Unauthorized Return (Unauthorized Series Book 4)

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Unauthorized Return (Unauthorized Series Book 4) Page 11

by Ladew, Lisa

  Aria shook her head. "I don't think I am. I just needed some time, I guess." And a gorgeous, amazing, fresh man to desire me.

  Coleton looked at her knowingly and she waited, sure he was about to tell her a simple but profound poem that would change her views on life and loss and cheating husbands forever. Instead, he kissed her tenderly on the lips.

  Aria pulled him on top of her again, wanting to feel the crush of his body. His jeans scraped against her thigh. "Can you lose the pants?" she whispered, startled by her own boldness.

  "Whatever you want," he rasped back and stood for a moment, the pants and underwear falling on the ground. Aria sat up, flipping her feet to the floor and gazed at him openly, lustfully. His body pushed thoughts of recovery and time and ex-husbands completely out of her mind. His belly was flat and muscled and his legs lean and long, but between them, his cock jutted out at eye level, inviting her, calling to her. It was a thing of beauty, rigid and hard, showing her just how much he wanted her.

  She reached her hand out to grasp it and he moaned at her touch. She delighted in the noise, wanting only to give him a bit of the pleasure he had given her. Wanting only to savor these stolen moments. Wanting only to rejoin the land of living, breathing people who had lives outside of work. Lives filled with love and longing, need and desire.

  Aria licked her lips and glanced up at Coleton's face. The lust written there stirred her own passion and she couldn't help herself for one more moment. She leaned forward and took him in her mouth. She couldn't believe what she was doing, and at the same time she was thrilled at what she was doing. Her body throbbed with new desire while her mind made new connections.

  She ran her tongue over the deceptively silky but incredibly hard ridge at the top of his cock. The salty taste and smooth sensation delighted her. Coleton leaned into her and made a deep growling noise in the very back of his throat. His fingers clutched in her hair.

  Aria took him farther into her mouth, then grasped the base of him with her hand, listening hard to his responses, wanting to know what he liked, what he wanted. He let out another soft growl and bucked his hips towards her, then withdrew and thrust again, gently fucking her mouth. Aria felt her very core clench and moisten at the thought. She liked him fucking her mouth, but she really wanted his cock where it belonged.

  It had been so long for her. And for some reason, he was so perfectly the one to tease her out of her shell. He was someone who knew what it was to be hurt. Someone who wouldn't hurt her, she knew it. He was caring and strong, thoughtful and intuitive. Someone that she could feel comfortable baring her soul to. Comfortable baring her body and her need and all of her vulnerability to. He had extended her a bridge back to the land of the living, and she was going to take it, consequences be damned.

  She found a soft and sultry rhythm, meeting each of his thrusts with one of her own, his steely length stretching her mouth and sliding along her tongue. She felt him stiffen, then his hands wound harder in her hair, trying to pull her away from him. She reached up with her free hand and pushed on his wrists, hoping he would get the message. She wanted to stay right where she was. She wanted to experience everything he had to offer, and that included the taste of his cum.

  Coleton's hips bucked forward, and the growl in his throat intensified, becoming a low groan as his pulsing release moved through him. Aria smiled around his rigid length in her mouth, trying to swallow his hot, salty seed at the same time. That one simple act had given her more satisfaction than any criminal she had caught or case she had worked in the last two years. She'd forgotten what it was like to be a sexual being. To own her sensuality. She'd forgotten the pleasure and expansiveness of it. The universe within it.

  Well no more. Jason was still gone. But she didn't need him anymore. And she finally knew it.

  Chapter 22

  Coleton's groans trailed off and his hands fell from her hair. Aria pulled back, releasing his swiftly-softening member, wanting to watch what he did next. He opened his eyes and smiled at her, then collapsed onto the couch next to her.

  Warmth and contentedness spread through Aria.

  Coleton kissed her, tenderly on the lips. "That was amazing," he said, pulling her into his arms.

  She smiled and leaned into him. It had been amazing.

