Eisner, Margot
Eisner, Michael
at ABC
anger of
animation and
at annual meeting (2004)
annual reports and
appearance of
architectural interests of
at Aspen retreats
autobiography of, see Work in Progress
award won by
background of
Broadway musicals and
on CalArts board
calls for resignation of
Comcast bid and
commercial instincts of
compensation of
creativity of
Disney arrival of
Disney board’s relations with
Disney legacy claimed by
Disney offices of
Disney presidency assumed by
Disney’s hiring of
in Europe
Family channel and
five-year plans of
frugality and cost-cutting of
gift-giving of
Glass, Lewis proceeding and
“gong shows”of
health problems of
high-concept approach of
home video and
House of Blues affair and
impulse hiring and management by
Internet ventures and
leadership skills of
leaks and
literary interests of
live-action film boost and
live-action film problems and
media coverage of
mistakes and poor judgment of
Monday staff lunches of
NBC acquisition attempt by
optimism of
at Paramount
press releases and
Project Snowball and
religion of
resignation of
resignation promise of
risk taking of
sense of humor of
September 11 attacks and
shareholder letters by
as storyteller
stress of
stress reduction of
successor issue and
at Sun Valley conferences
testimony of
theme parks and
TV appearances of
work schedule of
Eisner, Mrs. Lester
election of 1972
Elgar, Edward
“Ellen”(TV show)
Eller, Claudia
Elliott, Chris
Elliott, Ted
Emil, Arthur
EMI Records
Emperor’s New Groove, The (animated film)
“ER”(TV show)
Internet site of
NFL and
Time Warner cable systems and
ESPN magazine
Estrin, Judith
E.T. (film)
Ethan Frome (Wharton)
Euro Disney
problems at
renaming of, see Disneyland Paris
“Expedition: Robinson”(TV show)
Fabrikant, Geraldine
Fahrenheit 9/11 (film)
Fall, Jim
Fantasia (animated film)
home video and
Fantasia 2000 (animated film)
“Fathoms Below”(song)
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Fidelity Investments
Fields, Bert
Fili-Krushel, Patricia
Finding Nemo (animated film)
fin-syn (financial syndication) rules, repeal of
First African American Methodist Church
Fisher Entertainment
Fitzpatrick, Bob
Fleming, James
Flight Plan (film)
Ford, Harrison
48 Hours (film)
Fox Family channel, Disney’s acquisition of
Fox network
“American Idol”and
Frank, Richard
“Friends”(TV show)
Gang, Tyre & Brown
Gangs of New York (film)
Ganz, Sally
Ganz, Victor
Garner, Todd
Gates, Bill
Geffen, David
Ashman visited by
DreamWorks and
Katzenberg dispute and
Katzenberg’s relationship with
Geffen Records
“Geffen Ungloved”(Anson)
Gehry, Frank
General Electric (GE)
General Motors (GM)
George of the Jungle (film)
Georgetown University
Gere, Richard
Ghost Busters (film)
Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, The (film script)
Glass, Lewis & Company
Gold, Jennifer
Gold, Stanley
background of
Bass stock holdings and, on Disney board
Eisner’s meetings with
Fox Family acquisition and
Katzenberg as viewed by
Katzenberg’s lawsuit and, resignation of
Roy E.’s relationship with
Save Disney campaign and
Walt Disney Concert Hall and
Wells’s death and
Wells’s friendship with
Goldberg, Whoopi
“Golden Girls, The”(TV show)
Goldman, Bob
Goldman Sachs
Goldwyn, Samuel
Good Morning, Vietnam (film)
Goofy, Stewart portrayal of
Gordon, Larry
Grann, Phyllis
Graves, Michael
Grazer, Brian
Great Mouse Detective, The (formerly Basil of Baker Street) (animated film)
Green, Judson
Greenawalt, Denise
Greenspan, Alan
Grey, Brad
Gutierrez, Tammy
Hale, Joe
Hamlet (Shakespeare)
Hanks, Tom
“Happy Days”(TV show)
Harbert, Ted
Harmetz, Aljean
Harris, Kathryn
Hauser, Tim
Hawley, Philip
Hedges, Jim
Heffalump (animated film)
Hercules (animated film)
