Barefoot Bay: Trouble in Paradise (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Barefoot Bay: Trouble in Paradise (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 10

by Fiona Roarke

  The stress of the past three months, of being separated from her melted away as if they’d never been apart. He wanted her with a desperation that seemed to match her desire. As before, the more time they spent together, the less it made sense to stay apart.

  JD broke the kiss and glanced at the layout of the place, then headed for what looked like the bedroom, by process of elimination.

  Samantha kissed his jaw, his throat, his face, his neck, his mouth as if she couldn’t do it fast enough. She clung to him as he walked slowly into the lavish bedroom, pressed her to the surface of the bed and followed her down, kissing her lips over and over.

  Without speaking, she rolled them until she was straddled on top and started unbuttoning his shirt. JD let her, brushing his fingertips along her thighs. Her robe was open enough to give him a vivid refresher course on how truly exquisite her body was.

  He reached out with eager fingers and stroked her beneath the soft, rich fabric of the robe, to her instant vocal pleasure. Grabbing the lapels of her open robe, JD pulled her down for another hot kiss. He then rolled them back over so he could get up and remove his own clothes. He could do it faster.

  She watched him disrobe almost without blinking. The dimly lit room couldn’t possibly aid her sight. Only the bathroom light and one nightstand lamp cast any illumination into this room. Her expression was pensive, lustful and thorough all at the same time. Once he was completely naked, he climbed over her on all fours, almost afraid to break the spell of what was about to happen by speaking a single word.

  “I’ve missed you,” she whispered. The heartfelt gaze of love she sent warmed him to his soul.

  “I’ve missed you, too,” he whispered back, moving in close to kiss her tenderly.

  She reached for him, her soft fingers landing on his face, pulling him closer until their lips met in the middle. She kissed him thoroughly, passionately, moaning softly each time their tongues entwined, dueling within the warmth of their connection.

  Before he knew it they were melded together, skin to skin from shoulders to toes, seeking an even deeper joining. All these months of separation and anxiety dissolved as if they hadn’t been parted. She broke the kiss, breathing hard, and reached down to stroke his dick, perhaps to ensure they were on the same page. She smiled as her hand wrapped around his sizable erection.

  “You’re as big as I remember.”

  “It’s all for you, honey.”

  “Good. I want it.” She rolled them sideways and then further until she was back on top. He loved this position best. Before he had time to think everything through, she impaled herself on his rigid cock, bringing joy to his soul. JD’s eyes rolled back in his head as she then moved on him, harder and faster, as if seeking a deeper connection. He hadn’t been with anyone since the last time with Samantha.

  Unfathomable pleasure unfolded within him as Samantha rode him, starting slowly, but with each up and down motion, she gained momentum. Before long, she was panting, groaning and he was doing his best to keep from letting go too soon.

  JD reached up to cup her breasts, running his thumbs across her pert nipples. Her satin skin felt wonderful against his palms. All of a sudden, her back arched. She stiffened above him, like a siren held in thrall for a moment in time. He’d missed her so much. The rhythmic pulses of her climax clamped down on his happy dick, making his long-awaited release inevitable.

  Samantha, still breathing hard, continued to move over him, her gaze shifted from the ceiling and quickly fastened on his face. Determination was vivid in her expression, as if she wasn’t stopping until she’d ensured his howling climax.

  He watched her intensely as he let go, inhaling a deep breath, and expelling three months’ worth of neglected lust in a rush of pleasure so sublime he never wanted it to end. How had he ever thought he could let this go, let her go? The growl of release came from his very soul. He closed his eyes, letting relaxing bliss fill his limbs, even as he continued to breathe hard, trying to recover from his trip through nirvana.

  She collapsed on top of him, her front pressed deliciously to his naked, sweaty chest. Blond tendrils of her silky long hair caressed his skin. He’d missed that, too. He shoved his hands into her hair, letting the soft strands slip through his fingers. The two of them were fused together, body and soul, hugging and breathing hard for several minutes as they recovered.

