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Little Samantha's Choice

Page 11

by Meredith O'Reilly

  “How do you like it?” Jackson asked, as his hand brushed against my pussy. I jumped as if he had touched me with a lightning rod.

  The knowing smile on his face told me he knew how aroused I had become from just a simple touch from him. His hand continued to caress my bare skin for a few seconds, and then he plunged two fingers into my channel. He pumped his fingers in and out, and his other hand trailed up my body and started to play with my breasts.

  “Yes! Finger fuck me, Jackson! Yes!” I cried out as he added a third finger. As I closed my eyes, I was right at the edge of my orgasm as his hand left my breast.

  I whined at the loss of stimulation. Quickly after, though, I felt his mouth on my clit and I bucked at the contact.

  “Easy, Samantha,” he said, capturing my hips in his hands as he sucked on the engorged bundle of nerves. Every muscle in my body tightened up and seconds later I came screaming. I rode wave after wave as Jackson’s sucked on my clit. Finally, he stopped and stood up as I leaned heavily against him.

  “Jackson?” I panted out, not moving a muscle.

  “Yes, Samantha?”

  “You’re… the best husband… in the world.”

  “Thanks, darling. You aren’t so bad yourself.”

  “I honestly don’t think that I’ll be able to move for an hour or so,” I said truthfully.

  “Well then, it’s a good thing that you have a strong husband who can take care of you. Don’t worry about a thing. You just lean on me and I’ll take care of everything.”

  “Okay,” I said, sighing against him.

  True to his word, Jackson did take care of me. He washed my hair, helped me out of the shower, dried me off, and then gently placed me down on our bed and made slow love to my body. With every kiss and caress, he made me feel loved and like I was the center of his world.

  Once we caught our breaths, Jackson asked me if I would like to go shopping after we ate breakfast, and of course I jumped at the chance to go shopping with my husband. Jackson ran downstairs to whip up some breakfast, while I lounged in bed, thinking about how lucky I was to have a husband like Jackson. I felt like an absolute princess. Even though I wasn’t acting as a little girl right then, my husband was lavishing attention on me.

  He returned quickly with our breakfast. After eating and cleaning up, we got dressed in comfy clothes. I wore a plain pair of black yoga pants, with a hot pink sports bra and a long sleeve hot pink T-shirt. He chose to wear some black sweat pants with a long white T-shirt. Once we were dressed, we brushed our teeth and were off to the mall.

  When we pulled into the mall parking lot half an hour later, Jackson turned off the car and took my hand in his. “Ready to go, darling?”

  “Yes, I am!” I said, smiling and getting out of the car. I was so excited for today! I knew that Jackson hated shopping, but he had willingly offered to take me shopping. That meant a lot to me.

  We walked into the mall through a side entrance and I looked around, figuring out which way I wanted to go first.

  “How about if we do a circle around the first level of the mall and then we go upstairs and do a circle around the second level of the mall?” Jackson suggested.

  “That sounds great to me!”

  We walked hand in hand around the first level. It was fun! We went into a couple of stores, but for the most part I just enjoyed being out and about with my husband.

  “Oh, let’s go in here, please!” I said, as we passed the J.C. Penney department store.


  We walked into the department store and were told that we had to go to the basement level because that was where petite clothing was. We took the escalator down and I went straight over to the petite section while Jackson said that he would be walking around the level and would come find me.

  I seriously loved shopping. After only fifteen minutes and I had three pairs of pants and shirts that I wanted to try on along with two dresses and three sweaters. I was looking for a dressing room when I saw my husband.

  “Hey. I’m looking for a dressing room. Have you seen one?” I asked, noticing that he held some clothes in his arms.

  “Yeah. There is one just around the corner,” he said, walking toward where the dressing room was. I followed him and saw that the dressing room was also in the kids’ department.

  “Thanks, honey,” I said, stepping into a dressing room. But to my surprise, he came in with me. “What are you doing, Jackson?”

