The site of the Poste House has not been located beyond doubt. Mrs Hammersmith has never been found and why Michael Barrett had a copy of Crashaw’s poetry remains a puzzle.
We would welcome more clues. Is there anyone in Liverpool who remembers Granny Formby or Alice Yapp? Who can tell us the whereabouts of the mysterious Dr Dutton’s Chronicles of Crime?
What happened to Florie’s diaries? And what was Jack the Ripper doing in Galashiels?
Anne does not herself claim she is a descendant of Florie Maybrick, although she is clearly curious at Paul Feldman’s probing of her ancestry and she does have a photograph of Florie in old age beside that of her Dad on her study wall. Like Albert Johnson she is amused at the idea of being linked with the Maybrick diary.
There is absolutely no proof that this is a modern forgery. Even the discovery of the elusive chloroacetamide by one laboratory (and not another) is far from conclusive.
There is no nest of forgers in Liverpool (or anywhere else). So doubters must then ask themselves, ‘when was the Diary written? By whom? And why?’ This should be the thrust of their investigations now: a systematic exploration of its historical possibilities and psychopathlogy.
I sense a shift in the wind, for at the time of going to press the Diary is to be the focus of a seminar at an international conference on offender profiling, hosted by Liverpool University. Professor Canter will be speaking and Keith Skinner and I have also been invited to contribute. Delegates will have printed facsimile copies of the Diary to discuss. This is exactly the kind of objective debate the Diary merits and I feel sanguine about the future.
For those of us who believe that the Diary is genuine and was written in 1888/9 and by James Maybrick, there are, of course, problems still unsolved.
In January 1998 I was told by an unreliable source that Melvin Harris had changed tack and was considering the possibility that the Diary was the work of journalists in the 1930s — a concept we had ourselves looked at. This rumour was later confirmed by a more reliable contact. But in the meantime I wrote to Mr Harris on February 24th 1998 and asked for his confirmation of the fact.
Answer came there none.
Perhaps James Maybrick himself should have the last word. At the beginning of July 1881, two weeks before his marriage to Florie, he was granted a coat of arms by the ancient College of Arms in London. it cost him £76 10s, the equivalent today of about £3,200. The armorial bearings depict a sparrowhawk, which, in heraldic terms, symbolises power. In its beak is a sprig of hawthorn, more commonly known as ‘may’ — a deliberate play on the name ‘Maybrick’ the riddler. Of all the messages that Jack the Ripper could have chosen to send us across the years, in the light of what we now know about the Diary, the legend beneath that coat of arms is chilling and incontestable.
Time Reveals All
Abberline, Inspector Frederick G. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Aberconway, Lady 1
Abrahamsen, David 1
Addison, John 1
Agnes, Mark 1
Allen, Oswald 1
Anderson, Sir Robert 1, 2, 3
The Lighter Side of My Official Life 1
Andrae, Simon 1
Andrews, Inspector Walter 1
anti-Semitism 1
Arnold, Superintendent Thomas 1
arsenic 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
addiction to 1
Battlecrease House, found in 1
fly papers, from 1, 2
poisoning 1
pyruvate, accumulation of 1
withdrawal from 1, 2
astrology 1
Astrop, John 1
Aunspaugh, Florence 1
Aunspaugh, John 1, 2
Austin, Genevieve 1, 2
Baillie, Margaret 1
Barnett, Revd Samuel 1
Barnett, Samuel 1
Barrett, Anne 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Diary, and the 1
Maybrick, Florie and 1
Barrett, Caroline 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Barrett, Michael 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
confession 1
Diary, statement on 1, 2
his story 1
research 1
Barron, Dr Alexander 1
Bartlett, Adelaide 1
Bateson, Nicholas 1
Bathory, Elizabeth 1