  “That was extraordinary,” she whispered in his ear after a long while. He’d been on the edge of dozing off.

  “Yes, it was. If there is a better word than extraordinary, we should use it. Astonishing, perhaps? Astounding? Or should we invent a new word?”

  Her trill of laughter made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. He’d missed her so much.

  “Stupendous is also a good word.” After a pause, she said softly, “I haven’t been with anyone else since the last time we were together.”

  JD squeezed her in his arms. “Me either.”


  “Swear.” There’s no one else for me but you.

  “I’m glad. After three months, my anticipation level was pegged in the red zone.”

  “Mine, too.” He hugged her tight again. The memory of their last time together was always overshadowed by the last time he’d seen her in her office. That late afternoon meeting hadn’t gone anywhere near according to plan.

  He thought of the ring he’d bought for her that day. He still had it. In fact, it was in the pocket of the jacket he’d discarded on the floor. He carried that ring like a talisman, wishing he could go back in time and ask her to marry him before she was offered the promotion. What might have changed? Maybe nothing, but maybe everything.

  Would they still be together? Possibly. But would she be miserable, having given up a big opportunity to be with him? The one she’d worked so hard for? Never knowing how she might have done in the new job would have been tortuous, to his way of thinking. How would he deal with being told he had to choose either his business or his love life? JD knew the answer to that: poorly.

  “What are you thinking?”

  “About what an ass I’ve been and that I need to apologize to you repeatedly for my behavior the last time we were together.”

  She laughed then stopped. She rose up, peeling herself from him. “I’ve thought a lot about your reaction to my long-distance relationship suggestion. I came to the conclusion that you tried it once before and it didn’t work. Am I right?”

  JD nodded. “Worse, my stupid imagination overlaid a picture of you and Trey in that same compromising position.”

  Her eyes darkened as if she were about to deny it, but JD shook his head. “I knew it was foolish and false at the time.”

  He didn’t go into further ugly details, regarding his ex and her betrayal. It was part of his past. Samantha didn’t seem to need any further information, at least right now, which he appreciated. She said, “If it went badly, I certainly understand why you didn’t want to go for round two on a long-distance relationship with me.”

  JD shrugged. “You’re not her. I was never in love with her like I am with you.”

  * * * *

  Samantha smiled. “I love you, too.” And she meant it with all her heart.

  But despite whatever soul-wrenching story of betrayal was buried in his past, she was reluctant to tell him that she’d made a huge mistake by going to Miami.

  What a fool she’d been.

  Her plan to thwart Trey and Drew needed to include a return job to Atlanta. She’d maybe even consider taking a demotion to director as long as she got to go back to her love. To JD.

  The phone rang, jarring them apart. She answered it while he headed for the bathroom.


  “Ms. Duke? You asked to be alerted if anyone was looking for you.”

  Samantha closed her eyes, thinking they were calling a little late, since JD had been here for an hour. I already had sex with the man you’re about to tell me about, but thanks for the courtesy call.

�Yes. Thank you.”

  “He left a written note. Do you want me to have it delivered to your villa or would you prefer to pick it up yourself?”

  Samantha heard water running in the other room. Given that she wasn’t dressed and didn’t want to be waiting around for a delivery, she pondered just leaving the message for later.

  She wondered what message JD had left for her at reception before knocking on her door.

  “Could you possibly read the message to me?”

  The clerk paused for only a moment, then said, “Certainly.” Samantha heard the sound of paper rustling in the background over the line.

  The desk clerk cleared her throat and read, “Samantha, I found you. Meet me in the hotel lobby at seven tonight. We need to talk.”

  She glanced at the clock on the nightstand. It was ten minutes until seven. She wondered why JD wanted to meet her in ten minutes when he’d come to the room nearly an hour ago. Maybe he hadn’t been able to wait until seven to see her. She smiled to herself.

  The clerk added, “It’s signed ‘Trey.’”