  “I want you to try on some of these clothes for me, too,” he said, handing me the clothes that were in his arms. I noticed then that they were all clothes from the children’s section.

  “I can’t try these on here! What happens if someone sees me? Also, I doubt that I will fit into these. I might be small, but I’m not that small!” I furiously whispered to him.

  “Samantha, no one is down here. Just try them on and come out and show me. If they don’t fit, then you don’t have to come outside with them on. Plus, even if someone did see you, they wouldn’t be able to tell that these clothes came from the kids’ section instead of the petite section.”

  “Fine,” I groaned as he walked out of the dressing room.

  I modeled all the clothes that I had picked out for him first. They all fit, so I would be buying all of them. Then it was time to try on the clothes that he had selected for me. Thankfully, there weren’t many. He had given me a pair of jeans that had a few little butterflies on them, along with a white shirt that had pink butterflies all over it. Also, he gave me a pair of pajamas that had Disney Princesses all over them. I seriously loved those pajamas and was planning on wearing them to bed that night. The last item he wanted me to try on was a white dress with colorful polka dots all over it. I was also supposed to try on a pair of white ruffle socks and a pair of Mary Jane style black patent leather shoes with the dress.

  I modeled each outfit for my husband and each time he clapped for me like I was a little kid. I would never admit it to him, but that made me feel so special. The last outfit that I tried on was the polka dotted dress. I didn’t think that it was going to be fit me, but I decided to try it on anyway.

  I was wrong. The dress fit me like it had been made for me. I put on the white ruffle socks along with the black shoes and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a young girl, but I also couldn’t get over how pretty the dress made me look. It was a little too short for my liking as it only reached mid-thigh, but it was such a beautiful dress. I stood in front of the mirror and just kept looking at myself from all angles.

  I must have taken too long because Jackson called, “Sweetie, are you okay in there? Do you need any help?”

  “I’m fine, Daddy,” I called right back. Then I put my hand over my mouth, realizing what I had just said out loud in the mall. The mall that was indeed a very public place, and I started to freak out. What if someone heard me? What if that person knew me and told everyone? I was just about to hyperventilate when Jackson came into my dressing room, scooped me up in his arms, and then sat down in the chair that was provided in each of the rooms.

  “I’m so sorry! I don’t know how that slipped out!” I whispered to him.

  “It’s okay, baby girl. I checked and there was no one around and there is no one in here, so you’re safe.”

  All the muscles in my body relaxed after he said that. Phew! No one heard the crazy girl call her husband “Daddy”.

  “Baby girl, I know that one of our rules is to not reveal our relationship to the public, but if you want to, you can let your little side out some more today. No one here will be able to tell except me.”

  I shook my head right away. I could not chance someone I knew seeing me act like a little girl. There were times that I had a hard time letting my husband, the person I loved, see me like that. If someone else saw me like that, I wouldn’t be able to get over it.

  “Okay, Samantha. It’s your decision. Just know that if today you ever feel at any time that you want to let your little get out, I won’t stop

  I just nodded, knowing that I wouldn’t let that happen.

  “Okay. Now I suppose that you took forever in here because you liked this dress? Am I right?”

  “Yes. It is very pretty and it actually fits me.”

  “I’m glad that you like it. You’re right, it is a pretty dress that makes you look absolutely magnificent! We’ll buy it along with all of the other clothes you tried on. Now, hurry up and change. I’m sure that you want to do some more shopping.”

  “Okay!” I said, hopping off of his lap and shedding the dress before my daddy… husband left the dressing room. I shook my head in annoyance. These children’s clothes had to be the reason why I was being stupid and acting like a little girl, calling him “Daddy”. I decided not to dwell on it as I finished getting dressed and exited the dressing room with the clothes I intended to purchase.

  After buying the clothes, Jackson and I started our walk and not two minutes later, he was dragging me into Victoria’s Secret.

  “Come on, Samantha. Who would be better than your own husband to tell you whether or not what you pick out in here will look good?”