  "It's hard to believe you're really out here with me. I kept thinking it was all a vivid dream up until a few moments ago. What made you change your mind?"

  Aria thought hard how to answer that. "I wanted to respond when you kissed me."

  Coleton dipped his chin. "I know you did. That's partially why I did it."

  Aria laughed and looked up at him. "Awfully sure of yourself, aren't you?"

  Coleton's soft smile undid her. "Sometimes."

  Aria laid her head on his chest. "I thought about it all day yesterday, and I finally decided that those rules and laws were enacted to protect female witnesses from male police officers, and that you didn't need protection from me. That you had kissed me first and that our situation here wouldn't be compromised in any way by anything that happened between us. The ethical line is still there, and it still bothers me a bit, but I was willing to blur it if you were. It was worth it to shed that emotional baggage I've been dealing with for the last two years."

  "Rules? Laws?" Coleton repeated dully.

  "Yeah, the rules and laws against a police officer sleeping with a witness."

  Coleton slapped himself on the forehead. "Of course! And now you are in danger of losing your job, aren't you?" Guilt sat heavy in his voice.

  Aria looked at him. "Not if you don't tell anyone and we aren't discovered, I'm not."

  Coleton shook his head no, his face stricken. "Of course I won't. But we can't do anything more. I won't touch you again, I swear," he said, pulling the blanket from the ground and thrusting it at her.

  Aria sat back, perplexed. This wasn't what she wanted at all. She'd made her decision and she was ready to stand by it. If it meant losing her job, so be it. She didn't want to lose her job in disgrace, but anything was better than the self-imposed exile she'd been living under for the last two years, using her job as a shield from life. Using her position and her anger as a shield from people and relationships.

  Truth be told, all day yesterday, she had thought hard about what would happen if she did lose her job - how she would handle it. If it would be a good thing or a bad thing. If she were honest with herself - and she had spent a great deal of time yesterday being brutally, viciously honest with herself - the only reason she was a police officer was because her parents had been in law enforcement. She was good at it. Of course she was - she had been raised to be a cop, but if she hadn't been steered towards law enforcement, she would have ended up on a farm somewhere, raising horses, growing strawberries and zucchini in a giant garden behind a 100 year old farm house. Having her own horse had been her only dream as a child and adolescent, but the dream had slowly been squashed under the ever-growing weight of books and academics as she got older.

  She had always known her parents expected her to be a cop of some sort. It was in their every action and word towards her. She had been the aggressive one, the bold one, the strong and active one, while Ava had tended more towards sweetness and homemaking. Their parents had never once pushed Ava towards law enforcement, and that should tell her something.

  Aria noticed the thought of Ava didn't make her heart hurt like it usually did. She smiled at Coleton, wondering if she had him to thank for that too. She wondered what he would say if she told him the only thing keeping her secure in her job right now was her desire to make sure he made it through the trial of his father safely. After that, she didn't know what would happen. She might march into Chief Powell's office and turn in her badge and gun.

  She twined her fingers in Coleton's and tugged him closer to her. "What if I want you to touch me," she purred at him, watching his face to gauge his reaction. They still had three more days in this place, and the time would be a lot more fun if they co
uld spend most of it naked.

  Coleton's eyes turned soft and sad. "I don't ever want to be the reason you get hurt. It would destroy me if you lost your job because of me."

  Aria leaned forward and bit him on the shoulder, causing him to jump. Then she raised herself and swung one leg over him, straddling him. She was rewarded with the sight of his cock jumping to attention almost immediately, even though his face was still dubious.

  She leaned close to him and whispered, "Then keep your big mouth shut."

  His face lost some of its concern and one of his hands snuck around to grasp her ass. "You think I have a big mouth?" he said.

  "I think you have a big dick," she responded keeping her tone confrontational, wanting him to match her aggression.

