Little Samantha's Choice

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Little Samantha's Choice Page 9

by Meredith O'Reilly

  “Baby girl. Can you please tell me what you were just thinking about? Whatever it was, it clearly upset you.”

  Reluctantly, I told him about my past memory. By the look on his face, he wasn’t too happy about what happened to me when I was younger. I put my head back on his shoulder when I was finished.

  “Baby girl, what happened to you in the past was wrong. If nightmares were causing you to wet the bed, you shouldn’t have been yelled at. I know that nothing I say now can erase the memory that you just told me, but we can create new memories to help you. I promise that I will never punish you or laugh at you if you use your diapers. If you have nightmares that cause you to wet the bed, I’ll help you get over them instead of yelling at you for them, okay?”

  I kept my eyes closed. “I don’t know. I don’t know if I can do this. I’m scared,” I admitted. I really didn’t want to do it. Thinking about the memory made me twist my legs tighter so I wouldn’t wet my diaper on accident. I just couldn’t get my mother’s voice, saying that I was acting like a little baby because I had wet my bed when I was five years old, out of my head. I wondered what she would say if she could see what I was thinking about doing.

  I opened my eyes again and saw Daddy frowning at me. I hated disappointing him, but seriously, how could he expect this of me after what I had just told him?

  “Samantha, close your eyes again and please trust me.”

  I did as I was told.

  “Now, I want you to picture your body. Picture it filled with black water. Imagine all the black water flowing out of you, all the tension and your worries going with it. Now, picture your body filling with yellow, warm water. As that yellow water is entering you, and you are calm and very relaxed. Every single muscle inside you has no tension in it.”

  Picturing this stuff was really working for me. My daddy’s soothing voice started to make my whole body relax.

  At first I felt just a few drops of warm liquid hit my thirsty diaper, but soon after, it felt as if a river were flowing through my diaper. I started to get embarrassed and began to panic, thinking, What if my diaper can’t hold all my pee and I leak right on my daddy’s lap, or what if my daddy laughs at me after I use it? I tried to tense up my muscles, but that was not happening. My body had decided that it had held in my pee for too long, and it was coming out whether I liked it or not.

  When I finished, my diaper felt squishy, heavy, and very warm between my legs. I started to softly cry again at what I had just done. He’s going to laugh at me, I kept thinking.

  “Baby girl, open your eyes, please.”

  When I opened my eyes, Daddy was staring at me with a proud look on his face. A part of me was very happy that I put that look on his face. It made me feel like I was an outstanding wife. Another part of me just felt relieved that he wasn’t laughing at me about using my diaper. I wanted to hug him and have him snuggle me close because of that. But the last part of me wanted to scream at him and say, Is this crazy enough for you? I just peed in a freaking diaper! Did I meet your every fantasy need now?

  “Good job, baby girl. I know that was very hard for you to do, but you did it. Look, I’m not mad or laughing at you. I’m so proud of you. Thank you for trusting me to take care of you, even when you were afraid.” He gave the diaper between my legs a little pat and then he started to feed me the rest of my bottle. Now that I had relieved myself, I started to fall asleep. My eyes were starting to droop, and when I finished my bottle, I was almost asleep.

  I felt Daddy put my pacifier back in my mouth, and then he carried me over to the changing table. He laid me down and pulled off my wet diaper. Within a minute, he had cleaned me and had a new diaper on me.

  He picked me up and put me back down in my crib, and I reached out when he handed me Molly. I held her close to me as Daddy pulled the covers up to my chin and gave me a kiss goodnight. I turned onto my stomach just as I heard the nursery door close. Soon, I was fast asleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  I woke up from my peaceful sleep and didn’t know what time it was because there was no clock in the nursery. I was going to have to talk to my daddy about that. In case I woke up again in the future, I would like to know what time it was. I didn’t realize what had woken me up until I moved to get into a more comfortable position and my full bladder screamed in protest.