Battlecrease House 1, 2, 3
auction of contents 1
search of 1, 2
Baxendale, Dr David 1, 2, 3, 4
Baxter, Wynne Edwin 1, 2
Begg, Paul 1, 2, 3
Jack the Ripper A-Z 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Berkovitz, David 1
Berlinski, Solran 1
Bills, William and Alice 1
Blackiston, George 1
Blackiston, Gertrude 1
Blake, Valentine 1
Blanchard, Helen 1
Bolam, George 1
Bond, Dr Thomas 1
bone black 1
Bowyer, Thomas 1, 2
Brierley, Alfred 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Brierley, Gerard 1
Briggs, Dr David 1
Briggs, Matilda 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
British Museum 1
Bromilow, Irene 1
Brooks, Jo 1
Brown, Dr F. Gordon 1
Bryant, Arthur 1
Bryning, Superintendent 1
Bulling, Tom 1, 2
Cadosh, Albert 1
Cadwallader, Mary 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Callery, Nurse 1
Campion, Nicholas 1
Camps, Professor Francis 1
Canter, Dr David 1, 2, 3
Criminal Shadows 1, 2
Carter, Dr William 1, 2, 3, 4
Case, Charles 1
Chandler, Inspector Joseph 1
Chandler, St John Holbrook 1, 2, 3
Chandler, William 1
Chapman, Annie 1
envelope 1
farthings 1
murder of 1
rings 1
Chikatilo, Andre 1, 2
Chittenden, Maurice 1
Christie, Trevor 1, 2, 3
Etched in Arsenic 1, 2, 3
Clarence, Duke of, Prince Albert Victor 1
Clark, Sir Thomas 1
Clayton, E. Godwin 1
Cleaver, Arnold and William 1
Conconi, Christiana 1
Conconi, Thomas David 1, 2
Corbyn, Frederick James 1
corpses, payment for 1
Cottingley Fairies 1
Cranstoun, Pauline 1, 2
Crashaw, Richard 1, 2
Crocker National Laboratory 1
Cross, Charles 1
Cullen, Tom 1, 2
An Autumn of Terror 1
Cumberland, Stuart 1
Daglish, Dick 1
Dangar, Stanley 1, 2, 3
Davidson, George 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Davies, Alan 1, 2
Davies, Edward 1
de Quincey, Thomas 1
Devereux, Tony 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Diamine ink 1, 2, 3
American investigation of 1
authentication 1
changing mood of 1
correspondence on 1
discovery of 1, 2
final entry 1, 2
forensic testing 1
handwriting, analysis of 1
handwriting, styles in 1, 2, 3, 4
hiding place 1
ink testing 1, 2
language in 1
police investigation 1, 2
psychopathological reports on 1
research on diary entries 1
researchers on 1
Sunday Times 1, 2, 3
violence of 1
writer, state of mind 1
Diemschutz, Louis 1
Document Evidence Ltd 1
Dodd, Paul 1, 2
Donovan, Timothy 1
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan 1, 2, 3
; Druitt, Montague John 1, 2
Drysdale, Dr J. 1, 2
du Barry, Captain Franklin 1
Dundas, Tim 1, 2
Dutfield, Arthur 1
Dutton, Dr Thomas 1
The Chronicles of Crime 1, 2
Dyal, Clive 1
Eagle, Morris 1
Eastaugh, Dr Nicholas 1, 2, 3, 4
Eddowes, Catharine 1
murder of 1
Murder, Mayhem and Mystery in Liverpool 1, 2
Ellison, Olga Maybrick 1
Evans, Stewart 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Jack the Ripper, the First American Serial Killer 1, 2
Evemy, Sally 1, 2, 3
Farson, Daniel 1
Feldman, Paul 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Jack the Ripper - The Final Chapter 1, 2
Fido, Martin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Jack the Ripper A-Z 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Fleming, John 1
Flinn, Henry 1
Flint, Dr Kate 1
Formby, Edith 1
Forshaw, Detective Super. Kenneth 1
Forshaw, Dr David 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
Fuller, Dr Charles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Gainey, Paul 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Jack the Ripper, the First American Serial Killer 1, 2
Gardner, John 1
Giles, Dr Audrey 1
Gore, Nurse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Goulden, R.J. 1
Goulston Street inscription 1
Graham, Anne, see Barrett, Anne
Graham, Caroline, see Barrett, Caroline
Graham, William (Billy) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Grand Jury, function of 1
Grant, Alice 1
Grant, James 1, 2
Gray, Alan 1, 2
Green, Richard Lancelyn
The Uncollected Sherlock Holmes 1
Greene, Dr Liz 1
Griffin, Cora 1
Griffiths, Frances 1