Hersch, Dennis
Hevesi, Alan
Hewitt, Don
high-concept approach
Hightower, Dennis
firing of
Hill, Walter
“Hiller and Diller”(TV show)
Hilton Hotels Corporation
Hirschberg, Lynn
History Channel
Hoberman, David
Hollywood Pictures
merger of
Hollywood Records
Duff and
Sony deal with
“Hollywood’s Hottest Stars”(Schwartz)
Holson, Laura
Home Alone (film)
Home Box Office (HBO)
“Home Improvement”(TV show)
home video
short-term vs. long-term profits of
Snow White and
Homeward Bound (film)
AIDS and
Hong Kong theme park
Hoskins, Bob
House of Blues affair
Howard, Ron
Huey, John
Hughes, John
“Human Again”(song)
Human Factor, The (Auletta)
Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (animated film)
Hyperion Publishing
Idei, Nobuyuki
Iger, Robert
ABC acquisition and
ABC management shakeup and
ABC move and
as Disney president and chief operating officer
doubts about
Harbert’s replacement and
marriage of
Ovitz’s alienating of
resignation considered by
Roy E.’s resignation and
Steve Burke’s relationship with
successor issue and
Tarses’s relationship with
terrorist threat and
Disney’s America and
Euro Disney and
Ovitz and
Rochlis’s relations with
Incredibles, The (animated film)
Independent Film Channel (IFC)
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (film)
Industrial Light and Magic
Insider, The (film)
Institutional Shareholders Services (ISS)
Disney ventures and
Save Disney campaign and
In the Line of Fire (film)
Irwin, Robert
Isaacson, Walter
Island, The (film)
Isozaki, Arata
Iwerks, Don
Iwerks, Ub
Jackson, Janet
Jackson, Michael
Jackson, Peter
Jacobson, Nina
“Jamie Tarses’ Fall, as Scheduled” (Hirschberg)
Jenkins, Holman
Jennings, Peter
Jobs, Steve
Eisner’s Senate testimony and
Roy E.’s talks with
Joel, Billy
John, Elton
Johnson, Michael
Justice Department, U.S.
Kadin, Heather
Kane, Tom
Kansas City Slide Company
Katzenberg, Jeffrey
in Africa
animation and
at Aspen retreat
background of
bad manners, lack of education
and rudeness of
Broadway musicals and
compensation of
Davis’s meeting with
Disney archives and
Disney lawsuit of
Disney office of
Disney responsibilities expanded for
DreamWorks and
ego of
Eisner’s conflicts with
Eisner’s health problems and
Eisner’s Monday dinners with
Eisner’s relationship with
Eisner’s TV appearances and
energy and productivity of
as “golden retriever
in Hawaii
home video and
Kinsey’s relationship with
Las Vegas speech of
Litvak’s recommendation of firing of
live-action film and
loss of innocence of
loyalty of
media coverage of
memo of
Miramax deal and
optimism of
ouster of
at Paramount
in Paris
Project Snowball and
restaurant partnership of
Roth as replacement for
Roth compared with
Roy E.’s relationship with
successor issue and
at Sun Valley conferences
Walt’s legacy and
Wells’s death and
work schedule of
Katzenberg, Marilyn
Keane, Glen
Kekst, Gershon
Kelley, David E.
Kellner, Jamie
Kempley, Rita
Kennedy, John F., Jr.
Kennedy, Kathleen
Kimball, Mark
Kimmel, Jimmy
King, Larry
King, Stephen
King David (film)
King of the Jungle, see Lion King, The
Kinsey, Stan
computer animation and
departure of
Kissinger, Henry
“Kiss the Girl”(song)
Knightley, Keira
Knoxville world’s fair
Koolhaas, Rem
Koppel, Ted
Krieger, Gene
Kundun (film)
Kutch, Michelle
Ladder 49 (film)
Lakeside Golf Club
Landro, Laura
Lansbury, Angela
Lapidus, Alan
Lapidus, Morris
“Larry King Live”(TV show)
Lasseter, John
Eisner’s Senate testimony and
Toy Story and
“Last Resort, The”(TV show)
Lauch, Bill
Laugh-O-Gram Films
“Laverne & Shirley”(TV show)
Lawrenceville Academy
Laybourne, Geraldine
Lee, Nathan
Lee, Spike
Leibovitz, Annie
Leno, Jay
Letterman, David
Levin, Gerald
Levine, James
Levitt, Art, Jr.
Levitt, Art, Sr.