  I knew that if I woke my daddy up, he would just make me use my diaper. But I didn’t want to sit in a wet diaper for who knows how long, so I sat up in my crib. The bars were surprisingly high up, so escape wouldn’t be a great idea. I couldn’t call for help either, so I decided that I should probably just use my diaper because I couldn’t hold the contents of my bladder for the entire night.

  I lay back down on my stomach, closed my eyes, and tried to relax my muscles. I tried picturing the black water leaving my body and the yellow water entering my body. I did this for a couple of minutes, but it did nothing to help me. I turned over so I was lying on my back, and I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths, hoping to relax. I couldn’t. How does he expect me to do this? I thought angrily as the pressure of my bladder started to greatly increase.

  All of a sudden, the nursery door opened and Daddy walked in and went straight to my crib. He leaned over and asked, “What’s wrong, baby girl?”

  “I have to go to the bathroom,” I whispered, feeling my cheeks turn red.

  “Then use your diaper like a good little girl.”

  “I tried, Daddy, but I can’t. Nothing won’t come out!”

  “Hmmm, is that so?” Daddy asked, with a gleam in his eyes.

  “Yes, Daddy. Please help me. I really have to go.”

  “Okay, I’ll help you out pumpkin.” He moved away from the crib and flicked a switch on. The room was lit up with light and temporarily blinded me. When I opened my eyes, I saw my daddy lowering the crib railing. He started to unzip my pajamas until my chest, tummy, and diaper were exposed.

  “Alright, baby girl. Just lie back, relax, and I’ll have you wetting your diaper in no time.”

  All of a sudden, he started tickling me. I was a very ticklish person and he knew my worst spots! I was laughing so hard, and it felt like Daddy’s knowing fingers were everywhere.

  “Please… Daddy… stop!” I cried from laughing. I was thrashing around in my crib like crazy! He didn’t stop tickling me for about five minutes until he just stopped and stepped away from the crib.

  I was happy that he had stopped, but I couldn’t figure out why he did. Then I felt that warm bulge between my legs. I looked down, and the flowers on my diaper were now blue. He began zipping my pajamas up again.

  “Hey! Aren’t you going to change me?” I asked, scared that he was going to leave me like this for the rest of the night.

  “Of course I will, baby. But since you’re awake, I think it’s time for a snack. Come on, let’s go get you a bottle.”

  He picked me up and carried me downstairs. In the kitchen he sat me down in a highchair. He buckled me in and pushed the tray forward. Then he grabbed my nose, gave it a little shake, and left the room.

  The kitchen clock said it was two in the morning! I felt weird being in a highchair. Where did my daddy find all these things? He must have assembled this highchair after I went to sleep. I definitely would have noticed this before. I squirmed in my chair and felt my wet diaper. It was really squishy and it was starting to get cooler.

  I unzipped my footie pajamas, put one of my hands in them, and felt the warm bulge that was my diaper. I still couldn’t believe that I had used a diaper like an actual baby. The things I do to make my husband happy, I thought as I pulled my hand out and zipped my pajamas up. I hope that he changes me soon.

  After a few minutes, my daddy came back with my pacifier and my Molly doll. He gave me both and then went to work making up my bottle. While he did that, I tried to fix Molly’s hair. It looks like she has bed head, I giggled to myself.

  Just as I finished fixing Molly’s hair, Daddy came over to the high chair. He
pulled out a kitchen chair, sat down, and fed the bottle to me while I stayed in the high chair. I didn’t like being fed a bottle that way. I preferred it when my daddy would hold me and rock me back and forth while singing me a lullaby.

  Once I was finished with my bottle, Daddy did something that he never did before. He put a towel over his shoulder, pulled the tray away, and unbuckled me from the highchair. He picked me up out of my high chair, sat back down on the kitchen chair, put me over his shoulder, and started to pat my back. He was burping me!

  Just as I was going to tell him to stop, I amazed myself by actually burping.