  “Okay, okay,” I laughed, walking in.

  We were in luck. Victoria Secret was having a huge sale so I grabbed a bag and went a little crazy. Jackson and I split up again and after twenty minutes I ended up getting seven pair of panties and four bras.

  When I walked up to Jackson, I saw that once again, he had an arm full of clothes. “What have you got there, hot stuff?”

  He gave me a look and said, “Oh, you know, just a few items. Hey, how do you think this pink lace baby doll would look on me? Do you think it would look right with my figure?”

  I burst out laughing as he held the baby doll up to his body and pretended to look in the mirror.

  “I think it would fit you perfectly,” I said, still laughing my head off. He joined along with me and dumped the items into my bag. I was a little amazed at some of the items he had chosen. One baby doll was so skimpy that I wondered why bother even wearing it if it didn’t hide anything.

  After another twenty minutes, and several more items added to my bag by Jackson, we bought what we wanted and left the store.

  After walking around a bit more, we took the escalator upstairs. We had just gotten off the escalator when I noticed the Build-A-Bear workshop. A part of me wanted desperately to go in there and build my very own teddy bear. The other part of me wanted to scream at myself for even thinking that it would be acceptable for a grown woman to go in that store and build a bear for herself. Before I had time to decide what I wanted to do, Jackson was pulling me towards the store.

  “Jackson… I… no…” I stuttered, not wanting to bring attention to myself.

  He looked me in the eye and whispered to me, “Little girl, you want to build a bear. As your husband and daddy, it is my responsibility to make sure that you are happy, and I know that this will make you extremely happy. So, we are going to build you a teddy bear. If you don’t want to admit it’s for you, then we can tell the saleswoman that it is for me.”

  “I don’t know, Jackson. I… we shouldn’t do this,” I said, shaking my head, trying to pull out of his embrace. Of course, that didn’t work out to well. Instead, he pulled me closer so we were nose-to-nose.

  “Little girl, you are being very naughty. If you don’t behave, I will take you out to our car and give you a spanking.”

  “Jackson, no—this is wrong!” I said, pushing him with all my might to try and get away. It didn’t work.

  “Alright, baby girl. We have to do this the hard way then,” he said, taking my hand and walking toward the escalator.

  He was so strong and I didn’t want to cause a scene, so I went along with him. We walked out of the mall and to our car. He unlocked the car with the little key fob and told me to get in the backseat. I did as I was told. I watched as he opened the trunk, put our bags in it, closed it, and then he came and sat in the backseat with me.

  “Samantha, I want you to take off your pants and underwear and lie on my lap.”

  “Jackson, someone could see!” I pleaded. I knew that it was unlikely since the mall was deserted today, but I didn’t want a spanking.

  “No one is around, sweetie, and if someone does come, I will make sure that they don’t see you. Now, hurry up. The sooner we get this spanking over with, the sooner we can go back to shopping.”

  I didn’t say anything to that. Instead, I took a deep breath, took my pants and underwear off, and laid myself over his lap. Jackson must have wanted to get it over with too, because the spanking began almost ten seconds after I lay down across his lap.

  Smack! “You will listen to me—when I—tell you to do something!”

  I felt my butt start heat up each time my daddy’s palm came down. Even though I knew the mall was deserted, I kept thinking that someone might see me. For that reason only, I didn’t try to move off of my daddy’s lap, as I didn’t want to cause any more notice to us than was necessary.

  Smack! “I want you to be—happy, and if that means—building a bear makes you happy—then you will—build a bear!”

  Before the spanking began, I told myself that I wasn’t going to cry because I didn’t want to walk back into the mall and have people know that I had been crying. But, when my daddy began my spanking, it really hurt and before I knew it, I was crying. The spanks that my daddy was raining down on my bottom were hard and made my bottom feel like it had been stung by a swarm of bees.

  “Please, Daddy! I don’t want to be laughed at!”