Griffiths, John 1
Grimes, Maggie 1
Gull, Sir William 1
Gutenberg Bible 1, 2
Hammersmith, Mrs 1, 2
Harris, J.E. 1
Harris, Melvin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Hazard, General J.G. 1
Heaton, Edwin Garnett 1
Hopper, Dr Arthur 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Howard, Mary 1
Howells, Martin
The Ripper Legacy 1
Hughes, Louisa 1, 2
Humphreys, Dr Richard 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Humphreys, Elizabeth 1, 2, 3
Hutchinson, George 1, 2
inks, testing 1
analysis centres and results 1
Innerleithen 1
Iremonger, Sue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Irving, Captain 1
Jack the Ripper
artists’ impressions 1
cannibalism 1, 2
Chorley, seen in 1
failure-capture 1
internet poll 1
‘Leather Apron’ 1
letters from 1, 2
newspaper sensationalism 1, 2
Ripper industry 1
sexual motive, lack of 1
suspects 1
theories 1
Jacob Lewis Samuel and Co 1
Johnson, Albert 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Johnson, Audrey 1
Johnson, Robbie 1, 2, 3, 4
Jones, Richard Bark 1
Kelly, Jimmy 1
Kelly, Mary Jane 1
breasts, removal of 1
Florie, resemblance to 1
heart missing 1
murder of 1
Kemper, Ed 1
Kent, Dr James Tyler
The Materia Medica of Homeopathic Remedies 1, 2
King, Mark 1
Knight, John Baillie 1, 2, 3
Knight, Stephen 1
Jack the Ripper, The Final Solution 1, 2
Koren, Anna 1, 2, 3
Kosminski 1, 2
Kuranz, Robert 1, 2, 3
Kurten, Peter 1, 2
Lake, Brian 1
Lawende, Joseph 1
‘Leather Apron’
see Pizer, John
Levy, J.H.
The Necessity for Criminal Appeal 1, 2, 3
Littlechild, Chief Inspector John 1, 2
Aigburth 1, 2
Poste House 1, 2
Prince William Street 1
St George’s Hall 1
Whitechapel 1
Liverpool Daily Post 1
Llewellyn, Dr Rees Ralph 1, 2
Lowndes, Marie Belloc
The Lodger 1
Lowry, Thomas 1, 2, 3, 4
Lusk, George 1, 2, 3
MacCulloch, Malcolm 1
MacDonald, Dr Roderick 1
MacDougall, Alexander William 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Macnaghten, Sir Melville 1, 2, 3
Macnamara, Dr Rawdon 1
Maddox, Phil 1, 2
Marshall, William 1
Martin, Peggy 1
Martin-Wright, Tim 1, 2
Matthews, Henry 1, 2, 3, 4
Matthews, John 1
Maudsley Psychiatric Hospital 1
Maybrick, Amy 1, 2
Maybrick, Brian 1, 2
Maybrick, Edwin 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Maybrick, Florence Elizabeth (Florie) 1, 2
America, return to 1
appeals 1
arrest 1
astrological chart on 1
beatings 1, 2, 3
campaign-clear name 1
cats, love of 1
childhood 1
children, loss of 1, 2, 3
days after husband’s death 1
death of 1
description of 1
diaries 1
Edwin, fondness for 1
family conspiracy against 1
family history 1
family reconciliation, attempt at 1
first child 1
fly papers, buying 1, 2
funeral, day of James’s 1
gossip, victim of 1
Graham, Billy 1
Grand Jury 1
guilty verdict and sentencing 1
income 1
James, meets 1
lecturing for penal reform 1
letter to Brierley 1
letter to James 1
magisterial inquiry 1
maiden name, return to 1
marriage 1
meat juice, putting powder in 1, 2
My Fifteen Lost Years 1, 2
press, trial by 1
prison, in 1
questions unanswered at trial 1
released from prison 1
second child 1
sentence commuted 1
separation, wanting 1
servants, hated by 1
third child, possibility of 1
trial of 1
Maybrick, Gladys Evelyn 1, 2, 3, 4
death of 1
Maybrick, James 1, 2, 3
anti-Semitism 1, 2
arsenic taking 1, 2, 3, 4
astrological chart on 1
Battlecrease House, move to 1, 2
beats Florie 1, 2
cannibalism 1
capture, fear of 1
childhood 1
children, fondness for 1
coat of arms 1
control, losing 1, 2
cotton business 1
death certificate 1
death of 1
death, thoughts of 1
decapitation, obsession with 1
description of 1
diary 1
drugs found after death 1
exhumation 1, 2
family history 1
final illness 1
finances 1
first murder 1
Florie, meets 1
gold watch 1
headaches 1, 2
health concerns 1, 2
ness and death, fear of 1
inferiority, feeling of 1
inquest 1
insane jealousy 1
insurance policies 1, 2, 3, 4
letter to Michael 1
Liverpool, return to 1
The Diary of Jack the Ripper - The Chilling Confessions of James Maybrick Page 34