  The clerk repeated the name. Trey was here! What the hell?

  “You didn’t tell him where my villa was, did you?”

  “No, ma’am. Only you and the other party registered to your room know which villa you’re in.”

  Oh, right. JD had paid for half of this week-long package. That must be why the front desk didn’t notify her of his arrival. Trey’s presence at the resort on the other hand was such a shock she barely knew how to react to it. How had he found her? And what the hell did he want?

  “Is there anything else I can do for you, Ms. Duke?” the clerk asked.

  “No. Thank you.” Samantha hung up the phone, spinning around when she heard a noise from the bathroom where JD was washing up.

  Was he taking a shower? Did she have time to slip out and get back before he noticed? Should she meet Trey? Should she take JD with her? Should she ignore Trey’s message and pretend she and JD were still secretly ensconced for the rest of the week? These questions and more raced through her head at the speed of light, with no ready answers.

  Samantha hurriedly got dressed, slipping into very casual shorts and a T-shirt and shoving her feet into some flip-flops she’d discarded earlier by the bed.

  “I was about to take a shower. Want to join me?” JD said seductively as he exited the bathroom wearing only a towel. He scanned her body carefully, likely noting she wasn’t naked anymore. “Where are you going?” The surprise in his tone was hard to miss.

  She stared at him, unprepared to tell him about her meeting with Trey. After he’d already admitted picturing her with Trey in a compromising position wearing a towel and answering the door to this villa, there was no need to fan any mistaken embers of a jealous flame where no reason for it existed.

  “I’ve got to get something from the gift shop in the hotel lobby, but when I get back, why don’t we order room service and eat in tonight?” she lied smoothly, hating the deception.

  His eyes narrowed as if he saw through her fib, but soon he grinned. “Sounds great. Care if I bring my stuff in while you’re gone?” He’d mentioned being in Key West before coming here. He probably had appropriate clothing packed as well.

  “No. I don’t mind at all. Please bring your things in. Will you stay all week?”

  He shrugged, a lopsided smile shaping his sexy features. “It’s already paid for, so why not?”

  “Why not, indeed.” Samantha walked over and kissed him soundly. He was moving her toward the bed again when she glanced down at the clock and saw she only had one minute to get to the lobby. She broke away from him.

  Pointing a thumb over one shoulder she said, “I need to—” She didn’t furnish any word that would be a lie, just left it open.

  “Hurry back,” he said, with a wink. “I enjoyed getting reacquainted. I’d like to do it again.”

  “Me, too.” One last kiss and she pulled away to go thwart whatever plan had brought Trey here.

  She raced across a winding paver stone path as fast as her legs could carry her to the main resort building of Casa Blanca. She didn’t make it into the lobby until almost fifteen minutes after seven. Her shoes treading silently over the marble floors as she walked across the entry.

  Scanning the lobby space quickly, she didn’t see Trey anywhere. The beautiful large Moroccan tapestry on the wall caught her attention momentarily as she moved forward, searching the area. Several groups of people were tucked in the seating arrangements across the vast space, chatting or having drinks.

  She saw one guy who looked vaguely familiar over by the registration desk, but she dismissed him when she couldn’t remember where she’d seen him before. Perhaps she’d noticed him around the resort the past couple of days.

  Samantha retrieved the actual message the clerk had read over the phone, perusing it twice. She recognized Trey’s lazy handwritten scrawl the moment she opened the folded note. Even his written messages were pompous and annoying.

  She visually searched the lobby once more, which had several alcoves with comfortable sitting areas, looking for her nemesis. That was what she decided to call Trey from now on, her nemesis.

  Where was he? How had he found her? There was only one question she had for Trey. Why are you here? She paced for ten more minutes, deciding if he was here in Barefoot Bay, he was playing with her, making her crazy, or both. Or perhaps since she’d been a few minutes late to this meeting, he was off pouting, trying to teach her a lesson based on a previous argument they’d had about office protocol.