  “That’s my good girl! That feels so much better, doesn’t it?” he cooed to me as he kept me over his shoulder and rubbed my back. My face turned bright red from being burped, and so I snuggled into his neck so I didn’t have to face him just yet. It had been a huge night of embarrassment for me, but I just had to keep telling myself that this was for my husband. He needs this, even though it’s very strange. I am doing this for him, I kept repeating in my head. He carried me back up to the nursery, holding me like a little child.

  “Time for a diaper change, little girl. I wouldn’t want you getting diaper rash!” he said, as he pulled out all the things he would need to change my diaper. I felt him clean my bottom thoroughly before he put me in a fresh diaper and then back into the crib.

  I lay in the crib, more relaxed than I had ever been, and I also noticed that I was starting to feel much better. I still had a small headache and felt exhausted, but otherwise, I felt as healthy as a horse. I guess this acting like a baby really does work to make a person feel better, I thought to myself. That was my last thought before I was sound asleep.

  Chapter Twelve

  When I woke up at 9:15 the next morning,I immediately went into the nursery. Samantha liked to sleep in, but I didn’t want to leave her alone if she was awake.

  Thankfully when I walked in, she was still sound asleep. I walked over to the crib and it felt like my heart was going to burst. My gorgeous wife had made every single one of my fantasies come true.

  I was content to just watch her sleep all day but decided that it was time to wake my little girl up so we could get our day started. I unzipped her pajamas and put two fingers in her diaper to see if she had wet herself during the night. She hadn’t, but it woke her up.

  “Good morning, baby girl. You have a dry diaper. Did you sleep well?” I asked, as I zipped her pajamas back up.

  She nodded.

  “I’m glad. How about if I go feed you breakfast?”

  She smiled and nodded again.

  “Okay. Here we go,” I said, lowering the crib rail, picking her up, and carrying her downstairs. I buckled her into her high chair and then went to the refrigerator. I pulled out a bottle of milk that I had made the night before along with four jars of baby food. I had pears, peaches, apple sauce, and prunes for her to eat this morning. I knew that Samantha hated prunes, but her diet lacked fiber, so I figured that this would be a great way to add some.

  I put the bottle in the microwave and let it warm up as I set the jars on the kitchen table. Then I placed the now warm bottle of milk on the table too, but before I sat down, I tied a baby bib around Samantha’s neck.

  She looked down at it and then back up at me with a huge smile on her face. The baby bib was white with purple letters on it that read Princess.

  I sat down and began to feed my baby girl her breakfast. I started with the peaches, making choo-choo noises and bringing the train into her mouth. It was fun for me, and it got Samantha to eat every spoonful.

  When she finished with the peaches, I fed her the applesauce, and this time I made airplane noises. Halfway through the jar, Samantha snapped, “I could do without those stupid noises.”

  I paused the spoon’s movement and said, “Someone is a little cranky this morning.”

  She just pouted as I brought the spoon into her mouth, and I decided that I would stop with the noises now because I didn’t want to have to punish her so early in the morning.

  She ate the rest of the applesauce and pears with no problem, but when I started to feed her the prunes, she would not open up her mouth. I was starting to get frustrated. My little girl had to eat her prunes.

  “Baby girl. I know that prunes aren’t one of your favorite foods, but I would really like you to eat some of them. These are really high in fiber and you hardly get any fiber in your diet. So please open your mouth so the airplane can come in for a landing,” I said, picking up the spoon and dipping it into the jar.

  She still refused to open her mouth for me. I was trying to stay calm and not have to punish her, but she was making it difficult. I decided to give her one more chance.

  “Little girl, I’m only going to ask you one more time, open up your mouth now, or else you will be getting a spanking and an early bedtime.”

  I could tell that she was thinking about it. I was hoping that she would decide to do the right thing, but instead she clamped her mouth shut even tighter and crossed her arms over her chest. Well, I guess that’s my answer then.

  I put the jars of prunes down, unbuckled her from her high chair, and carried her over to the couch. I stood her up and made quick work of taking her out of her footie pajamas and diaper. When she stood before me naked, I pulled her over my lap.

