened.

  Jed sat back into his restraint seat and closed his eyes. Time seemed to slow to a standstill as he listened to Malcom.

  Admiral Gilmore closed his eyes and answered the Eridonian, I fail to understand what’s happening? One minute I’m leading my crew to detonate the nuclear charges in hopes to close the corridor. The next moment, we’re heading away from the event horizon into a battle. Our nukes never detonated.

  Admiral Gilmore, you did set off the nuclear devices and you and your crew were destroyed.


  Admiral Gilmore, you must let me finish. I cannot hold this telepathic link for very long, you must listen. When your nuclear devices detonated, it sent a shock wave across space-time. While it appeared that your ship was destroyed, you actually traveled to a different position in the timeline.

  Admiral, Jed added, we thought you and your crew died. I was appointed Admiral of the fleet by the president. That took place several weeks ago.

  Admiral Fitz is correct, Admiral Gilmore. That event was over three weeks ago. Now that you have reappeared, we understand what occurred and why the corridor stabilized once more. There is no time to provide additional details. You must do everything you can to prevent any more Warlords from entering the corridor. I am losing my link. Good luck Admiral Gilmore, I know you will find a way to prevent this fleet from getting to Earth.

  Time returned to normal. The next thing Jed heard was his helm officer, “We’re crossing the event horizon, Sir!”

  Jameson held to his handhold on his seat and shouted, “All hands! Prepare for hyper acceleration!”

  On the Agamemnon, Admiral Gilmore looked over to his XO, “Commander Bridges, sound general quarters and prepare for battle!”


  Sol Sector

  Empress’ Flagship


  “My Empress,” Ker reported, “We’ll be exiting the corridor in less than three minutes.”

  “Three minutes?” Danielle demanded, “I thought the trip would take three days?”

  “I cannot explain it, my Empress.”

  Ma’har studied his console, “We’ve taken major damage to our starboard and aft sections. Shields are down eighty percent, and our hull plating has been compromised. Our jump drive is still operational, but our ion drive is damaged. Damage repair teams are dispatched. We lost twenty personnel.”

  “How many ships made it with us?”

  “Three of our support destroyers and twenty additional fleet ships,” Ma’har answered.

  “Very well,” Danielle said, looking for Darnash, who was now picking himself off the deck.

  “My Empress,” Darnash said, in obvious pain, “Our ship is not battle ready. When we exit, we must find a place away from any action.”

  “Darnash, are you alright?” Danielle asked, climbing down to his side.

  “I will be alright, my Empress,” Darnash sighed.

  “We have company behind us.”

  “How many enemy ships?”

  “There are fifty ships and the Rocinante, they’re only thirty seconds behind us, my Empress,” Ma’har reported.

  “Can we fire on them?”

  “No, my Empress, neither side have weapons that can activate within the corridor.”

  “At least they can’t fire on us.”

  “One minute, my Empress.”

  “Alright everyone,” Darnash began, “We do not know what lies on the other side. Alert to all stations and prepare for battle!”

  “Ker,” Danielle ordered, “Plot a course to th
e third planet. Then prepare our fleet to fight here.”

  “My Empress,” Darnash cut in, “would not their main fleet be at Earth prime?”

  “It’s our only chance to get to Earth, Darnash. You are under the power of my blood song!”

  “The fleet will be destroyed!”

  “Do not question my orders, Darnash! I know what I’m doing.”

  “Yes, my Empress.”

  “Thirty seconds,” Ker counted.

  “Now, send orders to the twenty following to stay here and fight. They will provide us our opportunity to escape to Earth. When we arrive, open a channel to their high command and tell them to stand down or we’ll launch our full complement of nukes at all their major cities. I will tell them that Danielle Cooper from the House of Serintin of the Rising Star of Antares has arrived. They will stand down, Darnash.”

  “I pray thee, my Lady, lest we are destroyed and travel to Revein’sev.”

  “Earth coordinates are set, my Empress. Jump drive is online and ready. We can jump seconds after our arrival,” Ker reported.