  Smack! “You need to—learn to trust me and—know that I will always protect you!”

  I couldn’t talk anymore because I was crying so hard. I bit my lip to try and muffle my sobs, but it didn’t work so well. I was embarrassed because I was getting a spanking in public, and I knew that when we walked into the mall again, everyone would know that I had been crying.

  “Come on, get your pants and underwear back on, sweetie. Then we can cuddle,” he said, as he began to help me get redressed.

  In less than a minute, I was back to being fully clothed and I was cuddled up in my daddy’s arms. I was still crying fairly hard into his shoulder, and then all of a sudden I felt him put a pacifier in my mouth. I looked up at him, stunned into silence as I couldn’t believe he would bring a pacifier out in public. The only thought that kept racing through my mind was what happens if someone sees me? They’ll think that I am a freak.

  I was about to spit the pacifier out now that the shock had worn off, but he said, “Keep it in there for a few minutes. It will help you calm down faster.”

  I nodded and snuggled closer to my daddy. After getting a spanking, I always liked to snuggle close to him because he would rub my back and would tell me that I was forgiven for whatever I did. It always calmed me to know that I had been forgiven.

  After a few minutes, he said, “So, you ready to go build your very own bear?”

  I took the pacifier out of my mouth. “What if someone sees me? They’ll think that I’m acting like a child. Also, the saleswoman will never believe the teddy bear is for you. She’ll think that I’m a freak.”

  “Baby girl, how many times do I have to tell you that I will protect you from all of that? I won’t ever let anyone make fun of you or harm you in anyway. If the salesperson or someone you know comes into the store, we can tell them that we are making the teddy bear for one of my baby cousins. No one will ever know that we are lying, okay?”

  I nodded.

  “Good. Now when we go back in the mall, let’s run into the family bathroom so I can wash your face so no one will know that my little girl was sobbing.”

  “That sounds good. Oh! What should I do with this?” I asked, shaking the pacifier in front of him.

  “I’ll take it,” he said, and I saw him put it in a container that he kept in the middle arm rest between the front seats. He noticed that I was watching him and said, “Every daddy should always be prepared when it
comes to their little girls.”

  I felt my cheeks flush a deep shade of red as we got out of the car together and started walking towards the mall again.

  Once again, we were outside the Build-A-Bear store after stopping at the family bathroom, where Jackson washed my face with a cool towel so no one would know I had been crying. We were about to go into the Build-A-Bear store, when he stopped me.

  I looked up at him curiously as he said, “Baby girl, when we are in here, if you want to let your little side take over more, that is alright with me. No one will be able to notice the difference. It’s up to you, though.”

  “Okay… Daddy,” I said, as a serene feeling washed over my body. I told myself that I would not act like a little girl while at the mall, but I had always wanted to build my very own teddy bear, and I couldn’t deny myself the chance now. Especially after that spanking for trying to deny myself at first.

  So, half an hour later, I had built my very own teddy bear. Her name was Bella and she was a golden bear. When we had finished making her, my daddy said that I could pick an outfit for her to wear. So, I chose a ballerina outfit. She was currently wearing it as I held her in my arms at the checkout line.

  “Sweetie, it’s time to put Bella in her box until we get home,” Daddy said, as he held the box open for me to put Bella in. I looked around to make sure that no one was looking. When I was sure that they weren’t, I gave Bella a big hug and a kiss on her head before I put her in her box. Daddy snapped the box closed and put it in his left hand as he offered me his right hand to take. “Ready to go, sweetie?”

  “Yep,” I said, taking his hand and walking out of the store.

  We walked around the second level of the mall for a while before I spotted the Disney store and headed towards it. I ignored the voice in my head, telling me that I was a freak because I was an adult and wanted to shop in a Disney store. I didn’t care at that point. Also, I really didn’t want another spanking. I had a huge love for Disney Princesses and I was not going to miss my chance to see them just because of a stupid voice in my head.


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