Lichtenstein, Roy
Lilo & Stitch (animated film)
Limbaugh, Rush
Lindelof, Damon
Lindsay, John
Lion King, The (animated film)
London premiere of
music for
origin of idea for
success of
Lion King, The (musical)
Lipton, Martin
Little Buddha (film)
Littlefield, Warren
“Little Mermaid”(Andersen)
Little Mermaid (animated film)
CAPS and
early screenings for
home video sales of
music for
Litvack, Judy
Litvack, Sandy
ABC review and
in Aspen
on Disney board
Eisner’s health problems and
Euro Disney and
Katzenberg dispute and
Ovitz monitored by
Ovitz’s firing and
Ovitz’s hiring and
Ovitz’s poor relations with
resignation of
successor issue and
TV network acquisitions and
Wells’s death and
live-action film production
animation compared with
dire state of
Eisner’s interest in
Katzenberg’s memo and
production boost for
Wells’s memo on
see also specific films and companies
“Live with Regis and Kathie Lee”(TV show)
Lizzie McGuire Movie, The (film)
“Lizzie McGuire Show”(TV show)
Lohan, Lindsay
Long, Shelley
Lopez, Jennifer
Lord, Susan Disney
Lord of the Rings, The (film)
Los Angeles
Los Angeles Music Center
“Lost”(TV show)
“Lost at Home”(TV show)
Love Bug, The (film)
Lozano, Ignacio
Lozano, Monica
Lucas, George
Lund, Sharon Mae Disney
Lunquist, Tracy
Lyne, Susan
ABC’s 2002–2003 lineup and
ABC’s 2004–2005 lineup and
McConnell, Michael
McDougall, Charles
McGurn, Patrick
McMurtry, Larry
McNealy, Scott
McPherson, Steve
Maher, Bill
Manassas battlefield
Mancini, Henry
Mancuso, Frank
Manilow, Barry
Mann, Michael
“Man Show, The”(TV show)
Marriott, Bill
Marriott Corporation
Marsh, Amanda
Marshall, Frank
Marshall, Garry
Marshall, Penny
Martin, Lucille
Martin, Steve
Mary Poppins
Maslin, Janet
Masters, Kim
Mathison, Melissa
Matrix series (films)
Matschullat, Robert
Matsushita Electric Corporation
Mayer, Kevin
Mazursky, Paul
MCA Corp
Mechanic, Bill
Miramax deal and
Meisinger, Lou
Menken, Alan
Mestres, Ricardo
Meyer, Ron
Michel, Alex
Mickey Mouse
“Mickey Mouse Club, The,”
Mickey Mouse Hotel, Eisner’s proposal of
Midler, Bette
Mighty Ducks, The (film)
“Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers”(TV show)
Miller, Clifford
Miller, Diane Disney
Comcast bid and
marriage of
stock of
Walt Disney Concert Hall and
Miller, Ron
Basil of Baker Street and
as Disney chief executive
Eisner recruited by
Eisner’s meetings with
Kinsey’s relationship with
marriage of
ousting of
Roy E.’s relationship with
Touchstone Pictures and
Walker’s disagreements with
Millstein, Ira
Minghella, Anthony
cable channel for
Cold Mountain
Disney’s acquisition of
Fahrenheit 9/11
Mistress Masham’s Repose (animated film project)
Mitchell, Elvis
Mitchell, George
chairman title offered to
Comcast merger and
as Disney chairman
Eisner’s relationship with
Glass, Lewis proceeding and
Gold’s correspondence with
Ovitz problem and
Roy E.’s resignation and
Mitchell, Ian
Mitterrand, François
Montan, Chris
Mooney, Andy
Moonves, Les
Moore, Michael
Moore, Rob
Moore, Steve
Morgenstern, Joe
“Mork & Mindy”(TV show)
Morton, Robert
Motion Picture Association
MSN network
Mucha, Zenia
Muhl, Philip
Mulan (animated film)
multiplex theaters
Municipal Art Society
Murdoch, Rupert
Murphy, Eddie
Murphy, Larry
Internet ventures and
Ovitz’s relationship with
Murphy, Peter
Family channel and
Murphy, Tom
on Disney board
Murray, Bill
Museo Guggenheim Bilbao
Musker, John
DreamWorks pursuit of
Myman, Bob
Nanula, Richard
as chief financial officer
National Football League (NFL)
nature documentaries
Naughton, Patrick
Disney’s acquisition attempt and
hip audience of
Jamie Tarses at
Nealon, Kevin
Nederlander Group
Nelson, Ben
“Network 7”(TV show)
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