  His head snapped up and his arms closed around her, crushing her to him. "You wreck my shop and my house and now my heart, but how can I run from what gives me life?" he crooned, then fell upon her lips. He did match her aggression, biting at her, sucking her tongue, roughly running his thumb over her nipple and she loved it, biting back and clawing at him, thrusting her hips at him and feeling his cock grow between them.

  "Another," she begged, knowing it would push her over the edge.

  He didn't slow for an instant, pushing and pulling at her, thrusting his hips up so she raised into the air, then growled, "Roar, lion of the heart, and tear me open!"

  Aria tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled, then covered his mouth with hers again, her cheeks burning from the brush of his stubble. "What does that mean?" she moaned, wanting to understand, wanting to hear him speak forever.

  "It means I'm going to fuck you until you scream," he told her, his hands plunging into her hair, pulling lightly, his skin burning under her thighs.

  "Oh God, yes, I want you to," Aria panted between kisses. "Do you have a condom?"

  Coleton's hands dropped to her waist and he lifted her off of him. He crossed the room in two long strides and found his pants in the corner where he had placed them the night before. She watched him root around in his pocket to find his wallet, a bit dazed at his swift exit. He returned, holding a condom in his hand.

  "I have one," he told her, ripping it open.

  "Boy scout," she accused him with a grin.

  He grinned back. "At least one of us is prepared," he said with a wink.

  She laughed and motioned for him to sit back down where he had been. He did and Aria threw a leg over him again, pressing her body against him, kissing him again with unabashed fervor.

  She felt his hands between them, rolling on the condom, then his grip was on her waist, lifting her gently, and positioning her until she felt the tip of his cock at her very entrance. She gasped as he lowered her onto him, slowly, deliberately. It was so much. Too much. She felt stretched to her absolute limit and didn't know how much more she could take as he brought her down, down, impaling her on him.

  "Oh God," she moaned as he filled her completely.

  "Yes," he rasped back, his voice harsh and rough. "You feel so good. So tight. I've wanted to do this for days."

  "Since you thought I was Ava?" she teased, gasping as he thrust into her harder, taking her breath away.

  "No," he growled. "Since that day outside the bank when you made it very clear to me that you were in charge of you, and me. Right then, I wanted to pull you into a kiss and see if you kicked my ass for it, or if you melted against me."

  Aria fell silent. They'd known each other for an hour. He'd wanted her even then? Even when she was being the queen bitch? Coleton's hands moved on her waist, lifting her. His hips raising to spear his masculinity into her regained her full attention. She felt tension building within her again. She moaned lightly and clung to his neck.

  "I want you to come again for me, Aria," he whispered into her ear. "I want you to come hard and then I'm going to make you come one more time after that."

  Aria held on for the ride, almost convinced he could do it. She pressed her legs together and crushed her mound against him as he pounded into her from beneath.

  "That's it," he urged her. He dropped his thumb to the very top of her sex and pressed lightly. Aria gasped and a sharp noise escaped her lips. She pressed her mouth harder against his neck, trying not to cry out. Trying to contain her passion so the neighbors didn't hear.

  Aria felt a clench start deep inside her and pleasure spread out from her core. Oh God, this one was just as powerful as the first one. She clung tightly to Coleton's neck as he encouraged her, lifting her, thrusting into her, caressing her. Aria squeezed her eyes shut as her senses exploded into a thousand tiny pieces flung to the far corners of the room.

  "Yes baby, come for me, come all over me," he called quietly.

  Aria collapsed onto him as he slowed his pace and tempo, his hands lightly running down her back, raising goose bumps.

  "I can't do it again," she panted. "Two is enough."

  "You can do it again. I'm not going to stop until you do. You need to make up for lost time," he told her, steel in his voice.

  "You'll kill me," she said, trying to drop onto the couch, exhausted.

  Holding on to the base of the condom, Coleton pulled out of her and let her drop to the couch. He raised himself above her and began to kiss her tenderly, stroking her hair and her cheek, then finally bringing his hands lightly down her body. She could feel his cock, thick and hard as ever, resting lightly on her thigh.