  “We’re crossing the event horizon at the Sol sector, my Empress,” Tira said.

  “Incoming missiles!” Ma’har shouted.

  “Hard to starboard, keep that side protected,” Darnash ordered.

  “Our fleet is now exiting behind us. No hostiles, only standalone missile complexes.”

  “Brace for impact!”

  Five missiles struck the port mid-section of the Empress’ flagship. The ship shuddered and shook as explosions lit up the dark space all round.

  Alarms rang out across the ship as they jumped from the remaining inbound missiles.

  “Jump complete, my Empress. Earth orbit. There are over two hundred Draconian and Centaurian ships detected.”

  “Arm nukes, and begin broadcasting my arrival, someone’s bound to answer.”

  “Attention...Any Earth ships that can hear this transmission. This is the Antarian Flagship. The Empress has a message I repeat, this is the Antarian Flagship, come in.”



  The Rock


  “We’re exiting the corridor, Admiral,” Lieutenant Foster reported.

  “Multiple contacts, Sir!” Collins said, studying his console, “Twenty Antarian war ships, and three destroyers. The main ship is not here.”

  “Sound General Quarters,” Jameson ordered. “Launch all fighters!”

  “Tell the Major he’s finally getting his chance.”

  “The rest of our reserve fleet is exiting the corridor, Sir.”

  “Excellent! Get them into the fight.”

  “Major Phillips and two squadrons have launched, Sir.”

  “Spread out and have your ships activate point defense guns. Commence firing all caliber turrets,” Jed ordered.

  “Major Phillips, call sign ‘Duce’ online,” the crew heard over their wireless.

  “Captain Simon, call sign ‘Black Widow’ on your wing, Duce.”

  “Jazzer, Sketcher, Red Neck; fall in formation, we’ll take the first run at these bastards! Hoth, Mixer, Jerk Turk, Ace Man, and Roach Coach, you take the second run with the magna-gel.”

  The first squadron of fighters maneuvered into position. Major Phillips led the first five, “ACE Support, send us target coordinates.”

  Captain Hopkins piloted the first ACE support ship, “Coordinates sent, Duce, copy? If you got your bone-dome cinched, you’re clear to make your run.”

  “You hear that squad, make sure your helmets are tight and make your run,” Major Phillips smiled and then broke formation, “Breaking right!”

  “Black Widow, breaking left... Alpha Mike Foxtrot, amigos!”

  “Sketcher, breaking right, and what she said!”

  “Jazzer, breaking left, that’s audios mother...”

  Major Phillips interrupted Jazzer, “Cut the chatter already! Red Neck, take the middle!”

  “Roger that, Duce, Red Neck’s going straight in!”

  The first five fighters fired their shots, hitting each of the Antarian fighters with the tracking beacons.

  “Break! Break! Break! NOW!” Major Phillips ordered, pulling away from his target, “Team two, make your run!”

  Captain Hopkins answered, “Affirmative lock on all targets!”

  “Yeeee haaaaw, Roach Coach coming in hot!”

  “Hoth is on your six, breaking for attack run!”

  “Mixer reporting, positive lock and firing!”

  “Ace Man reporting affirmative, lock and load!”

  The second squad fired their gel weapons. The shot from their turrets, honing on each target, the magna-gel hit the Antarian fighters and flowed over their gun ports. The Antarian fighters pulled their triggers. Five of the first targeted fighters burst into flames which extinguished almost instantly into the vacuum of space.

  “Yeah!” Major Phillips shouted, “That’s what I’m talkin’ about. Alright, Captain Hopkins, continue sending us target coordinates, we’ll have these fighters knocked out in no time!”

  “Stand by, Duce, sending your next set of coordinates.”


  Earth Orbit

  Empress’ Flagship


  The radio crackled static and then a familiar voice echoed commands, “This is Excalibur actual. I read you, stand down weapons at once!”

  “Race?” Danielle said over the comm system.