  She’d called him out at a regularly scheduled meeting a few weeks back for strolling in late—again—after they’d already started, asking him to please be on time from now on.

  If Trey had quietly sauntered in with an ounce of regret for interrupting, she might have handled the situation differently. Instead, he marched into the conference room talking loudly on his cell phone, sounding like the pompous rich prick he was until all eyes were focused on him before hanging up noisily, seating himself and asking her to start the meeting over.

  She’d picked up exactly where she left off before being rudely interrupted and told him in a curt tone to be on time to the next meeting if he wanted to hear everything.

  Standing in the resort lobby now, fidgeting as she waited for him, made her soul fill with fury. A glance at the clock told her she’d already wasted fifteen minutes. No more. With one final look around, she headed back to her villa, and JD.

  If Trey showed up, so be it. She’d deal with him and ensure that JD knew there was absolutely nothing between them except animosity, same as always.

  Samantha sprinted back to the villa, feeling like she’d been gone too long, but planning to do her best to forget that Trey might even be in the area.

  Opening the door, she called out, “JD?” No response.

  “JD,” she said a little louder. Searching through the entire villa, she realized he was not inside. She checked the back patio, even searching the beach area and the view of the ocean, even though it was dark. No movement out there. No JD. Where was he?

  Coming in through the bedroom slider, Samantha saw the tangled sheets where they’d recently gotten reacquainted. The clothes he’d stripped off earlier were missing. And he hadn’t brought in his stuff either.

  He was gone, like he’d never even been here.

  Chapter Twelve

  After Samantha left the villa, JD turned the water off, deciding to wait for her to come back before showering. He put his shorts and button up shirt back on, as well as the thin jacket, and shoved his bare feet into his sandals, intending to fetch his things from the rental car he’d picked up in Key West.

  The drive to Barefoot Bay from his condo rental had taken over four hours because there wasn’t a straight shot from Key West, unless he had a boat. And he didn’t.

  Staring at the bedding all tangled and mussed, he was glad he’d made the long trip. Maybe everything wa
sn’t completely settled yet, but perhaps they could find a way. After spending only an hour with Samantha, albeit in bed doing something he’d missed desperately, only made him want to try harder to work things out with her.

  What would he be willing to do on his end to make a life with her? That was what he’d be pondering during their time together on Mimosa Key, knowing that at the end of their clandestine vacation he’d want to stay together, whatever it took. Because his life without her was simply a torturous existence.

  He relaxed, forcing his typical long-distance arrangement issues away from the forefront. For now, they could simply enjoy being together for the next seven days and six nights. Sunday was soon enough to decide what happened next.

  He bent to straighten the messed-up sheets, but was stopped by a knock at the door. Why would Samantha knock? Unless she’d bought out the store and needed help with her bags. He grinned and planned to harass her, before helping her inside, of course.

  He opened the door, and the smile died on his face.

  Trey Wakeman stood on the doorstep.

  Trouble had just come to paradise.

  “JD, is it?” Trey asked, and stepped closer, like he planned to come in.

  JD held his ground, blocking the other man’s entry. “What are you doing here?”

  Trey stopped short of touching him and said, “I’m here for Sam, of course.”

  “She’s not here.”

  He frowned, glanced down at an obscenely expensive watch and then nodded like he’d figured something out. “Oh, right. I’m a day early. Guess I should have called her first.”

  “Guess you should have.” JD crossed his arms, not in a magnanimous mood or willing to let the idiot inside.

  Trey huffed, looking over JD’s shoulder as if trying to get a look inside the luxury villa. “Will she be back soon? I need to talk to her about something work-related.” Sure you do, dickwad.

  JD shrugged and smiled. He wasn’t providing any information. His head was already spinning with speculation about why Trey was here acting like it wasn’t a huge surprise for him to show up at their secret vacation spot. And how did Trey even know about this place unless Samantha told him about it? Had she mentioned not saying anything to anyone or had he only assumed?


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