  Aria's body heated again in spite of her protestations. "Take me, Coleton, I don't think I can come again, but I want to feel you inside me."

  "You can come again," he said simply. "You will come again."

  He knelt between her legs and took his cock in his hand. Aria watched the unselfconscious gesture and wondered at it. He looked so strong and marvelous, so exquisitely masculine that her brain felt numb with desire for him. She felt blood flow to her core again, burning her from the inside.

  He pressed his sheathed cock along down the moist heart of her, making her jump as it grazed her clitoris, then easing it into her swollen warmth. Aria sighed in pleasure. She didn't need an orgasm to enjoy this. She lifted her hips slightly and gave way to the sensation, enjoying being a woman and being taken, owned if only momentarily, by a man. She had no frame of reference, no way of knowing, but she imagined that she liked being a woman much better than she would ever like being a man. She liked being soft and yielding, giving herself over completely, body, mind, and soul, to someone stronger and bigger than her.

  Coleton's hips thrust sweetly into her and she met them as best she could. She arched her back under him and writhed in his languorous movement. She watched his face as he gritted his teeth and tried to stave off his own orgasm. Sweet.

  He dropped a thumb to her clitoris and pressed experimentally, then drug his harsh skin across her most sensitive spot, lightly, just barely touching, just barely there, like the wings of a hummingbird kissing her.

  Aria gasped as a jolt of lightning went through her. She felt her body clench again and she couldn't believe it. She could come again. She ground her hips against him and moaned, "Yes Coleton, yes."

  She opened her eyes long enough to see him smile triumphantly. She didn't even have the energy to mess with him. He deserved to feel triumphant. He was doing the impossible.

  Coleton's speed and tempo increased, and Aria found herself blinded by the sensations, by the pure, unending rightness of it all. It had been ages since she'd felt so good, given herself over so completely to anything.

  Aria felt the sensations beginning in the very center of her being, the clenching, then releasing, and spreading of lightness and bliss. "Coleton," she gasped, clinging to him as he moved deep within her, his breath hot in her ear.

  Finally Aria was gripped by a rush of sensation so intense she lost herself within it. Dimly, she was aware of Coleton bucking within her and convulsing lightly against her as his own shuddering release wracked him. He dropped himself to his elbows and lightly, tenderly kissed her on her jaw, murmu
ring to her, words she couldn't understand, words she couldn't even decipher in her state of absolute contentment.

  The world moved past them, outside of the apartment walls.

  They slept.

  Chapter 23

  Two days later, Monday morning faded into Monday afternoon and Aria felt increasingly frantic. The time had passed in an unrestrained bliss, feeling like the best days of her life. Feeling like the summer between high school and college when there had been nothing to do but hang out with her friends and enjoy herself.

  They ate, they slept, they played spades, and they made love, exploring each other's bodies and the pleasure they could give and receive in every way possible.

  But tomorrow was the day they reentered the world outside of the four walls of the tiny apartment. Aria hadn't tried to call back to the police station since her one disastrous attempt. She felt slightly sick when she thought about trying to explain why to Assistant Chief Harrison if he wasn't dirty, wasn't a danger to her and Coleton. She finally decided that she would say the phone had been destroyed, dropped out of the car or something and she hadn't felt comfortable trying to call him any other way.

  But worse than that, she began to think of all the ways that Coleton's father could have someone get to him the next day. They had to get from the apartment to the court house. Then they had to get from wherever they parked the car into the court house. Then they had to make it down the hall to the courtroom itself. Someone could shoot Coleton from a moving car, or from the roof of a building, or just walk up to him on the street.

  Once inside the courthouse, there were metal detectors, but that was never foolproof. There would be cops everywhere, but people had still been murdered inside courthouses. She could think of dozens of cases where exactly that had happened.

  The thought of losing Coleton made her feel faint. She'd never been one to swoon or faint in her life, but the entire affair seemed so insurmountable. Anything could happen the next day and she knew they were woefully unprepared for it.


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