  “Race Jennings, this is the Empress of the House of Serintin of the Rising Star Antares, you will stand down your weapons or I shall fire our entire complement of nuclear devices upon your world.”

  “Umm, last time I checked, this was your home world. You’re not going to nuke your home planet.”

  “Race Jennings,” Darnash added, “Do not be sure she will not fire. You can see our readings show that our weapons are active and targeting. Stand down, you have ten seconds.”

  “She’s bluffing, she won’t do it!”

  “She is being powered by our Blood Spirit. Danielle is now Antarian.”

  Danielle pointed on Ma’har’s screen, “Fire one of our nukes here.”

  “By your command, my Empress,” Ma’har nodded and pressed a sequence on his control panel sending a nuclear device from one of the ship’s launch tubes.

  “Okay, maybe she will. Send word to stand down across the entire fleet!” Race answered. “Okay, Danielle, you got us, our hands are up. Now divert your weapon and we’ll talk.”

  Danielle looked at Ma’har for his acknowledgement, “Yes, my Empress, they have complied with your demands.”

  “Detonate the weapon!”

  Ma’har pressed a command on his console. The resulting explosion sent a shock wave above the atmosphere of the planet.

  “May I ask what city you targeted?”


  “The entire State?” Race protested, “That’s where I grew up. Wow, you’ve really turned out to be quite the bitch, Danielle.”

  “...and that’s why I chose that as a target. I figured that might persuade your surrender.”

  “Now wait just a cotton-picken’ minute. I never agreed to surrender, only a cease fire to hear you out.”

  “My patience wanes, Race Jennings, and my tactical officer itches to fire more devices.”

  “Just hold on there, there’s no need to fire more nukes, now. Let’s just all calm down and wait for the Admiral to arrive. He’ll decide what to do.”

  “Contacts on screen, my Empress,” Ma’har alerted.


  “It’s the Rocinante! Charging us at full power and firing weapons!”

  “You lied!”

  “No, I didn’t lie, Danielle. Admiral Fitz is here, I told you he was coming just a moment ago.”

  “Why is he firing his weapons?”

  “Now, that I couldn’t tell ya’.”

sp; “Incoming missiles, my Empress!”

  “Fire everything you’ve got at the planet,” Danielle coldly replied.

  “We’re taking major damage, my Empress,” Ma’har reported as alarms rang out, “Engines are down, jump drive off line. We’re going in!”

  “Darnash, accompany me to the Calypso, everyone else, abandon ship!”

  The arrow-shaped flagship listed and began to fall into the upper atmosphere. Streaks of flames shot out from along the hull, disintegrating metal as the heat of the atmosphere punished the Antarian ship.

  Escape pods launched from the burning ship as Danielle and Darnash made their way to their ride to the surface.

  The ship rocked and bounced them down the corridor. Finally, they reached the small ship. Darnash squeezed inside followed by Danielle. She sat at the controls.

  “Do you know how to fly this thing?” Danielle panicked.

  “Yes, I remember watching Race fly the ship. You take the controls and I’ll guide you in.”

  Danielle strapped into the pilot seat and reached for the control stick. The flagship fell apart around them, debris striking the Calypso as it left the disintegrating launch bay. Darnash instructed her as they flew into the upper atmosphere.

  “I can’t hold her, we took on damage as we left our ship!”

  “Hold on, my Empress, we’re going down!”

  Danielle steered the ship the best she could with Darnash coaching her.

  “Where are you taking us?”

  “It’s called the Olympic Peninsula...supposed to be numerous sasquatch sightings there. That’s our best chance to find one!”

  “That is if we survive your landing,” Darnash exclaimed.

  The damaged craft hit the tops of Evergreen trees and then slammed hard into the ground carving a deep line in the landscape. The ship skidded to a stop, dirt and debris riddled the small ship.

  Danielle hit her head and a ship brace fell on Darnash, knocking the two unconscious.



  Earth Orbit

  The Rock


  “They launched nukes!” Lieutenant Collins exclaimed.


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