  “I didn’t want to have to do this to you when you weren’t feeling well, baby girl, but you leave me no other choice.” Smack! “Little babies eat—the food—their daddies give them!”

  She tried to move her bottom off my lap, but I wouldn’t let her. I gave her a couple of extra hard swats to keep her still. I watched as her bottom turned from pale to red as I continued spanking her.

  Smack! “You will eat—your prunes because—they are healthy for you!”

  She began to cry, but that wasn’t going to stop me from finishing her spanking. Granted, it was a lesser spanking than she deserved because she was sick, but my little girl had to realize that I was here to take care of her and she had to listen to me when I told her to do something.

  I spanked her four more times for good measures and then decided that her spanking was done. I rubbed small circles all over her bottom and whispered sweet nothings to her to calm her down.

  This was not my favorite activity to do with Samantha when she was acting like my little girl, but I knew that I had to do it in order to correct her behavior. She had to learn that everything I did was to keep her happy, healthy, and safe.

  When she stopped sobbing, I lifted her so she was sitting in my lap, and I said, “Your spanking is done. It was a lesser spanking than you deserved since you aren’t feeling well, little girl. But if you say no to me again, I don’t care how you are feeling, you will be punished. Now young lady, I want you to go stand in that corner. This time, I want you to reach down and have your hands touch your ankles. That way your red bottom will be on display.”

  “Daddy… no please,” she begged, tears still falling down her cheeks.

  “Do you need another spanking to follow another one of my orders?”

  She shook her head and went over to the corner. I watched as she bent down and displayed her red bottom.

  I got up and went into the bathroom to get some Vaseline, oil, and a thermometer to check her temperature. I hadn’t checked it today and I thought that now would be a perfect time.

  I placed the items on the coffee table and called Samantha back over to me. “Samantha, I want you to lay across my lap again.”

  She did as she was told, and I had to hide my smile. It was amazing what a proper spanking could do to improve the agreeableness of my baby girl.

  I grabbed the thermometer and made sure that it was slicked up nicely with Vaseline. Then since this was Samantha’s first time having her temperature taken this way, I added a tiny bit of Vaseline to her bottom hole.

  I felt her tense up as I slowly spread her cheeks and slid the thermometer inside of her.

  “Daddy! What are you doing?” s
he asked and started to squirm.

  I patted her backside and said, “Well, little girl, I decided that it was time to take your temperature. I forgot to last night, so I thought now would be a great time. Stop squirming. Just relax and this will be over soon.”

  She stopped moving, but I could still tell that she was tense. With one hand I rubbed circles on her glowing bottom and with the other hand, I twirled the thermometer, wanting to get the best reading.

  “Daddy. Can we take it out now, please?” she pleaded.

  “In a few more minutes, baby. I want to make sure that I get an accurate reading. We wouldn’t want to have to do this again, would we?”

  “No,” she said so quietly I almost didn’t hear it.

  I finally pulled the thermometer out of her, deciding that it had stayed inside her long enough.

  “Hmm… your temperature is a little high, 99.8 degrees. Are you still feeling sick, baby?”

  “I’m just a little tired, and my bottom is sore from the spanking, Daddy.”

  I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped my lips. “I can help fix one of those problems right now.”

  I opened the bottle of oil and poured a dollop onto her butt. I then worked the oil into her sore skin, wanting to take the sting out of it. I felt Samantha begin to relax, until she was finally like a rag doll, lying on my lap.

  When I heard her breathing start to slow, I said, “Alright, little girl, let’s get you redressed so you can finish your breakfast.” I diapered her and put her back into her footie pajamas. When I finished, I decided that I would make things a little easier for my baby girl. “Sweetie, I want you to lie down and stay right here. No moving.”

  “Okay, Daddy.”

  I left her and went back into the kitchen. I pulled out the blender and set it on the counter. Then I put the jar of prunes, some water, and a little bit of sugar into the blender and mixed those up, and I also reheated the bottle of warm milk. When the blender stopped, I carried both bottles and a kitchen towel back into the family room.


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